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My 'bucket list' weekend. | 2016

Hi. It was suggested that you folks here might enjoy here is the synopsis of my weekend!

It was all actually first written as a PM to a female friend, so it has many little aside comments that might detract from the story...but, anyway, I left them in, so here it is!

Okay. So. In short a bit of backstory because I think it's the sort of extra detail you might want to know. I met Jeff and Matt at my gym. There is a regular crowd at certain times of the day/week and you get to know the usual ones. About maybe four months ago I was using some of the equipment in the weight room and they came in and one of them made a friendly comment to let me know my thong had ridden up and was showing 'whale tail'. Not a big deal but it happened to be a shocking pink colour and was hard to miss. It was a bit risky for him to say anything at all as the gym has a super strick policy of any sort of harassment, but I took it as the helpful comment it was intended to be and as both guys were super fit and quite studly I joked back that maybe next time I wouldn't wear any at all to avoid that problem.

Ever since then it became the standard joke/flirty line between us as to whether I was commando or not. Then, when my relationship with my then bf was finally breaking down and I started to panic I was wasting my best sexy years I began to build my fantasy list. At the top was a MMF encounter and my gym guys became the outlet for that. I finally sucked it up last week and just blurted out that I was looking to 'expand my sexual horizons' and wondered if that was something they could help me with. They agreed to meet me for drinks after to discuss it. So we did, and after getting grilled over the specifics - mostly by Jeff (who's a lawyer) - and then I went off to the ladies room while they discussed it.

And then we set out the terms: no gay stuff between them, no anal stuff for anyone, no pain humiliation or bondage stuff, and everyone would get blood work done first. The only other stipulation was concern over fluids cross contamination between them. They were both keen on no condoms but then where was the 'goo' going to go? I offered to swallow as a solution and everyone thought that was a fine idea. So that was the plan! skip forward a week and we agreed to meet at the gym on friday as we often did by chance. I was there early and got a bit carried away working out to dispel nervous energy. Jeff arrived in full business suit to say that Matt was delayed by work and couldn't make their usual squash game but he would join us at Jeff's condo in a bit. Jeff said he needed a drink and offered me to shower at his place so we could leave right we did. The condo. Holy shit. I don't know what kind of lawyer Jeff is exactly but they pay well. Right downtown 40th floor condo with super high ceilings and awesome view. It's not huge, just really one kitchen/dining/living room space and then a bedroom with a bathroom (and one other small room he uses as an office), but it's really, really nice.

So I'm walking around still sweaty in my yoga clothes for a bit checking everything out and Jeff starts to make martinis. On my mind at this point was just what a completely different level this all was compared to the one night stand I had last month. That was a total highschool level thing. Meet a boy (hardly a man) at a club, drinking beer, and then while my friends watch a movie in the next room of a shitty apartment we have awkward sex in the bathroom. This was SO different.

We chat for a bit about just random completely normal things, and then he asks about how my check up went (which he arranged and paid for). I show him my blood test results and he reads them carefully and shows me his. More totally normal chit chat follows and then I take my drink to the bathroom to shower and change. I'm in the shower - big glass thing - taking my time when I hear voices. Matt has arrived and he and Jeff come into the bathroom together to say 'hi'. This is the first kind of real 'holy shit' moment for me. On one hand I'm freaking out because I'm totally naked and two guys I barely know are standing there casually watching me. On the other's like, "well girl, what did you expect? That what this is going to be all about!" To their credit though they were both clearly giving me a full 'check out' but weren't exactly leering or anything, so after I calmed down a bit it was more sexy than creepy. So I unnecessarily washed my hair all over again and they just stood there while the three of us chatted away - again, all bizarrely normal topics.

Everntually I turn off the water. Jeff hands me a towel and while I'm drying off they left to freshen drinks. I bought my 'little black dress' to wear (it's actually blue). I had wanted to find something new that would be tight around my middrift to show off my abs and ass, but somehow be less so up top so my flat chest wouldn't be quite so obvious...but that's a tall order. Ha ha. So I went with my favourite dress instead. I was tempted to wear a thong to honour our flirty talk but instead wore a pair of boy short style Calvin's that match the dress colour. And that was it. I had shoes but somehow it didn't seem right to wear them so I just went barefoot.

They were in the kitchen (huge stone counter top/table thing that divides the stove and sink etc. from the dining table by the windows. I sat there, we cheers'd. More chit chat. Eventually talk finally gets around to why were all here. Jeff starts asking me to recap what exactly I was hoping for, and what my previous sex expereinces were lacking. I was way too nervous about saying 'I want two dicks in me at the same time' so kind of focused on saying that I had yet to have anyone go down on me with any skill. So they start talking very openly and mostly between themselves about techniques, and variations and why a girls anatomy makes such a difference. I naively say I thought girls were more or less the same. Matt goes on about g-spot and lip/clit size and sensitivity differences. And begins! Jeff suggests I show them what my own equipment is all about. I say...'okay' but don't really do anything for a bit. They're just waiting patiently so I take a breath...hike up my dress and pull my panties down and off. Matt suggests I sit on the counter and gives me a lift up. And then Jeff suggests I lean back a bit while they check me out. My heart rate is off the charts right then. But I scootch my dress up to my waist and lean back on my elbows while two guys give my pussy a critical view (the counter is fucking cold btw). Matt volunteers to show me what he's talking about and I say 'sure'. Much laughter follows. And then like that Matt starts to lick my pussy. A few minutes go by. He's mostly just working my clit but mixing it up now and then with long licks over all of my pussy. I am super wet. Jeff is just watching, standing there drinking his martini still in his suit...and it occurs that this is pretty close to another fantasy I had where I'm getting fucked and people are just standing around watching casually.

Matt starts going more focused on my clit and a few seconds later I'm cumming HARD - spasming all over the counter and knocking over glassware. Shits breaking, the martini shaker goes flying. Everybody starts laughing. I catch my breath while they clean up. Matt helps me down and I feel his cock pressing hard as I slid past. At this point I realize it's basically game on so I give it a squeeze with my hand and ask if he wants me to reciprocate.

He leads me by the hand over to the couch in the living room while Jeff stays in the kitchen. Matt unzips and help pull his pants down to below his knees as he sits down. I should mention that Jeff has this ridiculous polar bear rug in his living room. Like a REAL polar bear skin - still has the head attached. Particulalry after that recent thing in the news about the lion in Africa getting killed by the dentist I was initially kind of grossed out by it.'s really soft on the knees and I ended up kneeling on the edge of it while I went down on him. He's decently sized in an average kind of way, but he's uncircumsized and has a bunch of foreskin which I admit was a bit off putting at first. But I start in and do my standard blow job technique. I hear Jeff moving around somewhere, music starts on the stereo, the martini shaker is shaking again. A few minutes go by and I can tell I'm starting to get to Matt. He's tensing up and starts lightly holding my head. And then I feel my dress getting pulled up and the cool air on my ass. This was pretty much the moment I was waiting for since the whole MMF idea first came to me. It didn't disasppoint. I felt Jeff's hand on my pussy and I moved my knees further apart and then a second later the end of his cock was pushing inside.

OMFG it felt so good! He sank all the way in and just stayed there for the longest while with his hands on my hips holding me. Matt started cumming soon after and I swallowed it down as planned. Then Jeff started to fuck me with a real slow rhythm at first - even so I was so fucking wet that the sounds of his dick sliding in and out were really loud. Which is when Matt's cell phone rang. Everybody laughed again. He said he had to take it. Jeff is fucking me harder now and it's really loud "sploop-sploop-sploop-sploop". More laughter. Matt gets up to move off to the kitchen with his ringing phone. When he's gone Jeff goes through a bit of a shift which I didn't really appreciate until I thought about it later. He touches me for the first time. Really gently with both hands. Running them up the outside of my thighs and over my ass and then up my sides and over my back to the base of my neck. Over and over. It felt really nice. Eventually he pulled me up so I was kneeling vertical and ran his hands over my abs and my boobs - holding his fingers spread out so they kind of flicked over my hard nipples. Over and over. he was still doing that, and the new angle of his cock inside me was hitting all the right places so I came for a second time. And told him I was about to when he picked up the pace. It was even more intense than the first and I collapsed out of his arms back onto the couch. He grabbed my hips hard and started going for it and then said he was going to cum. I forgot for a second what that meant, but then he pulled out and I remembered i was supposed to swallow. I turned around as fast as I could and took him in my mouth just in time. For some reason the taste of my cum on his dick was just an extra thrill. I was just processing that, and the fact that he had a circumsized cock, and was bigger than I thought when he started to cum. I think I had swallow like eight times. Holy shit. My last boyfriend would cum alot too but somehow that was usually just gross. This was awesome for reasons I can't quite figure out.

Anyway...after all that. Everyone got cleaned up separately. We played foosball (Jeff has a table), watched tv (their both into mixed martial arts things), and hung out. We decided to order dinner in and then Matt declared he was 'up for more' which was when it came up that he had gone for his blood work but hadn't picked up the results and no one was sure how to get them online. Jeff insisted Matt wear a condom. He went down on me again for a bit, this time on the polar bear rug and then we fucked missionary. Jeff was just in the background on the phone ordering dinner for all of it. And that actually was it for the MMF. Matt went home way later after dinner and too much alcohol and more tv etc. They asked if there was anything else I wanted but i said no I was happy. In truth it was very fun, but very different than how I thought it would go. More, like we'd all be in bed together and it would be a continuous change for sucking/fucking. Also I really did want to have a dick in each hand somehow, but that was minor compared to a dick in each end – haha!

So then...Jeff invited me to stay the night. He was very different after Matt had gone, much more overtly touching and gentle. And he pointed out that he hadn't had a chance to go down on me yet. We showered together - lots of soapy hands on my boobs which I love - and then he took me to his bed. That was when we actually kissed for the first time. Up until then there had been no kisses anywhere - which was fair enough since I was swallowing. So he kissed his way down my body and gave me, for sure, the best licking/fingering of my life. I think I came like maybe 4 times. I was exhausted by the time he stopped and every nerve was frazzled. He fucked me missionary long and slow. We had to stop once or twice for lube but in the end he got me to cum once more and then he came inside me soon after. He was going to pull out, but I had my legs around his hip and held him inside. Felt really good. I basically passed out at that point.

At some time i got up to pee and clean up but then slept until mid morning. When i got up Jeff had made breakfast and asked what my plans were for the day. I said I didn't have any and he asked if I would do him a favour and hang out with him. After I agreed he said he'd been travelling alot for work and he wanted a 'stay at home day'. And he wanted to spend it with me - naked. So we did!

Mostly just hanging out. Though we did a fun game of 'how many positions do you know' that involved fucking all over the condo and ended with me giving him a blowjob on the bearskin rug. Later we talked about each others fantasies and my list in particular. I told him how the FF or FFM thing hadn't gone well. Which is when he offered to try and help out. I was actually having a great time just the two of us, but I was also pretty sure that probably it was just going to be this weekend and that was it made sense to grab all i could. He called a long term fwb and asked if she was interested in 'helping out with my project'. She agreed - though in retrospect the terms weren't clearly outlined as to what I had in mind. Jeff went down on me again later than afternoon for a ridiculous amount of time. No idea how many times I came, (or what the weekend total was).

His friend, Helen, did show up that evening. She's sort of everything I'm not. Tall, dark skinned, very curvy with amazing boobs. I kind of hid in the kitchen when she arrived while she and Jeff talked a bit. Eventually he came and found me and took me to the bedroom. She was undressing and we said 'hi' and then she went to the shower. Jeff suggested I help her I followed her in. That sort of set the tone in a way I guess between us. I soaped her all over - played with her boobs alot when she gave me positive feedback on how it felt. And then we dried off and went to bed. Jeff joined us with drinks and after a while of just laying there I started touching her a bit and she encouraged me to do more so I eventually kissed and sucked her boobs a bit - which was kind of fun though odd at the same time. And then I kissed my way down and did my best to give her a Jeff style pussy licking. It was a bit freaky at first licking a pussy. I almost felt like a sympathy lick on my own when I was licking her. It was weird. Also she tasted/smelled a fair bit stronger than i do and I wasn't maybe ready for that (though maybe it's not stronger I'm just used to my own and that makes a difference...dunno).

Jeff tried to get something going on me while I was going on her but my pussy was just too sore for anymore direct action at that point. I didn't get her to cum (i don't think) but she was making all sorts of appreciative sounds and was holding my head alot so that felt good at least. Eventually I moved out of the way and Jeff fucked her missionary while I played/sucked on her boobs until she came.

We got up and hung out, drank some more and then after I had yet another shower I came out and they were both asleep in bed. There wasn't a ton of room for me so I watched some tv until late and then slept on the couch. Jeff found me there at some point and slept with me for a while. In the morning though i was up and awake while they were both asleep still so I ended up just writing Jeff a long note to thank him and packed up and went home.

Whew. Anyway...that was the weekend! I supposed to play ultimate that afternoon but couldn't find the energy.