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Losing my virginity at Wizard World [F/M] | 2016

My best friend invited me to go with him to Dallas (well, Arlington but close enough) for Wizard World around the time they first started having them in Dallas, probably 2003. I leapt at the chance to have access to more comics and figures than our tiny store had, especially since the next closest store was over forty miles away- and, come on, I'd never been a convention before! It was (and still is) the holy grail of geekdom. It was super short notice but I wanted to try my hand at cosplay and just barely managed to scrape together a passable Jubilee costume (that I still cringe about to this day) before we had to hit the road.

The drive was long and boring and stupid but I was so excited to go to convention and so happy to go to a city that had more than two stop lights that everything seemed magical. We stopped at truck stops and ate way too much candy because we were young and stupid with way too much con cash to blow.

We got in the night before the con started and, in traditional con fashion, spent the whole night eating pizza, drinking, and playing video games. Because no sane person wants to be rested for a convention, right?

Yeah. Well. Let's just say I'm glad Jubilee wears sunglasses.

So I found myself nursing a hangover in a crowd of a couple of thousand, trying to look like a human being when asked for pictures, trying to ignore the creeps who ogled me, digging through boxes of back issues to fill the holes in my Sandman and Lucifer collections. I found a few I needed here and there but my findings weren't nearly as great as I'd hoped and I was rapidly growing frustrated with the heat and the crowds and how little luck I was having. I decided it was time to get some air and some water, and backed away from the booth- if they had the stuff I needed later so be it but I couldn't stand being there any longer.

As I moved away a guy came up and tapped me on my shoulder. Fully expecting another pic request I turned around with my "camera" smile on, to have it melt into a genuine smile almost straight away. This guy wasn't hot per-se but he was cute. He had the kind of face that made you feel better about being alive, curly hair that looked like it would be awesome to run my hair through, a smile that he used to devastating effect. He was a little chubby and very tall to make a complete package of someone that made me somehow feel both safe and like we were in on our own private joke. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's how I felt looking at him.

"Hey, uh, were there any number 20s in there?" His voice was magic. It was listening to church bells on a sunny day in a park, while eating ice-cream. It was the smell of good food after a long day of work. It was sexy without knowing it. I, of course, replied to such a magnificent voice with utter eloquence.

"Huh?" I said in a hungover rasp.

That smile of his widened (!!!) and he shook his head in apology.

"Sorry, I thought you were looking in the Sandman boxes. Didn't wanna try and shove in to that mess if there weren't any I was after."

God, his voice was so fucking distracting in a way I never wanted to end.

"Oh! Yeah, there were like six I think." I said, sounding stupid and feeling stupid.

"Hell yes! Thanks! Awesome Jubilee by the way." He walked past me and headed into the booth.

I stood in the aisle, blocking traffic, dumb founded. I'd been smitten by people before, sure, but never ever like that. "Deer in the headlights" suddenly made a lot more sense to me. Eventually someone jostled me and I came back to my senses, unable to think of anything else but getting outside with some room to think.

Fresh air did wonders for my hangover and the strange feeling Mr Sandman had left with me. The sunlight at least let me focus my attention on the throbbing headache I had instead of whatever the hell had just happened to me inside. After chugging some water and downing an apple I decided it didn't matter what had happened, there were thousands of people in there and the chances of me seeing him again were tiny. So, whatever, I flipped out over a cute guy for a second. Time to move on.

Of course I ran into him minutes after going inside.

I was looking at merch inside a booth, scoping out some statues, when someone slid up next to me. Like they knew me or something.

"Hey, Jubilee." And just like that I was in that mode again, where his voice did things to my mind to make it completely non functional.

"Oh, uh, hey. Again." Classy.

"That's a sweet Thor statue, gonna get it?" He asked. He pointed at the statue he thought I was looking at, and I was too shy to tell him I was ogling the Psylocke next to it.

"No. You go ahead." I said. He laughed and shook his head.

"I'm not gonna take it if you want it." He hesitated. "Or... I mean it's a little pricey?"

Oh god was he going to try and buy it for me? There's no way I was going to let this man buy me a statue because there's no way I could resist. I didn't dwell on what I'd be resisting, but instead mumbled a quick apology about finding a friend and walked away.

I stepped out into the convention center hallway and took some deep breaths. It was like I'd been running laps, and it only gradually came to me how wet I was. I was so distracted by his presence that I didn't realize how my body was reacting to him. I masturbated, I'd fantasized, I'd been turned on lots before but never anything like this. Ever. It was honestly freaking me out, like I wasn't in control of my body anymore, like all I could do around this guy was melt and get turned on.

I collected myself, cleaned up a little in the bathroom, and met my friend to stand in line for a Kevin Smith panel. He noticed that I seemed a little off but it was easy to just pass it off as part of the hangover and we soon fell in an easy discussion about all the cool stuff we'd seen at the con and the stuff we bought and autographs we'd gotten. Unfortunately I hadn't done as much as I'd wanted due to, well, Mr Sandman but it was still a great time.

After a couple of hours in line the panel hall was opened up and we made our way inside. We were far back in the line so we decided to get the best seats in the back half of the hall as we could instead of filing through the masses up front and fighting for decent chairs. Once we got settled in we people watched and waited for the inevitable people to fill in around us, luxuriating in the space while we could. And sure enough a few minutes later the back seats started filling to and someone started to approach our seats.

If you can't guess who sat next to me, you haven't been paying attention.

"Hey again, Jubilee." He said, sitting next to me. Someone he clearly knew sat next to him, and immediately started texting as soon as they were seated.

"Uh, hey, it's actually not Jubilee." I said. Which was incredibly dumb because obviously my name isn't Jubilee.

"So? What is it?" He asked. More of that voice, sending shivers through my body.

"Uh, it's Ami." I said. I sounded dumb. I looked dumb. I was dumb.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tory." The name fit him perfectly. It just felt right in my mind, despite never having met a man named Tory before or since.

We shook hands. His hand was warm and firm and smooth and I immediately thought of what it'd feel like down my pants.

"I got that statue!" He nodded his head toward a bag sitting between his legs and I saw a box peeking out, clearly the statue he was talking about.

We fell into an easy chat from there. We talked about Sandman and Jubilee and even how Lord of the Rings was kind of overrated but in a good way, which didn't make much sense but whatever. I didn't mean to flirt with him but as we talked I just couldn't stop myself, and I found myself batting eye lashes or leaning forward so he could get a view of my cleavage and just dumb obvious shit like that. So obvious that my friend rolled my eyes at me when I looked back to him once.

But I so didn't care. Even as we chatted my mind wandered to think about his hands on my breasts, his mouth on my neck, his cock filling me for the first time ever. I wanted to squirm in my chair. I was afraid to look down and see a wet spot on my shorts. Surely he could tell how turned on I was.

"Hey, so, uh, it's like forty minutes until it starts. Wanna go grab something?" He asked during a lull in our conversation.

"Like--" I started, then stopped, realizing what he meant. He was asking me if I wanted to go fuck. I didn't trust myself to reply and just nodded instead. He smiled that amazing smile, grabbed my hand and stood up. I turned to my friend and he shook his head but smiled.

"I'll call security if you're not back in an hour." Was all he said to me.

We got our re-entry stamps and wandered into the convention hall. He led me by the hand and my heart pounded in my chest. He led me to the doors and stepped outside, and my first thought was that I was not losing my virginity in the back seat of a car. Instead he led me to the hotel that was next to the convention hall without saying a word. He walked us into the lobby like we belonged there and went down a side hallway, toward a series of small conference rooms. He pushed me inside one of the bathrooms, one of those isolated handicapped bathrooms that are unisex and larger than normal. He pushed the door closed and locked it.

He kissed me and my heart thudded in my chest. His lips were so warm, and so eager, it wasn't the best kiss of my life but the passion behind it made up for the lack of skill. I kissed him back and my hands roamed his chest, just enjoying touching him, feeling his soft but solid body. He kissed my neck and I whimpered in delight.

"We gotta hurry." He said. He moved his hands down to my shorts, waiting.

"Yeah." I nodded. He unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off my hips, and I stepped out of them. He slid a hand down the front of my panties and down my lips, parting them and sliding across my clit and through my wetness. He took his finger out and looked at it.

"Wow." He said. My stomach flipped. Here was this endlessly sexy man marveling at my pussy. Words can't even. I don't know why I did but I opened my mouth, and he took the hint and put his finger inside. I sucked his finger clean not really enjoying the taste of my pussy but loving how dirty it was to do.

"Oh, fuck." Was all he could say. His voice was strained. I smiled at him and unbuttoned his pants, and he stepped out of them. We stood in front of each other in our underwear, eyes glued on the other's crotch, until I finally spoke.

"Condom?" I asked. He nodded and bent down to his pants, pulling one from his wallet. He pulled his boxers off and I saw his cock for the first time- any cock for the first time for that matter. He wasn't small but not big, and a little on the narrow side girth wise but all I could think of was that going inside me. It was scary and sexy as hell all at the same time.

He slid the condom on with enough experience to prove he'd done it before, and looked up at me with a questioning look. I took off my jacket and slipped my panties off, a little embarrassed I hadn't shaved in a week or two, and hopped up onto the huge counter behind me. I spread my legs. He got the hint.

He pulled my hips toward him and put my legs over his shoulders. He held my ass up with one hand while he positioned his cock with the other, and soon I felt his cock pushing me open. He went slow and made me play with my clit while he pressed into me. At first I was turned on more by the thought of him fucking me than the actual sex, but as I relaxed and grew accustomed to the slightly painful pressure in my pussy it turned into pleasure. Soon he was fully inside me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Gimme a sec." I scooted my butt a little to get in a better position, and kept rubbing my clit. After maybe a minute I'd gotten used to him inside me and nodded my head thankful for all his patience.

With no warning he pulled himself almost all the way out, then drove back inside me in one smooth motion. I gasped in surprise and pleasure. He did it again and again, increasing his pace by measures. It wasn't the most skilled fucking but it was passionate and it was hard and that's all I needed in that moment. My finger worked on my clit while he fucked me harder and harder, until I arched my back and came around his cock. My heels pummeled his back and I broke a fingernail on the counter, it was just too much for me to deal with all at once. He didn't even slow down, save to cover my mouth with his hand as my moans filled the bathroom.

I collapsed back onto the counter top and looked up at Tory, watched his face as he fucked me faster still. It was weird but I could pinpoint the exact moment he started to cum, his face turning from focused to relaxed, to celebratory. And true to his face, he slammed inside me as far as he could while his cock pulsed inside me.

He slid out of me and pulled the condom off, tossing it into the toilet without bothering to tie it off. He flushed it and came over to me and kissed me with that same passion as before.

"You good?" He asked.

I nodded. "Great. A little sore. Gonna be more sore tomorrow. But worth it."

And it was true, I already could feel a little soreness in my legs and pussy but there was no way I was going to regret that.

We dressed without a word and made it back to the panel hall with a few minutes to spare. My friend raised an eyebrow and I held up my and for a high five. Tory saw all this and laughed along with us, in that way that people do when they've been found out doing something they'd prefer not to shout to the world.

We took our seats and Tory held my hand for the entire panel, and I didn't regret a thing.