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Lucas. (long!) [f] | 2016

A bit of back story here, and it will be long. Anyone who takes offense to what can certainly be classified as “cheating” behavior, turn away now; I will ignore any attempts to judge me or my character.

I am an incredibly firm person in my “real life,” that is – the life I maintain outside of my bedroom. Therefore, I imagine the reactions of folks finding out that I like to be submissive in bed with great joy. I still like to play the games of fighting for dominance in the bedroom, but only in the interest of getting my partner so ready to fuck my brains out that they can no longer hold back. This is not to say I want to be ridden hard and put away wet every time I have sex, but I do get a deeper thrill from it. Every once in a while, though, I like to take control and do whatever I can to make my partner cum first.

Over the years, I’ve met a few different personality types. My good friend, I’ll call him Lucas, and I have known each other since forever. We never managed to live close enough to one another to have a physical relationship, but we would talk about it at length via the web and my interest in “cybersex” budded, and then blossomed, with his touch. At 16, we had some sort of clumsy friendship going on, and were always happy to find the other one online and ready to chat. At 18, he called my house out of the blue and I got to talk to him for the first time. His voice was a strong baritone already and mixed in with the butterflies rising all the way up into my throat, I felt my pelvic muscles clench in excitement. Most of this was the allure of this long-distance thing we’d always had. After a few minutes, he said it was nice to know I really existed and he hadn’t spent five years talking to a child molester.

That was the last time I spoke to Lucas on the phone. Through a haze of other relationships and real life taking over, we only managed to steal time to talk in the wee hours of the morning via many different messaging systems online. We took the first tentative steps into sexual experimentation around my 19th birthday and even though I knew he couldn’t see me, or hear me, I blushed furiously at the words we used. Words I would never speak in public. I was always aroused past the point of self-control by the end of our talks, and would masturbate no fewer than three times the following day, regardless of my sexual activity with my boyfriend.

Here we are, nearly twenty years after we first met online. I have an SO that means the world to me, kids, a real life. I confess that deep down in my soul, I have no regret for what we do together online. Closer to the surface, though, I feel constant regret and worry over the evidence that I am truly being unfaithful to my SO. This regret and worry has never once stopped me from proceeding to experiment mentally with new and wild sexual appetites with Lucas, or sneaking the occasional half-dressed “come fuck me” photo for him. Lucas and I will never meet, never consummate this relationship, and never leave our SOs.

I always flirt with Lucas. I call him sexy, hot, gorgeous, dirty, smart. In the intervening years of playful sexual advances, he has blown past me in both his willingness to experiment and his financial ability to do so. When I was having vanilla sex, he was buying sex furniture. When I started realizing I had fantasies and kinks that were normal and easily had, he was discovering he liked ass play and to be fucked by a woman. I did not know of this growth in carnal knowledge until about a year ago, when we were both drunk as skunks and chatting on a messenger app. The conversation went something like what follows.

“That’s it? That’s your fantasy? Come on, that’s not even racy,” Lucas said.

“Well, I’m sorry. I like to be fucked, plain and simple. Besides, the teacher angle is hot as fuck! You’re going to tell me you wouldn’t nail a student when you were working at the college? I mean, not literally, because (SO) would be mad. But come on,” I replied.

“Yeah, yeah. Well, my fantasy fits more to what I’m sure you would never do. So that’s why it’s a fantasy,” Lucas teased me.

“… okay. You have my attention,” I wrote back. My heart started to beat a little faster, as he was never that forthcoming with private information about his desires.

“Hm. Well I think that my biggest turn on would be you wearing a certain something, something with a harness, and fucking me with it,” he admitted.

My eyes bugged as I read the reply three times, slowly, to make sure I understood. My heart was pounding in my chest as I imagined myself wearing this strap-on. I’d never fucked a guy before, and my SO is absolutely nowhere close to being into that level of sex play. “Oh,” was my initial reply. “Oh, wow. Yeah, I can see where that would be really hot.”

I could tell he was very thankful that I hadn’t freaked out, called him names, or any of the silly stuff I might have usually joked around with. “I was thinking you’d tell me no. It’s hot? Fuck. That is really hot,” he answered.

“It is?” I blushed sitting on my couch, all alone in the dark.

“Fuck yes it is. I’m hard just thinking about it now,” he answered honestly.

This is one of the biggest reasons I like Lucas so much, lust after him, wait for his name to pop up on my screen. He has always been honest in telling me how much I turn him on. I admitted the same a few years back and it lead to a crazy long chat session where I came three or four times just on the idea of him cumming for me. So his answer here had my tipsy, flirty mood quickly changing to one of hunger and need.

We chatted back and forth, and I told him I’d happily act out that fantasy for him as I wasn’t a stranger to using one on my ex-girlfriend. She owned many toys and I liked this one best for teaching her a lesson about teasing me all day when I couldn’t get my hands on her. Recalling those times sent a sharp twinge through my body.

“I have an idea. Are you alone?” I typed out quickly.

“Yep, (SO) is gone… out with her girlfriends,” he replied just as quickly.

I climbed up the stairs and grabbed my vibrator from my bedside drawer as quickly and quietly as I could, skipping the lubricant as I knew I wouldn’t need it. I continued to chat with him about what I’d do to him, pulling his hair, calling him a slut, things I would never, ever, ever say in my outside life. I was so turned on, I couldn’t wait to pleasure myself anymore. I stripped out of my p.j. shorts and spread myself out on the couch. Then, I found the voice recording app on my phone and waited until I was right at the edge before pressing the key to record. I came hard, panting and grinding my hips, soft moans barely escaping the tightness in my throat. I shut off the recording, and sent it over to Lucas immediately afterward.

“A little something for you. For what you do to me,” I typed out. I was awash in elation, my skin feeling extra soft and fuzzy as I slipped my fingers under my shirt to stroke across my breasts and wait patiently for his reply.

“…” he first typed. “You fucking dirty girl. God damn,” he sent. “That combined with the photo of you bent over, touching your pussy for me... I’m going to use that to cum. Often,” he concluded.

I laughed to myself, finally getting my breathing under control as I dropped my hand and curled my fingers around my wet skin, licking the tip of my finger for authenticity as I said, “You should taste this pleasure.”

It had gotten very late by this point, and Lucas had stopped coming back so quickly with replies. I knew he was masturbating for me, and so I said “Think of me while you touch yourself, Lucas, and I’ll think of you when I do as well. Goodnight.”