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(F)irst Summer Internship (F+M) | 2016

After my sophomore year of college I started my first summer internship at a local law firm in town. My internship was not what I had expected it to be but it paid well. I thought I would be doing desk work and accounting but instead I ended up grabbing coffee for everyone and shredding paper or making copies. It was a very easy job and more annoying than anything but I stuck with it.

I first few weeks were pretty easy and I got to meet everyone in the office. There was this one cute guy that I interacted with on a day to day basis named Max. He was about 5'10' with a short blonde buzz cut and a slender body. Max was a sweet guy 2 years older than me but more of just a friend. The one that really caught my eye was Shawn. I was only 19 at the time and Shawn was 32. You couldn't tell how old he was by looking at him. He towered a foot over me at 6'3". He looked like he used to play football with his wide shoulders and muscular arms. He had short brown hair that he combed smoothly to match his exquisite suits he wore each day. He had a short beard that he kept trimmed and always wore a different watch each day that went with his suits. Shawn was one of 4 major lawyers at the law firm and by his appearance I could tell he had done well for himself. It seemed in the first few weeks of me staring at him that he didn't even notice me.

Each day I came in, went back to my back office shared with Max, and checked in with him to see what needed to be done that day. Usually the first thing was to grab him a coffee which usually alerted some other around the office who would also ask me to get them coffee. Then I would file papers or shred old ones. Each lunch break I would go outside with some of the girls from the office and we would chat about anything and everything. I probed around asking about different people in the office before asking about Shawn.

They told me that Shawn had gone to some big college before becoming a lawyer and working in LA for a major firm. He was divorced for 3 years and to their knowledge hadn't been in a relationship since.

As the week went on I tried to make myself more noticeable by wearing cuter outfits and asking if he wanted coffee in the mornings as I did my rounds. After a few days of delivering him coffee we finally made our first small talk. It was a Friday morning and I dropped off everyones coffee and left his for last. I walked in wearing tight black suit pants with a light blue blouse and a black suit jacket in light blue flats. "Hey Shawn, I got your coffee for you and brought some extra cream and sugar incase".

Shawn straightened up in his chair and swiveled it so that he was staring straight at me. "Ah thanks, come on in". I walked through the room up to his desk with my heart beating fast. I placed it on his desk and he asked me to sit and join him. I sat across from him as he sipped from his coffee. For the next 10 or so minutes we talked about how college was going for me and how I liked the internship so far. He told me a little about himself such as things he liked to do in his free time. We chatted more before his spoke up and said "so I see Max has been taking interest in you, are you guys hitting it off"? I had realized that Max was a bit flirty but I was more surprised that Shawn had actually been noticing me this whole time. I spoke up "Max has been very sweet but I see him as just a friend". Shawn nodded his head in understanding and said "well you are way out of his league and the cutest girl in the office so I don't blame him for trying". I could feel my cheeks become warm from blushing as I giggled and played it off. Was this Shawn expressing his interest in me? What do I say? I thought. "Well thanks so are you" I blurted out. Thanks so are you? What was that? Shawn grinned and went back to work as I stood up and made my way out of his office. When I turned around to close the door I noticed that he had been checking me out as he quickly looked away. I closed his door and my heart was throbbing. That weekend all I could do was think about Shawn. I told Kaylin about him and she told me I should make a move somehow.

That monday I planned my wardrobe to grab Shawns attention again. I wore a knee high, slate gray pencil skirt that hugged to my ass. I wore a light pink blouse tucked into my skirt over top of my lace black bra. I picked out some closed toe black heels and got ready for the day. I made it to the office a little earlier than usual and Max wasn't there yet to unlock our shared office. I placed my things by the door and went to the bathroom to check out my make up once more. After some quick touch ups I went back out into the office and noticed Shawn making his way to the office. "Good morning" he said, "would you mind grabbing me a coffee?" he asked. "Be right there!". I made my way to the kitchen and pour his coffee. I got his cream and sugar and decided to undo a few buttons on my blouse to show a little more cleavage. I made my way into his office and strutted my way to his desk. Shawn was taking off his suit jacket as his muscles stretched out his dress shirt. He looked so sexy all dressed up. I placed the coffee on his desk and he asked me to sit again. I sat down and we chatted about our weekends and how we hate mondays. He was looking at his computer as he took a sip of coffee. He went to place it back on his desk but placed it onto the corner of a notebook and it tipped over. It was almost like it was slow motion. It tipped towards me, hit the desk and spilled my way. I didn't react fast enough as it poured onto my skirt. I stood up in shock and quickly grabbed some napkins to soak it up. "Im so sorry! I am a total idiot" Shawn explained. He stood up and ran to get a wet towel. He brought it in to me and knelt down infront of me to help clean my skirt. He grabbed the back of my leg just under my skirt as he put the towel just above my knee to stop the drip. I paused and looked down at him as he continued to clean. He looked up and saw me staring and stopped. "Oh sorry that probably wasn't appropriate" he said has he stood up and backed away. "No its fine you were just helping, plus I don't mind" I said and grinned. He grinned back and handed me another towel to clean up. "I know the girls keep a hair dryer in the bathroom, I'll go grab it he said." He came back and plugged it in. The art of my shirt that was tucked into my skirt I could feel was wet. I unzipped the side of my skirt a little pull out my shirt so that I could dry it. When i looked over at Shawn he was staring at my hip where I had unzipped. My zipper had opened a little more revealing the lacey waistline of my black thong. He looked up at me and saw that I had seen him looking. He looks down at the ground as he brought me over the dryer. I turned it on and started drying my skirt. Shawn watched from his desk as I decided to give him something more to look at. I turned to the side so that my unzipped side was facing him. I put the dryer over that spot and tugged down a little more so that more of my hip and underwear showed. He kept staring.

I turned my back to him and bent over at my waist to "dry" the part of my skirt by my knees giving him a good look at my ass in the tight skirt. I finished up drying what I could even though it was completely stained. "I feel so bad, I'm sorry I ruined your skirt". I made my way over to his desk and said "It was an accident Shawn its okay". I reached my arms out to give him a hug to thank him for his help and he resisted to stand up at first before he finally did. He hugged me quickly and sat back down but as he sat down I could see the tent in his pants from his dick. I leaned against his desk and looked down at him. My skirt was still unzipped on the side and my shirt was untucked and still wet. "Do you mind zipping me back up while I dye this last part off?" I asked. He nodded and scooted his chair over. I I continued drying as his hands grabbed my zipper. His hands brushed my hips as I lifted my leg up onto the arm of his chair so it would be "easier to zip". The tension was strong as he stared at my exposed skin through the slot of the zipper. I stopped the dryer and could hear this deep breathing. He slowly zipped it up as I repositioned my leg onto his lap. He paused and looked up at me. I looked down at him, biting my lip. He looked down at my foot and slid his hands down my leg. He moved my leg so that it was now on the other side of him as I slid of the desk and straddled him in his chair. I immediately locked lips with him and swirled my tongue around his mouth. He bit my lip and I moaned as we broke our kiss. "Wait a second, what are you doing?" he asked me. I kissed him once more before breaking our kiss and looking him in his eyes. "I think you're really attractive Shawn, and I saw you staring". He kissed me again as he unzipped my skirt once more.

We made out like school kids as I grinded on his cock through the fabric of my underwear and his pants. I could feel myself getting wet as his hands squeezed my ass through my skirt. He lifted me up as he stood up and placed me on his desk. He broke our kiss and ran over to the door. He closed it and locked it and made his way back over. He undid his buckle as I wrapped my legs around him pulling him closer. We kissed again before he unzipped his pants. He pulled out his cock and I couldn't believe my eyes. He was uncircumcised which I had never seen in person and he was thick. I reached down to grab it as it continued to grow. I couldnt wrap my fingers around it the whole way due to its thickness. By now he was throbbing hard as all 8 inches of him poked at my stomach. We broke our kiss as I layed my back down on the desk and spread my legs open. He pushed my skirt up my legs so that I was now exposing my thong to him. He pulled it to the side and slid a finger in. I moaned in surprise as he fingered my tight pussy. He moved to my clit as he pushed himself closer where the tip of his cock was rubbing the lips of my pussy. I reached down and guided his cock into me as I let out big sigh. He entered me slowly as I wrapped my legs around him and locked my heels together. He increased his speed fucking me on his desk as his things wobbled and fell off. I reached down and rubbed my clit as he thrusted in and out of me at a fast pace now. Just as I was about to cum Shawn pulled out in a panic. He pushed his cock back into his pants and zipped them up before pulling me back into a standing position. "Shit" he said, "people are starting to come into work". I looked at him in dissapointment as I tucked my shirt back in and fixed up my skirt. Shawn readjusted his clothing before looking at me and pulling me in for another kiss. "Im really sorry, but we can't get caught" Shawn explained. I understood and helped get his desk back to how it was. I went over and unlocked his door. He poked his head out and said it was clear.

I headed to my things outside my office and saw that Max had arrived. I grabbed my things and went to the bathroom. When I came out I dropped by Shawns desk again and left him my number and told him to text me. We went about the day as usual before he texted me before we were about to leave work. He asked me out for dinner and I accepted.

The rest I'll leave for next time since this ran longer than expected.