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Testament of the multiple times I watched my best friend fuck someone in our hotel room. [M/F] | 2016
Ellen is has been my best friend for years. I asked her to be the best man at my wedding and so far she’s done a bang up job. She’s gathered a bunch of friends and family in Reno for a weekend. They are all waiting for us because we had to go get something from the room. Actually we just needed an excuse to go back to the room after breakfast so I could bend Ellen over the bathroom sink and stick my dick in her pussy.
But that’s not the story I’m telling right now. I'll get back to it later.
Instead I want to rewind again to a trip much like this that happened years before. The first time I was in Reno with Ellen. It was my twenty-first birthday, my parents and all our old friends piled into cars and drove out to celebrate. She and I split a room (two beds) with a friendly agreement that we would be courteous if either of us needed the room. For fucking and stuff. duh.
That’s how we worked. Maybe sex was never seriously on the table because we were so good at getting each other laid? Over the years I had just viewed the idea of hitting on Ellen to be rude. We had amazing boundaries with the exception of that trip…
It began when Ellen decided she wanted to bring Antonio. He was by and far the dumbest man I had ever met. It may have been a culture shock for him, being from Italy, now he was tossed in with a very tight knit group of theater kids so Ellen invited him at the last moment. Before I knew it he was in my car and staying in my room. How did this happen? Did I mention Antonio looked like a model? Because he fucking did.
We crash for the first night entirely hammered. I sprawl out on my bed fully clothed and all is quiet. . . for a moment. Then there’s the sound of shuffling coming from the bed next to mine, then silence, then a sound that I’ll only describe as - a squishiness. A rhythmic squishiness. Before I was able to comprehend what was going on there was dead giveaway of strained exhaling. I grunted “Oh gaud” then pulled a pillow over my head. End of story? No! Six hours later I wake up and am immediately greeted by the sounds of - SQUISHINESS! There is Ellen spread eagle, tits out, while this bronze adonis is pumping away beautifully! Like porno style if porn was tasteful. I was caught up in the sheer precision of these expert thrusts.
“I am still here” I said and the couple politely stopped, stood up, and moved to the shower. With the water running Ellen now felt comfortable moaning like a banshee. Nice of her to hold back with me sleeping. The real question is when did they start? Did they stop? Had they slept or just fucked their way to sobriety?
Trying to be cool with it. Not sure if I’m breaking etiquette sticking around or if Ellen broke the agreement bringing a boyfriend? Fuck it. Just be cool, right? We are sexual creatures! That sounds stupid this is weird. And it’s about to get weirder.
Soon I am in the shower and Ellen is in the bathroom getting ready. This is normal for us. It’s not about sneaking a peak at each other, it’s about sharing a bathroom efficiently. So I’m soaping up and trying to get the drunk off of myself when I start hearing heavy breathing coming from the other side. Ever so slightly I sneak a peek around the shower curtain. Antonio is standing there fingering her in the bathroom and I see it all! Small patch of Ellen’s brown pubes and his fingers reaching right up in there. Again speechless and not sure if this is some Italian invitation to double team my best friend, I sit in the shower and wait it out. Possibly stroked it a bit but I confirm nothing.
This goes on for the next twenty-four hours. Not the finger-blasting but the indiscriminate banging. Every time we turned around those two had disappeared. To be honest, this worked out fine. I was too busy being completely drunk to even attempt hitting on anyone. So I never had make my soft pale body perform with the Italian stallion one bed over. I even had a conversation with Ellen about how brazen they were. She apologized but said this man was giving her the best sex she’d ever had and didn’t care.
“Does he like people watching?”
“I kinda think he does.” She shrugged.
Which leads me to the next part that happened not ninety minutes after that conversation. My parents decided to take me exclusively to the most expensive restaurant in the area so I went up to change into my suit. There was obvious heavy breathing to be heard the moment I opened the door. Hesitated for a moment but we had reservations so I proceeded inside my room. There is a chair turned towards the window and I barely register the back of Antonio's head seated in it. Sweet Ellen is entirely naked, bouncing up and down, her big milky breasts being tossed about with reckless abandon. The sound of her ass slapping against him as well as the sound of a very wet pussy being pounded.
She didn’t slow down a bit. Instead my best friend throws me a look that means only one thing “whaddya got?” Not an invitation mind you but a casual “go about your way” and that’s what I did. I got dressed while Antonio and Ellen balled each other not three feet away. Awkward? Yes. Fucking hot? Yes!
I didn’t stare but I also didn’t take steps to look away. Nor was I their focus. Those two were so passionate for each other that I felt ignored entirely. By the time I began buttoning my shirt Antonio had lifted her off of him and repositioned Ellen over the chair. I caught her eye the moment he slipped back into her, this man’s glorious cock. She bit her lip. Then he went on to fuck her as hard as he could. One of Ellen’s breasts had popped over the back of the chair was now slapping against it. I was finished, grabbed my coat, and headed for the door. Then stopped.
I walked back over and gave them both high fives and then left. It is one of the greatest moments of my life.
Then I went to dinner. That night I crashed in another room. The lines were getting a little too blurry and I just didn’t think I could function with a live sex show going on all night. This is a story Ellen and I love to tell each other. Others have bought us rounds and rounds of free drinks in the hopes we’ll share it. I share it with you so you can fully understand what Ellen can be like when she sets her eyes on someone and at my bachelor party that person was me.
BTW, no they didn’t fuck all night. They woke up shortly before I did and got right back to it.
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