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I'm back: Intense Sex With the Girl From My Office Whom I Didn't Think I Had a Chance With [m/f] | 2016

Some of you might remember me. I posted under a different ironman name up until recently. I deleted my account, because it got hacked. Some of the stories I posted over the last couple of years are gone forever from reddit, so I figured I would come back and start posting some old ones to make sure they aren't lost. I will post new stories as well when I have a chance. Here is an old one. Hope you enjoy:

Like I've said in previous posts. I figured it would be fun to go back to my promiscuous (man-whore) days and recall some of the stories from back then. I'm generally considered a really good-looking guy (used to model, 6’3”, dark hair, blue eyes, swimmers build, workout regularly), so that enabled me to have quite a fun sex life. These stories are 100% true and not embellished in any way. I think that a straight honest story even if not as exciting at times is a bigger turn on, so that is what I will continue to try to give.

I started working for a large well-known company a few years ago. I was pretty low on the totem pole, but it was what I expected coming out of college. For the most part it was your typical office job with the stereotypical office people doing stereotypical office things. I worked in a department that mainly handled legal matters. My boss was a nightmare and it seemed like she had never interacted with other humans before. She constantly rubbed people the wrong way, which strangely brought the team I worked with closer together.

When she wasn’t around we actually had a lot of fun together. We were a bit of an odd mix of personalities, but it worked. One person that I really clicked with was a guy named Derek. Derek and I were around the same age and enjoyed some of the same music and going to similar bars. We started hanging out quite a bit outside of work as our friendship grew. One of our favorite hobbies while at work was scoping girls at the office and reporting back about girls we hadn’t seen previously. You might think we would see all of the girls within about two weeks and then that would be it, but our office was huge. There were six floors of offices and roughly 500 employees, with a fair number of them turning over into new employees regularly. We mainly kept to our area in the back right corner of the first floor, so it was new girl scoping territory when we would venture to other floors.

We would mainly just look and comment to each other about our thoughts on them. It was always a little worrisome to think about actually hitting on the girls we saw at work, because we weren’t interested in sexual harassment lawsuits. It was difficult to strike up conversations with girls from other floors, because there was really no opportunity. We would have needed to either walk up to their desks for no reason or stop them walking down the hall for only social reasons. I mean of course there were times here and there that we had the opportunity to wedge in a comment or a “hello, how are you?” but that rarely went anywhere.

We were walking on the third floor of the office building one day when my breath was sucked right out of my lungs and my heart raced. I saw one of the most stunning girls I have ever encountered in my life. She was standing at a woman’s desk talking. Now I will clarify she may not have been as stunning to some, but she looked a lot like Mila Kunis, one of my ultimate crushes. It was just one of those moments that you see someone and their beauty physically impacts you. After adequately taking her in I tapped Derek on the arm and asked, “do you know who that is?” as I pointed toward the girl who just stole my breath. He responded, “woah, no I don’t.” We continued to stroll by and I prayed that she would look my way. However, she didn’t and we headed back down stairs. I couldn’t stop talking to Derek about her as we walked. I had to find out who this girl was.

I went back to my desk and tried to get work done, but was preoccupied with thoughts of her running through my head. Later in the day I asked one of the girls I was cool with in my department if she knew who the girl on the third floor was. Even after I described her in probably way too much detail she confirmed that she didn’t know who I was talking about. I went about my day and tried to put it out of my head as much as possible.

I went into one of those weird modes after that where I would come in to work every day hoping I would see her and trying to run into her somehow. I had no idea what I would do if I actually encountered her. It isn’t that I didn’t put any thought into it, I definitely did. I thought of many witty things I could say or questions I could ask. I knew that in reality I would likely panic and stumble over my words and come off really awkward. It isn’t often that a girl intimidates me, but if she does I turn into a complete bumbling dork.

I didn’t see her for the next two weeks. I started to have that sinking feeling that I might never see her again. I ran through many possibilities in my head. Maybe she was someone from another company who was just there that day doing business. Maybe she quit or got fired. Maybe she had a freak accident and is in the hospital or maybe she was just a figment of my imagination. It’s strange how you begin to place someone on a pedestal after one glimpse. You hold on to that glimpse and create your own ideas on who you think they are, which are based on who you hope they are. I imagined her being very soft and sweet with a cute laugh and light-hearted sense of humor. I thought she would be one of those girls that you almost didn’t want to have sex with, because they seemed too pure and beautiful to violate.

A few more days later we were having a Thanksgiving lunch at work. It wasn’t on Thanksgiving, but it was the week before so that employees could celebrate together. They would do these huge lunches in this massive special events room. All of the employees in the building would make their way through there at some point during lunch. I was sitting there eating my food when I saw her. She walked in talking to a couple of other women. I was beyond happy that she still worked for the company and that none of the silly scenarios that ran through my head were true. I kicked Derek’s leg under the table and said, “hey, there’s that girl.” He turned his head quickly and I kicked his leg harder and told him not to turn and stare.

Then it got really interesting, because I saw her walk up to this lady Nancy that I knew and start talking to her. Nancy used to work in my department, but took a promotion to a position in a different department. I knew her fairly well, but was not best buds with her or anything. It didn’t matter, because I already decided I was going to talk to Nancy and ask about the girl. I thought about jumping up and running over to Nancy to say hi so that she would have to introduce me to her, but as quickly as I had that thought she stepped away from Nancy and went back to her friends.

I continued eating my lunch and on the way out made a half-hearted attempt to have an interaction with her. Derek and I walked by the table she was sitting at on our way out. She didn’t look in my direction, but I had a similar physical reaction to the first time I saw her. I knew I wouldn’t do well talking to her unless I had some alcohol in me first.

I had meetings the rest of that day, but managed to stop by Nancy’s desk the next day. I hoped that she wouldn’t think I was a total creep. I knew her in a work capacity, but hadn’t really spoken to her socially. She was about 15 years older than me, so there was the whole generation gap as well. Needless to say I was a little nervous and wanted to handle the situation delicately.

I walked up to her desk and made small talk and asked how her new job was going and all of that. I told her that obviously there was another reason I was there to speak with her. I said, “at lunch yesterday a petite dark-haired girl came up and spoke to you for a minute. I was wondering who she is.” Nancy responded, “hmm, oh yeah you must be talking about Clara from sales. A really pretty girl right?” I said, “oh yeah, she seemed pretty now that you mention it. That must be her”, so of course I was trying to downplay the attractiveness aspect to not seem as creepy. Nancy said, “do you need her for something?” At that point I had no idea what to say and just decided to tell the truth. I told her that I noticed her and she really caught my eye and didn’t really know how else to find out anything about her or even what department she worked in or anything. Nancy was actually really cool about it and said, “Oh my gosh that is so cute. You have a crush. Well you two would just make the cutest couple, but I’ll be honest I think she had a boyfriend a while back. Things may have changed though.” I was crushed at the thought of this. Of course she would have a boyfriend. Why wouldn’t she? She was stunning. I thanked Nancy for the info and of course asked her not to mention that I was asking about Clara.

I went back to my desk excited that I knew her name and a little about her now, but also disappointed at the prospect of her having a boyfriend. A couple of weeks pass with nothing really happening on the Clara front. I saw her from afar once, but didn’t have any other encounters. I wasn’t being too aggressive, because there was a company Christmas party coming up and I was planning on this being where my attempt would take place. It would be perfect, because it would be more of a social setting, I could have a couple of drinks in me, and I would also probably find out if she had a boyfriend based on if she showed up alone or not.

The day of the company Christmas party comes around and I am extremely nervous. I put on my best suit and felt that I had never looked better, but I definitely didn’t feel well. I met Derek outside of the hotel that was hosting the party (many of us would get hotel rooms each year for an excuse to get wasted). He knew that I was going to try to talk to Clara that night, so he gave me a pep talk and we headed in. I made a beeline for the bar and grabbed a drink. After finishing that drink in about five minutes I headed back for another and then another. My quick drinking took the edge off and I was feeling more confident.

After walking around the party for a while I saw Clara. She was talking to a couple of girls. Derek and I hung around a little while waiting to see if she had a guy with her. She didn’t seem to have anyone with her, so my confidence grew even further. I wanted to strike while she was alone, but as the evening went on it seemed like it would be difficult to do.

I headed to the restroom and as I was coming back out I saw her standing at a table alone with a glass of wine. I walked straight towards her knowing this was my opportunity. I approached her and said, “Hi, how are you?” She glanced up with one of the bitchiest looks I’ve ever seen on someone’s face and paused before saying, “Hi” very unenthusiastically. She immediately looked off in the other direction. She was giving me the extreme cold shoulder. Somehow I hadn’t planned for this. In my head I imagined her to be so sweet that I convinced myself that must have been the way she really was. I responded, “sorry, didn’t mean to bother you. I just wanted to say hello.” She looked over at me and gave me a bitchy fake smile, like why the fuck are you standing here talking to me, and looked back in the other direction. At that point I tucked my tail between my legs and walked off. I was crushed. The thought of her rejecting me had crossed my mind a lot, but I was not prepared for the bitch force field that I encountered.

I found Derek and he immediately saw the expression on my face. He said, “dude, not go well?” I responded, “not at all. Let’s get a drink.” We grabbed a drink and I explained to him what happened. He was a little bit pissed, because he knew how much I built this up and he saw no reason for someone to be that big of a bitch to someone they didn’t know. I tried to put it out of my head and decided that if that’s what her personality was like I didn’t want her anyways. We drank a lot that night and I was feeling much better by the time I got up to my hotel room.

I woke up the next day feeling like shit physically and emotionally. I was still bummed about the whole encounter. I was hanging out with one of my friends and his girlfriend later that night and vented about what happened. When I told the story I mentioned the girl’s name and that she looked like Mila Kunis. My friend’s girlfriend said, “wait, her name is Clara?” I said, “yes.” She said, “holy shit, what is her last name?” I told her I didn’t know her last name. She pulled out her phone and began doing something. After a few minutes she showed me her phone and said, “is this her?” I said, “holy shit! Yes it is!” I said, “how do you know her?” She responded, “that girl went to the same high school as me and was in my brother’s grade. She was friends with some of his friends and she was known for being a massive bitch. It hit me when you said her name was Clara and looked like Mila Kunis. I knew it had to be the same girl.” This was one of those, wow what a small world moments. It actually made me a feel a little bit better that she was a bitch to everyone and not just me. It killed my confidence for a while, because I thought maybe somehow she found me so unappealing that she just decided to go against ever fiber of her sweet being and be a bitch to me.

I decided to put Clara out of my head and move on. I would cross paths with her occasionally at work, but we never acknowledged each other. She looked my direction a couple of times and I could tell she remembered me, but she provided no facial expression. My friend’s girlfriend thought it would be funny apparently to update me on Clara’s life by texting me her Facebook statuses here and there. I had soured completely on Clara so I found it humorous at times, but also a little annoying.

About two months after the Christmas party I got a text telling me that Clara went from single to in a relationship on Facebook. I didn’t care, but part of me wondered who in the hell was able to get past that bitchiness and manage to date her. It turns out it was some guy who was filthy rich (family money) and also happened to be disarmingly handsome. I understood the key ingredient in there now was the filthy rich part. My friend’s girlfriend would update me with texts about Clara going on extravagant vacations and shopping trips. It all made me a little sick, but hey people like her are a reality of this world. Then the kicker, around October, just about five months after they started dating, they got engaged. I figured good for them, they are probably meant for each other.

Fast forward to the beginning of December and I get a text update from my friend’s girlfriend informing me that Clara is now listed as single. At this point it had become interesting following what was going on in her life like a little soap opera. I wondered what in the hell could have happened to make them call the engagement off and break up. My friend’s girlfriend found out a few days later via her brother that apparently the guy was cheating on her with multiple other women. I guess she had her limits of what she would commit to for money and she broke it off. I just chuckled a bit and moved on. As mean as it sounds I didn’t have a lot of sympathy for her.

About a week later the company Christmas party rolled around. I had no delusions of talking to or desire to talk to Clara this year. I wanted to go and have a good time and hangout with friends. Derek and I were hanging out at the party drinking and having a good time. We stopped and talked to a couple of girls that we knew from a nearby department. We were hanging out with them for a while when Clara and two other girls walk up. Apparently they knew the girls we were talking to and wanted to say hello. They join our conversation and I notice that Clara is pretty drunk. I didn’t really have much interaction with her in the conversation and didn’t even know if she remembered me from the year before.

We all stood there talking for about fifteen minutes when the girls hear a song they like and walk over to the dance floor, all of the girls except Clara that is. Apparently she “doesn’t dance.” I think she was just too stuck up and bitchy to let loose in that way. That left me, Derek, and Clara awkwardly standing at the table together. Clara quickly pulls her phone out and starts looking busy. Derek in a moment of attempted comedy walks away from the table to get another drink. He thought it would be funny to leave me and Clara together.

I stood there for about a minute and watched the dance floor as Clara played with her phone. About that time she drunkenly drops her phone and it hits the ground. I don’t see her immediately lean down to pick it up, so I look in her direction and she is looking at me. She points at her phone as if signaling me to pick it up. I was dumbfounded. Is this girl seriously expecting me to pick up her phone? I’m all for being a gentleman and would gladly pick up someone’s phone if I am right there and have the opportunity to pick it up before them, but for her to expect me to pick her phone up even though I was a few feet away and not paying attention at the time was ridiculous. I shot a look at her like, “are you expecting me to pick it up?” She pointed at her dress as if to say she can’t bend down in it. I understood that, but her way of communicating all of this to me was as bitchy as possible. I put my feelings to the side and leaned down to pick up her phone and handed it to her. She shot me that same fake smile that I had seen before and didn’t even open her mouth to say thank you. That is when I said fuck it.

I was going to give this girl a piece of my mind. I said, “what is your problem? Can you not speak to me like I’m another human being? Common courtesy seems to be completely lost on you. You acted as if I wasn’t worthy of speaking to you last year and this year you act like I’m your servant. Physically you are a beautiful girl, but no one will give a fuck if this is the way you act.” She stood there with a stunned look on her face. It was as if no one had ever talked to her like this before. She let out an exasperated, “whatever, fuck you.” I could tell what I said really got to her though.

She stood there for a minute and then looked at me and said, “you’re mean.” I just rolled my eyes at her and kept watching the dance floor. Her friends came back over and Derek wandered back eventually as well. Everyone continued to get drunk, especially Clara. I wondered if she was hitting the alcohol hard, because of her breakup. After coming back from getting a drink she poked me in the side and told her friends, “this guy is mean.” I wanted no part of whatever conversation was about to take place, so I turned and talked to Derek. Clara said, “hey, don’t ignore me” and poked me in the side again. I turned and gave her a look and she said, “sorry jeez” and kind of laughed. Any other girl that did this I would have taken it as a sign of flirting and been happy, but it really just pissed me off with her. I honestly figured she was just trying to be annoying. I guess I got her attention when I went off on her, which is one of those mind fucks that girls like her pull.

The night continued on and Clara made little prodding remarks at me. I never eased up even though I knew this was probably her fucked up way of apologizing. It bothered me that she couldn’t even muster up a, “sorry for the way I acted” or something though. The night was winding down and we decided to start heading up to our hotel rooms. One of Clara’s friends wasn’t staying at the hotel, but the rest of us were. I was staying on the 8th floor and Derek on the 5th. We get on the elevator with the girls and head up. All of the girls except Clara get off on the 4th floor (I later found out she was staying on the 9th). Clara is pretty silent at this point, seeming like she was sleepy or just zoned out. Derek exits the elevator and there I am alone with Clara. Exactly where I wanted to be a year ago. Oh, how things had changed.

I’m just staring ahead at the numbers as the elevator goes up. She sort of drunkenly says, “I should punch you” and then playfully punches me in the arm. I look at her and give her a smirk as if to say, very funny. She then says, “whatever, mean guy.” Something took over me right at that moment. I thought back to last year and how much I wanted her. I thought about the opportunity I had at that very moment and how I would have killed to be there. I thought about how much I didn’t like this girl as a person, but I also thought about how it would sort of be sweet revenge for the rejection and bitchiness if I slept with her. At least that’s what I was thinking in that moment. I could tell that she was at least slightly flirting with me in her own way, so I said fuck it. I’m going to go out with guns blazing.

I grabbed her hand and turned her toward me and grabbed the side of her face with my other. I went in hard and kissed her. It was a huge rush and a split second of panic wondering if this was going to go terribly wrong. She didn’t even hesitate and we started kissing passionately. I slid my fingers to the back of her neck and squeezed and tugged on the back of her hair at the same time. She let out a slight moan. The elevator door opened and broke up what was happening. She said, “oh my god” once our lips parted. She said, “I can’t believe you did that.” I didn’t want to let up one bit and wanted to be in total control. That was the only way her personality would be put in check in this situation. I said, “come to my room” and extended my hand. She didn’t resist one bit and grabbed my hand and walked with me.

We got inside the room and I grabbed her face and led her up against the wall. We kissed intensely and I occasionally pulled her hair making her neck arch back as we kissed. She would moan slightly and her kisses intensified when I would do this, so I could tell she was getting off on being controlled. I stepped back and told her to take off her dress. She quickly kicked her heels off and slipped off her dress. She was standing there in just her bra and panties and I just stared for a moment. Her body was amazing. You could tell she worked out a lot. She had bigger tits than Mila Kunis, which was nice, probably a small C cup. She also had a nice ass. I told her to take her bra and panties off and she did. She said, “what about your clothes?” I said, “don’t worry about my clothes.”

I stepped towards her and we started kissing passionately again. I caressed and squeezed her nipples and she let out small moans. I walked her towards the bed and had her lay the front of her body face down on the bed as she stood bending over the side. I kissed up the backs of her legs and thighs all the way up to her ass. I teased her until I finally started licking her pussy from behind. She began moaning wildly and pushing back against my face. I was in “I’m going to do whatever in the fuck I want mode.” I felt like I had all the power and that she would do anything I wanted. I licked and fingered her pussy from behind for a few minutes before I stopped and took off my shirt and dropped my pants.

I was just in my underwear and she turned and reached as if she was going to pull down my underwear to get to my cock. I stopped her and said, “no.” She pulled her hand back. I told her to lie on her back on the bed. I spread her legs and began licking her clit. I fingered her while I did this and brought her close to orgasm and then stopped. I wanted to deny her the pleasure.

I pulled my underwear down and positioned myself beside her face. She turned her head to the side and took my cock in her mouth. She was ridiculously turned on by everything and was moaning loudly as she sucked my cock. She licked down the side of my cock and took my balls in her mouth and licked back up enveloping my cock with her lips once again. I reached down and started fingering her while she sucked. Her pussy was soaking wet and she quivered when I touched her. After doing this for a while I told her to turn over and get on all fours.

She did and I got behind her and slid my cock in her pussy. I grabbed her hair and pulled back hard. She let out a moan of pain/pleasure. I started slamming my cock in and out of her. She started screaming with pleasure the harder I pounded her and pulled on her hair. After a while I pushed her head down into the mattress and held it down by the back of her neck. Her face was pressed sideways against the stark white sheets that her makeup began to smear against. Her ass sticking high in the air was beautiful as I continued to take out all of my frustrations and hate towards her by power fucking her. We got into a steady very hard pace in this position and she began letting out a monotonous moan each time my hips slammed against her ass.

Some time passes and I decide to turn her over. I placed her legs over my shoulders and decided to keep up the hectic pace. I slammed in and out of her furiously as my left hand served to hold me up as well as to tug on her hair. I could see the intense look on her face from this position and couldn’t believe how submissive she had turned. Her pussy was gushing wet and caused my dick slamming in and out of her and my balls slapping up against her ass to make loud sloppy sounds. After a minute or so I told her to rub her clit while we fucked. After nearly ten minutes of this she started shaking from an intense delayed orgasm. I tried not to let up, but our pace slowed slightly.

We picked the pace back up for a few more minutes and I felt myself losing control. I pulled out of her and quickly positioned myself near her face. I grabbed her face and turned it towards me and started shooting my cum all over it. I kneeled there on the bed for a while catching my breath. She just lay there panting, but motionless before wiping cum from her eyelids. I went to the restroom to clean up a little and told her there was a towel in the bathroom. She got up and cum started streaming down her face to her neck and chest.

She walked back out of the bathroom after cleaning her face not knowing what to say. She just had a look of shock on her face. I was lying on the bed and she started putting her bra and panties back on. She finally spoke and said, “wow” with a smile on her face. After she put her bra and panties on she sat down on the bed. She said, “well this is going to be awkward on Monday at work.” I said, “Yeah, maybe.” After a few moments of silence while she looked like she was pondering I said, “you should probably go sleep in your room.” She looked a little surprised and said, “oh, okay. Yeah you’re right that’s probably a good idea, so no one suspects anything.”

She put her dress and heels on and walked out of the room. After she left the room I had the biggest smile on my face. The whole experience was exhilarating and surprisingly fulfilling. I felt like I had actually put her in her place. For all I know I may have been the only guy to take control of her and take her down a notch like that. It’s fucked up in a way that I got off so much on trying to make her feel dominated, but she got off on it as well.

When we went back to work that next Monday I had no idea what to expect. I hadn’t spoken to her since Friday at the hotel, because I never even got her number. I didn’t even run into her that day, but did run into her on Tuesday. She asked me if I wanted to go to lunch and I told her yes. We went and it was just weird. I think we both thought maybe we should try to hangout and see if we could date, but it just wasn’t happening. Everything I didn’t like about her still existed and while that made for some really intense sex it would never workout in a long-term relationship. We only went to lunch that one time and kind of went back to the same routine of bumping into each other occasionally at work and saying hello, but that was all.

Also, if you are a female and live near me you should send me a message. Might be a long shot, but would be cool/interesting to have sex with someone that enjoys my stories and then becomes a story haha