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Last [F]riday Night & my first almost-anal experience | 2016

Background: I'm a 25 year old girl, ethnically Indian, who has spent most of her life being sexually suppressed. Used to be rail thin but have been putting on weight lately. I love playing with my boobs now as there is more to grab and I've always loved attention to my ass but it's been hard to squeeze into my size 2 jeans these days, although I'm still managing. I've filled out quite nicely, if I do say so myself. This It's been about 7 years since I lost my virginity and I've recently entered a phase of craving sex pretty much constantly. I will probably get myself into trouble eventually, as I'm going about getting myself off rather recklessly at the moment, but I definitely don't see myself refusing an opportunity any time soon.

And the story: I went out of town which usually makes it even easier for me to shed any self consciousness I may have lingering and go all in on any prospects. I'm staying with a friend for the next week and she was already prepared to not wait up for me if we were to get separated Friday night. She took me to a rather trendy spot or, rather, the only trendy spot in her neighborhood. We were aiming for proximity, since driving was likely not going to be an option later in the night.

The trendy spot attracted the perfect types of guys: full of themselves and secretly desperate. I zeroed in on one such specimen. He was about 6'2" with a beard and a normal, non-hipster haircut. He had on salmon pants, a button down, and (what I later confirmed was) a whiskey in his hand. Too sexy.

I made my eyes, he made his approach. The rest, as they say, is the foreplay after the foreplay. Not sure who says this, but you get my meaning. We quickly made our way down from the rooftop and ordered an uber. I perched myself on a brick wall outside the bar and wrapped my legs around him as I guided his hand down to feel my wet pussy, totally available under my mini skirt with no interfering panties. We got some whistles, I waved back.

We clambered into the back of the uber and found the arm rest down, likely to discourage fornication. He held my hand over the rest but I quickly found my way down to the bulge in his pants and began massaging it. I was so anxious to lay my eyes and lips (both) on it. We finally made it back to his house and practically ran up the stairs to his room. The living room was susceptible to his roommates, which he minded although I did not.

Clothes came off surprisingly slowly. Well, mine. I had my lips around his dick as soon as I could get his pants off, which didn't give him much time to undress me. I reached down to start undressing myself when he pulled me up and pulled my skirt up. I fell back onto his bed while positioned his face by my pussy. I love to cum on a guy's face and he quickly flicked and licked his way expertly in and around my pussy so as not to deny me that pleasure. Once I had moaned and called his name loud enough to wake all his roommates he ceased and came up so I could taste myself in his mouth.

Then, he breathed his next words into my ear as intimately as if he was asking me to marry him, "how about anal?" And then immediately resumed kissing me wherever he could lay his lips; he was good. I admitted I'd only had experience with light teasing, but I was interested. He didn't know what he was doing, but I was drunk and horny and feeling adventurous. I got his finger in my ass, fast and rough, sans lube, while I was positioned in front of him doggystyle. It felt so fucking good I still don't give a fuck about how sore I felt the next day, I wanted and want that feeling back. He paused once or twice to spank me, giving my ass the attention I love.

Once I started to feel like I couldn't take anymore, I turned around, and took him in my mouth. I love to suck a good cock. I reached down and fingered myself until I tasted him cumming in my mouth and my fingers covered in me. He lifted me up to make out with me with my mouth still full of his cum before we passed out.

We got another round in the next morning before I thought I should get back to my friend but it was less colorful, at least in my opinion. My first night on vacation made me excited for the rest of it and I'm hoping I'll have even more adventurous nights the rest of the week.