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Who knew balls could make me so Wet? My birthday Hotel adventure. [F/M] | 2016
Upon request, here's another fun/humor filled story that's also hot and sexy as well. Don't worry to those that like the naughty parts, they are at the end mixed in with the funny parts.
I know this sounds like an OkCupid profile but bare with me. I'm 31, 5'5, bright green eyes, medium length dark-blonde hair. My gene-pool lottery gave me a winning pear shaped body complete with curvy hips and a bouncy cute ass. I lost on the small breast/fat nipple drawing. Grrrr annnnd moving on. I jokingly refer to myself as an Alexia Bledel's stunt double if she put on 40 lbs and had freckles. I'm more curvy and portioned but happy with my figure.
Ok, that out of the way, my Gonewild story starts a few years ago on my 29th birthday. My two best friends took me on a roadtrip but I didn't want to go. 6hours and a sore back later, we arrived at our hotel. We didn't even get the Ocean View like we were promised. Instead, we are looking at bushes and shrubs in much need of a pruning, stunning view of the fence and the crest of the grassy hill that over-looks that very lovely ocean view we were promised. I had a massive headache at this point and going out to drink just did not sound appealing.
We ate an early dinner at the hotel restaurant but my head was still killing me. Honestly, I just wanted to get some sleep and head back to the room. I exaggerated the headache even more and gave the girls the go-ahead to continue the night without me. My actual birthday wasn't until tomorrow anyway so nothing was going to be ruined. Trish feigns that, "ohh you sure you don't want me to come back with you? "Nahh, I'll be ok... you two go on with..." I'm barely through my sentence when the both of them are leaving a dust trail in their wake to hit the bars.
I go take a long nap and feeling a bit better but not enough to go out for the evening. It's my birthday weekend and dammit, I want to relax, 'not' get shit-faced. I decide on chilling by the pool deck to work on my moon tan. I'm in my one-piece swimsuit and shorts (ohh yeah, working on perfecting the non-mom milf look!) and reading my kindle. The group of college guys and girls playing in the pool are loud but keeping to themselves. I have a good ability to tune people so I'm content. I start to hear shouts and alerts from the college group but don't register them in time. Out of no-where, this water logged volleyball smacks my leg and practically knocks my kindle out of my hand. How I hold onto it is beyond me but my reaction is more of stunned shock than anything else. Jock#1 quickly comes over and apologizes while grabbing the ball to toss it back in the pool. He gives me the once over to make sure I was ok and nothing was broken but says nothing else. I don't even respond. I just sit there in the lounge wondering what the hell just happened. I'm beginning to fume and work up my courage to passively glare at the miscreants for ruining my birthday relaxation read. Ohh yes, my glare is legendary... I can make teenagers avoid eye contact for upwards of 3 seconds and cause dogs to question if they actually did something wrong. It's a gift, really.
The much older brother of one of the college kids walks up to me and asks me if I'm all right. My glare subsides long enough to get that "omgheshotshitshitshit" look on my face. His voice is like silky smooth gravel. Rough but polished to perfection. "Hey, sorry about that" he soothes, "Are you ok? damn kids am I right?" Don his name is, has "Classy Gentlemen" written all over his posture, demeanor on his shirtless physic. I'm pretty sure I have that "Bored Receptionist with gaping mouth open" look going for me. I fumbled back, "No, it's ok.. just got wet is all." My look faltered into the "holyshityoujustmadeasexualreferenceaaarrrgggh!" demeanor. He ignored it with, "... I'm kind of chaperoning so its my duty..." I interrupted to change the subject, "A drink.. you can buy my a drink." He smiled, agreed without saying much and I was happy to just having something to distract me from Mr Pecks McHugechest that was Don.
The poor guy comes back (fully clothed now) about 20 minutes later with my poison of choice (Cadillac Margarita if you must know) and I ask him if everything was ok. Turns out, the pool side bar was closed and he had to go into the restaurant bar to get it only they didn't allow no-shirts, blah blah blah, he went out of his way to get me that drink. My knight in shirtless-but-now-shirted armor! He and I chitchat for a bit. Turns out he's as goofy as I am and has this great sense of humor. "Soo, do you often get wet when balls fly at your face?" and "You know, if you just wanted birthday sex, there are easier ways to do it". Corny pick-up lines are eye rollingly bad, I know, but damnit if they don't work on me. I had to hook up with him at some point that weekend.
Don and I decide to go for a walk on the beach because reasons. I drop my gear off at my room and find out Don's is directly above me... give or take 30 or so rooms to the side. "Awww look at that! it's meant to be!" I put on my good lowcut top to show off my non-existent cleavage and freshen up down below. Hey! you never know right?
My man in fleshy armor is waiting by the pool and he's looking GOOOOOD. Don is now sporting this god-awful tacky Hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts that have an honest to goodness tear along the sides that could hide a badger in them an flip-flops that look like something he recycled from an 80's vintage store. He's perfect! I love a man who doesn't take things seriously.
Our walk-n-talk goes on for about 10mins or so and he puts his arm around my waist. By the 30min mark my head is on his shoulders and his hands are on my hip. I'm horny as hell at this point and the gentlemen in him needs to be corrupted if things are to progress some time this century. I move his arm a bit so that his hand intentionally brushes my ass. I pause, look up and give him "the look". Granted, I could have been giving him the "Hey, do you smell that? cause I smell that.. is that you?" look. I hope its the former and he takes it upon himself to start by kissing me on the lips in a full head grasping double handed embrace. I melt because this is my turn on. I love to be kissed passionately and the soft glow of a quarter moon is adding to the intensity. There is minimal ambient light outside and definitely nobody on the beach that we can see. Damnit! now I'm wet again and a second set of balls are the cause once more. I'm not an exhibitionist nor do I actively do PDA, but I was caught up in the moment. My left leg was wrapping around his while my arms were entwined around his back and shoulders. God he smelled good too. His hand found their way off my head and gripped my ass cheek in a firm hold.
At some point, his fingers found there way inside my shorts and under my panties to grab hold of my bare ass. I loved it knowing there was nobody around. We had wondered far enough away from the hotel that we couldn't see it anymore but nearing the next track of beach houses. Don had led me up to a rocky cove of shore and bushes where it was semi secluded. Nobody could see us from the road or houses but we were in full open view to the shoreline if someone was walking along the beach. It looked good to me! Being nervous as fuck, he undid my shorts and slid them down to my ankles as I scanned up and down the beach to make sure there weren't anyone out for a walk.
I barely had time to fully register that my bottoms were on the sand when I feel his tongue lick my lower lips. Instant shivers up and down my spine. I actually hunched over from the wave of shocking pleasure. I recovered from the shock and arched my head back as my hand felt onto the back of his head. He was giving me standing oral, on a beach, at night and in a few hours it would be my birthday! Holy SHIT this was hot. It was actually too much for me as my system was in overload. I pulled Don away to stand him upright. I pulled down the remnants of the torn cloth he called shorts and I yanked down his boxers. His cock was average yet rock hard. I grabbed hold of it at the base and teased it with some girly licks. He gasped and rolled his head back to stare at the stars. I engulfed his dick into my mouth and swallowed it whole. His taste was good too.
I knew he wouldn't last long so I wanted him inside me first. I got up off my knees from the sand and brushed myself off. He took the opportunity of my bent frame to position himself behind me and rub his cock up and down my slit. With both of our shorts and underwear at our ankles, Don plunged his dick into me and it felt good. I know he is average but damn if it didn't feel perfect going in and out.
Up the coast near where the hotel was, we saw some flashlights in the distance heading our way. Don and I were enjoying ourselves too much to care at that point as both of us were on the verge. I felt a small yet much needed orgasm coming and it hit me hard and fast. Maybe it was the thought of being caught, or knowing we could be at any moment, it sent me over the edge fast.
I had already finished and working towards a second as Don was still pounding away when we heard the familiar jiggle of a dog collar. SHOW STOPPER as we knew it was close and there wasn't much time. My sand filled panties and shorts flew back around my hips but Don had a harder time as his cock was still stone hard and I could tell he was struggling.
We made our way down to the beach again trying to look nonchalant and just a couple out for a stroll. The fucking dog that we heard came bounding up to us happily to greet new guests. What's this? New smells coming from their crotches.. I'll have a sniff! Feel free to say that in Doug's voice. The owner strolled up a minute or two later with a look of disgust at the two of us. Ok, looks like he knew what we were doing. He attached the leash to his precious dog to prevent our sexual taint from disturbing his innocent nose. The weather beaten old man just grumbled under his breath and never acknowledge our hellos and casual attempts at a greeting.
We made our way back to the hotel, made a quick view of the parking lot to check if Trish and Angie were back and made a bee line to my room. Don and I wasted no time in stripping off our clothes and fucking like rabbits for the next half hour or so. Poor guy could only cum once to my half dozen or so times. Performance anxiety I guess because he really didn't want to get caught by my friends as they walked in.
Don eventually gave up on the second orgasm and quickly showered to wash off the sex we had. Hah! like the college group didn't know what he actually just did. Poor naive good-guy knight.
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