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Me [F17] and the bank teller [M27]...first date | 2016

I was raised in a small town and had conservative parents with typical family values, which caused me to grow up with a decent sense of modesty and a lot of naïveté. I always liked boys a little too much. I had my first "boyfriend" in kindergarten, and didn't stop from there. Up until the age of 16, I always had a boyfriend, which at that age meant not much more than just a buddy who I held hands with, went to movies with, and kissed sometimes.

My first serious boyfriend was Tim and we dated for a year, the whole junior year of high school. Over the last couple months of our relationship I had been hinting that I wanted to have sex. I was being subtle, but I was bringing it up enough that it was becoming an elephant in the room. Tim wanted to wait until marriage, which I stupidly agreed to just because it's what I thought I should do and say. I knew, deep down, that I wouldn't be able to wait. I was already masturbating like crazy, at least 4x a day, and sometimes not even at home. I made myself cum in my friend's pool while she was in the bathroom....I couldn't even keep my hands off myself at a sleepover with other friends. I would wait til they were asleep and then rub one out right next to them. I had no idea how I was going to get a guy to have sex with me at this age (if I only knew how easy it would have been, haha) but I was ready, physically and mentally, to get fucked. Every guy I saw, I thought about fucking. My friends' dads, my dad's friends, my teachers, the mailman.

Tim and I broke up because when I realized he was scared to fuck, I lost all attraction toward him. My already-wandering eyes were doing some serious wandering. I had a job at a little store and I saw boys in there all the time. I started letting a little cleavage show, and making eye contact and smirking, testing out my flirting. I was a natural at it of course. I wanted to experiment so badly. My only sexual experience so far had been a blow job given to my manager, after asking him if I could practice on him once...that experience was enough for me to figure out I was made to fuck. I just needed the opportunity.

Having to deposit my pay checks the old fashioned way (early 2000s, and my mom wouldn't let me get an ATM card) meant I went in my bank every week. I started noticing a guy who worked as a teller there. His name was Mike. He was tall and clean cut and had huge sexy blue eyes. He wore a suit every day. Whenever we made eye contact, I felt something electric inside of me, somewhere around where my uterus is. A warm flash of something primal and needy. And of course, my eager virgin pussy would get wet, instantly.

Weeks went by....and slowly I started going into the bank more often, for any reason. If my parents needed something done, I offered. I would go in and withdraw $20 for no reason, just hoping to see him and feel that feeling again.

About half the time, I would actually time it right and end up having him help me. Those times were the best. I would have to try to hide the fact that my heart was pounding and my nipples were rock hard and my breathing was too fast. I would pretend to not notice where I was in line. I would smile at other people in the bank. Then when I approached him I would give him a huge smile.

"Hello, miss," he always said. "How are you today?"

I reacted to that as if he told me he wanted to marry me and impregnate me right then. I would feel the waterfall of lust flowing inside of me and I would say, "good, how are you?" At least I would try to say that. Sometimes I would get nervous and just smile and shove my check at him. I started noticing that after our transaction, as I left and walked out the door, I would turn back and look back at him...and he would be looking at me. He would smile or wave, and I would smile or wave back. To my 17 year old brain, that was the most erotic exchange in the world. After that, I would make myself cum maybe 10x in bed, rubbing my panties into my clit and vulva, my intense rubbing causing the fabric to go inside me and make a creamy mess. I would fall asleep after, and wake up with my panties plastered to me, drenched in my own juices. I pictured him on top of me mostly, staring into my eyes with his gorgeous blue ones. Kissing me, sucking on my nipples, pressing his hard dick against my body. My favorite thing to imagine was him in his underwear, humping me, his cock straining against his underwear and pressing into mine, trying to find a way to enter my hot juicy pussy through the fabric.

Eventually, we started making small talk, and soon after, we started flirting. He made a comment one day about his high school reunion. I must have looked surprised because he said "yeah, I'm 27! I'm an old man!" When he said that, there was a twinkle in his eye. A hint of a naughty streak, something dark or deviant. I felt like I had that in me too. I knew I wasn't sex drive was so different from what I knew about my friends or other kids my age. Whatever doubts I had about having a chance with Mike were squashed in that moment. I knew he wanted me. He knew how old I was. He knew I was a senior in high school. He knew I was technically underage and he still flirted with me. It was the hottest thing that had ever happened to me.

That day, when I left the bank, he followed me outside. He asked me if he could call me sometime. I melted inside but just said "sure," and wrote my number down. He smiled, took it, and walked back inside. I stared at him...a grown man in a business suit just got my number.

That night I probably masturbated for hours and had 200 orgasms, I don't even remember. I do remember spending the entire evening in my room.

The next two nights were literally agonizing mentally. I told myself that if Mike never called, I could never go in that bank again. I would never look at him, flirt with him, be nice to him, or even think about his hot body in his suits at all. I didn't even fucking care about his perfect blue eyes. Fuck him.

Then he called. My mom answered it. She gave me the phone and said it was for me. I could tell by her face that she was alarmed at the voice. It's not like I had men calling me all the time.

I answered. "Hey there," Mike said. His voice sounded so shockingly manly on the phone...nothing like Tim, or any other guy I had talked to on the phone. "Hi," I purred back. He had no idea what he had on the end of the line. I was a mess of hormones and desperation. I could barely keep my voice straight.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah, kinda," I said. I wasn't. It was 8:00.

"I was just thinking about getting some dinner. Pizza and beer sounds good. Would you like to meet me?"

After we hung up, I fabricated some story for my parents. I told my mom that the guy who called was just a guy from school who had a deep voice, and I was going to go over to my friend Emily's house to watch movies. I was old enough (and they were naive enough) that it wasn't hard to get out of there. I met Mike at a pub downtown that served beer but let minors in too.

He was already there. He was sitting at a small round table for two. I looked around the room nervously, hoping no one I knew was there to embarrass me. No one was there except two other couples. He smiled at me and I walked across the room to the table and sat down. Nervous as fuck. My stupid uncontrollable pussy was already wet and throbbing. I hoped my face didn't betray what a huge mess I was.

We ate pizza and he drank two beers, out of a glass. My friends drank beers stolen from their parents, out of the bottle. He talked with confidence and presence, not like guys my age who were so blatantly insecure. He had the most insanely sexy stubble on his face, which I hadn't noticed at the bank...probably because it was late in the day. He was a man, no trace of a boy at all.

Conversation got more easy and funny. He ordered a third beer and winked at me, saying "this one's for you." I laughed. But he was serious. They brought him the beer and as soon as no one was looking, he slid it toward me. "Go ahead, it's ok," he said. His naughty smile was back. I was so turned on. I took a huge drink. I had had beer enough times, thankfully, that I could pull this off. He seemed impressed.

The conversation took a sharp turn. "You have beautiful eyes," he told me.

"You have beautiful eyes," I replied. "I want to marry a guy with eyes like yours." I cringed internally at my own words, but the beer buzz softened that. I kept sipping.

"Hey," he said. "I want to show you something." He stood up. I stood up too. He took my hand. I felt my pussy clench and my nipples tingling. He led me behind a couple of tables and into the arcade side of the restaurant. Beyond the arcade were the restrooms. "I have to pee, do you?"

"Yes," I said truthfully.

He looked around, pushed the door to the women's restroom open, slowly. He peeked inside. Then he shoved the door open and rushed inside, yanking me with him. I was laughing. "Ssshh," he said. He pulled me toward him, and we bumped together, facing each other. I looked up into his face, the closest I had ever been to him. His face was handsome as fuck. His eyes were ridiculous, deep set and bright blue. When he smiled they crinkled at the corners and I wanted to fuck those crinkles. I wanted to fuck every inch of him.

He pulled me into a stall and closed it. He looked at me. His eyes looked at everything. He looked at my tits so long I started to feel lightheaded. He looked back into my eyes and shook his head. Then he kissed me, and I had never been kissed so expertly before. I hadn't been treated like this before either...Tim didn't have it in him. No guys did, not the ones I had been around.

Mike took his mouth off of mine and started pulling my shirt up. "God I love your tits," he said. My cunt was gushing. "Every time I see you I want to rip your shirt off and put my face between them." His voice was deep and thick. He took off my bra and started massaging my boobs, and leaned down to put one in his mouth. I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't even breathe, let alone say anything. I couldn't feel my panties anymore, they had turned to liquid.

Mike took his mouth off of my nipple and raised his head. His face looked like pure sex. I couldn't help myself....I reached down and started touching myself. Then I looked at his crotch. I rubbed the outside of my jeans while looking at his zipper, wondering if he was hard. I looked at his eyes and said "I have never been fucked before." I didn't think these words, they just fell out of my god damn mouth. I was too horny to care much at that point. He smiled.

"Really? I'm...surprised," he said. But then he reached down and put his hand on mine. He helped me rub my crotch. "Have you had an orgasm before?"

"Of course," I smiled. "I've had millions of orgasms. I think about you," I whispered.

He moaned. "What..."

"I think about you kissing me, and fucking me," I whispered, still rubbing myself. Rubbing harder. "I think about what your dick looks like."

"Tell me," he whispered. I said, "I think about you fucking me with my underwear still on." His eyes were closed, his hand still on mine. "I want to fuck you with your underwear off," he growled. I moaned. I moved my hand so it was now on his, and helped him rub my crotch. But he moved our hands to his own crotch, where he had a rock hard bulge.

"Look at what you do to me," he whispered. "I'm going to cum in my pants." Those words sent a lightning bolt through my body. I wanted his cum. I didn't want anything, not even air, as much as I wanted his cum.

"HEY," a loud woman's voice boomed into my head and shocked me out of my lust coma. "YOU TWO NEED TO GET OUT."

Mike looked just as surprised as I was, but he laughed. "Sorry," he called out. I laughed too, a little nervous. "Someone must have seen us come in," he said, his voice a little shaky. He opened the stall door and we both came out. The woman wasn't there, it was just us.

We awkwardly came out of our sex stupor and fixed our clothes. Mike opened the door for me and we headed back to our table, and I grabbed my purse. We left quickly. We didn't see the woman who had yelled at us, just the same two couples.

Back out in the parking lot, Mike put his hand on my ass.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" He asked me.


"Let's have dinner again. At my place." He smiled, nicely, no naughty twinkle.

"Ok. Call me," I said, and headed to my car. I turned back to see if he was looking. He was. I smiled at him and gave him a little wave, and as I got into my car and sat down, my panties squished beneath me and I couldn't believe how wet I was. I was never going to be able to masturbate enough to be satisfied...I needed a cock. I wanted Mike's cock. And I knew it wanted me.

~stopping here because it's already fucking long! Sorry for all the buildup...this was so much fun to relive! I will write the second part too. You know the first half of the movie is all story, all the action is in the second half ;)