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[M]y con[F]erence experience with a colleague (Part 2) | 2016
Note this is the second part of my experience. I recommend reading Part 1 before continuing.
[DAY 3]
That morning, we woke up a bit early. Hette and I took a shower (separate) and I escorted her to her hotel room for a change of cloths and her makeup. I Then went to the conference. I received several texts from Hette during the day. Nothing sexual, but I was definitely noticing the increase. She texted just before lunch, stated Li would be joining us, and wanted to try a newer restaurant about a ten minute walk from the hotel.
We had a casual lunch and everything was going well until Li asked what was up. Hette and I questioned why, but Li only stated we were acting a bit different. Great. If someone we had known for only three days could see a change in behavior after a few minutes, our group would hone in seconds. After playfully bantering back and forth with Li for a few minutes, Hette finally just told her. I was surprised that Hette was so open, but figured we would never see Li again so who cares.
At first, Li’s reaction surprised me. She questioned if that was a good idea, how long we had known each other, and if it would affect our working relationship. All good questions, I was just surprised she asked so openly. Hette blew if off and stated “she had fun”, then realized it was time to return to the conference. Li had lots of questions on the walk back and admittedly I was uncomfortable with several. Hette seemed ok and answered most. Just before we entered the hotel, Hette reassured Li that this was a “quiet topic”. Li acknowledged and then we parted ways.
The final night of the conference had come. Tomorrow we would all be flying home and I wasn't sure how my recent interactions with Hette would continue after the return. We planned a group dinner not far from the hotels. Several business acquaintances, Li, and one group member's spouse would be joining us so I knew this was an "all business" meal. I arrived a few minutes ahead of the group and took a seat. As others arrived and took seats, Hette and Li had to sit across the table rather than beside me. I was ok with this as long as we could talk. About half-way through the meal, I felt something bump my leg, then knee, and finally chair. Hette was focused directly on my eyes and so without even looking I knew it was her foot. I was instantly aroused. She clumsily found her way into my groin area. I could feel her toes slide up and down my growing shaft through my pants. I slid closer to the table. I was amazed. Hette was using her foot to massage my shaft while carrying on a casual conversation with others and myself. We would occasionally lock eyes (and I hope exchange a common memory) but all else was normal. As this continued, I was seriously aroused and started contemplating ways we could leave the restaurant early.
Eventually, Hette excused herself to go to the restroom. I thought for a moment I had a chance to meet her before returning to the table, only I couldn't. As Hette stood and walked away, the foot was still massaging my shaft. I was a little slow on my internal clarification. I was so focused on Hette, I had not noticed Li's amazing smile and eyes focused directly toward me. I had several emotions run through me at once: shock, confusion, panic, and arousal. It had been Li the entire time. Only then did it register that Hette probably wasn't tall enough to reach across with her foot in that manner. Li obviously reads minds. As all this hit me at once she laughed a quick second and then diverted her attention. I knew I was probably bright red (I often flush when surprised or embarrassed).
I didn't know if I should be aroused, embarrassed, ashamed, or appalled. Hette returned a few minutes later and I had clearly not decided as Hette quickly asked if I was ok. I tried to motion Li to stop a few times, but she continued. I continued to contemplate raising Hette's awareness of Li's actions, but wasn't sure how either would react. Finally, someone decided it was time to go. I was relieved but also remembered I was as erect as humanly possible. As the group trickled away, I bought time by asking for a drink "to-go". Hette and Li asked if I would wait for them to visit several of the shops, rather than walk back with the group. After a very short time they were ready to walk, Hette on my left and Li on my right. I was torn between the bombshell I had recently grown quite fond of and the exotic and entertaining beauty on either side. And to answer any residual questions you may have, I was secretly hoping for every guy's fantasy (threesome with two amazingly beautiful women).
As we returned to their hotel, Li excused herself to turn in for the night. So much for the fantasy. I walked Hette to her room. On the way, I decided to come clean and tell her what was happening at the restaurant. She laughed for a moment and asked if I was complaining about attracting a beautiful woman. Hette then stated we had no "claim or ties" to each other, and understood Li's reaction. She had both relieved and crushed me at the same time. I honestly didn't know how to respond to the realization that this trip was likely a once in a lifetime, yet absolutely memorable, encounter. Hette asked me to wait for a moment and then we would return to my hotel. Hette emerged with a change of clothing, a makeup pack, and a few other items. As least we had one last night!
Once in my room, I changed into a tee shirt and pair of shorts and lounged on the couch while Hette made herself a drink. She removed her top and pants and came to "hang-out" with me on the couch. Although she wasn't exposed at all (she had on a thin undergarment top, bra, and bikini style panties) I was turned on instantly. As before, Hette took over the remote and started flipping through channels. As before, she also lingered a few milliseconds longer on channels showing bare skin or sexual acts. After rolling through twice, Hette actually left it on one of those channels. It wasn't a pornographic movie, but there was a number of nude shots and sex scenes in the first five minutes. I joked with her about being a "porn" fanatic, to which she responded she thought it would get me in the mood. I playfully told her I've been in the mood since we walked through the door. I barely completed that sentence before she spun on the couch, straddled my waist, ans started aggressively kissing me. I couldn't help but let out a surprised laugh and tell her she had been waiting a long time to perform that move. She laughed as well, but continued.
Hette continued to straddle my waist as I lifted her top over her head and released the clasp on her bra. She practically threw the bra off before resuming with a very passionate kiss. Hette began to grind slowly back and forth on my already hard shaft. I knew she was positioned so her clit was directly stimulated. I started slowly running my fingertips over her skin moving closer to her breast with each pass. We were both breathing deeply and I was really turned on at this point. Then a knock at the door! Hette moves into my bedroom area while I attempt to make myself presentable to whoever is at the door. I look through the viewer to see the top of a female's head (she's looking down). I crack the door as not to reveal my raging erection and I'm extremely surprised to see Li standing at the door. Panic, pure panic. That's all I'm feeling. I must have stood there for longer than I thought because I hear Hette call out "Let her in!". What in the world is going on?
I let Li in and lock the door behind her. Li's wearing a baggy top, a pair of really short shorts made for sleeping, and slip on shoes. I'm concerned she walked to my hotel dressed like that. She comments on the room while walking around then calls out to Hette. Li and I walk into the bedroom area to see Hette completely nude on the bed. Li stops cold. I think she was much more surprised than I. Hette cracks up then points to the lounge chair next to the coffee table. I'm trying to put the pieces together, but I'm not working it out. Hette comes over to where I'm still standing and begins to explain while taking off my shirt. After telling Li about our night, that's all they could talk about. Being distracted from the conference, they decided to meet at the cafe where they stayed the rest of the afternoon. Hette had agreed to let Li observe, if I was ok with it. Hette explained (and was very clear) that neither where bisexual nor interested in having sex with each other. They had planned Li's restaurant teasing to see how I would respond before proposing the situation. I had apparently passed whatever bar they had set.
I'm letting it all sink in. I then realize Hette had already slipped my shorts off my hips. I'm standing in just my boxers and fully erect. Hette tells me not to move then steps back and sits on the bed. As she slides back she spreads her legs and turns diagonal of the bed so that Li has an unobstructed view of her pussy and props herself on several pillows. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Hette, a generally conservative person is completely nude and exposing her body to a colleague and new acquaintance. Hette then blows my mind. Looking directly toward Li, Hette starts narrating our previous night's sexual activities in detail. Hette begins to run her hands over her body while speaking. Hette has me more turned on than ever. Although I'm completely focused on Hette, I see Li shift. Li's just sitting there legs crossed listening and watching. I should start pinching myself now. No. Still here. Not a dream!
Hette is now kneading her left breast while tracing her fingertips back and forth over her clit. She's at the point of the story where we both orgasm. I'm extremely aroused just listening, Hette looks like she's about to have a orgasm. Li is still sitting, legs crossed, but breathing more heavily. Hette concludes her story, stands, and walks toward me. As she closes in, her hands reach for my waist. Hette drops my boxers to the floor and pushes me toward the bed. I step forward, turn, and sit as Hette bends over (her ass is now pointed in Li's direction). Hette takes the tip of my cock in her mouth and begins to twirl her tongue around the head. It feels amazing. After only a few seconds she starts to slide her lips up and down the shaft. After only a few seconds of this, Hette stands, pushes my cock down, straddles my waist, and begins to slide back and forth a bit. My cock is under her, but pushing up against her pussy lips. I know Li can see the head of my cock each time Hette slides forward. I can't see Li and wonder what her reaction is to this.
Hette continues this for several minutes. Eventually, she lifts her body and spins around to face Li. I catch a quick glimpse of Li and notice she shifted in her chair. Hette starts to slide back and forward again. This time I know Li is watching the head of my cock slide through Hette's pussy lips. I'm on cloud nine! Hette leans forward and starts to really grind. I assume she's working the head against her clit. She starts to move faster. Although I'm feeling great, I couldn't orgasm like this so I'm content to let her have her way with my body. Hette's motions began to become erratic, then her body starts to tighten (I feel her thighs squeeze against me). In a flash Hette slides forward a few additional inches, tilts her hips forward, and pushes back hard. My cock slides inside her as I hear her moan loudly. She thrust only three or four times then has an orgasm. I was extremely happy I hadn't received a lot of stimulation, as her tightening pussy would have pushed me over the edge as well.
I shift right to look at Li. One leg is stretch out on the floor, the other draped over the chair arm. One hand is holding her shorts and panties to the side while the other is rubbing her pussy. I can't get a great view; so don't know exactly how Li's touching herself. Hette is visibly tired. She's leaning forward supporting her weight with her arms, breathing heavily, and barely moving her hips. I don't move or say anything simply because I'm not sure what I should do or say. I just wait. Hette finally rises off me and rolls to the other side of the bed. She leans over, ass in the air, chest on the bead, and rest her chin on her hands.
Hette tells me to "fuck her pussy". At this point, I've learned two things about Hette. First she isn't quite as conservative and innocent as I had always assumed. Second she loves to be taken from behind. As I position myself behind Hette, she casually states "we both get to watch Li rub her pussy while we fuck. Well don't stop because we're watching". It was only then that I noticed Li had stopped rubbing herself while we were positioning. Li was clearly hesitant although she was still holding her shorts and panties to the side. I slowly began to enter into Hette and she let out a soft moan. As I started to move in longer and slightly quicker strokes, Li started rubbing her pussy again. After a few minutes Li started occasionally inserting a finger inside her pussy.
I didn't know what to watch; my cock sliding into this beautiful woman or the exotic beauty gradually bringing herself to orgasm. I had to slow my pace a bit or this was going to end earlier than I wanted. Hette was occasionally lifting her torso and bottom to alleviate pressure on her legs. I asked several times if she wanted to change positions, but she continuously replied she was "enjoying the view". This would cause Li to slow herself, but would eventually end up back at her steady pace. Maybe ten to fifteen minutes in this position Hette told Li to take off her panties to free up both hands. Li froze and didn't move for several seconds. Li finally stood and after another several seconds, pushed her shorts and panties to the floor. She awkwardly sat back down, spread her legs, and started rubbing herself. I had a full and unobstructed view of Li's pussy.
I started pumping in and out of Hette's pussy much faster and harder. Hette was alternating between the words "yes", "oh my god", and moaning. It was driving me crazy. Obviously it was having an effect on Li as well. Li had started fingering herself with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other. I had a new goal. I need to push Hette to orgasm before Li could bring herself to one. I started thrusting while pulling Hette's hips toward me. I was holding back my own orgasm while trying to force Hette into hers. My body was starting to get that familiar tightening, but I was determined to hold back. Li began to make a low half moan half humming sound over and over. I saw Li's legs jerk up violently. She was cumming.
Hette was still chanting. As Li came down from her orgasm, Hette started asking me to "fuck her harder". When I did go harder, she'd state "faster". She was tilting her hips up and down almost as fast as I was thrusting. I was trying not to cum. Just before I hit the point of no return, Hette's entire body convulsed. She pressed her face deep into the bed and her legs were shaking. Then it hit me; I wasn't wearing a condom. I pulled my cock from Hette's pussy immediately. I was hoping it was in time to stop my orgasm. I really wanted to put on a condom and continue; however, Hette had spun around and grabbed my cock. She stroked me like mad for several seconds and I lost it. Hette just held my cock while I came.
I was exhausted and full of energy at the same time. I sat on the bed to catch my breath and Hette just laid back. Li was sitting in the chair, legs together, just looking in our direction. Hette asked me to pass her panties and top. Li took the queue and pulled her shorts back on. I couldn't help being disappointed as I slipped on my shorts as well. Our activities had ended. Once dressed, Hette slipped under the covers and told Li to lay down. The edge of the bed was my spot. They both lay there breathing heavily and occasionally laughing. I just looked at the ceiling thinking about the past several days. I'm not sure how long I lay there. I look over to find Hette and Li both asleep. I close my eyes and I'm instantly asleep as well.
My final part will be coming shortly! EDIT: Part 3 - Final Part is now posted!
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