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Payback: What it's like to have your best friend eat you out while hiding in the showers (F/M) | 2016

This happened last week, Friday. I’ve been too busy to edit but I’ve finally finished, so here it is! I started typing this Saturday afternoon as soon as I woke up while it was still fresh in my memory. This is going to be a bit long, so brace yourself!!

My friend Mark and I sometimes go on runs on weekend nights around the campus. When I need to get some alone time I’d do it on weekdays too after studying. It was initially just me, but after some close calls with drunk assholes, Mark insisted on coming along. He wanted to stop drinking, too – staying away from parties would apparently help him with that.

I don’t actually care about what I look like during runs, because a) I’m going to look sweaty and gross anyway; and b) Hardly anyone ever sees me. I run at 5 am on weekdays and at 1 am on weekends. Why would I even bother? Friday night (technically Saturday morning but I was still set on Friday night) saw me in joggers, a huge hoodie, and shoes that didn’t even match. To add to that, I’m not exactly a pretty runner. Not even saying that to make you think I’m quirky or whatever – I am a legitimately ugly runner. I turn either ridiculously gray or ridiculously red, I never know what to do with my arms, and every single time my hair tie falls off my head.

Mark on the other hand – Mr Soccer Super Star – you can guess what he looks like when he runs. Sometimes I like to trip him right in the middle just to see him make faces as ugly as my normal one. Other times he just jumps over my leg like he was expecting it. It would always end with one of us screaming a string of fuck you’s, but those always made me laugh no matter who messed up or who fell.

Mark and I ran from 1am to 2:30. We talked all through it. We talked about each other’s families, high school, exes (or in this case Mark’s exes and the people I’ve had sex with), plans for the future. We made stories about the drunk people we ran past and imagined what their parties must have been like.

I tried tripping Mark four times – one he fell for and three he didn’t. The only successful one was the very last one towards the end of the run where he pulled me down with him. We were almost up to the dorm building, and fell on the grass next to a huge ass tree. Mark fell first, I fell second. As expected, we were a laughing, tangled up mess of limbs and sweat.

Mark and I had a fight earlier this week about something stupid. I don’t even remember why. I think it was about who was the better Doctor on Doctor Who, but I’m not exactly sure. We made up after it and he’s back to being my bestie with the testes.

After Mark and I calmed down, we started talking some more. It was nice to just lie down there on the grass and talk to someone. One problem with that: by the time Mark and I started walking back to the dorm building, we were covered in sweat, grass, dirt, and probably didn’t smell too good either.

Mark’s on a different floor from me. He decided to drop me off at my room before going back to his floor for his own shower. We were standing in front of my door when I punched him in the arm, said goodnight, and went in to get my a robe, my shower stuff and a towel. By the time I came back, Mark was leaning on the wall opposite my door, waiting for me. He smiled when I came out. Even with grime on his face, Mark could still pull off a smile that could light up an entire city.

“Can I help you?” I asked him.

Mark laughed and walked over. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pressed my body against him and kissed me. It was his usual gentle, sickeningly sweet kiss. I stood on my tiptoes to meet him. My towel, robe, and all my other shower things fell to the floor, and I let my hands wander along his shoulders, rake through his hair, run down his chest.

Mark pulled away. He pressed our foreheads together. “Period’s over, right?” I nodded. Mark leaned forward and bit my lower lip. He was laughing—the kind of laugh where your shoulders just shake and you could feel the vibrations through the rest of your body. “I thought I was going to lose my mind honestly.”

“I apologize for getting punched in the uterus by nature,” I told him.

He laughed and kissed me again. “If you didn’t have two X-chromosomes I wouldn’t be doing this, now would I?” Mark let me go and bent to pick up the stuff I’d dropped. He handed everything to me, and I thought he was going to say goodnight and head for his room, but he picked me up with one hand under my knees and the other at my back. If my hands weren’t full I would have punched him.

“You can guess where I’m taking you, right?” Mark was still all laughter and excitement through sweat and grime. I told him what I was thinking and he smiled like a kid at the sight of ice cream. Mark has a very nice smile.

He carried me into the bathroom and sat me down on the counter next to the sinks. The showers were right behind him. I put down the shampoo and towels next to me. Mark was still beaming. He wrapped my legs around his waist and undid my shoes.

"Mind if I ask you something important?" I asked him.

Mark took his shirt off and kissed me again. It's hard to not notice a guy's abs when they're right in front of you, and they were right there, dammit. I'd seen them before. I'd seen them more times than I can count since he takes his shirt off during runs sometimes, but abs are very, very distracting. "You can ask me anything - even if you do smell like sweat and dirt."

I punched him in the arm. He laughed and put his hands on my waist, face nuzzling into my neck, always smiling against my skin. Just that one small motion made me worry about my panties. "What exactly is this?" I asked him. Thank god I still sounded somewhat close to calm.

"What do you mean by that?" Mark unzipped the front of my hoodie and let it fall off my shoulders. One hand went down and hooked a finger into my joggers.

"You know what I mean," I told him, more breathy than I’d hoped. His fingers traced small circles along my hipbone, over scars and skin. I tugged on the hair at his nape and kissed my way from his neck to his shoulder. He was still all sweaty and was probably just as gross as me, but he was Mark.

"You're going to have to tell me." Mark lifted my hips with one hand and pulled my joggers off with the other. The cold air and his warm hands were enough to make my breath hitch. “I am a male and we are obviously unaware about everything relating to a girl’s thoughts and emotions.”

I stuck my tongue out. He grinned from ear to ear. “I mean, like, how do I word this out...” The more I talked the more breathy and needy I sounded. It was embarrassing. I bit down on my lip and started to undo the drawstring on Mark’s shorts. He’d pitched a tent on the front of his pants. “Are we friends, fuck buddies, just using each other to get off – what?”

Mark frowned. “Why do we need to put a label on it?” He scratched the back of his neck. Before I could answer, Mark said, “Think of me like a fly.”

“You’re always going to bug me?” I pushed his shorts off his hips and they fell to the floor. His cock strained against his boxers.

“Yup.” Mark threw his shoes off and reached for the clasp of my bra. “Or maybe until the end of the semester. If I’m lucky, until I graduate, and if I’m even luckier, until med school.”

I started laughing at him and let the boxers fall. For an Asian, you’d think Mark’s cock would be small or maybe even average. It wasn’t. It took all my self-control to stop myself from reaching over and stroking him. “And if by some miracle it goes beyond med school?” I asked him. I let my hands wander over the width of his chest, along his shoulders, over the muscles on his arms. I was getting used to this gentle thing. That didn’t change the fact that I wanted to dig my nails into his skin and drag them over his back hard enough for him to bleed.

Mark unhooked my bra and pulled it slowly off me. “I can’t stop you from getting a boyfriend, Sofie,” he laughed, and leaned forward and kissed me. “As much fun as it is to fuck you, I can’t hog you all to myself for the rest of your life unless you asked me to.”

“You make it sound like you don’t need to get a girlfriend.” I knotted my fingers into his hair and pulled him towards my mouth. You know that thing people do when they exhale right in the middle of the kiss? Yeah – Mark was good at that.

“Girls have to like me first.” Mark took my face in one hand and pressed me against him with the other. The tip of his cock poked my belly. I opened my mouth to speak, but he was kissing me. He was kissing me with the roughness I wanted through teeth and tongue but with the gentleness only Mark could be associated with through soft sighs and quiet groans.

I don’t know how long it took before Mark finally tore away from me and told me to get into the shower. I took the shampoo, soap, and the towel, and headed in. Mark put all the dirty laundry in a bag I’d brought with me for all my finished clothes. He threw his shoes outside and left mine on the counter.

I slipped out of my panties and tossed them into the open bag. I switched the shower on, let the water run over me and waited for Mark to come in. But he didn’t. The door was left open, so I spun around to look for him. He was just standing there, leaning against the counter, watching me.

“You getting in here or am I going to have to fuck myself?” I asked him.

Mark grinned from ear to ear. “Just go on and clean yourself up. I want to watch.”

“So I just leave the door open?”

“Of course. Go on. Continue.”

I frowned at him and gave him the finger. I shut the water off. I turned to my side to give him a good view of both my front and my back, took my shampoo and squeezed a huge glob onto my hands. Might as well have fun with it. I rubbed my hands together and started massaging my scalp. If Mark wasn’t going to help me, then fuck ‘em; I was a strong, independent woman. I could shower on my own.

As soon as I was done getting shampoo on my hair, I got my body wash, squeezed some on my hands, and started with my arms. My favorite thing about my body wash isn’t just how good it smells – it’s really bubbly. I fucking love bubbles. If Mark weren’t there I would have started blowing bubbles everywhere. Instead of doing the fun thing (which is blowing bubbles), I moved from my arms, up to my neck, twisted around to my back, moved to my stomach, and down to my thighs.

Mark was watching me the whole time. He stood there, leaning against the countertop, cock erect, arms crossed over his chest, legs crossed in front of him. Every time I turned to look at him, he was just staring at me. It wasn’t with his usual happy-go-lucky smile. I guess the only way for me to describe it was that he was smiling the way you smiled when your mom leaves a note in your lunch telling you she loves you.

I don’t know why every time I looked at him I’d feel like it was possible to be more naked than I already was. And that was nerve-racking. My hands were shaking by the time I was about to start on my chest, my nipples were hard, my pussy was wet not just from the shower and I hoped to whatever god existed out there Mark didn’t realize how nervous he was making me. I massaged my chest with soap, rubbed over each nipple and moved down to clean off my pussy. My hands moved to cup both my ass cheeks, squeezing, kneading, feeling myself –

Mark stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

He wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me against him. I’m not sure who turned the shower on—me or him—but water ran down both of us, in between us, around us. We were kissing, pressed up against each other, my hands on his shoulders and his moving along the length of my torso. Mark picked me up. He wrapped my legs around his waist, never took his mouth off mine, and held me against the wall. The showers were cramped enough for both of us to still get wet from one head.

I pushed away from him just enough to remind him that he still hadn’t clean himself off yet. Mark pouted and set me down. He shut the water off. He took the bottle of shampoo and offered it to me.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I snapped at him. There must be some kind of law against letting tiny people do things.

Mark threw his head back in laughter and kissed me on the forehead. “You aren’t that tiny – but fine, fine.” He took the bottle of body wash. “Better?”

I grabbed the bottle from him. “Much better, thank you.” I spread body wash all over my hands. Mark started to shampoo his hair. I’m not going to lie when I say I’m an awkward potato, especially in situations I’ve never been in before (well tbh I’m always an awkward potato), and putting body wash on someone I’d give permission to fuck me until I break is definitely something I’ve never done before. While Mark was busy with his hair, I could see him watching at me, almost laughing. I was standing there with soapy hands, probably looking like I was solving some derivatives shit, and Mark could barely contain himself.

“You’re fucking adorable,” he said.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” I said. I took a deep breath. Might as well. My hands reached over and scrubbed the width of his chest, moving in slow circles, up to his shoulders, along the length of his neck. Mark’s breath grew hoarse. He’d finished with his hair and let his arms fall to his sides. He turned around and let me get soap all over his back. The shampoo had started to run down his spine. I moved my hands towards his arms. Mark has very nice arms. When I reached his fingers, he squeezed one of my hands and held on like he needed to balance himself.

I pressed myself against his back, letting him feel my nipples against his skin, and let one of my arms circle around to his front to clean off his abs. My hands moved over his stomach, over the sharpness of his hips, just barely letting my arm brush against his cock. I moved down to his thighs.

Mark groaned. “For fuck’s sake, Sofie, how long am I going to have to – “

“Just shut up and let me do my thing.” I got on my knees and pulled my hand out of Mark’s grasp. I soaped his thighs, his calves, and let my hands wander over the curve of his ass.

Mark practically threw the switch of the shower on. He spun around, bent down, grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me, pulling me to my feet, lifting me up so my legs wrapped around his waist. The hot water came down over both of us. It washed off the soap on his body and my fingers massaged the shampoo out of his hair.

One of Mark’s hands moved down to rub my clit. I bit his lip. Mark laughed. He moved his finger in a slow line along the side of my clit, never changing his pace, never moving from that one spot. I sank my nails into his shoulders. Not fair. Not fucking fair. My body was getting tighter and tighter and I’d barely even touched his cock.

I reached down and gripped the base of him in my hand. He was hard – I could feel the small veins along him if I moved my fingers gently enough. I moved my wrist up and down, keeping pace with Mark’s fingers on my clit, feeling his grip on my back tighten and feeling the nails on my other hand dig deeper into his skin.

Mark nibbled on my neck. “Keep touching me like that and I’m going to cum.” It was closer to a growl than his usual laughter.

“Already?” Those three syllables sounded more like gasps than I’d hoped.

“Two weeks without fucking you, no jacking off, no porn, no blowjobs, no nothing.” He pushed me against the wall. “How do you think I feel?”

I leaned forward and kissed him. Mark’s movement on my clit grew faster, the pressure I put on his cock grew greater. I tugged on the hair at his nape and moved his head backward. My lips moved along his jaw, down his neck, towards his exposed collarbones and moved back up until his tongue was in my mouth and we were breathing the same air.

Voices could be heard down the corridor – they grew louder as they entered the bathroom. Mark froze. I didn’t. I moved my hand faster and squeezed his cock tighter. He kept his eyes glued to me, his mouth just slightly open.

“Her roommate said she was going for a run, right?” My turn to freeze. I knew the person talking outside – it was one of my friends, Carmen. Carmen’s a hispanic girl who could pull off cat-eyes and red lipstick better than Taylor Swift. She was the kind of attractive you got from imposing presences and self-confidence that oozed from fingertips. She was curvy as fuck too, but her attitude just made everything better. “Did you even bother checking the showers?”

“Carmen?” Now that was me. “Is that you?”

“See? I told you.” I could imagine Carmen putting her hands on her hips and berating whoever she was with. “She was just taking a shower.”

“Oopsie.” Now that was Anna. Drunk Anna. Anna’s the pretty you get from symmetric bone structures, endless legs and beach blonde hair. Drunk Anna makes an appearance every weekend.

I was pretty sure both of them came from the same party. Anna and Carmen came from the same high school and were best friends for 90% of their lives. Anna’s tolerance was nil, while Carmen could down at least 30 shots before feeling anywhere near drunk. Carmen was usually taking care of Anna when her drinking got too out of hand.

“What’s happening out there?” I asked. Mark set me down on my feet as quietly as he could. As close as I was to cumming, if something was happening to Anna then Mark may as well jack off in the shower by himself. He was drenched in shower water with his hair all floppy and droplets running down the sides of his face. I let go of his cock and moved closer to the shower door.

“Anna was looking for you,” Carmen said.

“Did something happen?” I asked them.

“You’ll never guess who I found!” Anna was probably slung over Carmen’s shoulder and waving her arms around. “The perfect boy for you!”

I rolled my eyes. At the start of the year, after I’d told them that I’d never had a boyfriend, Anna said she’d make it her goal for the semester to find me a guy that would last at least until the semester was over. I didn’t agree to this at all, but looking for one would have made her happy, so I tolerated it.

“Yeah?” I looked at Mark. He was frowning. “What’s his major?”

“Math!” Anna started giggling. Carmen groaned, frustrated, outside. “He likes numbers too!”

I started laughing. Mark made a face that was saying something like, Really? I stuck my tongue out at him.

“I picked him ‘cause you said you like solving math problems all the time!” Anna just kept going. “Plus he’s cute too! Like, really, really cute!”

“What’s he look like then?” I asked. Mark got on his knees and ran his fingers along the sides of my thighs. He was barely two inches away from my pussy, and his exhales were strong enough for me to feel the hot air against my slit. I glared at him and shook my head. Mark mouthed, Payback time, Sofie.

I needed those two to get out. Right now. The shower doors were full, opaque doors – not the frosted shit that would let you see into the cubicle. I was sure Anna and Carmen were standing right in front of the one Mark and I were in.

Anna just wouldn’t shut up. “You know those hipsters that have glasses and shit like that? Yeah, he’s something like ‘em!”

“Anna,” That was Carmen. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed.”

Mark moved the tip of his nose along my inner thighs. I tried to squeeze my legs shut, but he gripped my thighs and slung them over his shoulders so I was pretty much sitting on him. Both his hands held onto my ass to keep me up. I had to hold on to his hair so I wouldn’t feel like I was about to fall.

“I’m not done yet!” Anna whined. Dammit, Anna. “He’s got, like, really really really pretty eyes. I don’t know why he needs glasses but he’s like really really pretty!”

Mark kissed along my slit, getting my wetness on his lips, never breaking eye contact with me. His kisses were feather light but were enough to force all breath out of my lungs.

Anna needed to shut the fuck up before Mark could go any further. I started, “Anna—“

“They’re so blue you could get lost in them! Like Nash Grier!” Anna was laughing hysterically.

“Anna, nobody likes Nash Grier.” That was Carmen. Carmen was on my side – both of us knew Anna needed to shut up. The only difference is that Carmen didn’t know I had a boy in here with me.

“But his eyes are so pretty!” Anna just kept going on and on about his eyes. Frankly, I didn’t give much of a shit about that guy. Mark was looking at me from in between my legs, water running down the sides of his face, his hair a mess from my fingers and the shower, and I have no idea why I found that to be so fucking hot.

Mark brought his tongue out and licked my outer lips like he had all the time in the world. He balanced my weight with one hand, the other spreading me wide open with two fingers. His tongue ran along my layers of flesh, lightly, slowly, deliberately. He kissed me – first with his usual gentleness, then harder. And harder. And harder.

I wanted to melt.

“His name’s Alan and he likes Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and—“

“In summary he’s a boy version of you,” said Carmen. “Except less excited about everything.”

Mark flicked his tongue over my clit. My legs shuddered. He took my clit in his lips and started to suck, gently at first, but enough for me to throw my head back against the tiles and almost lose it.

“Sounds like a great guy!” I said. God, I didn’t even sound like myself anymore. My voice was high, breathy, strained, close to a squeak. Mark sucked harder on my clit, putting more pressure, burying his face in between my legs. I squeezed his head with my thighs. Mark took two fingers and slowly slid them inside of me, reaching up to the spot that felt like the back of my clit. He just left them there. He didn’t move, but his mouth made up for it. I was grinding on him, pushing my hips forward, trying my best to get more of whatever he could give me.

“I gave him your number!” Anna yelled.

Mark moved his fingers inside me, slowly, gently, then faster. And faster. He followed the pace of my breathing while I tried to talk to Anna and Carmen about shit I don’t even remember about anymore. It was something about that Alan guy having a nice ass. I didn’t know if my voice sounded alright, or if they knew I was getting eaten out by my best friend inside the showers. Frankly I didn’t even care.

Anna started to ramble on and on and about this new guy and how sweet he is and how good of a fuck he might be. I grew tighter and tenser the more she talked. Mark didn’t stop. He didn’t stop. I brought my head down and he looked up at me. Water ran down his face. He was genuinely enjoying this. I mouthed to him that I was going to cum. He moved his finger faster. I told him I was close. I told him I wanted him to stop or else they’d hear me. I told him if he didn’t stop my friends would know I had someone in there. But he didn’t.

I came on his face. Mark didn’t let go of my clit, nor did he still his fingers. I bit down on my lip and held my breath. If I made a sound they’d know. Call me a weirdo but that only made me want to scream even louder. As soon as I’d calmed down into a breathing, wet mess, Mark helped me steady myself on my feet and stood. He wrapped an arm around my waist for some extra support and pressed me against him. His cock poked my stomach.

“Sofie?” That was Carmen. She’d asked me a question and I guessed that I didn’t answer. “Is everything alright in there? We’ve been here for fifteen minutes and you haven’t shut off the water.”

I said the first thing I could think of: “I’m shaving!” Mark almost burst out in laughter. He leaned down and kissed me – just a small peck for me to taste myself.

“Shaving what?”

“Everything!” I said. Mark pressed his face into the top of my head. His body shook with laughter. I let my fingers run along the length of his torso, going down until I had his cock in both hands. Mark stilled. He looked at me quietly. I leaned over and kissed him.

“Everything? Legs, pubes, underarms?” that was Carmen. She sounded genuinely concerned for my wellbeing. “You’re going to be in there for at least an hour!”

I laced my fingers together and moved both hands up and down the length of his cock. My grip on him was tight, my wrists twisted, I kept my eyes on him. Mark’s breath hitched. “Yeah – this might take awhile!” I said back to them. “You guys should get some sleep, it’s late.”

“Get your pubes ready!” That was Anna. “Check your phone when you come out! Alan might already be thinking of you!”

Get your shit together, Anna. I listened to the sound of their footsteps and voices receding as they exited the bathroom. Mark must have been listening to them, too. As soon as it was quiet, he spun me around, pushed me up against the wall and held my chin in his hands. He twisted my head around and kissed me, pressing his front against my back and his cock in between both my ass cheeks. My palms were flat against the tile wall.

“Revenge is sweet,” he laughed.

“That was rude.”

“That was fun.” Mark sank his teeth down into my lower lip. “So you’ve got a date coming up.”

“What about it?” My turn to laugh. “You jealous?”

Mark pulled my hips backward with one hand, his grip hard enough to leave bruises. “Positively green-eyed,” he laughed. He positioned himself in front of my slit. His other hand laced its fingers together with one of mine on the wall. “Play with yourself for me?” he asked.

I brought my other hand down to rub a small corner of my clit, lightly, quickly, never changing pace or pressure. Mark slid himself inside me, as gentle as he always was. His grip on my hip loosened. Our hands squeezed tighter together. I twisted around to look for his mouth; fucking Mark didn’t feel complete if I didn’t kiss him. His face was all wet from the shower.

He started to move. My fingers on my clit kept pace with the movement of his cock going in and out of me, slowly, gently – the way he always did. He was always gentle with me when he needed to be. Honestly, I liked it. I listened to the sound of his breathing and felt his balls slap against my wet cunt. The hand on my hip wandered along the length of my body, fingers just barely grazing, barely touching my heated skin. Mark’s lips tasted the way I did.

Mark’s speed gradually quickened. He quickened to a rhythm I followed with my fingers and had me pressed up against the slippery tiles of the bathroom wall, my hips meeting every thrust, my head thrown back against his shoulder, our hands still locked together and one of his wrapped around my throat just enough for me to feel his movement in and out of my pussy more than I should have. His grip was more stern, his kisses harder. I gasped and ground against him. Mark’s body was slick, wet from the water of the shower and I could move over him as much as I wanted to.

I was almost at my limit. All of me trembled – my legs, my fingers, my ass, my breath; Mark knew. He quickened his pace as I clamped down even tighter around him, pushing me forward to get a better angle of my insides, going faster, and faster, his breath coming out through his clenched teeth and mine coming out in light, tight little gasps.

Mark started to laugh. “Fucking cum already, I can’t hold it in much longer.” He pulled out of me and I almost screamed. Mark spun me around and pushed my back into the wall, lifting my legs up and wrapping them around his waist. His mouth went to my throat, to my shoulders, and up to kiss me. His cock slipped right into my cunt and let one of his hands wander over to my clit, working away at me while both of my hands found their way to his soaked hair. He was gentle and firm; soft and rough; slow and quick—all at the same time.

He pushed his cock up inside me, his balls hitting my soaked ass, and came. We came together. My legs squeezed his body and my pussy squeezed him. He was stiff, filling me up with cum, his mouth a dark line on his face. It was too much for me—some of his cum began to run down the inside of my leg, later washed away by the shower.

Mark stayed inside of me for awhile, and we just stayed there, kissing, laughing about God knows what, wasting time together. It must have been around 4am.

“Sofie?” Mark shut the water off. He pressed his forehead against mine. “You’re my best friend. Legit – better than all the buddies I had in high school and middle school.”

I kissed him. “Thanks, I guess.”

Mark laughed. “I’m serious. Not just because of the sex. It’s easier to be myself around you.”

“It’s easier to be a kinky bastard?”

“Well, that, yes.” He grinned from ear to ear. “You’re just a lot more fun to be around than the rest of them. And even if you start dating that Alan guy and being all exclusive and shit, you’ll still be my friend.”

“I don’t even know how to do the whole date thing.”

“Go with me to dinner and you’ll find out.”

“Use that line on a different awkward potato and you might just get yourself a girlfriend.”

“You’re more of an axolotl. Or a dwarf hamster. Got to keep you tiny, after all.”

I punched him in the arm. Mark laughed. After that, Mark dried me off, helped me clean up and walked me back to my room. I checked my phone. I did get a new text from an unknown number who introduced himself as Alan. We’re talking, and he does seem a bit like a boy version of myself, except a lot less crazy. We’re getting along, and he does seem like a nice guy. But I wasn’t kidding about how to do the whole date thing. I’ve never been on one.