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[MFMF] Couples have a kids free weekend adventure | 2016
It had been over a year since we (Mike and Shannon) had gone on any sort of vacation without our two children. Shannon had been working out to get back to her pre-baby body for the past six months, achieving her weight goal of 125lbs, which matched her 5' 6" frame tanned body and perky 36-D breasts perfectly. I, being just a few inches taller had an athletic, but not muscular build, was excited to be spending the long weekend at the beach and enjoying the company of our good friends Daniel and Nora. When we arrived at the beach resort Shannon recommended we stop at the local grocery store to pick up some drinks, typically we are not big drinkers but Shannon grabbed a bottle of Tequila, five limes, and all the fixings for margaritas, stating she was planning on getting wasted this weekend like they were back in college. When we arrived at the resort we found that Nora and Daniel had not yet arrived so we claimed the master bedroom and put out all the alcohol.
We decided we would take a quick swim before they arrived so we rushed into the room and quickly changed into our suits, as my wife was pulling off her panties I grabbed her ass and pulled her towards me kissing her deeply. I rotated her around and pushed her down onto the bed where she started to protest about not having enough time. I put my finger over her mouth then lowered myself between her legs and began to lick the wetness that was starting to form on her pussy lips. Within a few minutes of working my tongue around her clit she was grabbing my hair and panting, I stopped, stood up, and grabbed her hand pulling her off the bed and saying "Time for that swim". Her face was in a state of confusion as I stopped her before she could get off, or attempt to get me off. With a sly look she said "Fine, what goes around comes around!", and we made our way to the pool.
Upon our return Daniel and Nora had unpacked their suitcases and were enjoying a drink on the balcony. We all got ready and headed out to grab a bite of dinner. Once the drinks were flowing the conversation drifted from the typical kids, family, school conversations to that of how we met and college days. Shannon and I were both virgins when we met each other and had been each other's only sexual partners. Apparently we were not that uncommon because while Daniel had a few partners before Nora, she was also a virgin when they met. We finished dinner and made our way down to the beach where we were able to continue the conversation and drinking while enjoying the ocean spray and cool breeze. As Daniel and I were talking the girls began giggling when I heard Nora say "I can't believe you didn't get caught", they were apparently exchanging stories of various places they had sex over the years. This led to a discussion about having sex on the beach and while it sounds fun the sand would be a nightmare.
When we returned to the room everyone got changed into night attire and it was decided that we would play one of the various bored games that was available in the unit. Since we had all had a few drinks we decided to play one that didn't require a lot of reading, Shoots & Ladders, but with a twist. Any time someone went up a ladder they had to make a dare for everyone else in the room, but if they went down a shoot everyone in the room had to tell them what to do for the duration of the dice roll. The game progressed normally until I was the first to get a ladder, I had rolled a two, so my dare for the room was that they had to have two shots of Tequila each. Daniel and Nora proceeded to do body shots off of each other, as it was Shannon's turn she turned to Nora and told her to get on her back where she poured the liquid into her naval and sucked it out, then pressed her lips into Nora's to squeeze the lime from her mouth. At this point Daniel and I glanced at each other trying not to look too overzealous about what was unfolding. Shannon turned to me, put a lime in my mouth and pushed Daniel onto his back sprinkling salt on his breast. She then pressed her breasts against Daniels side and slowly licked the salt off of his chest, then planted her lips on my lips, retrieving the lime. Her eyes and mine remained locked, it became obvious she was both drunk and horny.
Nora was the next person to get a ladder and after thinking for a minute and getting pressure from Daniel she told everyone they had to lose a piece of clothing. The game continued a few rounds as we lost more clothing and had more shots until everyone was almost down to their underwear and fairly inebriated. Nora was the first to land on a shoot, so we determined her dare would be to tell the craziest thing she had ever done sexually. She told of a story when she was younger at a college Halloween party and because she lost at beer pong she had to give a blowjob to the two guys her and her friend had been playing against. She described how they went into a side room where a small crowd joined and watched the two girls suck the guys off until they blew their loads. This story got me pretty turned on and I was trying to shift myself to hide my erection but it was pretty difficult seeing as I only had boxers on. Nora appeared to be enjoying herself because I kept seeing her check my package out then glance up at my eyes, and away in a coy manner. I landed another ladder and instructed the other players that they had to kiss as my dare, Daniel and Nora began making out as Shannon looked at them, I asked her what she was waiting for and she joined into the kiss which turned into first Nora and Shannon kissing then just Shannon and Daniel.
It was not long before all of us were completely naked using various items around the room to cover ourselves and preserve some level of decency. I turned the lights down so we weren't sitting like specimens inside of a lab. This time Shannon landed on a shoot, the dare was agreed to be a lap dance where she proceeded to start with Nora and grinded her ass into Nora's crotch and chest. She then moved over to me, at this point my cock was fully extended and bouncing right along her pussy lips every time she moved back and forth. I could feel her wetness rubbing itself off on my cock as the tip brushed her hole. Each time she rocked back I attempted to bounce my cock into her opening just barley inserting myself. Next up was Daniel who immediately looked over at Nora for approval, but she was lost staring down at my dick glistening with Shannon's juices. Shannon squatted down on his lap and grabbed the blanked he had put on his lap to cover himself up, from my angle I could see that Daniel was also very hard. As Shannon started to grind on Daniel I looked over at Nora who was looking at the two of them with a concerned look on her face, she looked in my direction and I made it obvious that I was checking her out. She locked eyes with me and moved the position of her body so that her legs were folded but facing my direction, then hiked up the towel she had on her lap and began touching herself so that only I could see.
My attention went back to my wife who I could see was performing the same act as she had on me, on Daniel. My wife lost her balance and as she went down on her hand Daniel grabbed her around the chest and caught her from falling. As he did this the look on Shannon's face went from fun drunk to a drunk mischievous look. They sat there in the embrace for a few seconds before Shannon began grinding herself against him as if she was still giving a lap dance. It was obvious to me what had just occurred, and as Shannon stood up my assumption was confirmed as Daniel slid out of her and her lube ran down her inner thigh. She walked over to me and straddled my lap facing me and guided me into her so that she could ride me while kissing.
Looking over to my side Nora had moved to Daniel and was sucking his dick clean of Shannon. I laid back on my back as Shannon proceeded to ride me and I enjoyed the combination of drunken sex. Without warning I felt a warm, humid sensation hovering over my lips and opened my eyes to Nora's glowing lips spread out in front of my chin. I licked my tongue up and against her pussy lips and she pressed herself down and into my mouth. I had been going down on Nora for a few minutes when I realized Shannon was no longer riding my cock, but I couldn't see what or who she was doing. I grabbed Nora's hips and rolled her over onto her back and began kissing up her belly and onto her amazingly perky nipples until our lips met and we began kissing. Across the room was Shannon on all fours and Daniel thrusting himself deep into my wife as she moaned with pleasure while Daniel held her hair in his hand and pushed her head down into the floor. Nora stood up and sat down in my lap guiding my cock into her and we sat there grinding on each other watch Daniel fuck Shannon on all fours. Nora felt so warm as I sunk into her, she just sat there pulsing her kegels and rubbing my legs. A few minutes later Daniel was panting hard and as my wife began to cum it sent Daniel over the edge and he began unloading into my wife. Daniel started slowing down as their cum was being pushed out of Shannon with every thrust and dripping onto the towel below them. They both collapsed onto their side with Daniel still inserted in her.
Nora turned around on me and we began kissing passionately at the sight we had just witnessed, and not to be outdone she pushed me on my back and began riding me, arching her ass until the tip of my cock rested on her clit, then slamming herself back down on me. Daniel stood up and stumbled to the restroom as Shannon just lay there watching Nora and I fuck. I looked over at Shannon who had rolled over on her back and had a stream of cum splashed across her pubic hair patch and leaking down her inner thighs. I watched as she used the towel to wipe herself up, then made her way to the bathroom that Daniel had gone into. I flipped Nora onto her back and pounded her fast until I was about to come, she switched positions and began sucking me off into her mouth until I came in her mouth and she swallowed as much of my cum as she could letting the remaining drizzle out of her cheeks and down her chin.
Shannon came back into the room and announced that Daniel had passed out in the bedroom. Nora was sitting there naked with the excess cum dripping from her chin when Shannon returned. She wiped my cum off of her and went in to check on Daniel. When she returned Shannon and I had made our way out onto the patio and were enjoying the moonlight view. I was sobering up and decided to smoke a joint out on the patio and asked if anyone wanted to partake. Nora made a comment about not smoking since college, but tonight was not the night to turn down new experiences. We passed around the joint and commented on the amazing sex that we had. After smoking Shannon said that she needed a shower after getting all sticky, so she made her way to the bathroom leaving Nora and I on the balcony.
Nora and I sat there staring off at the beach, until I grabbed her hand and led her into our master bedroom and pushed her down onto the bed. I proceeded to eat her out while she laid there in a comatose state moaning each time I would change pace with my tongue. I continued this for a minute or two until she was gushing all over my chin, then stood up and led her into the bathroom with my wife. My wife was sitting in the shower using her vibrator on herself when we came in, she didn't even look up at us when we came in. She was sitting in the corner, vibrator in one hand, squeezing her breast in the other and arching her head into the corner of the shower. Nora bent down and kissed her on the lips, they embraced for a moment before Shannon reached up to grab the back of Nora's head, it was apparent she thought she was kissing me a first because when she realized it was Nora her body started to flinch as an orgasm rolled through her. They continued to kiss through her orgasm as I lifted her hips and got down on my knees pulling her onto my dick. Here I was fucking my wife while Nora was kissing her and spreading her wonderful pussy just inches from my face, occasionally I would slow down to give a quick kiss or lick on her ass. Nora whispered something in Shannon's ear and Shannon pulled back, too far away from me to continue fucking her. They laid me on my back and took turns alternating who rode me and who was getting oral from me. I did not last long in this position and due to the water and weed I had no idea which woman was fucking me and which one I was tongue fucking.
I tried to sit up to see who was making me cum, but all I could see was an ass in my face that pushed me further into the tile floor as I attempted to sit up. I felt the legs around my waist grip harder and push down on me, I started cumming hard, each time my dick would pulse she would rise up a little and push down. After I came I just laid on the tile and watched as Shannon pushed Nora off my cock and proceeded to lick her clean of the cum pulsing out of her. They embraced in a kiss and we all just sat in the steamy shower.
The rest of the night is very hazy for me, but somehow we all ended up sleeping together in our bed. I woke up in the morning to Daniel and Nora kissing in our bedroom together. The rest of the vacation was a ton of fun and we continued our sex filled sharing adventure the next evening, but no one told Daniel about the night he missed when he passed out.
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