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I'm back. College Story: Sex With the Nerdy Girl From My Spanish Class [m/f] | 2016
Some of you might remember me. I posted under a different ironman name up until recently. I deleted my account, because it got hacked. Some of the stories I posted over the last couple of years are gone forever from reddit, so I figured I would come back and start posting some old ones to make sure they aren't lost. I will post new stories as well when I have a chance. Here is an old one. Hope you enjoy:
Like I've said in previous posts. I figured it would be fun to go back to my promiscuous (man-whore) days and recall some of the stories from back then. Not to be arrogant, but I am generally considered a really good-looking guy (used to model, 6’3”, dark hair, blue eyes, swimmers build, workout regularly), so that enabled me to have quite a fun sex life. These stories are 100% true and not embellished in any way. I think that a straight honest story even if not as exciting at times is a bigger turn on, so that is what I will continue to try to give.
I went to undergrad at a pretty big university in the U.S. My sophomore year I was taking a Spanish class, because we were required to take three semesters of a foreign language for my degree. I really hated the class, because the teacher was terrible. She was very old and didn’t seem to really care about the class anymore. She rushed through things and didn’t properly answer questions when they were asked. Overall it was a very frustrating experience. I didn’t talk to too many people in the class. There was one guy who sat beside me that I would talk to a bit and crack jokes with to keep each other entertained during the class. There was a girl, Sarah, who sat to my other side that I had never spoken to. She was a little nerdy, wore glasses, didn’t wear makeup, brown hair, was quiet, and kind of bland. I would describe her face as slightly cute and a little mousy (she looked somewhat like a younger version of Tina Fey minus any makeup Tina Fey wears, or like her hypothetical younger sister). She would crack a smile occasionally when she overheard the two of us cracking jokes that she thought were funny, but that was about the extent of my interaction with her.
One day I got to class earlier than normal and she and one other person were the only ones who had already arrived. She looked at me as I walked up and to be nice I said hi and sat down. After sitting for about a minute in silence, as I worked on an assignment for another class, she stopped me and spoke to me for the first time. She said, “So, are you any good at this stuff?” I said, “what stuff?” She replied, “Spanish.” I was actually pretty damn good at Spanish even with the shitty teacher. I took a few years of it in high school, so some of the course was review for me. I said, “Yeah I’m doing pretty well in the course. What about you?” She told me she wasn’t doing very well and that it was really frustrating her, because she is normally a straight A student. She said the problem was the teacher and that she needs some sort of guidance since learning a foreign language doesn’t come as naturally to her as other schoolwork. She asked me if I would be willing to go over some stuff with her sometime. She then quickly said, “but if you don’t want to or don’t have time it’s fine. Sorry I know you don’t really know me. I just don’t know anyone in the class.” I could tell it was difficult for her to ask me for help and that she was obviously very shy. I felt a little sympathy for her and didn’t mind spending a little time outside of class helping her out. I looked at it as doing a good deed. We discussed when a good time to meet would be and class started shortly after.
We decided to meet the next afternoon in one of the study halls on campus. I arrive and she is already there with her notes and book out on the table. We greet each other and make a little small talk. Honestly it was kind of awkward. I felt like I really didn’t have anything at all in common with this girl or if I did I would never know, because she was very quiet and shy. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl that partied, drank, or did anything she wasn’t supposed to do, which was the complete opposite of my approach to life at the time. I awkwardly transitioned from the small talk into study talk. We got started and she was right, she was struggling. We worked on her Spanish for about an hour that day and I actually really enjoyed teaching someone else. It was kind of fun for me. At the end of the study session it was a little awkward, because I could tell she probably wanted more help in the future but didn’t want to ask. I tried to put an end to her tension and told her if she wanted more help we could start meeting at the same time each week. I committed to this, because I realized that teaching her was actually helping me become better at Spanish as well. They always say the best way to learn something is to teach someone else. Also, it was only an hour out of my time and I needed to study Spanish anyways so it was a win win situation.
We continued to meet throughout the semester and we started talking slightly more during class. I say slightly, because she was still very shy and would basically just say hi and maybe make a comment or two during class. I had been helping this girl with Spanish for nearly an entire semester and she still felt like a complete stranger to me. I tried occasionally to ask her things about herself just to try to ease the weirdness, but she would give very short answers that didn’t allow for follow up questions. The study sessions were still awkward, but we both continued to benefit from them. My grades on the exams were nearly perfect and hers had come up from a C on the first one to A’s on each exam since.
Our final exam was coming up in about a week and it determined 25% of our overall grade in the course, so obviously it was a big deal. Given the busy finals week ramp up our schedules didn’t synch up as well as they had previously. Our normal meeting time was not going to work, so we tried to coordinate another time. We were having a really hard time coming up with a time that worked for both of us. We eventually set on meeting at midnight, because we are both kind of night owls and figured we should take advantage of that since our scheduling was so difficult. She said we could meet at her apartment on the edge of campus.
Normally I would be doing back flips if a girl invited me to her apartment to study late at night, but that was definitely not the case with this girl. Not a single sexual thought even crossed my mind. She was one of those girls that you just didn’t even look at that way. Her shyness and seemingly non-sexual nature just did not create visions of some hot late night tryst in my head.
I get to her apartment around midnight and she lets me in. Her apartment was actually slightly cooler looking than I expected. She had a couple of Beatles and Rolling Stones pictures on her wall and her furniture was nice. The thing that really struck me when she opened the door though was what she was wearing. She looked like she had just gotten in from a run or the gym or something. She had on yoga pants and a tight fitting spandex tank top. Her typical attire consisted of a slightly loose fitting shirt, slightly loose fitting jeans or pants (maybe a skirt), and boring bland shoes. I could actually see her body for the first time and she actually had pretty big tits. If you would have asked me before that moment I would have guessed she maybe had a B-cup or something, but seeing her in the spandex top it was clear that she had really full C’s or maybe even small D’s. Her stomach was flat also, which I didn’t really expect and her ass was decent/average. It felt really strange seeing her like this and actually having some slight sort of sexual thought about her.
After the initial bit of shock I quickly got back to normal and didn’t put much more thought into it. We sat down at her little dining table and got to work. We had a lot of material to go over since the final was cumulative. We needed to go over all of our notes from the entire semester. We were about an hour in and decided to take a break. She seemed really nervous the entire time to have me in her apartment and seemed embarrassed and kept apologizing for it being “messy," which it wasn’t. While we were taking our ten-minute break I decided to go out on the balcony and call this girl I was hoping to hook up with soon.
My phone call ended and Sarah stepped out onto the balcony and said she was going to have a glass of wine and asked I wanted some. I was shocked, for whatever reason I never thought she drank and could never even picture her drinking. She said she needed a glass, because the studying was stressing her out. I agreed and said I would like to have a glass as well. We got back to studying and over that next hour managed to drink about two and a half glasses of wine each. I was amazed that she was keeping up with me and she actually started loosening up for the first time around me.
It was time for another break and she walked out onto the balcony with me. She actually initiated conversation and asked about where I was from and what I like to do outside of school etc. It was amazing I felt like I couldn’t get her to stop talking now. She started telling me about where she grew up (another state) and about her shyness. She told me about how she doesn’t really have any friends here at school and that she wishes she wasn’t so awkward. I found out that she actually likes some pretty cool music, art, and movies. I was actually having a decent time talking to her and being an extremely horny college guy my mind started to wander to more sexual thoughts.
The bits of her personality I started to see combined with the much nicer body than I realized began to present a different package to me. She was a nerdy girl (which can be hot: think sexy librarian), with an average/slightly above average face, a pretty nice body, and she likes some pretty cool things. I asked her why she doesn’t have a boyfriend and she went into the same kind of explanation of being too shy and all of that. She said she had a boyfriend in high school for about a year, but that they broke up when she moved here for school. I told her that she was really cute and seemed cool and that she will find someone here eventually. When I said this her entire face turned beet red. She giggled nervously and continued to blush like crazy. She said, “Sorry, I really would not have expected you to say that.” I asked why and she replied, “Well…never mind.” I urged, “no, what? Tell me.” She said, “Well you are just like this really hot and cool guy. Guys like you never pay attention to girls like me, so I just would never have expected you to say I was cute or anything.” She was kind of right and it kind of made me feel shitty. I told her, “Well yeah, a lot of those guys are assholes that wouldn’t deserve someone nice like you anyways.” Very cliche line, but what can ya do. That't the kind of shit that pops into your head in moments like that sometimes. A big smile came over her face and she kind of looked down at the ground and continued to blush.
Our break had run over by about 10 minutes and I told her we should get back inside and get back to work. We go back inside and pour some more wine before continuing to study. This entire hour she is smiling much more than I have ever seen her smile before, which made her face seem much prettier than I had ever perceived. I can tell what I said to her on the balcony made her feel really good. She was even slightly flirtatious a couple of times, but not overtly. It was more like “I think she’s flirting with me” than in your face flirting.
After the hour is up we go back onto the balcony before what is supposed to be our last 30-45 minutes of studying. I am getting sleepy, so it is nice to step out into the slightly cool night air. We continue to drink wine. I had about five glasses at this point, so I am fairly drunk and I think she had four. This probably wasn’t the best strategy for studying, but it is just kind of what it turned in to. While on the balcony we are talking some more and she tells me, “thanks for saying that to me…about thinking I’m cute and cool.” I told her that I meant it. We were standing side by side looking over the balcony and she was standing within a foot of me. When I said that to her we both kind of turned our heads toward each other and it just felt right so I leaned in to kiss her. We kissed a few times lightly before taking a deep breath and kissing deep and passionately. I did not expect to end up at this point when I came over to study, but in that moment I was glad it ended up this way. We stood on the balcony kissing for a while. She stopped and said, “Maybe we should go inside and finish studying.” I could tell that she still felt a little shy and maybe didn’t quite know what to do, so she wanted to step out of the situation. I agreed and we walked back inside.
We sat down and started studying for a few minutes, but I was too worked up at this point. I stood up and leaned down and grabbed her face and began kissing her again. She was very receptive and seemed like she had just been waiting for me to initiate again. She stood up and I walked her back about three feet until her back was against the wall. We continued kissing and I began feeling her tits from outside of her spandex shirt. She began lightly moaning and kissed me harder. I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and sports bra and lifted them up over her head revealing her huge tits (definitely D's). They flopped out and seemed to expand once removed from the restriction of her tight fitting shirt and bra. They were wonderful and I couldn’t keep my hands off of them. She was a fairly petite girl (5’3” skinny, which I now saw) with a small waist that made her tits look even bigger than they normally would. I kissed down her neck to her chest and began teasing her nipples. I sucked, licked, and kissed around them. She was going wild moaning and running her hands all over my back.
I kissed down her stomach and slid my fingers in the waistband of her pants. I pulled them down revealing her perfectly shaved pussy and ass (I was half expecting her to not be shaved being the kind of girl she was). I pulled them off of one of her legs while they still dangled around the other. I raised her free leg up while the other kept her standing against the wall and began licking her pussy. I teased her clit and began fingering her pussy. She moaned loudly and pressed the back of my head with her hand creating more force between my tongue and her clit.
I was really enjoying pleasing her, even more so than I normally would. The fact that she never thought I would have wanted to hook up with her and her shyness made me want to make this the best experience ever for her. I licked her clit and fingered her for what seemed like forever, but I wanted to make sure I made her cum. After what was actually about 6 or 7 minutes she starts shaking and has a really intense orgasm.
She stands against the wall knees slightly bent breathing heavily. She slides down the wall in a crouched position and catches her breath. She regains focus and moves from the crouched position to her knees and undoes my belt and pulls my pants and underwear down. My cock flops out and I see her shyness take over a little bit again. She looks hesitant like she doesn’t want to do it wrong or badly. I tell her she looks really sexy hoping it will ease her nerves a bit. She leans in and takes my cock in her mouth. It was a huge turn on watching her suck my cock, because she still had her glasses on and I just kept thinking about dirty librarian/school girl fantasies. She slowly goes back and forth running her tongue along the bottom side of my cock creating a lot of suction and really doing a damn good job. It was one of the better blowjobs I have received. She picked up her pace and I guided the back of her head with my hand. After a few minutes of this I asked her if she wanted to go to her bedroom, because I assumed she would probably be more comfortable in there.
She leads me into her bedroom and we get on her bed. She said, “Do you want me to suck your cock some more?” My cock was hard, but it instantly seemed like it got way harder hearing her say that. I had never heard any kind of dirty or sexual talk come out of her mouth before. Of course I said yes. I position myself on my back on the bed and she gets back to work sucking my cock. Like I said earlier I really wanted to please her more than I usually would. I grabbed her thigh and motioned for her to turn around and get in a 69 position. She does and I begin licking her pussy and playing with her clit while she sucks my cock. Doing this made her suck even harder and more intense. I loved the view of her ass from here and was tempted to try to finger her ass, but didn’t want to freak her out too bad since I would have to see her in class.
This was all getting too intense, so I motioned for her to turn around. She turned around and straddled my cock. She was soaking wet so I easily slid into her. She let out a gasp and loud moan. She began riding me at a steady pace. It was beautiful watching her huge tits bounce and jiggle as she rode me. My mind wandered and I wondered what it would be like in class next week. I quickly snapped back into focus and continued to watch her tits bounce. I pulled her closer to me and her tits pressed against my chest. I grabbed her ass and began slamming her down onto my cock. She let out more intense moans as I did this and she began slightly biting/kissing my shoulder. I felt her body start to shake as she orgasmed.
After a moment of recovery she slid off of my cock and got on her back. I positioned myself on top of her and started to re-insert my cock, but she stopped me. She pulled me up towards her mouth and wrapped her lips around my cock. She went up and down on it a few times and then motioned for me to go back down and fuck her. This was strange to me, because she was extremely wet and definitely didn’t need to get my cock wet. It seemed more like she just wanted to taste her pussy on my cock, which was awesome and turned me on even more.
I quickly got back on top of her and slid my cock in. I started fucking her harder than I had at any point that night. I felt like going slow for her before, so I wouldn’t overwhelm her, but I gave up on that. I was slamming my cock in and out of her pussy and she moaned and screamed “oh. Oh. Oh shit.” I kept up the intense pace as long as I could and after a few minutes I was beginning to reach my climax. I pulled my cock out of her and did what I had been imagining since the moment I saw my cock in her mouth. I positioned myself next to her face and shot stream after stream of warm cum all over her face and glasses (which she never took off, which I found slightly weird but actually kind of liked obviously). It was so hot looking at her covered in sweat and cum breathing heavily when just hours before she had no idea I would ever take notice of her.
We never finished our last 30 minutes of studying, but we both did really well on the exam. We had the next semester of Spanish class together as well and continued to have study sessions (which were now officially held at her apartment) and continued to have sex every single time. She definitely came out of her shell after that first time we had sex and I really enjoyed hanging out with her and we had some really interesting/fun sexual experiences. We both kind of knew it would never be a dating situation. In the grand scheme of things I went after more attractive girls that I had more in common with, but she seemed okay with that. I think she looked at it more as a way to experiment sexually with me. She always wanted to try new things and it was really fun. After that next semester of Spanish class we still hooked up occasionally, but it was more like maybe once a month over the next year. I don’t think I ever told anyone I knew that I was hooking up with her and no one would have ever expected it from her or me. It was a nice little secret.
Also, if you are a female and live near me you should send me a message. Might be a long shot, but would be cool/interesting to have sex with someone that enjoys my stories and then becomes a story haha
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