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The Party Incident ( MMMF ) | 2016

So we go to an Xmas party at a friend’s house. We went with Rich and Laura but we didn’t really know anyone else there. So we get there and are introduced to a few people, grab a couple drinks and start to talk with some folks. The house is big, pretty spread out and I’d say there were maybe 50 people there, mostly couples. You were wearing that nice, hot top you bought recently from Kohl’s, no bra per my request and your favorite jeans. You looked very hot! We were both in a good mood, little naughty I think. You would nudge me and say, that guys is cute or that guy is cute, it was funny. I kept telling you to go tease them by talking to them so they could tell you didn’t have a bra on but you were too chicken. Of course Rich knew and kept picking at you about it and you guys were laughing a lot about it too. Once while talking to a friend of his from work, he makes mention of it to him and the guy automatically just looks right down at your chest and then catches himself and apologizes and turns red, you are laughing with everyone else and just tell him not to worry, no harm in looking right? So he boldly does again!! Ha ha. So I go out to the garage with Rich, I guess he wanted to smoke or something and the garage is huge, like Rob & Sheryl’s, least that’s what I had pictured in my dream. Anyway, so there are a couple cars in the garage but we go all the way over to the far side of the garage away from the door. We’re on the other side of an SUV and this area has a workbench which is pretty clean, tools on the wall, a few garage items and such. But it’s a big areas over there that has some carpeting and such. This area had a park bench like Bill & Maria’s garage and a couple other chairs, sort of how it was over at Bill & Maria’s was setup. People were again sitting around and smoking cigs and having their beers. There were maybe 6 guys here talking. The one guy we met earlier and was staring at your chest after Rich told him about your no bra situation was there too. At some point during the conversation one of the guys brought up how hot a couple of the women were. One guy you had mentioned was cute earlier said “Did you see that one in the tight top, shit!” Rich and I laughed, I said “Yeah that would be mine!” to which he quickly said “Damn you’re lucky, are those real?” I said “for the most part” and laughed. The guy that had been looking at your chest says “Did you notice she wasn’t wearing a bra and didn’t mind if anyone was looking? You don’t mind do you Bill?” I chuckled and said “Nah, I don’t mind, they’re pretty big and really nice, I’d love for her to show’em but she’s too chicken”. Rich says “Oh yeah brother, they’re nice, real nice and it does take a lot to get her to show’em”. The other guys just laugh and a couple say at the same time “ You’ve seen them?” to Rich. “Rich says “Seen them, fondled them and licked them!”. “Damn, I’d like to see em” was the immediate reply. So after the laughter died down we talked about some of the other women at the party and if they were hot or not, typical guy talk. One of the guys asked if anyone wanted to have a “smoke”, meaning some weed. Most everyone was in for it, I said “Hey I bet Nicole would like to get in on some of that, let me go find her”. The guy with the stuff says “She’ll have to pay for it <wink wink>” I just replied “You’ll have to take that up with her”. So I scoot through the garage real quick to go find you. I find you in the living room sort of talking sort of listening with some girls. I come over to you with out making a disruption and whisper in your ear. Hey Rich and some others are gonna have some weed and he wants to know if you want any with him. You were bored with the conversation so you said “Sure, where?” I said “out in the garage where it’s out of the way and no one will complain”. So we get up and go through the kitchen and into the garage, it’s a bit chilly out there and you cross your arms and tell me it’s noticeable and we laugh. As we get over to the far side behind the SUV where everyone is at, you then notice it’s all guys. Rich says “Hey” as well as the other guy you’d met earlier. I introduce you to the other’s (can’t remember their names) and the guy with the joint says “Bill says you probably would like to join us for some of this, right?” you just reply “Sure, why not”. He smiles and says “but it will cost you”, you look at me and I shrug my shoulders like I have no idea what he’s talking about. You say “Cost me what?”. He says “Well we’ve been discussing the women at the party and we’ve decided you have the best tits in the house, this guy says you let him look at them and said you weren’t wearing a bra, Rich says he’s seen them, loves them and they’re spectacular!!”. You blush and say “whatever”. So he continues “You can have some of my smoke if you show us just how lovely they are!”. You look at me, evil eye look. I say “Go ahead, what’s the big deal, no one knows us here”. You say no and balk, but a little pleading from Rich and me as well as the other guys begging and you relent. You keep saying “holy shit what’s the big deal they’re just tits”. So you turn to face the bulk of the guys and pull your shirt aside and let your big titties pop out of your shirt “There! Happy?” and shut your shirt. The guy with the joint says “Whoa whoa whoa, in order to get the smoke, you have to smoke it with those out!” You are saying “Jeeze, c’mon” he lights it up and takes a drag, Rich takes a drag and then passes it to you. You go to take it but he pulls it back and says “ah ah ah the rules!”. You laugh and say “Holy crap, we’d better not get caught” and then you pull open your shirt again and let them pop out. Whistles all around and some “whoa’s” as well. Rich is just saying see I told ya. I just say “Man it’s cold out here huh?” because your nipples are just huge and sticking out. You grab the joint and take a couple long drags on it. You cough and go to pass it on and say “holy shit that’s some strong stuff”. The guy that brought it says “it’s the best stuff I could find, it’s very strong”. Between the drinks and the joint you are pretty silly and leave your titties hanging out, it comes back to your turn and the guy hands you the joint but says “Can I touch them for bringing such good stuff”. You says “Sure what the hell, it’s no big deal they’re just tits”. He says “Maybe to you but they’re damn nice ones to me!” and everyone laughs. You take the joint and he reaches out and slowly cups each of your tit’s, he looks at me and says “You ok with this man?” I just tell him “She runs the show if she says no she means no and if she’s ok with it I’m ok with it”. He start to fondle them and pull on your nipples a little. You take a few drags and pass it on. You look at him as he continues and he’s just staring at your tits and playing with the nipples. You say “Are you having fun yet? I’ve had my smoke already?”. He just laughs and says “These are magnificent ha ha”. As he starts to take a step back the other guy we met earlier says “Here let me see” you roll your eyes and laugh and say “oh and you get to because………..?”. To which he replies “You teased me earlier, I deserve it”. Everyone laughs. He plays for a bit with your nipples and feels their weight then he bends forward and sucks a nipple into his mouth” You back away with a little squeal and say “ hey hey who says you could bite them” everyone laughs. As you start to put them away in your shirt and take another drag on the joint, the other cute guy says “Hey no fair I didn’t get to feel them!’ and another guy concurs. You roll your eyes again and say “Oh crap, ok everyone get their feel in and get it over with so I don’t have to do it anymore!” and you open your shirt back up and stand there holding it open and putting your tits out to everyone. Several of the guys come forward and start to feel your tits all over and start pulling on your nipples. You squeal and tell them to be gentle. Meanwhile Rich and the weed guy are smoking it and talking, Rich tells him you have a clit ring and the guy gets all excited. He breaks up the group and says “Ok little girls, let’s see the ring, I have to see the ring, I’ve never seen a ring for real, only pictures on the internet”. You are like “no no no, that wasn’t part of the deal” He says he’ll give you two more joints to keep if you do. You look at me and I of course said “Go ahead!!”. You call me a sicko and say “Ok but I get to see all your goods too, fair is fair” He agrees and the others do too. So you walk over to the park bench and shoo the guys off the bench and you unsnap your jeans and start to push them down. You lean way over so your tits are hanging down and they can’t see. But Rich and I are standing behind the bench and have a great view of your ass as it becomes exposed! Once you have the jeans down to your knees you sit down on the bench and finish pushing them down to your ankles. Then you sit back, spread your knees and use your fingers to spread your lips a little so that the clit ring is very visible. All the guys move in for a close look, they are ooohing and ahhhing and you’re just laughing. The guy with the weed asks if he can touch the ring. You say “only the ring!” he laughs and reaches down and lifts it up with his finger and gives it a gentle little tug. You give a little “ooh” and laugh. The others want to try it and soon several I tugging on your ring, you have to say “Easy easy” the first guy does it again and this time he slips his finger down further and wiggles it in your little hole, it’s very very wet and you say “Hey that isn’t the ring” he just laughs. Meanwhile Rich is reaching around from behind the bench and playing with your tits and nipples. These guys are laughing and smoking the weed, so excited you are doing this. You say “ok that’s enough” and stand up and pull your jeans up and snap them. Then you say “My turn boys, let’s see what you got!”. Two of the guys apologize and say they can’t do this, it’s too much and they don’t want to get caught by their wives and they leave, saying they won’t say anything to anyone, thanks yadda yadda. So there are Rich, the weed guy, the cute guy, the guy you met earlier and me now. You’re sitting on the edge of the bench going “Hey fair is fair, let’s see’em”. The weed guy says ok and he starts to unzip his jeans and pull out his dick, it’s a little hard so he’s having some trouble. The other guys are more reluctant. By the time the weed guy has his out Rich does too and the other guys are almost there. As they all start to come out you say “Ok, come here closer let me get a better look at these things”. The weed guys says “Don’t pull it like we did to your ring, that would hurt” you just laugh and reach out and grab hold of the weed guys dick and yank on it. He says “hey easy there girl” to which you reply “I just want to do what you did to me!” and then you reach over to the cute guys too and do the same thing. Since you are sitting at the edge of the bench the other guy says “no hands left for mine so I’ll just use this” and he pushes between them and basically moves up and puts his dick right in front of your face. “you just look up at him and smile, open your mouth and let him put his soft dick in your mouth. As you closed your eyes and begin to suck on him you are now pulling on the other two dicks harder and trying to get them hard. Soon the guy in your mouth was very hard and he’s saying “God damn god damn” and he says it’s too much and he’s coming, you just keep sucking and when he starts to cum you take as much as you can in and suck hard, swallowing every drop. Just as he’s pulling back out the cute guys says holy shit and he’s coming, you quickly lean over and take him into your mouth and suck it down. All of it, he’s grunting and saying Shit over and over again. The weed guy, affected by the weed obviously is taking longer. So he says, “let me see the ring again, it’ll help me”. You reluctantly agree because you were into it now and you again unsnap and pull your jeans down to your ankles. He says “turn around here a second for me” and he spins you around to face Rich and me behind the bench. Both of us quickly pull out our dicks and you reach over and begin to play with them. The weed guy tells you to kneel on the bench for him so you do. In this position you are bent over the back of the bench and the weed guy gets down below and begins to finger your hole and tug on the ring. You take my dick into your mouth and start sucking while playing with Rich’s dick. The week guy starts licking your pussy from below. I can’t hold it watching all this and I cum in your mouth big time, you swallow it all down. Then you start sucking on Rich too. The weed guy decides to sit on the bench and gets you to move over his lap after removing one of your pant legs and you never stop sucking on Rich the whole time. He lines his dick up with your hole and you sit down on him and waited a minute and then begin to ride him hard. Still sucking on Rich. The cute guy comes around the bench and you start playing with him again. You begin alternating the sucking of them both while the weed guy is fucking you. At some point you stop and tell the cute guy to come back around the bench behind you. He does and you look behind you and tell him “ I want two at once, always wanted it, put that in my ass” He’s shocked and laughs and says “anything you want”. As he lines up with your ass and starts to push in you are pushing on his stomach to control him. Once he’s in and you’re adjusted you tell them both to start fucking you hard. As they start to find a rhythm you go back to sucking Rich. Rich cums, you suck it down, then the weed guys says he’s gonna blow so you push the cute guy back and jump off the weed man and bend over and start sucking him nard until he comes in your mouth and the cute guy gets back into your ass from behind. He fucks you pretty hard, you’ve come 3 times already from all this and then he says it’s time again, you spin around and take his second cum down too. Everyone is in shock and laughing. The weed guy gives you 3 more joints, kisses you and says he has to split. The other two guys give you a quick kiss and run too. You me and Rich just stand there laughing going Holy Shit and how did that just happen!!!