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[M]y working vacation with a [F]riend | 2016
Note, this recollection will be much shorter than others. I recommend reading the background story (3 parts) here
It had been several weeks since our conference encounters and nothing had happened sexually since. We flirted a bit, but that was the extent of our non-work interactions. Hette and I had to go to Germany for work. Nothing special just a quick presentation to a client that was better done in person and a separate client visit simply because we were already going to be in country. Hette had not been to Germany and was genuinely excited about the trip. In making arrangements, I suggested we go a day early and stay and additional day to fit in a bit of tourism. Hette thought it was a great idea.
We met at the airport to board the flight. I noted she was wearing a pair of well-fitting jeans, a light top, and coat. She was drawing attention from everyone including myself. We arrived in Germany early in the morning and immediately started our navigation to several sites. Hette had done quite a bit of research and knew exactly where we were going, how long it would take, where to eat, and so on. Hette had not accounted for jet lag. Around 4 in the afternoon, Hette was crashing. At one point I noticed she had fallen asleep in her seat. I suggested we head to the hotel for rest and she agreed. Hette fell asleep again on the way; however, during the drive she abruptly told me to turn around. She had awaken just in time to see a very old building surround by even older homes and wanted pictures.
As we walked and looked, she wanted pictures of herself in front of most of the buildings. As I took the pictures, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and happy she was at the moment. I wanted her even though nothing sexual had occurred. Eventually, I told her the pictures would be much better if she were nude. Hette only laughed and moved on. We came to a small area between a stone wall and the building she was working her way toward. The area was secluded and (as I noticed later) we couldn't see any windows. To my surprise Hette dropped her coat and pulled her top over her head. She then turned and posed for me. I laughed and took a few quick shots. Then Hette removed her bra. She posed a few times then turned her poses to more seductive positions. I couldn't believe she was doing this, but I wasn't complaining.
Hette put her bra in her bag, her top back on, and we continued exploring. Each time I moved close to her, I made a point to brush against her or touch her in some way. As the minutes progressed, I had started to rub and lightly grasp her bottom through her jeans. I was getting aroused, but Hette was just laughing and enjoying herself. Around the far side of the building was a very beautiful structure with wall all around, an open roof, and various sitting areas scattered about. It must have been a social gathering place several hundred years prior. Hette made her way around several times taking pictures and just observing the area. She finally stopped near one corner of the area. She stood still for several minutes looking around. Finally she turned back toward me, dropped her coat, and peeled off her top. She said nothing. She just stood there. I took the queue and moved in close.
Hette placed her arms around my neck and told me "thank you for bring me here". She then moved in for a very passionate kiss. After only a few seconds, Hette sat on the stone seat behind her and pulled me close. She opened my belt and pants, then slid them down a bit. My cock sprung out in front of her. Without a word, Hette took my cock in her mouth and began a slow rhythmic pace. It was feeling amazing. She continued for only three or four minutes, before standing and unbuttoning her pants. She spun around as she pulled her pants to her ankles. As she kicked off her right shoe, and removed her foot from her pants leg, she placed her hands on the seat in front of her (noted in previous events that Hette loved to be taken from behind). I wanted to just bury myself inside her but knew she may not be wet enough yet. I lowered myself and began to lavish every part of her pussy, clit, ass, and thighs with my tongue. I made every attempt to ensure my tongue was extremely wet when licking her pussy. I gauged my actions off the moans and gasp repeatedly released as I moved.
I waited until Hette stated "ok, it's time to fuck me before I cum" before moving into position. I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy and slowly moved forward. Hette let out a deep moan. I made several thrust increasing in depth each time until Hette could take full strokes. I started a steady pace. Hette was occasionally responding, "this is incredible" or "yes baby, oh yes". Each response sends tingles through my body. I quicken my pace as Hette begins to push back toward me. Her responses are much closer together and she is getting louder each time. I'm feeling amazing. I see Hette's right hand reach forward and grasp the seat back. She then moves her knees against the seat and drops her ass a few inches. I can feel her body start to tighten. Hette is breathing rapidly as she barely gets out the words "I'm about to cum". I can feel myself start to tighten as well and start to drive my cock a bit harder and quicker than before. Hette starts moaning with each thrust. I'm using all the power in my hips to drive forward while pulling Hette back toward me by her hips.
Hette finally lets out a mix between a moan and a scream and her legs are trembling. That pushes me over the edge. I thrust four or five more times before pulling out and shooting my cum off to our right next to the stone base. Hette has not yet straightened up and I stand there holding my pulsing cock while admiring her beautiful ass and pussy. We are both out of breath. Then we hear them. It sounds like several people walking toward the area we are in. Hette frantically starts pulling on her panties and jeans. I do the same. I button my pants and hand Hette her top. Just as Hette pulls the top completely on, several people turn the corner into the area. They don't notice us at first. I began to gather our things and motion for Hette to exit through the opposite opening; however, Hette isn't paying attention. I then notice she doesn't have on her shoe and know she can't find it.
As I look around, the group moves in our direction and finally notices us there. Hette finds her shoe and puts it on. The group is now between the exit and us. As we head in their direction, one man is watching us like a hawk. Just as we pass by he slightly smiles and nods in Hette's direction. I smile back and look over to Hette. Her hair is a mess and she's completely flushed. It occurs to me he must know what was happening. I suggest we walk faster toward the car. As I drive away, I can't help but laugh thinking someone knew what we were up to. I told Hette what I was thinking. She sat there for a moment then starting laughing to herself as well. The rest of the drive to the hotel was uneventful.
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