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Napa Valley Wedding Trip | 2016
"Nice shot, pool shark," she taunted as the 12 ball bounced off the rails.
"Yeah yeah..." was my eloquent response. My concentration was ruined. Normally I am quite skilled at sharp-witted banter, but my mind was on other things. Like the gorgeous girl bending over to line up a shot with that evil, teasing smile on her face. Or the other cute little lady waiting her turn to the side.
The three of us were old friends who don't see much of each other anymore. All of us had families at home and had drifted apart to some degree, although we've kept in touch over the years. On this rare occasion the three of us found ourselves on a trip together to attend the wedding of another couple of friends. Their husbands were home with the kids, and my wife didn't really know the bride and groom so she stayed home as well.
So Courtney, Jen and I decided to hit the local pool hall. It wasn't long before the wine was flowing freely (this was a pool hall in Napa Valley) and it was just like old times between the three of us. Which meant, just like old times, Courtney was torturing me. I had more history with her than I did with Jen, and our history was interesting indeed. We met in a grocery store of all places when we were just out of high school. She was bagging my groceries and I remember instantly being taken by how beautiful she was. Her long dark hair, her athletic body, and her disarming smile still take my breath away to this day. It took all my nerve to approach her, and when I did I learned she had a boyfriend. Still, something connected between us and we have been good friends ever since. We have the kind of friendship where true honesty is always appreciated.
We also have the kind of friendship that has benefits every now and then. We never became more than friends, but we have the kind of trust in each other that lets us share our libido when the time is right. She can turn me on to a degree that no other woman is capable of, and she likes to feel lusted after. I can count the times we've hooked up over the years on one hand, it doesn't happen often, but I remember every detail about each encounter. It was also strictly our secret.
Jen, on the other hand, has always been a strictly platonic friend. She is very cute - and she has the followers on the internet to prove it - but she's just never been on my "sexual radar" so to speak. She's shorter than Courtney, and much curvier. She always seems to be on a quest to lose weight, even though I think she looks just fine how she is. We were professional colleagues for a time, and I know she used to have a lot of problems with her husband. Courtney and I both soon learned that was still the case, she had no problem expounding on the multiple issues after glass of wine number two. It was during one of these rants that she shocked us all,
"I haven't even had an orgasm in two months!"
Courtney and I laughed and comforted her, "I couldn't go that long!" Courtney said, "You don't... you know...?" Jen just shrugged in response.
"It only takes about 30 seconds, and you feel much better!" I added, which made them laugh again.
"30 seconds?! Do you even feel it?" Jen asked through her chuckling.
That conversation broke the ice. From then on it was no longer taboo to discuss sexual topics. I learned through casual conversation that Jen is a big fan of the "reverse cowgirl" and Courtney has been playing with a lot of interesting toys lately. I could feel my focus start to dwindle as my brain diverted resources to these women around me instead of... well, the rest of existence.
I was studying the table trying to decide my next shot when Courtney sidled up to me and took two of my fingers into her hand and squeezed, "I bet I could make it happen in 20 seconds," she whispered just me to as she did. It was a secret gesture her and I shared. I love to tell her how good her pussy feels, and she loves to remind me by giving me that squeeze. It made me miss the shot altogether.
"Nice shot, pool shark." She is evil in all of the best ways.
Our second bottle of wine was gone so Jen nominated herself to go get us another. She was only half paying attention to the pool game anyway, as she wasn't very good. When she had turned the corner and was out of sight, I sidled up behind Courtney and slid my hands around her waist. I pulled her body into mine and ran my hands up and down her sides and stomach, bending down to whisper in her ear, "Be careful or I might take you up on that challenge."
She sighed lightly and leaned back into me, admitting with her body that she was just as turned on as I was.
"Mmm, there's people watching," she said in warning, but she was making no effort to move away. I slid my hands up and over her breasts lightly before backing away and going to retrieve my pool cue. She stared down at the table, pretending to concentrate on the balls but I could see the red in her face, and I knew I was successful in torturing her back. I knew she could still feel where my hands were.
Jen returned and filled our glasses. "Do you think Courtney is hot?" she blurted out. Courtney heard this too and turned her attention to us.
"Uhhh... yes of course!" I stammered.
"Me too," she said matter-of-factly before sipping her wine. Her forwardness shocked me, and the way she was blushing told me she was shocking herself a little bit as well. "I dare you to kiss her."
That made Courtney and I both laugh, "I think you'd have to dare her not me," I said, trying to back out of being put on the spot.
"Okay. Courtney, I dare you to kiss him."
Courtney leaned against the pool table for a moment, an embarrassed smile lighting up her face. Then she sighed, looked at the ceiling briefly as if to say "why not" and walked over to me. There was a moment where she hesitated, as if working herself into it, but when our lips met the world was forgotten. We melted together the way you only can with somebody you truly connect with. Her lips trembled for a moment but then she surrendered and we were both involved. Her hands searched my body and mine did the same to her, exploring places normally not allowed. Her hand brushed my ear as she slid it up the back of my head and my cock instantly jumped to life and started to get hard. I slid my hand down to the small of her back to pull her closer to me. She responded by raising up on her tip toes and leaning into me. She pressed her hips into me and I felt her intake of breath when she realized how hard I was becoming. When it was over I reeled a little bit, overwhelmed and shaking from being so turned on.
Around the pool hall I could see that even more people were looking our direction now. I'm not usually the type that is comfortable in public situations, but being out of town where we didn't know anybody and drinking all the wine had me not caring what people thought. Plus, it's not like I was going to put a stop to anything that was happening between the three of us!
"I didn't think you'd actually do it!" Jen said, covering her mouth and laughing. Courtney shrugged it off.
"He's a good kisser, it wasn't a bad time at all." Courtney bent down over the pool table again and I saw Jen looking at me in a curious way. I got the feeling she was about to dare me to kiss her, but she looked away and didn't say anything. Then she spoke up again, but only so I could hear.
"I dare you to take her underwear off," she said conspiratorially. It wasn't an unreasonable dare, really. At least not in my current state of mind. Courtney was wearing a little black skirt, after all. It was just about my turn at the table so I stood up and casually sauntered over without answering.
"It's still my turn over here," Courtney said as she detected me walking up. She was bent low over the table, displaying her ass to me in a way that was all too intentional. Before I lost my nerve, I stepped up behind her and slid my hands down her hips. She gasped and stood more upright, forgetting about the shot, and was about to say something but I silenced her by reaching down and sliding my hands up to her ass under her skirt. In that shocked moment when she didn't know how to react, I calmly hooked my fingers around the waistband of her panties and pulled them down. When they got to her knees they fell around her ankles. She stood there for a moment more before giving a playful shrug, kicking them off to the side, and bending back down to shoot pool.
Touching her like that made me even harder. Her body under my fingers is something my body always instantly reacts to. As I walked back to the high table Jen was sitting at I picked up Courtney's panties and dropped them next to Jen's wine glass. She staring at me in complete shock, her hands covering her mouth and nose and her eyes wide as can be.
"You put him up to that?!" I heard Courtney exclaim.
"I dared him but I didn't think he'd do it!"
Courtney came over to the table near us. It was probably my turn now but I didn't care much.
"What gives you the right to dare us to do things, anyway? Is it my turn to dare you?" Courtney asked.
"I think it is," I seconded. Jen looked between us, slightly nervous.
"Flash us," Courtney blurted out. Jen stared back at her in astonishment.
"What?! There's people looking!" she pleaded.
"There were people looking when you made him undress me too," Courtney replied with a smirk.
A moment passed as Jen looked from Courtney to me, as if expecting one of us to let her off the hook. We weren't. She bit her lip and her face again turned beet red as she pulled her shirt up to her bra, then pulled both of them up to her shoulders. She had very large, gorgeous breasts that seemed to be dying to be let out of their prison. It was always rumored that she'd had "work" done on them, I never knew if it was true but if she had it was done by a skilled artist. Her shirt was back down far too fast and now her hands were covering her eyes, but she was also smiling.
I looked around the room again and it was clear we had quietly become the center of attention. A variety of looks were being sent our way, from encouraging to hateful. I saw a patron at the bar talking to the owner and pointing our direction.
"I'm about done playing pool, are you guys ready?" I asked.
"Almost," Jen said, picking up her wine glass and draining the remains. "Now I am!"
In the car we couldn't stop laughing. Courtney was fumbling with her panties, trying to put them back on over her shoes but having trouble because Jen was keeping her in stitches.
"That one lady... she's probably never seen another pair of tits other than her own... she was like..." she made a face that mimicked the indignation and we all cracked up again.
As the laughter started to die down I looked at Jen in the rear view mirror, "Truth or dare?"
"Me? Hmmmm truth," she answered, and the car got a little quieter as Courtney too wanted to hear my question.
"Have you had a boob job?" I asked.
"Yes," was the simple response.
"I think they're pretty great," Courtney said.
"Me too," I complied. Jen smiled and leaned back.
"Okay, your turn then - truth or dare," she fired back at me.
"Hmmmm..." she looked out the window for a moment before asking, "Do you want to have sex with Courtney?"
I laughed, "Well sure, who wouldn't?!"
But Jen was having none of it, "No no no... that's a cop out. What I mean is do YOU," she punctuated this by jabbing me in the arm with her finger, "want to fuck HER?"
"Yes, badly," I answered honestly.
"Oh my god..." Courtney said, burying her face in her hands. Jen was loving the tension.
"Oh come on, we all know it, I just forced him to say it!" she said.
Courtney turned around in her seat, "Your turn again - truth or dare? Pick truth."
"Truth then, I guess," Jen answered.
"Do you want to watch us?"
"What?!" was Jen's immediate response, then a second later, "Yes."
We were pulling into their hotel parking lot so the game was coming to an end.
"Dang, and that was just getting good!" I said, smiling. Courtney reached over and turned off the car, removing the keys.
"No, it's just getting started," she said, her evil smile once again making my blood rush through my veins.
Jen excused herself and disappeared into the bathroom when we entered their hotel room. I watched as Courtney languidly dropped her purse on the dresser and reached up to stretch, her body twisting in a very tantalizing way. I slipped up behind her and wrapped my hands around her body, leaning down to kiss her neck. I felt her exhale and her hands came down onto my head.
"She wants to watch us fuck, she said..." I mumbled into her ear, my excitement making my voice shake a little.
"Mmmm hmmm..." she replied. Her eyes were closed and her hips were moving against me, I sighed into her neck. My hands explored her body as she moved against me, her lithe body turning me on more and more with every moment. She raised up a little and her ass found my hard cock inside my jeans. I inhaled sharply as she pushed against me which only encouraged her to move more. My breath was getting heavier and one of my hands was squeezing her breast through her top when the bathroom door opened again.
"Starting already?!" Jen said with exaggerated shock. She was wearing an oversize t-shirt that came down to her thighs now. She scrambled onto the bed and sat against the headboard to watch.
I heard and felt Courtney laugh lightly, still rubbing herself against me as she watched Jen get settled. She gently stepped away from me and over to the bed.
"Actually we were waiting for you before we started," she purred, crawling onto the bed. I watched Jen's face as Courtney approached. At first she wasn't sure what was happening, but soon realized that Courtney meant to kiss her. Nervousness shot across her face, but Courtney didn't give her time to think about it, kissing her deeply. Jen tensed up for a moment, but then melted and closed her eyes, returning the kiss. Her hands snaked up around Courtney's neck and she slid one of her feet up the bed, rubbing Courtney with her thigh.
I watched as they made out, and could hear a small moan escape from Jen. Courtney put one hand on her knee and started to rub her thigh as they kissed. Jen squirmed slightly and moaned more insistently. Courtney's hand moved further up Jen's thigh and pushed her shirt up to her waist. I could see that Jen was wearing a pair of very tantalizing black panties. Courtney's hand brushed against them as she caressed Jen. So transfixed was I that I didn't notice they had stopped kissing and were both looking at me.
"Are you going to help me or what?" Courtney asked, obviously amused at my dumb struck expression. I started to move towards the bed, "You'll have to lose the jeans," she said before I got far.
"How is that fair, you've got all your clothes on!" was my retort.
"And who's fault is that?" was hers. She turned back to Jen and kissed her again. This time their kiss was far more lustful. Gone was the experimental awkwardness of the first time, now they just wanted each other. I hurried out of my jeans and climbed onto the bed behind Courtney. I placed my hands on her legs and rubbed her thighs, pushing her skirt up to feel her ass. I couldn't believe it was the second time in one night that I'd had my hands up her skirt, nor that I was once again sliding off her panties. I heard her laugh slightly as I did, moving her legs just enough to let me toss them to the side. Then I moved to her shirt, my fingers instantly finding the hem and sliding it up her back. She broke off the kiss and raised herself up, lifting her arms so I could remove her shirt. "You're sure not wasting any time," she said through ragged breaths as I tossed her shirt to the side and unclasped her bra.
"I don't want to be blamed for dropping the ball," I replied as my hands instantly covered her tits and gently squeezed them. She exhaled sharply and arched her neck as my fingers expertly found her nipples and pinched them slightly, then she bent back down to Jen. They resumed their kiss, Jen's hands wasting no time exploring Courtney's breasts. I moved across the bed to the other side of Jen and joined Courtney in caressing her. Courtney's fingers were rubbing Jen through her panties now I could see, while my hands explored her leg and slid up her shirt. My hand found one of her ample tits, massaging gently under her shirt. Jen broke the kiss and tore her shirt off, discarding it to the side, then she grabbed my hair and pulled me down to her, kissing me.
Her kiss was different than Courtney's. With Courtney there was a conversation of sorts... she fed off of me as much as I did her. With Jen, it was more primal, as if she was just getting from me what she needed. I didn't mind that one bit. Her tongue explored my lips and her hand tightened in my hair. Both of my hands moved to her breasts as I felt Courtney move down the bed. I could tell by the way Jen's hips lifted off the bed for a moment that she had just lost her panties. A moment later she suddenly tensed up and moaned deeply into my mouth and I knew Courtney was sliding a finger inside her. Jen pulled her legs up and her breath was coming more ragged as we kissed. Suddenly she broke off and laid her head back, eyes closed tight.
"Ohh... god..." she groaned and I looked down to see Courtney's face buried between her legs. I bent down and took one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked on it greedily, lightly biting with my teeth. Jen arched her back a little, pressing her tits into me harder. I responded by squeezing her other nipple between my fingers, eliciting a shocked gasp from Jen. "Fuck... Courtney... I'm going to cum on your face if you don't stop..." she moaned, her fingers tracing lines through Courtney's hair. There didn't seem to be any indication that she planned to stop. "I was supposed to watch you..." she sighed. I raised up and looked down at Jen. Her eyes were half closed with pleasure, mouth hanging open. My cock was rock hard in my shorts, and it knew what it wanted.
I moved down to the foot of the bed behind Courtney. She seemed to sense my plan and adjusted her knees to give me perfect access. Her skirt was still on, making the scene even more incredibly naughty and her body even more tempting. I scooted up behind her and reached into my shorts to free my cock. It sprang to life and came to rest against Courtney's wet pussy, sliding between her legs. She moaned into Jen's pussy and started working her hips, guiding my cock where it needed to go. I felt her hips roll until the head of my cock pressed into her opening, but I pulled back slightly when Courtney pushed back. I heard a small whimper escape her as I thwarted her attempt. I grabbed her hips in my hands so she couldn't move and placed my cock once again at her opening, this time pushing in steadily and watching my cock slowly disappear inside of her. Courtney's breathing changed as I pushed all the way into her, relishing the feel of her amazing pussy along every inch of my cock. She squeezed me and it chased the air from my lungs.
She felt like nobody else, and was - to put it in a vulgar fashion - by far the best fuck I'd ever experienced.
I slowly started to work my cock in and out of Courtney's pussy. Dividing my attention between watching that and watching Jen's face as the intensity of her gasps mounted. Soon I was plunging myself deeply into Courtney, slowly and steadily, and Jen was about to cum. I watched her face as her eyes closed tight, her breathing getting more rapid. Courtney had to pin her hips down with one arm as she started to arch her back and squirm with pleasure.
"Ahhhh... FUCK!" Jen gasped as her body shook. Courtney wiped her face and raised up on her hands so she was on all fours while I continued to fuck her. Her body moved in slow rhythm with mine as she looked down at Jen.
"I could tell it had been awhile," Courtney said with a laugh, her voice thick and shaky from being so horny.
"I can't believe you guys are fucking right over me," Jen said, melting into the pillow, her hands still idly touching Courtney's body.
"Yeah..." Courtney said, looking back at me. I could see in her eyes that she was surprised at what she was getting. Never before had I been able to last this long inside of her. Always before when her and I had messed around I was able to make her cum multiple times, but never with my cock. No, once I got inside her it was so intense for me that I was cumming in very short order. But I've got a little more experience under my belt now, and even though her pussy felt every bit as good as I remembered in my dreams I was able to maintain plenty of control. I increased the energy I put into her slightly, driving my cock into her now so her hair shook with every thrust. She hung her head and closed her eyes, her hand sliding down between her legs to rub her clit.
Courtney's breathing intensified and her body shook with every pounding my hips gave her. Jen scooted herself down the bed, spreading her legs to either side and taking Courtney's tits into her hands and mouth. She sucked noisily on them, as Courtney cried out in ecstasy.
"Are you going to cum?" Jen asked. Courtney just nodded yes, her arm working furiously as her fingers teased herself. "I want to see..." Jen said, biting her lip and watching Courtney's face with wide eyes. That seemed to push Courtney over the edge, and I felt her orgasm build from inside. Her pussy reflexively convulsed on my cock as she began to arch her back.
"Oh fuck... I'm cumming on that cock... god I'm cumming all over it..." she said as her body flexed in my hands. Her hands made fists on the bed, gathering up the sheets. Jen watched with a mischievous smile as Courtney's pleasure played across her face. Again and again her pussy massaged my cock, and my own breathing started to get ragged with the feeling. "Don't cum in me..." she was able to get out while cumming herself, the act of telling me not to seeming to drive her once again into the depths of orgasm. It seemed to take an eternity and at the same time it was over all too soon. Courtney's body relaxed and she eased herself off of my still throbbing dick. She stood up on shaky legs and bent down to give me a deep kiss before stumbling towards the bathroom.
I looked down at Jen, still on her back with her legs spread, staring down at my cock still wet with Courtney's juices. I was already kneeling between her legs, and since she had scooted down the bed a little she was right under me ready to get fucked.
"I want it," she said, eyes glistening. I got the feeling those were words she didn't use too often. Courtney came back into the room, holding a towel out for me, but Jen interrupted, "No." She reached down and grabbed my cock in her hand, forcefully guiding it to her pussy. My cock sank all the way into her with no resistance, wet with both Courtney's and now Jen's pussy. She was not as tight as Courtney, nor was her pussy anywhere near as skilled, but her hunger for it might have been more. "I had an orgasm already, I just want to feel it," she said, looking down to where I was now thrusting into her insistently. She moved her legs even wider, and her feet went into the air as I pushed her thighs up with my hands and rolled her hips up to drive her into the mattress.
"Mmmmm... I need to be next on this ride," Courtney said as she reached between us to tickle Jen's clit. I was breathing harder and I could feel my orgasm welling up inside of me. I knew I could slow down and hold off my orgasm, but I needed a release. My world narrowed until all I knew was my cock driving into Jen's pussy, her gasps timed with my thrusts, her legs flailing in the air. "He's about to cum," I heard Courtney say, and suddenly Jen's pussy was gone. I opened my eyes to see that Jen had flipped herself around and was taking me into her mouth. Courtney grabbed the base of my cock and started to jerk me off into Jen's mouth. The combination of all the sensations was too much, and my orgasm almost made me black out completely. Again and again I convulsed as Jen sucked every drop of it down.
We collapsed in exhausted laughter against each other on the bed, hands idly touching each other. The lateness of the evening combined with the copious amounts of alcohol quickly started to take their toll in the post-orgasmic bliss we all shared. Jen was the first to sleep, and soon after Courtney was stroking my cock again to make it hard. She climbed on top and put me inside of her without a word, just needing it. We fucked deeply and steadily until she came again, even harder than the first time. But she wasn't done, she was obviously determined to make me cum again too. The simple fact that she wanted me to made it happen pretty quickly. She moved her hips sensuously and slowly, her wet pussy squeezing and stroking my cock for my pleasure alone. I slid my hands up her body and squeezed her tits lightly, holding them as her hips moved against mine. "I'm going to cum," I said as it got harder to hold it back. All that did was make her smile that evil smile I know too well as she seemed to fuck me with even more passion. I moved my hands down and grabbed her hips tightly, holding her against me, "I'm serious..." I breathed, barely able to get it out. She squirmed in my hands, moving me around deep inside of her. That was all I could take and I started to cum, she noticed right away and got up, grasping my cock with her hand as my body went rigid with my orgasm. She seemed to be quite pleased with herself as she let me finish and then picked up a towel, handing it to me. I fell asleep soon after, and for the first time my dreams had a hard time living up to reality.
The wedding, by all accounts, was very nice. The couple getting hitched were well liked and both had large families, so it was a pretty large event. It took place in a large "mega-church", one of those modern new churches with seating for thousands and stage bigger than Madison Square Garden. The events of the previous night were still fresh in my mind, and I could tell the same was true for Courtney. When I first saw her walking up to the church that day she smiled at me and I saw her flush slightly, that was all that needed to be said about it. But I noticed that Jen wasn't with her.
"Good morning, how's Jen?" I asked.
"So embarrassed!" Courtney said with a laugh, "She got a ride with the Neelys."
I had no idea how Jen would handle the events of the previous night. I had never seen her that drunk, and I hoped that in her sobriety she wasn't having regrets. I didn't have much time to contemplate the situation before it was time to mingle with all of the other guests, and for the next couple of hours it was all about the wedding.
Courtney and I sat together with some other friends, and Jen sat with a family that she was close to. I was only able to catch her eye once during the ceremony, and she quickly blushed and whipped her head around. The ceremony was long and religious, it reminded me of being stuck in church on Sundays as a kid. I could tell that it was wearing on Courtney, the way she sighed and shifted in her seat spoke to her boredom. I slid my hand over to her leg on the bench between us and lightly caressed her thigh through the dress she was wearing. The tiniest bit of a smile touched the corner of her lips.
After I started touching her the ceremony seemed to fly right by. Promises were made, a bride was kissed, and we all stood up and cheered as they left the building. As we were applauding, Courtney stood on her toes and leaned next to my ear, "You turned me on." When I turned to look at her, the look I got back was almost challenging me to finish what I started. My mind immediately started to race with possibilities, but I knew it was going to have to wait.
We all filed out of the church in an orderly fashion and everybody was directed to the equally large multi-purpose building for the reception. We headed over there and found a seat at a table with a few people we knew and had a glass of wine. But Courtney was restless, and we had only been sitting there for ten minutes when she said, "I'm gonna walk around, want to come?"
We got out of the noise of the place and strolled down a pathway between buildings, taking in the scenery and enjoying the solace.
"Pretty nice wedding," I said.
"Yeah, she was gorgeous," Courtney agreed.
"I wonder what the food is going to be like..." I mused.
"Hm. I wonder how you plan to fix the problem you created," she responded. I acted oblivious.
"What problem?"
"Well, you started distracting me in there, do you think I'm just going to let that go?"
We were walking around the back of the main church building at this time, and I suddenly had an idea.
"Hey, I want to see something, come here," I said, opening one of the back doors of the building and peering inside. It opened into the back hallways of the church, and I saw what I was looking for. "Come on," I urged, and she did. The stairs led to the upper tier seating of the church, and there was a yellow plastic chain across them to gently suggest that it was off limits which was easily bypassed. We walked on soft carpet in a dead silent hallway until we went through another door to emerge on the balcony seating area. There was another 10 rows of seating up here, and I chose a spot on a pew about 8 rows up. Below us we could see the wedding party and the family of the couple - a huge throng of people being badly directed around by a flustered photographer.
"Okay just the women of the family on the bride's side. Just the women. Sir? Sir? What's his... DAVID! Just the women please."
We had a great birds eye view of the situation, but because of where we were seated anybody from below would have had to crane their necks and look up to find us, we were effectively invisible.
"Couldn't get enough of the wedding, huh? Had to watch the picture taking too?" Courtney asked, obviously still restless.
"No, I just thought I could do this up here," I said, leaning over to kiss her. She gasped in surprise when my lips met hers hungrily, but then relaxed and sighed. That sigh... it was a specific sound that she made the moment her libido took the driver's seat. It was a sigh that made my blood rush, and it was a sigh that made me kiss her even more deeply. I held her head in my hand, running my fingers through her hair to the base of her neck, while my other hand found her knee and started to massage her there. She leaned back, snaking her hands around my neck as she surrendered her body to me. My hand moved farther up her leg, pushing her dress up as it went. Her legs parted slightly in response, so I slid my hand up her thigh and down between her legs over her panties. She moaned lightly into the kiss and put one of her legs up on the back of the bench in front of us.
My own hunger increased and my hand got more insistent. My fingertips found the waistband of her panties and in an instant my fingers were sliding down the lips of her pussy. She was wet, and my fingers were inside of her. She broke off the kiss and leaned her head back, "Finally..." she sighed as my fingers filled her.
Then she surprised me by picking her head up and reaching into her purse for her phone. I mused at how I could feel the muscles of her body moving through my fingers, "Are you going to take a selfie?" I asked.
"None of your business," she said, typing something furiously into her phone. When she was done she tossed it back in her purse and reached up for my neck again. We kissed as her body moved. Our tongues met as she moaned and sighed. I used my fingers to touch her in places that made her squirm. "God I always forget how good you are at this," she said between kisses.
I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, but neither of us were in any hurry for the moment to end. But end it did, and very suddenly as the door to the balcony opened near us. I froze and a moment of panic passed through me as my mind raced for some kind of explanation I was going to give to this church official who just caught us, but it was Jen who came through the door. She saw us and her jaw dropped, then she heard the commotion below and saw the wedding party. She ducked down and crept over to sit on the bench behind us. During my moment of confusion, Courtney had worked my belt loose.
"She was supposed to get to watch, remember?" she whispered into my ear as she climbed on top of me. Her hands went between us, expertly unfastening my pants and reaching in to pull my cock free of my underwear. She was wasted no time guiding it inside of her, and she looked at me with those devilish eyes as she lowered her pussy down over my hard dick.
She fucked me with all of our clothes still on. Her pussy hungrily enveloped my cock again and again as she ground her hips hard against mine. Her moans became almost grunts, and I could feel how much she wanted it through her whole body. My hands went to her hips under her dress, feeling them move, pressing her harder into me. I couldn't see Jen behind us, but I heard her shifting around, and I saw that Courtney was watching her. I figured if she wanted to watch, let's give her something to watch.
I slid one of my hands up Courtney's back and entwined my fingers in her hair, pulling her head back. My other hand pulled the shoulder of her dress down and pushed her bra aside. I pulled her head back even further so she was forced to arch her back and present her nipples right in my face. Capitalizing on the opportunity I sucked her nipple into my mouth. My tongue devoured her as my hand in her hair held her still. Her moans, now pleasure enhanced with pain, came out of her throat, it was almost primal. My free hand went back to her ass and I started to drive my cock up into her pussy.
As soon as I did I could feel it getting tighter and I could tell by the small gasps escaping her that she was going to cum. She got closer and closer, bracing herself with both hands on the back of the bench. "Don't cum. Don't cum. Don't cum..." she started to chant in a breathless whisper. She was talking to me, and she was asking the impossible. But somehow I managed, and her orgasm came. Her hips pinned me to the bench and her back arched. She was stifling whatever sounds she wanted to make, her body soundlessly straining against mine as her pussy squeezed me over and over. I heard heavy breathing behind me as well as Jen also came.
Courtney relaxed and let out a long breath, my cock still rock hard and still inside her.
"I kinda want to skip the reception," she said.
"Me too."
"Me three!" Jen added.
[continued in Part 2 only because I hit the text limit]
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