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How I ended up [F]ucking [M]y roommate... | 2016

Never thought I’d have anything to write about on the subreddit, but this weekend has been a bit unusual. This is a bit on the long side, with some backstory. I ended up sleeping with the girl I’ve been living with for the past year- and if you’re just interested in the sex, Ctrl F for “We get back”. We’ve grown to be close friends, and have been mistaken for a couple in public before but I’ve never felt like it was anything but platonic until Friday…

Just a bit of background, I live with Kate, who this story is about, and our third roommate James. We’re all young professionals in our mid 20s, and could each afford to live where we do without roommates, but get along well enough that we don’t. James and I have lived together for three years now, and Kate joined us at the end of last summer when she moved out of her boyfriend’s apartment after he cheated on her. I had actually only met her once or twice before we helped her move here, but she’s become one of my closest friends in that time.

I’m an inch or two over six feet, 170 pounds, run, bike commute to work, and lift weights just so you have a vague idea of that, but let me tell you about Kate. She is, without hyperbole, the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in real life. Perfect skin, she’s 5’5”, not a pound over 115, with 34C tits. Not bimbo big, but just beautifully shaped and impossible not to stare out out of the corner of your eye. She was the one who got me into biking, so you can only imagine how toned her legs and ass are- she probably rides for 120 miles a week about in addition to her commute. Add to that a beautiful face, cute glasses and a curly Taylor Swift inspired shoulder length bob(?) haircut with great brown hair, and she is really gorgeous.

Now with that out of the way, let’s get to this weekend. James’ girlfriend (Becca) was staying with us and she and Kate were planning on going out dancing Friday together (they’ve been friends for years before either of them knew James or I) Then we were all going to go to a biergarten on Saturday during the day with one of Kate’s friends that I had a bit of an on and off thing going on with a few months ago. And yes, you caught us, we’re giant hipsters with our bikes and our beirgartens- I’ve even got a beard too so you can save all those comments. I got home from work at noon (half day Fridays in the summer) and spent a few hours cleaning up the apartment and getting myself ready to head out- I figured that James and I would just head down to our local bar and grab dinner and drinks there after the girls went out. Just as I’m getting out of the shower, Kate comes home from work. I dry off and get a towel wrapped around me, as we’re yelling back and forth across the living room about plans for the evening, and when I open my bathroom door she’s waiting with a glass of wine for me, and gives me this great big hug thanking me for cleaning the apartment before Becca got there since she wouldn’t have time to clean and get ready.

We end up splitting that bottle of wine while she’s getting ready with her makeup and all that. She’s wearing this skintight beautiful red dress that’s not too low cut, but still shows off a bit of chest, and barely covers her ass. I cannot stress how great this girl’s legs are, I know you’ll probably scoff at another T Swift reference, but think along those lines. Of course at the time, I’m not thinking about any of this because I have just never expected anything to happen between us. Becca arrives, and they pregame a bit more with some wine and then they head out to some club right as James gets home. Becca makes some drunken comment about seeing him later with a wink and a kiss, and Kate gives me an eyeroll and a vomit face. She doesn’t exactly love that her best friend is dating her roommate. They catch an Uber, and James and I sit around drinking and shooting the shit for a bit before heading down the block to our bar. While there we learn that the girls have snuck into a private party with an open bar on a closed off floor of the club which leads to predictable consequences- shots for them and progressively more drunken selfies sent to us. As we’re closing out at our bar, I get a text from Kate saying that they want us to join them because they’re lonely. We roll our eyes, call an Uber, and laugh about how not two hours earlier they had forbade us from even going to the neighborhood they were headed to, for fear of us crashing girl’s night.

We get to their club and see that the attire of the hostesses and bartenders there are corsets and thongs... okay so it’s that kind of bar then. The place is basically empty at this point, as the private party they snuck into all left to go somewhere else, so we immediately see them dancing with two rando guys- and that is the kind of thing that drives James nuts. It’s okay if Becca goes out on her own and dances with other guys, but when he sees it he gets a bit huffy, so rather than deal with that I go straight to the bar and order a drink. I’m a bit surprised when Kate appears at my arm, and I ask her why she stopped dancing with that other guy (this girl loves to dance, and I actually feel like if I looked anything as attractive as she does, I might have a bit more of a stomach for it) and she says that she’d much rather dance with me. That’s not too unusual, as I’ve been conscripted into this role before at other bars when she wants to ditch some guy or something, but usually she’s straight forward and just says that. We’re dancing a bit closer with a bit more grinding than usual, but I just chock that up to the earlier open bar and the terrible MC Hammer remix playing. We dance for maybe an hour or so, with a drink run or two mixed in, but she keeps catching sight of Becca and James kissing and keeps making faces about it, so on our last drink of the night, while we’re off the dance floor she says how she isn’t looking forward to heading back, as her room and James’ room share a wall and she can hear them fucking through it. So she wants to avoid that tonight, and asks to sleep in my room. I’m still completely oblivious at this point, and say how that will be no problem at all and I’ll just make up a couch for myself or something like that. She sort of slyly smiles a bit and we go back to dancing for a little before all getting a ride back to the apartment. It’s a short ride back, but Becca and James can’t keep their hands (mouths actually) off each other, which I don’t really care too much about, but it was giving Kate a fit.

We get back, and James and Becca immediately go to his room, while I fix Kate and myself a glass of water, and grab a spare set of sheets out of the linen closet to change the sheets on my bed for her because I’m still oblivious to what’s happening while she changes out of that dress into a tanktop- obviously braless- and those lightweight plaid short things that girls wear to bed. I make up the bed while she talks about how much fun she had, and how much she’s looking forward to tomorrow as long as Becca and James can keep the PDA to a minimum, and then makes a joke about that applying to me and the other girl we’d be meeting for it. I tell her that we’re over with, so it won’t be a problem at all right as I finish the sheets. As I’m headed over to the door to hit the light for her, she says something about how I have a king sized bed, she’d feel bad having me sleep on the couch and how there’s ton of room for both of us. She demonstrates this by bouncing around on the bed on her knees a little bit, and man is it apparent that she doesn’t have a bra on… Me, still stupid, thinks to myself that I did this all the time in college with girls platonically rather than walk back to my off campus apartment after drinking, and it never turned into anything so why shouldn’t that be the case here. With three days perspective, I can safely say that I am an idiot. So I change out of my clothes into basketball shorts (not a big deal, I’ve changed clothes in front of her before) and lay down on the opposite side of the bed from her butt to butt. I’m still decently drunk, so I’m expecting to pass right on out, when Kate says how cold she is (I keep my room at 65 and the apartment at 68, and she sleeps with like 9 blankets) rolls over, and wraps herself around me demonstrating just how cold her feet and hands are (little ice demons, that’s how cold ಠ_ಠ) basically Jet Packing me, and saying how unfair it is that I’m so warm. So I roll over, and we start spooning, and she says how nice and warm I feel. Also, still in my head, I’m not thinking anything in particular about this. We lay like that for a minute or two before I feel her butt rubbing up against my crotch. I don’t think anything of it for a second or two, thinking that she’s just trying to get comfortable but then realize that she’s not stopping, and understand for the first time that night what’s going on. I, realizing that this is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities that you can tell your grandchildren about, waste no time.

I start kissing her neck, and move one of my hand down onto her thigh, and she realizes that we’re both finally on the same page with where things are heading. She gives this slight moan when I get to the bottom of her neck, rolls over and we are making out with hands all over the place. It was like a switch had been flipped, I’ve got one hand under her shorts grabbing her ass, the other one over her shirt feeling the most perfect boob I have ever grabbed. Perfect handfull, perfect squish to it, just amazing. I feel her hand go down my shorts, and I’m already a bit past half mast, but just instantly go hard once she starts stroking it- she breaks our kiss to give me a smile once she gets her hand down there, and that look made me happier than anything in my life had up to this point- I’d just never seen a girl so excited about a dick before. We get back to making out, and she straddles me, taking her tank top off. It was glorious to lay back and watch that. We go back to kissing, but now I’ve got her cute, dark little nipples in one hand, and I drop my face down to the other for a minute or two- again drunk so I don’t recall the exact play by play. After a bit of that, she kisses her way down my chest and what I wish were abs and pulls my shorts off with that same smile as earlier. One of the things I had done earlier after cleaning was trim up everything down there, just in case, and boy did that pay off. She gave my dick a single stroke, and then had it in her mouth , trying to get as far down as possible. Had it not been for all the drinks earlier, I think that her looking up at me with my dick in her mouth would have had me come right there. I let that go on for a bit, told her about how good she was (really was, not just saying that) but that I wanted to return the favor, so I leaned forward and grabbed her by the hips, and threw her to the side, and got on top of her kissing her from her mouth, to her neck, down to her nipples, then down her stomach (perfectly flat) to her waistband of her shorts. I pulled them off slowly as I kissed down one of her thighs, then skipped to the other one, then finally up to her pussy. I was actually surprised that she was completely shaved smooth, as while she obviously puts a lot of time into her appearance, I just never got the vibe that she shaves off of her in talking to her about sex stuff in the past.

So I start to go down on her, and not to oversell my skills, but she is loving it. I slip my one of my fingers from my right hand inside of her, and reach up with my left hand to her neck and then to grab her nipples a bit. The second I touch her nipple, I feel her tighten up, and crush my head between her thighs. I couldn’t actually tell how loud she was because of aforementioned skull crushing thighs blocking out all sound, but she basically convulsed around me for a good few seconds, cumming for the first time that night. I playfully started to lower my head back down to go again, but she was too sensitive, and rolled over to straddle me. We laid like that for a few seconds while she caught her breath, just lightly kissing before I felt her arch her hips up and position my dick (yeah protection would be smart, but we’re both responsible people that have openly discussed sex in the past, so cleanliness wasn’t a problem, and she has an IUD and I can’t have kids so that wasn’t a problem) straight up before sliding down it all the way in one go.

Holy shit it felt great, I hadn’t had actual sex since that other girl and I ended things a few months back, and wow it was great. She just rolled her hips for a little bit working things up slowly- it felt wonderful to just lay there watching her have all the control. She worked up a decent pace, and then I joined in and we were going pretty hard at it for a bit with her still on top, those great boobs hanging down in front of my face, and she’s making these little breathy sounds every time I get to my deepest in her that really make me feel like a king. After not too long of that, I’m about to come, but don’t want this to stop ever, so I roll her over onto her back, throw a pillow under her hips we start making out again while going slowly like that. I think that she could sense that I needed a breather. I’m supporting myself with my right hand, and move my left one down to use my thumb on her clit, and did that ever work! Break time was over, and we were right back full speed fucking. I learned in the morning when we were talking that no one has ever done that to her while in missionary, but she apparently love it, after a minute or two of that, she was breathily saying that she was close and I said the same, and we fucked literally the hardest I’ve ever been at it. That apparently did it for her she ended up cumming again with her whole body shaking, which put me way over the edge, and I came while deep inside of her. We laid like that in a collapsed pile of sweat and sex for a minute to catch our breath, before she got up to head to the bathroom and grab a paper towel for me to clean up with. A few jokes about who was going to get the pillow with the wet spot (it ended up on the floor) and a few kisses later we were asleep naked with her curled up around my side.

So that was Friday night, I’m posting this a few days later and there have been some developments (good ones) since then, but this is already 15,000 words and mostly backstory. I’m going to write more about what happened, but I’ve got two hours left at work today and I should probably make some progress on what I’m supposed to be doing. I'll try to write out what happened the next day this evening once I'm home or maybe tomorrow at work.

I would love feedback, as this is my first time writing anything nonacademic. Too much detail, not enough, too many asides and parentheticals, please let me know, and I’ll try to incorporate that into the next part. I just felt the need to just brag about this, as spoiler alert, we haven’t told anyone else that this has happened, especially not James who is usually the person I tell about this sort of thing.

EDIT: I've just posted part two Here. If there are any more updates after that, I'll make sure to include them at the bottom of each part.