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The story of how my newly kinky girlfriend sprung sex with a guy for the first time on me as I helplessly listened to Complicated by Avril Lavigne. [FMM] | 2016

This happened a week ago. I recent started dating my best friend of 3 years. I finally got the balls to ask her out and she agreed and its been going great since. There is a bit of a story there, but I will leave that for another time. She is pretty fucking kinky, as am I. We don't share a lot of fetishes, but we have always been happy to assist each other with them, even before we started dating. I have always told her that I wanted to try sex with a guy some day, and she always tried to get me to do it, but the stars just never aligned I suppose.

Fast forward to day one of our relationship as a couple. We know each other about as well as we are ever going to, so touchy subjects are not really a big deal to discuss. I have always told her that I would want a monogamous relationship if I ever "settled down" some day, and she was always the opposite, so this is clearly an issue. Before I asked her out I decided that there is no one I trust more, so I could get past the "open relationship" this as long as I was always involved, I told her that was a must, and she agreed on that.

She is very dominant, and I very submissive. So its a great match to start. However, she is more so interested in a lifestyle sub/dom relationship and I more so go for the "in the bedroom" mindset, however, I decided to give it a go her way. She takes this stuff very seriously, so it's been a tun of fun. Since we started dating she has been pressuring me to try sex with a guy, and I really wanted to, but I was very afraid to. Not for what anything would think of it, its just a big deal for me and I didn't know if I was ready. She offered to get the guy, a friend of hers that I had already known, and I ended up agreeing to it. She said she wanted to her me say "yes, I want you to find a guy for me to have sex with, this is something that I want very much and would greatly appreciate it". After I said that she just keep asking "so you are POSITIVE this is what you want?" "There is no backing out of this, are you sure?" "When I bring him over you will not be wasting his time, you will do this, this IS what you want?" I found this kind of strange as I never have to tell her anything more then once, but I went along with it, as it is a big deal I suppose.

And here we are, the day it happened. This was a few days after our discussion about making plans to have sex with a guy, but I didn't expect anything so soon. We were at her place and she loves sensory bondage (sensory deprivation). For those of you who do not know what that is, its essentially bondage that limits your sense. For example we use blindfolds, ear plugs or headphone, gloves, anything that limits senses. This leads to other senses at least feeling more sensitive and it can be pretty exciting. Also, when both vision and hearing are cut of you feel a lot more helpless, even when with someone you entirely trust it can be hard on the nerves. We have this metal bar that your ankles and wrists are locked into to keep you in a position with your ass in the air and you are totally exposed. I believe they are called spreader bars. She had me locked in that with gloves on keeping my hands locked into fists. I was blindfolded, gagged, and had noise cancelling headphones taped on my head. She was focusing a lot of ass play, flogging, but nothing out of the ordinary, it was a fairly typical night, for us.

Things ended up getting very out of the ordinary fast. She took the headphones off and told me that she invited her friend over. He was waiting in the car and she said she wanted to give me one last chance to back out before she invited him inside. When she said that I went into a bit of a panic, I couldn't help it. When you are in a position like that it is easy for anxiety to kick in. She ended up calming me down a bit and relaxed her voice and it helped a lot. I am still locked into position however, blindfolded, about as helpless as it gets. I couldn't help but think there were 16 guys surrounding me waiting for a turn, and I know there was no way she would ever do that, but its hard to get out of your head. After about 5 mins I agreed. She kissed me and they said, and I will never forget these words "Good. for the rest of the night, you belong to him, and you will belong to him until he is satisfied. But don't worry, you may belong to him, but he belongs to me." She then but the headphone back on, taped them secure again, but them I heard them pop (they do they when you plug them in. Next thing I know Complicated by Avril Lavigne starts playing and I can't help but to start laughing. About 10 mins later I can feel my girlfriends hands running around my body. However, with the music playing I can't hear a thing, I could just barely prior with just the noise cancelling alone, but I am now totally in the dark. Shortly after that with her hands still only my wrist and ankle I feel two much larger hands grab my hips and I again start to freak out a bit, but at this point there is little I can do (We do have a safety, don't worry, its not rape, but its something I never want to have to resort to). I have had a plug in my ass and next thing I know its out and he slips two lubed up fingers in and out for a few mins. My girlfriend was no longer touching me so as best I could tell it was just him and I now. This was a totally surreal moment. I have absolute trust in my girlfriend but for all I know this could be anyone. I could be on video, there could be a crowd of people watching, but I am forced to just go with it. And then he put his hands on my hips and and starts to slowly stick his dick in. And at that very moment I thought to myself "well fuck... Guess I am bi". It was just a rush. He just slid the tip around the rim for a bit and I don't think I have ever been so sexual aroused or excited. Then he pushed it in all the way and he was of to the races. I have never felt so submissive in my life. I felt totally over power and dominated, I was 110% at his mercy and I really can't find the words to describe how amazing that was. And lets not forget, Complicated is still playing so its a pretty fucking strange experience to say the least. The song just made everything feel so chill and relaxed so I think it helped a lot. When every I was a bit anxious I just focused on the song and I felt better. After a few mins of anal my gag comes out and I have a vagina in my face, so that was nice and I got started on showing my appreciation.

Once he was finished with that he sucked my dick and I had an orgasm in about 10 seconds (shame, yes I know). And that was that. They took me out of the bondage, talked about it for a while, laughed a lot about the music, and made plans to do it again. And that's my story! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy, I sure did!