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Laura in the park. M35, F31 (I think). | 2016

After the little adventure I had recently with Haley link I have been meaning to meet up with my fwb Laura to say thank you and give her some one on one time although she got more than she expected that night.


I contacted Haley for our usual lunchtime get together (no kids just coffee, cuddles and quiet) and she replied with "snowed under baby sorry!!!!". Making a mental note to help her chill out later and a quick note to her secondary partner Ian that she was likely to be stressed I looked to see if anyone was free. Laura was so with a grin I agreed to meet her in a local nature trail.


I like the nature trail. It connects a sleepy English village on the outskirts of Oxford and the industrial estate where we all work. There's no playpark so mothers with little ones and in the daytime no youths. At times when Haley and I have needed sexual relief we have got lost in the bushes to satisfy our urges. I have many fond memories of Haley gripping a tree to stay standing while I, on my knees, bury my tongue inside her amazingly soft cunt.


I had no such plans for Laura however. Although we are fwbs it's certainly not all about the sex. I like her ballsy no nonsense opinions and her willingness to tell me that I'm being an idiot if I am. I turn to her for a fresh perspective when dealing with problems and we even talked about being secondary partners which we both rejected after about 10 minutes. We were only to meet up and chat while we eat our lunch. Technically that is what we did.


Laura arrived first and I bounded along a few minutes after. I've had a lot of fun recently so I have been annoyingly happy. I dumped into the picnic table bench with "Hiya" only to receive a semi serious scowl back.


Me: What's up?


Laura: (slightly blown away nervous smile) The other night...


Me: Didn't you enjoy yourself?


Laura: Hugely! I mean really so don't worry on that score but I've been a little obsessed with it all since.


When bringing extra people into the bedroom you have to be careful but one thing a lot of people overlook is that if you are not careful your +1 can get romantic feelings or obsessive about the sex life. Some even think they are entitled to further sessions with us. Thankfully this wasn't the case.


Me: Go on.


Laura: You probably couldn't tell but when you got me to lay with Haley and you fucked me from behind we first started kissing but when you started moaning because you were about to cum in me we just stopped and looked into each others eyes. We were both really turned on and looking into her eyes as you did that was so fucking hot. Once you filled me we kissed again but it was different, more passionate. I haven't kissed anyone with so much energy least of all a woman. I've been playing thinking of that a lot since. It's been days but I've played 6 or 7 times a day. I'm a wreck.


Me: Have you told Hales?


Laura: Yeah she said it was the highlight for her. She said to expect more kissing next time we have a girls night in.


Me: Are you okay with that?


Laura: Yeah but... bloody hell Kai I'm just so horny all the time at the moment.


I saw she needed release so I shifted next to her and straddled the bench. I kissed her deep on the lips and held her tight to me as she trembled.


Me: I think someone has enjoyed being adventurous.


Laura: uh huh.


Me: and I think you are still excited because you know that the adventure hasn't ended.


Laura: mmm uh huh.


I caught her up in a crushing kiss again and she gripped me tight as she shivered again. Her legs wriggled and her knees rubbed together and after a large shiver she held onto me like she was about to fall off the earth and did a kind of gasp/sob before returning the same crushing passionate kisses.


After a while the leg writhing caught my attention and I said "how wet ARE you?" and after a moments of pause of anticipation with my hand on her knee I slipped my hand up her skirt. Her panties were sodden with her juices. I looked her in the eye and slid them down her legs. After a quick check to see no-one was looking I slipped them over her shoes, brought them up to my face, and then sucked some of the juices off them. She made a squeaking sound that sounded like "he?" and I growled "come with me and led her deep into the treeline.


Once we were far enough in I threw my coat down on a suitable grassy spot, flicked her into my arms and then gently lowered her. I managed to take off her skirt and set it to one side so it wouldn't get marked before I lost it and grabbing her ass pulled her cunt up to my mouth. I was ravenous lapping up her juices and sucking the flavour from her thighs. I had no technique (where normally I do) and was solely concerned with taking in as much of her as possible. She didn't care about lack of technique. After three days of riding her fingers and toys she was so sensitive that my devouring sucks and licks, my tongue darting deep inside her to get more of her taste, had her arching her back, rolling her back and making a sound that I can only describe as an asthmatic having a seizure. At one point a burst of flavour hit my mouth and I think she may have squirted for the first time.


I pulled back to look at her and even though she was writhing in pleasure she seemed to be in that weird zone where she needs to be pushed over the edge to cum explosively. I slipped a finger inside her and up towards her g-spot and was rewarded with a "yaaaAAAAuhhhh". She gripped my elbow and pleaded with a "pees pees pees pees". My fingers worked in and out her faster and faster with a curl and stroke upwards and when her hips reflexively raised I pressed her crotch back down with the heel of my hand and took the opportunity to drum my fingertips on her clit (not hard just let the weight of your hand be enough pressure. Lift drop lift drop). She stared at me wide eyed and said "ya ya ya ya" hyperventilating with every ya. I quickened my pace and she finally came. Her body folding up like some invisible force was crumpling her up like a paper ball. She let out a "naaaaaaahyeah" and started crying with relief but completely uncontrollably.


I pulled the curled up ball of my friend onto my knees and pulled my coat over her ass and legs. Being exposed is a thrill during sex but as exhausted, fragile and helpless as she felt she needed to feel protected. I held her and kissed her forehead while stroking her hair to calm her down.


She hasn't gone back to work and has begged off home claiming sickness. I'm still sat here catching up on work after my long lunch (are you in the UK and has your manager got back late from lunch). Her soaked knickers are in my pocket and my balls are aching with the need to relieve myself.


I hope you enjoy reading this. I can't wait to get back home to Haley. Hopefully this will distract her from the stress.