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"Holy a[f]fairs Batman!" [M]y Ashley Madison experience. POW! KABAAM! | 2016
A million thoughts were going through my head and I stood there completely paralyzed as he came around the corner. Sizing him up, it seemed like we were about the same size. He had some height on me but if it were to turn into a brawl it was going to get messy. I could drive away, but that only meant I was going to have to come back later and who knows what would happen then.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"
This isn't the first little adventure of mine I wanted to tell on here. However, given the timing of the Ashley Madison hack, it seems like the most appropriate. This happened early winter in 2013 and we'll see how the writing goes, but I suspect there will be more adventure than outright sex because the reality of how it went down.
I don't remember when I registered on Ashley Madison, it was fairly early on. I purchased 100 "points" (perhaps $25 worth?) shortly there after just to see how the site was. I'd been on AFF for years and was completely familiar with the fake profile BS. As far as AFF was concerned, it was pretty easy to identify the fake profiles, but there were also plenty of real people on there. As long as you had a bit of game there was a reasonable chance you might get laid.
Ashley Madison seemed to suck a bit more, although it genuinely seemed there were real profiles on there. You know, the fake ones were barely filled in and might just have a sentence or two for a description. The real ones contained details about women who liked gangbangs and have fantasies about being fisted by a leprechaun. Enjoy vanilla sex? Fake. Have a fucked up fetish you can only share with strangers online? That's real.
There's been a lot of musings over the past week or so that there weren't that many women on the site. Well, I'm really not sure of the data, but it does seem to me that there were more than 1250. I wasn't the only guy I knew who'd hooked up with someone from the site, although almost everyone generally agreed it sucked compared to almost every other option.
Over the course of several months I sent messages. I think it was 5 points to send a message, so I didn't have a lot to work with. I don't recall getting too many replies, although I'm sure I did get one or two that seemed to go nowhere. Then at some point in the fall of 2013 I logged in and got a message from Tori.
And that's precisely what had landed me at this point. I should have fucking known it - when she first answered the phone and said, "That's odd, he never calls me during the day." I did find it rather ironic Tori was talking to him while my cum was dripping off her face. The fact that she was so fucking dumb and had shown him the place really pissed me off. The secret cell phone she carried, which, surprisingly of all the dumb things she'd done, seemed to be the one thing he didn't really know about.
Now I'm standing in a parking lot with a very pissed off husband, which, thankfully for me isn't the first time he's caught his wife cheating. She's upstairs quite literally locked in a bedroom with no way out without my assistance. Even if I leave, I need to come back and get her out. Or, I did have options of having a mutual friend of ours come over and rescue her. At this particular moment though, Husband seems more interested in asking some questions than putting his fist in my face. I stood a comfortable distance away trying to remember if my truck door was locked in case I need to jump inside.
"Is she up there?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I saw her shoes, where the fuck is she?"
Shit, he definitely had. So much for the denial option.
"She's gone. She went out the window." Oh my, such a cliche, but not completely unbelievable.
"I have no idea! She went out that window right there!" I said pointing upwards. We'll ignore the fact there were no tracks in the snow, but it was also hard to see around into the backyard.
"So this has been going on a while, huh?", his voice was a bit calmer.
"A few months." No sense in lying about that one.
"Are you the guy she saw at the Comfort Inn last week?"
"Actually, no. That was another guy but she did tell me about it." Tori had told me a story where she was leaving the Comfort Inn the previous week and her husband driven by her on his way into Walmart. Now, this particular fella had actually been busted in the act with her a few months prior by her husband. By "in the act", yes I mean he caught them while the guy's dick was fully inserted in her vagina. It had forced her lay low for a bit, sneaking out during the day for some dalliances. She also seemed genuinely concerned about holding her marriage together, which I found little ironic considering how much of a slut she was.
The original message from her was fairly benign, but it quickly escalated to exchanging some emails and then txt messages. We lived about an hour apart and our first impromptu meeting occurred about halfway between us down a country road. I bent her over in her backseat with the doors open during the middle of the day and fucked her till she was screaming. I blasted a load inside her and sent her on her way. Later she told me her husband wondered why her car had mud on it and grass stuck in the bumper.
Over the course of the next month we met up a few times. We quickly ran into a convenience issue because neither of us could host, so I started trying to think of options. I had a friend who had a fetish studio that she used for photo shoots. That studio is a story in and of itself, but suffice to say, it was the perfect place for a daytime rendezvous. I rented it a few times for us and then Tori met the owner and set up a more formal sublet arrangement.
Tori had her own key.
The fucking steadily increased until she got caught in the act with the other guy. She backed off for a few weeks. During that time she seemed to get really stupid though. She thought the fetish studio was so cool that she wanted to show her husband, so one night after dinner she took him over there. During this time she got another cell phone so she could send secret txt messages. (For you serial cheaters out there - don't EVER do that.) Dumb, dumb, dumb.
These stories slowly leak out and all kinds of red flags are going off in my head. I don't remember what she'd said her husband did when he caught her with the other guy, but it definitely involved violence.
Dear reader, I'm a lover not a fighter.
So on a cold, slightly snowy December morning we decided to meet up at the studio. It's probably about 11am. We go in, it was cold inside because the heat was usually turned way down unless someone was there. We worked on warming it up and we pulled out the foldout bed build into the couch. Tori definitely wasn't the hottest fuck I'd had. She was a bit overweight, but she carried it well. Her tits were oversized and huge, which were fun to play with. More importantly, she was curvy enough that I was still ok with going down on her. At some point we probably discussed our ages, but I would guess she was about 40.
The room heated up and we took our clothes off. We made out for a bit and rolled around on the bed. My hand went directly down to her pussy and slipping a finger in I found her already wet as I expected.
I laid back and she went down on me. Tori, for all of her shortfalls, was a gifted cocksucker. She knew every technique in the book and began through the repertoire. She slowly sucked the head of my cock, swirling her tongue around the bottom and sides. Her head slowly lowered until she was getting close to the base and cute little gagging noises came from her mouth. Up and down, swirl, swirl, rinse, wash, repeat.
I was in heaven.
Tori grabs my shaft with her hand and begins adding that to the mix. On every upstroke she's bringing her hand over the head of my cock before plunging back down on it. Girls, while the no-hander can at times be a work of art, the key to an amazing blowjob is really a good handjob.
I'm really enjoying having my cock sucked and I debated for a while whether I was going to fuck her before cumming. At this point we were comfortable enough with each other that we were solely in it for our personal selfishness. Watching her mouth wrap around my cock was mesmerizing and there was no reason to interrupt the show.
Very little was off limits with Tori. Looking down at her, I begin to think of all the filthy things I wanted to do to her. In those moments leading up to an orgasm, a guy will usually hold those back and not verbalize them. Fortunately Tori was a complete slut and hearing those sweet nothings just made her pussy wetter:
"You're suck a good little cocksucker."
"You're just a little cum slut servicing my cock."
"I'm going to cum all over your face and then lick it off."
That just caused her to increase her tempo. I wasn't long before I was pulling out of her mouth and jerking my cock all over her face. Ah, the joys of fucking a slut. Not too many girls appreciate that, but Tori looked fantastic with splatters of cum on her cheek, across her lips and a little down her chin. True to my word, I gave her a kiss and then pushed a bunch of the cum into her mouth with my tongue.
It was her turn to lean back while I went down on her and regained some of my composure. Just as I'm leaning over and spreading her legs, her cell phone goes off.
She answers.
Of course it's her husband, and of course I enjoyed the conversation as I'm eating her pussy.
"Oh, yes honey, I just had to come into work for a bit.
"Yup, and then I plan to go shopping later."
"Sure, I can get some of that."
"Oh, you're in town today? I thought you were going to work up in the canyon?"
"Oh, well, hm, I'm not sure. Um. Oh. Well. Um. We'll see".
She gets off the phone and she looks down at me. "That's weird, he didn't go up to the job site today. He always goes up there."
I was already kind of uncomfortable meeting up with her at this point, especially after she told me she had showed him the place. The red flags were turning into full blown alarms at this point. Just the fact she thought something was amiss was causing a bit of concern.
So of course I kept eating her pussy while she slowly stroked my cock back to life. We kept at it for a good ten minutes right until..
Holy-what-the-fuck-is-going-on! We both sit up and look at each other. The door is locked with a deadbolt, no one is getting in without breaking the frame of the door. Who the hell is it on the other side of the door? No way is it the owner, she has a key and would have come right in. It's very unlikely it's a neighbor, we weren't being that loud.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Mere seconds have gone by, but my mind begins racing. Is it her husband? No fucking way. I look down at the street and see Tori's car parked out front. Fuck! Dumb bitch, there's a reason there's a parking lot on the side.
We stay completely quiet hoping whoever it is just goes away. No one necessarily knows we're in there.
Whoever it is definitely isn't going away and the intensity just increases. The kitchen is just a few feet away and offers a bit more seclusion than the exposed living room right by the door. Conveniently our clothes had fallen in piles near the kitchen doorway. We slowly get up and creep toward kitchen.
The pounding on the door stops. We take a deep breath and begin quietly whispering all of the thoughts going through our head.
"Is that your husband?"
"I, uh, well, I dunno. I don't see his truck."
"What the fuck?!? Is he going to break in here?"
"Well, uh, he might."
"Did you show him this exact apartment door? Or does he just know the building?"
The silence from the hallway has me concerned. I didn't hear anyway walk down the stairs and if he left I should have heard that.
"We fucked in here, he knows which apartment it is."
Dear god, she was dumb. I handed her a wash cloth to wipe the cum from her face and we quietly began putting on our clothes.
A fair amount of time passed, of course it seemed like hours, but it really might have been five minutes. A really fucking long five minutes. We were whispering our options to each other.
Going out the second story window didn't seem to be too viable. We had no idea if he was down in the parking lot or not, although we could probably climb out without too much risk. That's when Tori told me the back two bedrooms had padlocks on them. While the front of the studio was fairly normal, the bedrooms held the real fetish equipment (St Andrews cross, spanking bench, medical room, etc, etc). The owner kept the bedrooms locked from the outside so prying eyes wouldn't wander in.
You see where this is going and I will tell you the second we thought of it the alarm bells were going off telling me it was a bad idea.
Fuck! He didn't leave! We were fully dressed at this point. We decided she'd go in one of the bedrooms and I'd padlock it from the outside. We still weren't entirely sure it was her husband, I sort of would have expected someone to yell to open the door. The thought that it could have been the police only just now crossed my mind.
Into the bedroom she goes as we quietly tiptoe across the room. I come back into the living room and it's surprisingly clean - I push the bed back into the couch and slide a table across a rug.
Ok dear reader, I hope you never have a moment where you have to open a door like this. I have no idea who's on the other side, but from all indications it won't be good. I'm mostly cornered in the room I'm in. The only exit is the door in front of me and the stairs leading down.
I took a deep breath and unlocked the deadbolt hoping to find the next door neighbor on the other side. I grab the door handle and open it with a surprisingly normal "Hello?"
Things escalated to angry-rampaging-husband mode in a split second. He barreled his way past me into the room and the closest analogy I can make is the angry, snorting bull from a Saturday morning cartoon.
I'm struggling to hold shit together. I have a level 12 Look of Genuine Surprise spell cast and but I'm only rolling with a +1 modifier.
"What are you talking about?"
"Tori, I know she's here."
I completely feign belief, "I have no idea what you're talking about. It's just me here."
There's an exchange of a few words. He had rushed into the living room and I was now standing closer to the door. It seemed like he might be believing the story that she wasn't there. I mean, it certainly didn't look like I had blasted load of cum a few minutes before.
"Really, I have no idea who you're talking about. Your wife? What?"
And then he glances down toward the corner of the door by the kitchen. I immediately see what grabs his attention. "Ooooooooooooohhhh..... no..............goddamnit....... you stupid fucking bitch" my mind immediately screams. Sitting right there were her boots she'd been wearing.
The wheels have officially fallen off this crazy train and it's headed off the tracks. There was no question about the next decision; I jumped toward the door and pretty much cleared it down the stairs in a couple of leaps. Out the front door I went and bolted to the parking lot on the side. He didn't seem to be behind me and I had a clear view of the path leading from the front door to the side.
What to do... what to do...
There is clearly the sound of breaking glass coming from the apartment above.
Oh fuck.
There is no way he's getting in the room she's in, I have the key to the padlock to the door she's behind. Well, he could break the door down. I begin going through the scenarios and leaving just doesn't seem like an option. I definitely don't want to have to wait around for an hour or two to try to come back here. I could have a mutual friend come over, but that just puts him in a terrible spot. Locking that door was dumb.
(Looking back now, I just realized I could have left the padlock key for him, I think I could have guessed which vehicle was his.)
I'm very concerned he's going to completely destroy my friend's studio. This concerned me a lot - she had some items of value in there and I didn't want to see the place trashed. Things don't appear to be going well.
I'm close to jumping in my truck and getting out of there when I see him come around the corner of the building. He stops well short of the parking lot,
This is when I try to pass it off as if she'd climbed out the window. Not completely believable, but not impossible by any means. The fact her car was parked out front didn't help the cause.
He doesn't make any moves toward me and begins asking some questions. He's clearly not happy, but killing me is not on the forefront of his lunchtime agenda. I answer as truthfully as needed and he's calming down. I still have no idea what the exit strategy is here, but the ruse is up and he clearly knows more details than I would have guessed.
I desperately want to avoid an ass kicking, and I completely forget what we said to each other over the next few seconds. Apparently my game extends from being able to get women into bed to also being able to keep their husbands from pummeling me after face fucking their wife. It resulted in me walking back up the stairs with him, walking into the apartment and unlocking the door to the bedroom. Calm.. zen.. awareness..
It was promptly followed by me running for my life for the second time that day.
Angry-rampaging-husband mode returned in a flash and he pushed the door in to get into the bedroom. Clearly his anger was directed at someone else and that's when I saw no need to be there any longer. Running down the stairs that time, there was no doubt I was getting in my truck and getting the hell out of there.
I heard more shit breaking on my way down the stairs.
I drove. I tried to decompress. I tried to figure out what the chances were that I was going to have someone on my doorstep with rifle.
Not long after she called me. Apparently he had roughed her up a bit, but not too bad. He broke a mirror and a few other things. She was wondering if her marriage was over. I told her to never, ever, ever call me again.
I never had the angry husband find me. I haven't spoke to Tori since. I've often wondered if the whole thing was a set up and that if her and husband had a thing for catching her with guys. Occasionally I'll run into our mutual friend and he says she still asks about me, but I have no doubt she's fucked a dozen guys since me.
So Ashley Madison, hats off to you for one of the craziest things I've had happen.
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