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Just, you know, your average prom night story [m/f] (long!) | 2016

Another one of my favorite memories :) writing these out and reliving them is the best aphrodisiac ever!

The night of my senior prom began with my friend Kody coming over. We had an appointment to get our hair and makeup done before coming home to change into our dresses. Kody was my best friend back then. She knew me better than a lot of people, but she didn't know much about my relationship with my boyfriend Mike, just a few details. I had been dating him for a while. He was older and worked at my bank, which is where we met. I kept the whole situation pretty private. Mike was too old for me, I knew that. But, I loved going out with him. I was learning so much, sexually and in other ways. He was my first sex partner, and incidentally he became the person who helped shape my sexual appetite and fetishes.

Kody and I came back to my house after hair and makeup was done. We looked good, but we were still in jeans and t shirts. Kody pulled her dress out of my closet, where she had stashed it.

"You're going to look so awesome," I gushed. Her dress was deep purple and floor length, strapless. She smiled and said "you're going to look fucking amazing." My dress was a tight black knee length dress with a sweetheart neckline. I chose it because it hugged my butt really well. I also needed straps to cover up my little secret...the lingerie I was planning on wearing underneath.

A few weeks ago Mike had bought me several pieces of lingerie way sexier than I had ever seen at Victoria's Secret. These were things you wore when you were trying to get fucked like a hooker. I had played fashion show alone in my room, trying everything on with my door locked to keep my parents and sister out. My favorite thing to do was try things on and then masturbate while wearing them and looking in the mirror. Wearing that stuff made me feel so sexy, much sexier than I actually was, like a goddess who could control any man I wanted.

Kody stripped off her jeans and t shirt and I looked at her underwear. She was wearing a strapless nude colored bra and small nude colored panties. As she slipped into her purple dress, I started undressing. I was wearing normal underwear too. I started to feel a rush of adrenaline as I unhooked my bra.

Kody noticed. "Hello boobies," she said. I laughed. "I have to show you something," I said. I opened my dresser drawer that held my sweats. I moved one pile of sweatpants over and revealed the beginnings of my lingerie collection. I pulled out the bra and panties. They were made of skimpy red lace and straps of black silk. "Let me introduce you to my prom underwear," I said with a nervous laugh.

Kody's eyes were huge. "Oh my god," she said. She looked surprised, but I couldn't tell if it was in a good way or a bad way. "Did Mike give you those?"

"Yeah," I admitted.

"Wow," she said. She continued fussing with her dress, becoming a little quiet. I wondered if she thought I was a huge whore. I never told Kody about my sexual escapades or desires. I didn't grow up thinking that stuff was ok to share. In fact I figured I was probably a total sex addict and I kept it to myself.

This was all followed by an hour of picture taking, parents making comments about how grown up we looked and how old they felt. Our dates arrived at my house to pick us up and then a hundred more pictures were taken. Kody's date was her boyfriend Tim. My date was my friend Alex, who had a long distance girlfriend in another state. Mike attending my prom with me was never on the would have been weird for a 27 year old to be partying with a bunch of high school kids at their prom. He knew about Alex and aside from making jokes about how ales could never handle me, he didn't mind us going together.

The four of us went out to dinner beforehand. A Japanese restaurant where we ordered a bunch of sushi that we barely ate. Everyone was too excited. Kody had her moms flask, which we always brought to football games. As usual, it was full of peach schnapps and Sprite. We passed it around and took tiny sips, getting sillier and happier as we got a little buzz. Kody kept making side comments about Mike, and I started wondering if she was a little bit jealous.

Alex was sitting across from me at the table, next to Tim. As my buzz started making me feel warmer I started looking at him more. He wasn't incredibly hot but he had a cute smiley face and a pretty great body. He was tall and thick, not chubby exactly, but close. I liked the way his body filled out his suit. He was wearing a vintage grey suit with a black bow tie and a crazy printed vest. My corsage was the same colors as the vest, and instead of pinning it to my chest, I pinned it to my hip. I didn't want the flowers to block the view of my cleavage. Alex was definitely looking at my cleavage too...I had DDs, and at that age they were still really perky.

Dinner winded down and we started heading for the riverfront. Our prom was going to be on a yacht, and everyone was pretty excited. We got there and waited in line to get in, everyone awkwardly mingling with each other, feeling weird in their formal wear. The four of us stuck together in line. I stayed very close to Alex, because I was cold and Alex was warm. I liked the feeling of leaning up against his big frame. I liked his thick arms reaching around me to rub my arms to keep me from shivering. I liked his husky voice too, and how often he laughed. I had always liked Alex but I never thought of him this way, at least not seriously.

Inside the yacht there was an area for partners to get pictures taken. There were inflatable fish and stuff all around. Alex grabbed a big inflatable shark and put it in the picture with us. At one point he whispered in my ear, "I should pull my dick out," and then jokingly placed the shark in front of his crotch, as if to cover it. I laughed hard, and then said "hey, cover me!" He stuck the shark in front of me and I lifted my dress up, exposing my panties. Alex's eyes got huge. "Holy shit!" He laughed. "Oh my god!"

I was blushing. I couldn't believe I had just flashed my panties at him, but at the same time, I wasn't totally surprised at myself. After all, deep down I wanted someone to see me in them. They were hot as hell and no one but Mike had ever seen them. I felt a delicious rush as I let it sink in that Alex knew what I had on.

Through the evening Alex and I split up several times to hang out with other friends. I ended up with Kody and Tim on the dance floor. Kody was having a great time. Somehow she brought up my underwear again. "No, seriously," she yelled over the music. "She's wearing the sluttiest lingerie I've ever seen. Show him!"

"No!" I laughed. We kept dancing and messing around, but Kody kept bringing it up. Between the little bit of booze in my system and my growing desire to show off, I flashed Tim my ass in the panties. Kody lost it, laughing so loud and covering Tim's eyes. Tim just laughed and said "oh my god," or something, and he didn't really look at me for a while. I felt funny, so I decided to find Alex.

He was easy to find, he was a loud guy. He was out on the deck with his jock friends. I slipped in next to him and put my arm around him, loving the feel of his thick body in his suit. Something about his body type made me feel attracted to him in a primal way. He seemed strong and imposing.

He wrapped his arm around me and stroked my bare upper arm. My nipples reacted, and I felt myself wishing he could see them. As the night went on, our friendly dynamic started to take on a different angle. I felt naughty. I wanted to kiss him. I felt weird about Mike not being there. And it felt really good to be with a guy my age who could mix in with my friends. "I have to pee," I announced. Alex looked down at me. "I'll walk you in," he said.

As we found the bathrooms, Kody was in line with some other girls. I cut in line to stand with her. Alex and Kody and I were joking around and being goofballs. Again, Kody brought up the underwear. "Does Alex know what you're wearing?" she said, with an exaggerated shocked tone.

Alex laughed. "Um yeah, I saw the underwear," he laughed. "Pretty crazy."

"Show him the bra!!!" Kody shrieked. She started pawing at my dress straps. Her hands brushed against my tits and I felt very exposed and on display all of a sudden. I felt like everyone was looking at me.

I felt a sudden instinct and went with it. I grabbed the straps of my dress and turned toward the wall, so that only Alex could see. I pulled the dress down and uncovered my tits. They bounced around in the silky strappy cups. The cold night air hit them and my nipples stiffened. It was only a few seconds, but it seemed like several minutes in slow motion. I was laughing, and I pulled my dress back up, not looking at Alex. I turned back around to face Kody and made a WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO face at her. She was laughing too, making a WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO face back at me. It was a crazy moment.

I turned back to look at Alex, who was standing there with his eyebrows raised. "Uhhhh," he said. "Thanks?"

Later on, towards the end of the night, Alex and I were slow dancing. My face was right next to his ear and I whispered, "sorry about earlier. That was crazy."

He didn't look at me. "Don't be sorry," he said. "I liked it."

"You did?"

"You look good."

Without looking at him, I felt the weight of what he said and the chemistry between us. I lowered my hand slightly to feel his back muscles. He lowered his hand to the curve of my ass. I lowered my hand again, to the curve of his ass. He took a deep breath. "Don't," he said quietly. "I really don't want to get a boner right now." I laughed and moved my hand right on his butt cheek. "Is this ok?" I joked.

"Dude," he said. He pressed his body into mine and I felt a hardness in his pants. My jaw dropped. "Oh my god," I whispered. "You already have a boner!" I felt my body reacting, and my pussy soaking itself. I didn't know what to think. I didn't feel bad, even though Alex had a girlfriend. I didn't feel bad about Mike either. I felt like I wasn't doing anything really wrong...but judging by how excited I was, I guessed it was probably more wrong than I thought.

Alex kind of laughed into my hair and we stayed together for the next few songs, so his cock could soften back up with no one noticing. We didn't talk any more about any of it, but we exchanged some heated moments of eye contact.

The night wound down and as prom ended, everyone grouped into their cliques, starting to talk about afterparties. Kody and Tim were planning on going to Tim's brother's apartment, and Alex and I were invited. Alex agreed to go, but I didn't. I wanted to see Mike. I needed to see him, badly. I called him from the phone on the boat. He agreed to pick me up at the riverfront and then he said he would take me back to his place. Kody and Tim waited with me, while Alex said goodbye to his other buddies.

When he arrived, I jumped into his car. Mike waved politely at Kody and Tim, who waved back, straining to get a better look at Mike.

Back on the highway, I started feeling my breathing getting faster and my heart racing. This sensation was becoming as familiar to me as hunger, or sleepiness. My body was reacting to Mike, and preparing to get fucked.

"Did you have a good night?" Mike asked in his sexy, low voice. I felt my pussy getting creamy just from his voice. "Mmhmm," I answered.

"Did Alex appreciate your dress?" he teased.

"I showed him what I had on under it," I blurted out. Mike looked at me.


"Kody made me. She saw it at my house, before. She kept telling me to show it off. I just...I don't know. I wanted to show someone I guess." I looked out the car window, feeling a little nervous and extremely horny.

Mike reached his hand over and stuck it up my dress. "Well." he said. "You probably made his night." Then he reached further up and started playing with the silk straps stretched across my pussy lips. He gently separated the straps and stuck his finger between my lips, into my vagina. "Fuck, you're soaking wet," he growled. He removed his hand and got off at the next exit. He pulled into a fast food parking lot and pulled around to a spot in the corner, not lit up by a streetlight.

"Get out of the car," he said gently. I opened my door, confused. "Go ahead," he said, smiling.

I did. I stood next to the car, the moonlight the only thing illuminating me.

He turned sideways in his seat, one leg out of the car, one inside. He started touching his crotch, rubbing it slowly, the way I had seen him do many times. I moaned a little bit.

"Strip," he said. I smiled. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I looked around. People in the distance, but no one even noticed us. I slowly pulled my straps down over my shoulders. I slowly slid the dress down over the slopes of my tits, exposing them. They jiggled in the bra as I bent over to slide the dress down my legs and onto the ground. I left it around my ankles, and looked at him.

"Come here," he said. I approached him and he grabbed me and pulled me into him, my tits smashing into his face. He sucked on my nipples through the straps of the bra cups. His tongue circled one nipple, until it became so sensitive it hurt. Then he started on the next one. I started dripping down my leg. I wiped it up with my hand and rubbed it into Mike's shirt. "Do you want to fuck me?" I asked him. "Right here in this parking lot?"

He answered that by pushing me off of him and unzipping his pants. He ripped a condom open and rolled it on. I stepped all the way out of my dress and got right in front of him, my mostly naked body obscured by the car door. He stayed seated and pulled me on top of him. I straddled him and his cock slipped right into me, through the straps on the panties, my wetness making a slippery mess instantly, all over him.

"Mmm," he moaned, "you're a fucking bad girl. Going to your prom with your pussy hanging out of your panties. Fucking showing off to your friends." He grunted as he spoke into my ear. His voice straining as he pumped his hard cock up into my hot, hungry pussy. "Alex is going to go home tonight" grunt "and jerk off" grunt "trying to remember" grunt "every fucking detail of your body."

I closed my eyes and thought about Alex. Mike was all I knew when it came to sex. Everything I had learned, I had learned from him. I knew I was getting a top notch education and I suddenly wanted to start testing it. On other people.

As Mike fucked me in his car, and my tits bounced in his face, I pictured Alex sitting there, feeling my cunt sliding up and down his cock. I picture his cock as big, long, and thick, like his body. I started moaning, pretending it was Alex's ear I was talking into.

"Fuck me," I said, "fuck me and cum inside me, fuck I love your cock, fill me up with your big fat cock..." I started riding him harder.

Mike grunted again. "Beg for my cum," he said.

"Please baby, please fill me with your cum, I want it so bad, please please please give it to me..."

His arms tightened around me and he slammed his cock into my sloppy wet pussy. He moaned loudly and slammed it again, and again, and again. He buried his face in my tits and let the orgasm slowly fade away. I hadn't cum, but I knew we were far from done for the night. I hopped off of him and looked at his cock, still hard, covered in the slick condom now full of cum.

I laughed and grabbed my dress off of the ground and ran around the car. I got in on the passenger side, wearing only the bra and panties. "Drive to your house," I said, excited. I touched my pussy, smiling at what a mess it was. The panties were a mess. I thought about Alex for a second, and fantasized about going to his house next, and letting him use my lubed up pussy for himself.

"Are you hungry?" Mike asked me.

"Yes," I answered truthfully, not saying what I was actually hungry for.