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Diary o[f] a Sex Addict: Hooking up with a Redditor fro[m] RAOBJ | 2016

Since /u/klr604 decided to post her story, I figured I would tell my side of it - for posterity of course. You can read it here.

Friday afternoon, sitting at work, trying to make the last few hours go away. Browsing reddit, and though it's risky, end up on /r/RandomActsOfBlowJob and happened to see /u/klr604's post. I've never done RAOBJ before - but as people know, I have done the online thing, OKCupid, Tinder, whatever. I figured this wouldn't be all that much different, and maybe more to the point. So I sent a message - the one she has in her post, although she did remove a comment I made about how it looks like we both made our username by using initials. Anyhow, we chatted back and forth and she sent over a picture, no face, neck down, no verification. She was wearing a plain top - and looked fine to me. I was really trying to make sure she wasn't a complete mutant. But as this was happening, her replying, I started to get erect. The thought that after work, I would head to a bar, meet someone, take them back to my place (or go home with them), and then get a lovely blowjob really got me thinking. I had to shift several times in my seat and close the door to my office. With other online dating scenarios, it didn't usually get hot this fast. I thought about leaving the office early and going home to masturbate - but I won myself over, thinking that if it happened, I would have a big load, which would feel great. I worked late, and left for the bar around 8:00, getting there and ordering scotch.

I logged into Reddit from my phone and sent her the message about where I was sitting in the bar, what I was wearing, etc, and tried to be a little flirty with my message - which, apparently worked. She came in and tapped me on the shoulder. I took a look and was pleased - she looked like her picture, mostly. Nude heels, blue dress with a lace pattern up top - I could just see a black bra strap showing on her shoulder. She had a red belt on and her hair done in a well-done ponytail with a barette holding it on top. She wasn't thin, but very nicely proportioned - C cups I would judge. She wore black plastic framed glasses and had a tight smile that showed just her front two teeth. I thought she was very pretty, in a quiet way. She seemed like the kind of girl that would be a kindergarten teacher or a librarian. Sitting on the stool, I could see that she was very nervous, which I found endearing. She couldn't quite figure out where to put her purse, and kept adjusting the belt on her dress. I started with small talk, asking what she was studying and where she was from. Vague answers, as I expected - who's going to spill their guts on a random hookup? She ordered a drink and nursed it as we got through further topics - I made an awkward remark that wedding season was getting me down. I realized that at her age, she probably hadn't attended many weddings. This momentarily made me think about what I was doing. She was nine years younger than I am. Though the prospect of what we would do excited me, I did think about that. However, I didn't get any sense from her that she was at all naive or innocent.

As our conversation went on, I got the sense that it was dragging and that I had to make a move - in my past experience, except in rare circumstances, the guy has to make the first move and it was for the girl to reject. She was nearly done with her drink, so I asked her if she wanted another. She didn't seem interested so I just dropped the chips on the table and asked if she wanted to get out of here. She said she would be game and went off to the bathroom. I surmised this was to call her friend and tell her that if she didn't hear from her within an hour to call the cops or something. That's happened to me on regular internet dates. She came back out and I watched her as she approached the bar. You can tell a lot about a woman by the way she walks. Her ankles turned ever so slightly on her heels - betraying the fact that she wasn't comfortable walking in them. I paid the check already (for both of us...), and we walked out into the street. I asked where she wanted to go, saying that my place was only a few blocks from here. She quickly agreed, leading me to believe that she'd figured that one out beforehand. We walked the five blocks to my apartment in somewhat awkward silence, as we'd somewhat run out of things to talk about - and since she wasn't really being forthcoming with details, it was hard. But the bulge in my pants was a reminder of what was about to happen. She was fulfilling some girlish fantasy, and I was getting what I needed - my crotch had been swollen for hours thinking about this.

Walking into the lobby of my building and past the doorman - who I've become friendly with the 2 years I've lived in the building - he gave me a wink, which I appreciated. It's the little things in life. My opportunity would come when I got in the elevator - a trick that's served me well many times. Once all the solid indicators of interest are there, you have to make a move - and usually a bold one. 9/10 it is successful (and a tenth of the time you get a raw cheek) - and this time was not an exception. As soon as the doors closed I went in for the kiss. I put my hands on her hips and started with an intense but close-mouthed kiss, just in case. She returned it eagerly, and slowly I worked my tongue in her mouth. I could hear the elevator beep off the floors as I moved to her cheek and her hands moved around my back. She was wearing what I judged to be nice perfume - Gucci? I can never really tell.

I kissed her again and looked at her - her expression had changed to a mellow excitement. We kissed a little more and I whispered in her ear,

"Are you excited?" to which she immediately replied yes. She seemed to have left that out of her account of the story. I guided her out of the elevator by the small of her back and we turned down the hall, me just ahead of her. My finger just caught for a second in the belt of her dress as I reached for my keys and unlocked the door. Habit taking hold, I tossed my keys on the bar and loosened my tie. I turned around and she was nervously trying to put her purse on the entrance table - a kind of odd balancing act. I asked her if she wanted a drink and she turned around, saying that she would. Asking if a G&T would be okay, I poured two out - Hendricks Gin. I gave her one and we sat on the couch and started kissing a little more. This is where her story sort of adjusts what actually happened. I'm not sure why she left this part out - maybe out of a desire to seem more planned out?

We started kissing on the couch and her breath smelled of Orbitz chewing gum and juniper berries. But her tongue in my mouth, felt so great. Our hands had started to move around more now and my hand found its way down to the hemline of her dress. Her legs, obviously just freshly shaven, were long and lovely. I stroked her thigh as I moved to her neck and she began breathing hard. My left hand ran up her left knee and pushed the hemline of her dress up just enough to see where her thighs bunched together. I couldn't quite see her panties, which annoyed me. We kept kissing and I ran my hands up to her sides, feeling for a zipper. There, she stopped me and asked:

"Are you ready?" Which I thought was kind of an odd question - I was kind of letting the evening roll, but I realized that all of this had basically been a lead-up to the blowjob. Doing the quick math, I figured that I would just go with it.

"Sure," I said.

She slowly unbuckled my pants and we both did the awkward pants-removal with a boner thing. She then slowly slid to her knees and gave a nice long lick up my shaft, which felt great. She cradled the back of my cock with one hand, and with the other, she rubbed up and down, under my shirt. I don't know why I didn't think to take it off - but each lick felt better and better. Then, she slightly pushed up and inclined her head straight down - taking me all in her mouth. The warmness of her mouth and tongue were great. She continued to lick and suck, and before long, I could feel the tension in my balls - the feeling of having to sneeze. But with a blowjob it always comes on slower, because the stimulation is less than from pussy. Then - she wrapped her hands around my cock and started going up and down, and with each downstroke, she would take me into her mouth - this felt unbelievable. I had one ex-girlfriend that had a similar technique. Now, the electric tightness in my balls didn't subside between strokes, it got stronger and stronger. I got to the point where I felt like I could hold on a plateau if I wanted, so I opened my eyes and looked at her rhythmically bobbing on my cock, making a light sucking and slurping sound - taking it all in. I reached out and lightly touched her head and cheeks, leaning my head back again. The tightness kept growing - and then, all at once, I realized I couldn't hold it anymore. I wanted just another second, but I couldn't stop it:

"Kate, I'm going to cum in your mouth."

I just barely got it out when the familiar cramping sensation came over my ass and balls - the most euphoric uncontrollable muscle contraction, the feeling of hot semen filling up inside me and then - uncontrollably spasming and shooting a huge jet of cum into her mouth. She slowed her bobbing and kept her mouth still as my cock twitched and twitched and I writhed against her tongue, breathing wracked and shallow. Finally the twitching subsided and I looked down to see a drop of cum leaking from her mouth - she didn't look terribly pleased and in one motion, took her mouth off my cock and spit cum all over my balls and couch. I would have been mad - but I was too satiated and out of breath. I could feel the coolness on my balls, liquid running down it as she reached for a tissue to wipe her mouth. She looked up at me nervously and asked if it was good. I nodded and smiled. She walked toward the door and grabbed her purse. I asked if she wanted to stay - and she said that she'd had a good time but wanted to head out. I stood to get myself fixed - but she was gone.

I walked back over to my gin and tonic, reflecting on the whole experience. It didn't seem like she was as into it as she could have been - not that she didn't want to do it, but I think she had a tough time figuring out why she wanted it, and wasn't comfortable with laying it all out there. As for the RAOBJ experience as a whole? Obviously it turned out for me pretty well - but I would probably be more selective next time and make sure the person was equally into it. I think that's why online dating is superior to simple encounters such as these - you get the chance to feel out rapport, rather than just getting right down to business.

Edit: Adjusted link.