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How I became i male prositute. [NSFW]? | 2016

Edit: Curse you reddit for not letting me fix my deep title!

Okay another question I get asked a lot is how I got started in this field. Like anybody who you will ask will 80% of the time say they needed money.

It started 5 years ago.I was in college living by myself, living paycheck to paycheck, and on the cuffs of eviction. My land lord wants half of what I owe to stay. Two months behind and I'm already sitting at about one grand. My temp job canceled a job I was supposed to be working at and left me in the wind.

A friend of mine offers to take me out and buys me a drink. He gets a call,pick up the tab and leaves. Across the bar there was this older gentleman who we will call Brett, stairing and smiling at me. He had this weird salt and pepper neck beard and it was appealing. I go over, talk hit it off and head to my place. We sex and sleep the night away. I wake up and he's gone. I hop on Facebook and spend a good majority of my unemployed time there. My friend is having a party for reasons and invited me. Its a pot luck so I decided to stop at Walmart. I walk in and grab some chips. Window shopping, I run into Brett, he's talking to this woman and this child. I smirk in a flirty way and make my way over to him. Shortly into my stroll he hugs and kisses woman and child. I put the pieces together and pay for the chips and leave. He follows me out and stops me. "You dropped your receipt". He looks at me and kind of awkwardly smiles and apologizes. He gives me the I love my family, wife,God speech and how he's not gay and asks me how much it would take to not tell and to leave town. I turn down his offer and start to walk away. At this point I think he was desperate. He whips out 200 bucks and begs for me to take it. I do and tell him I'm not leaving town but I reassured him I wouldn't tell.

At this point I juggled the idea of prostitution in my head. The first is coming up fast and k decided to give in. I made a craigslist ad and instantly regretted it. It went something like "innocent gator needs some loving". I was so worried somebody was going to recognize my tattoos or that I was going to get the craigslist killer. About 10 minutes in I got offers. They kept rolling in. White men, black men, flaccid dicks, hard ons, men I would have sex with for free wanted to pay. So I pick a this sorta over weight guy and we meet up. He was really sweet and obviously paid for sex before. We do our dance and he pays me. A few hundreds bucks ; that week I made a easy two grand. People wanted me for the whole week, they would refer me to friends I was sorta well known, which isn't exactly good in my line of work if you were on somebody else's turf. One day after a usual meet up I have this feeling I'm being watched. I walk to the bus stop and see this black car with tinted windows. This well defined man emerged and stood with me at the bus stop. I get on, he follows, I get off my first bus, he did the same. I GEF on my next bus and he does it again. I get really creeped out and decided to go to a McDonald's. He enters after about. 10 minutes. I start to panic and order a cab. It gets there and I leave. I decide to leave my second job alone and wait for real work. A few days after the stalking I get a job, I get home and my place was trashed. Dishes broken, forks in outlets, water running. I got the message. I invested in a cheap ass car and "worked" in different towns every month.

Five years later I made a career out of it and got fired for accidental insemination. (Explained in another post). And that's how I got stsrted . If you have any questions feel free to message or comment!