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[F, somewhat silly] Huh...I apparently like sucking cock even more than I thought. | 2016

I'll start this by saying that I'm one of those women who has always loved giving oral (blowjobs and rimming). Started doing it with my first boyfriend in high school and haven't stopped for long since, though rimming is a new thing. Only the man I'm dating right now has been okay with it, but he's happy to let me do it, which is AWESOME! Nothing gets me wet the same way using my mouth on someone does, and there are many times when I would rather go down on a guy than get laid, despite being able to achieve multiple orgasms with very little effort (blessing, I guess). So it was super shocking to me to realize this past week that my love of having a dick in my mouth was even stronger than I knew.

My companion and I were out on vacation in Portland, and that day was one we spent in downtown going from one microbrewery to another from dinner time until almost 11 pm (unrelated: I would highly recommend you try it. Be warned that there are seriously 70-80 microbreweries there, so it will take you multiple trips). Now, he was still pretty drunk by the time we got back to the hotel, but I had sobered up as I am super paranoid about walking around drunk, especially as a woman in a large, unfamiliar city. We headed to our room and snuggled in for the night. Originally, I was planning on having sex, but the booze hit him harder than expected and he passed out before we could. I tried to fall asleep, but no matter how hard I tried it just wouldn't happen. An hour later, I was still wide awake and very horny. There were toys that we brought, but it wasn't what I wanted. If I was going to get off, I wanted the real thing.

I rolled over to face him and noticed he was curled up on his side. Had he been on his back things would have been easier, but I decided to see what I could do without rolling him over. Shifting closer, I snaked a hand between us to grope at the front of his boxers, finger crossed mentally for a random night boner. Alas, he was still completely soft. Still, I wanted that dick damnit, so I didn't truly care one way or the other. Then, the idea to wake him up with a blow job came to mind. Ducking my head between the blankets and making my way down was a bit awkward, but mostly because I was trying not to wake him too quickly (not realizing just how conked-out he was at the time). Finally, the slow, blind journey was over with, and a few inches away from my face in my hand was his lovely dick. I slipped it out of his boxers as much as I could and leaned in to wrap my lips around it. Immediately upon suckling the tip into my mouth, I involuntarily moaned a little and shifted to be as close to him as I could be. It no longer mattered when he woke up, all I wanted was to cradle my head into his lap and feel his skin against my tongue. My face was pressed as close to his groin as I could manage and my tits were mashed against his upper legs, arm hooked up to hold the back of his thighs.

At that moment, I realized that it wasn't just hearing him moan or feeling his cock twitching with need that I enjoyed. Those parts are great, but really? Just the feeling of his still soft dick in my mouth was getting me so freaking turned-on that I could hardly stand it. With my head under the blanket, there was nothing distracting me. I could just enjoy feeling my chin rubbing his sac and suck to my heart's content. Normally he is so easy to turn on that even the lightest brush against his neck or thighs gets him hard quickly, so I had never managed to get to him before he was ready to go. I savored that feeling for a while, even occasionally letting him slip free of my mouth and just nuzzling affectionately against his now-wet prick. At one point, I let go of his thighs to grab him and gently rub the soft flesh against my lips and cheeks, moaning the entire time. Quite honestly, I have no idea how long I stayed down there, but I do know it was at least 15 minutes because of my phone beeping at one point. The air under the blanket was hot and smelled strongly of him, which was even more arousing. I didn't want to leave. I could have fallen asleep and stayed there all night for all I cared. The only thing I wanted was to feel him slipping around in my mouth. I relished the taste his soft, delicious dick as I gently suckled on it almost like it was a pacifier. After a while, it occurred to me that I should probably stop before I actually fell asleep (can't help it, it was really relaxing). His cockhead slipped very wetly across my tongue as I slowly pulled away, enjoying the feeling of it gliding against my swollen lips on the way out. I grabbed it and trailed it against my face one last time, from my hairline, down my nose, against my cheeks, then planting a loving kiss on the slit before pulling away to go to sleep.

When I made my way up, I became aware of how wet I was and it was almost embarrassing! My thighs were so slick I could have provided enough lube for two additional women to get fucked. It was obscene, and my body was aching for release. I tried to wake him up one last time, this time with words instead of just my mouth, but he pushed me away and muttered some dumb shit in his sleep about not being able to because he was, and I quote, "too busy living" to be able to have sex (he remembers none of this, and laughed his ass off/was mortified the next morning when I told him). I snickered a little, then decided I was going to take care of things myself. Once I rolled on my back, I tried to rub my slippery clit slowly so that I could enjoy a bit more prolonged pleasure before cumming like a madwoman, but my stupid body was so ready to blow that I couldn't even edge it more than about 10 seconds before jolts of pleasure started coursing through me. I whimpered pathetically as I rubbed myself to a tense, desperate orgasm, then slumped back onto the pillow so out of breath that I might as well have been sprinting beforehand.

So yeah, it seems that anything to do with having my mouth on my partner, even if it doesn't lead to an orgasm or even an erection, is enough to send me spiraling into a wonderful headspace and guarantees an intense orgasm on my part. Who knew? (edited for spelling)