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I'm back...Syncing paths: Sex with the woman I encountered on my walks to work [m/f] (pics) | 2016

Some of you might remember me. I posted under a different ironman name up until recently. I deleted my account, because it got hacked. Some of the stories I posted over the last couple of years are gone forever from reddit, so I figured I would come back and start posting some old ones to make sure they aren't lost. I will post new stories as well when I have a chance. (New stories will come I promise). Here is an old one. Hope you enjoy:

Like I've said in previous posts. I figured it would be fun to go back to my promiscuous (man-whore) days and recall some of the stories from back then. I'm generally considered a really good-looking guy (used to model, 6’3”, dark hair, blue eyes, swimmers build, workout regularly), so that enabled me to have quite a fun sex life. These stories are 100% true and not embellished in any way. I think that a straight honest story even if not as exciting at times is a bigger turn on, so that is what I will continue to try to give.

I noticed her as I turned my head to look for oncoming traffic. We were standing at the intersection waiting to cross. I squinted as the sun beat down into my eyes. She glanced up at me, but quickly looked away after we made eye contact. I didn’t think much of it. I see hundreds of girls on my walk from work every day. We walked in the same direction for the next ten minutes before she split off down another street. As she walked away I noticed her ass swing slightly back and forth against her tight grey skirt. The image played in my mind for a few moments after before slowly fading out. Music continued to funnel through my headphones and the rest of my evening began.

Two days later was nearly a mirror image. I saw her walking through the same intersection as before, only slightly ahead. I quickened my pace to catch her. I never stooped to a desperate run, rather a fast walk. My eyes were glued to her legs and ass as she walked ahead. All of her parts moved in such an effortlessly feminine manner. The traffic signal indicated to stop. She stood at the next intersection and we were synced again. She glanced over my way and our eyes met. We both stared for a brief moment before looking away. I kept looking her way the rest of the walk. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. I had a very animalistic attraction to her that I’ve only felt a handful of times before. I am not referring to lust; this was something especially raw. She was about 5’9”, athletic, but thin build. Nice athletic ass and C cup tits. She had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes, which was her most attractive feature. She looked a little like Sarah Hyland, chubby cheeks and big eyes.

I thought about her more after seeing her the second time and hoped to run into her again. A week passed before running into her again on my walk home. This time I knew I was going to say something. I knew I would kick myself if I just let this drag out without talking to her soon. After walking in sync for about a block I turned and looked in her direction. She glanced at me and that’s when I made my attempt. I made a light-hearted comment about us having the same schedule. It wasn’t particularly funny or clever, but I just needed to break the ice and couldn’t come up with anything else on the fly. She responded with a polite laugh and smile, followed by “yeah, I’ve noticed we are kind of synced up.” I asked where she worked and made some general small talk. She introduced herself as Juliette. Moments later we came to the spot where she turns off of my route. We gave the typical “it was nice talking to you,” before walking away.

Over the next couple of weeks I ran into her occasionally. Eventually I mustered up the courage to ask her if she would like to grab coffee sometime. She said no. I was crestfallen. I thought for sure she would accept an innocent invitation for coffee. She was hesitant when she declined, as if she were mulling things over. The vibe I got was that she must have a boyfriend or something along those lines. I saw her a couple of times a week after that on our walk home. I kept it friendly and never ventured back into anything flirtatious. There would typically just be a hello and how was your day. I was okay with that and it was even kind of nice to have a friendly stranger to say hello to on my walk home.

One day as I was walking home I saw her in the distance standing against a wall on her phone. She looked like she was crying, but I couldn’t tell. I slowed my pace a little to try to take the scene in as I approached. She hung up as I got closer, but she hadn’t seen me yet. She was clearly crying, so I walked up to her and asked if she was okay. Through her tears she told me she just lost her job. I made attempts to console her for a few minutes before she eventually calmed down a little. I even made her laugh for a second. We walked together the rest of the way and as we were walking I remembered my company was hiring. I told her and gave her my email address to get in contact if she was interested.

I got an email from her the next morning asking for more information. She interviewed for a position within a couple of weeks and started a couple of weeks later. The girl I fantasized about many times on my walk home was now my coworker. We went to lunch together pretty regularly, because she didn’t know anyone else. We became pretty good friends and I figured out why she turned me down for coffee that day. She was married. However, that doesn’t tell the full story. She had just separated from her husband around the time I asked her to go for coffee. She never told me why she turned me down, but I sort of put two and two together.

We had been working together for around seven months and I got to know Juliette pretty well. She grew up on the west coast and was an avid surfer growing up. She was very laid back and easy to talk to. She revealed to me around this time that her and her husband were getting divorced. I wasn’t sure exactly what our relationship was at this point. Obviously we were just friends, but I wasn’t sure if there could be more there.

One day at the end of a company happy hour I made a flirtatious remark to her. I figured it would be met with politeness, but no reciprocation. To my surprise she flirted back. We continued to flirt a little and she said, “do you want to go get coffee sometime?” an obvious reference to when I asked her for coffee. I said, “Yes, of course.” She responded, “It’s at my apartment. The coffee. Let’s go there.” I was taken aback. It sounded like she was insinuating we should go to her apartment to have sex, but I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. I said, “really?” I feel like I saw her snap out of it in that moment and begin to think more rationally, she responded, “hmm, nah I’m just joking.” We both just laughed a little and moved on from it, but the sudden sexual tension in that moment was palpable.

We continued to flirt at work over the next couple of weeks, but our soberness prevented things from escalating much further. I think we were both a little nervous about taking a friendship and work relationship to a sexual place. One day after work I asked her if she wanted to go to happy hour, just the two of us. Honestly, I was really turned on by her that day and just wanted to fuck her like crazy. My worries about what sex would mean for the relationship was sort of out the window. My lust took over and I wanted to get her out for drinks, so we would both let our guards down. We had a few drinks and were flirting heavily. I jokingly asked her if she still had any coffee at her place. She said, “yes, let’s go.” We paid our tab and left a few minutes later.

We got to her apartment and my heart was racing. I had waited a long time for this to happen and now it was about to. We stepped inside the apartment and she jokingly acted like she was going to make some coffee for us. I had an idiotic panicked moment in which I wondered if I had completely miscalculated the situation and she actually just wanted coffee and we were literally just talking about goddamn coffee the whole time. I quickly realized I was being dumb when she stepped towards me and we began kissing. She had soft full lips, much nicer than I had ever noticed. My right hand was placed along her jawline and I rubbed my thumb along her bottom lip as I gazed into her beautiful blue eyes. We continued to kiss for what seemed like an hour.

She went to the restroom and when she came out the top few buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned. She motioned for me to come with her to the bedroom. We stepped inside the bedroom and kissed more. I slid my hand inside her shirt and caressed her nipples just inside her bra. She shivered and I continued to tease. I turned her around and kissed the back of her neck and pressed my raging hard cock against her ass. She reached back and rubbed it from outside of my pants. She pulled her tight skirt up revealing her ass. I grabbed and caressed her ass cheeks as I kissed her neck and lips when she turned her head. I unbuttoned her shirt all the way and took it off leaving only her black bra. She pulled her skirt down and off, falling at her feet. I quickly removed my shirt and pants. Her body looked amazing, exactly how I’d imagined it. My cock felt as if it was about to explode through my underwear. She turned to face me and kissed my chest and down my stomach. She pulled my underwear down revealing my raging cock. She gave it a couple of strokes before plunging it into her mouth. I grabbed the back of her head and guided her lightly back and forth. She moaned and played with my balls as she sucked.

I could only hold out for so long without fucking her, so I stood her up and she pulled her panties off. I walked her over to the bed and she bent over the side. I got behind her and slowly slid my cock in. She gasped as I entered her and asked me to go slow. Our pace picked up and I watched as my cock slid in and out of her beautiful body from behind. I thought back to all the days I watched her ass shake as we walked home. Her ass cheeks jiggled slightly with each thrust into her. She glanced back and watched as well, begging for me to start going harder. I began unleashing long deep hard thrusts into her pussy. She let out yelps and a few minutes later started shaking and cumming. I flipped her over and began pounding her pussy while I rubbed her now hypersensitive clit with my thumb. She kept shaking and writhing, cumming every few moments. She was the kind of girl who came very easily after the first time; it was like opening the floodgates. She grabbed my forearm and told me I had to slow down or she was going to pass out. I think she said it jokingly, but she seemed halfway serious. I slowed my pace greatly and we both watched as my cock slowly slid in and out of her. She then just tilted her head back and closed her eyes with a faint smile on her face as I slowly moved in and out. We kept at this pace for quite awhile.

I flipped her over again and made her lie face down. I pushed her legs together and placed mine on either side of her. I slid my cock in her pussy from behind like this. She told me later that it’s her favorite position. (pics: from a different night: I kept slowly sliding my cock in and out of her, staring at her ass. I leaned down and kissed the back of her neck as I thrust and things got more heated again. I picked the pace back up and she spread her ass cheeks a little with her hands as I fucked her. I held out for just a few more minutes before pulling out and shooting streams of cum all over her ass and up her back.

We laid there for about an hour after that just talking. It was kind of strange, because she never wiped the cum off of herself. I should have gotten her a towel, but neither one of us made the request or took action to do it, so we just laid there with my cum all over her and talked. Strangely, we have not dated, but we had sex here and there the rest of the time we worked together. She still works for the company, but I moved on to a different job a few months ago. We still have sex somewhat regularly even though we don’t work together. I think she’s too damaged from the divorce to want anything serious, which I am okay with.

Also, if you are a female and live near me you should send me a message. Might be a long shot, but would be cool/interesting to have sex with someone that enjoys my stories and then becomes a story haha