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My wife was pregnant, and she needed my dick. [M/F] | 2016

I still remember exactly where I was when she told me. Living room couch, playing some video game (which one, I can’t remember). 2:30 pm, on a Saturday. The bathroom was behind me and to the left, so that if I craned my neck and looked, I could see the door from where I was sitting.

Emma was in there. She didn’t tell me that she was taking a pregnancy test. We had been married for a few years at that point.

I heard her fumble with the doorknob before the door pulled back quickly. So quickly that it startled me.

“Will, I’m pregnant.” She didn’t scream it, but it was said forcefully. Excitedly. The grin on her face was spreading.

“No…fucking…shit,” was all I could offer, staring at the result. Her smile beamed from her face, bright and cheerful. It was so big that I started smiling too.

It was a relatively easy pregnancy, to be honest. The most difficult part of it for her was being patient and waiting for our first child to arrive. However, during the pregnancy, I was also a little stressed by Emma’s hands-off policy with me. You know how some women get crazy horny when they get pregnant? Well, Emma didn’t. While I was excited that everything was going well and definitely respected her space, I had to sit by and watch my wife’s belly fill out, for her hips to grow curvier, and for her breasts to fill up to another cup size while she would explain that she didn’t need sex then. I felt chained up, with something so enticing placed just out of my reach.

But one glorious day…

I was sitting on the same couch where I had heard the news a few months prior. Emma, just over five months along, walked into the living room without a word and sat down on my lap. Her blond hair was tied back into a ponytail, and she was wearing sweatshirts and maternity pants everywhere. I encircled her engorged waist with my arms and kissed her clothed shoulder, continuing to watch some movie on TV.

Emma, though, wanted my attention. “Hey,” she poked.

“Hmm?” I was engrossed in the movie.

Gently, she lifted her hand to my cheek and pushed my face toward hers. “I said hey.”

My first instinct was confusion. Emma is rarely the initiator of our sexual episodes, and as she had communicated to me earlier, she didn’t like the feeling of me “pawing at her” when she was pregnant. In my mind, she was off limits sexually.

“Okay…” I trailed off. “Need something?”

“Yes. Um…” she looked down and started kicking her feet, lifted slightly off the floor. “I need, uh…”

“…chocolate? Or something weird?” I was used to her pregnancy cravings at that point.

She chuckled. “No, not that. I, um…I think I need you.”

“Okay…something on your mind?” I assumed she needed to talk, so I turned the TV off.

“Not really. Not like that,” she said.

“Well…?” I asked. Seriously, I wasn’t even thinking about sex.

“Your…dick. I need your dick.”

I blinked, eyes darting around the room. Emma very rarely even said that word to me, especially in that context. My face might’ve even flushed a bit. “What about—“

“Forget that,” she said gently. Her eyes darkened, face turning down to mine. “I feel like…I need it.”

It was so out of character. She caught me completely off guard. Even my dick was confused; it hung there in my jeans, semi-hard but not really getting anywhere else.

“What?” was all I could muster.

“Just stay there,” she said with a sigh, rolling her eyes and sliding her legs off of me. She knelt in the floor in front of me, and her fingers started fumbling with the button on my pants.

“Emma, are you sure—“

“Yes,” she interrupted me. “Shut up.” She yanked on the sides of my pants, trying to force them off as I sat. With my pants around my ankles and without another word, Emma dove in, lifting my dick up with her hand and starting to suck on the head. She left her hand at the base and started licking the underside, right where it’s ticklish. In my squirming, I was trying to wriggle all the way out of my pants. She kept gliding her mouth around the tip of my hardening penis while making room for me to kick my pants off.

Once I was hard, Emma stopped and looked up at me. “Ready?”

I was still in a haze of confusion, but started deciding to just eagerly go along with whatever she wanted. “Uh, yeah.”

Emma was all business. “Come on.” She stood up (with my help) and then stripped off her panties, pants, and sweatshirt. She left the bra on, though—I remember questioning why, but like I’m saying, I wasn’t going to stop her.

She perched on the far arm of the couch as I stood up off of it, resting her elbows on the edge and putting her right knee up onto the seat. Her left foot stayed on the ground as she angled her ass so that it stuck up in the air.

“Like this,” she said. “Fuck me.”

That word was a rarely-used word for her, too. I hummed with excitement, finally getting the idea and stopping my inquisitiveness. I knelt behind her on the couch and gave her ass a playful slap.

“Don’t spank me, Will. Just fuck me.”

“Okay. Uh, yes ma’am.” I grabbed onto her left hip, just like I had done on our honeymoon, and started rubbing my dick up and down her slit. She was hot, and almost dripping wet. Once I found the spot, I pushed in.

Emma sucked in air suddenly, feeling the size of my dick along the length of her vagina. “God yes,” she called out. I pumped once, twice, slowly, used to trying to make her accustomed to being penetrated.

“Will?” She said after a minute, while I was mid-rhythm.


“I said that I wanted you to fuck me.”

In the back of my mind, I don’t believe I’d ever really “let go” with Emma. Not like that. She was only then starting to like having sex, and I didn’t want to rock the boat, so to speak. But there she was, five months pregnant, perched with one leg on the couch, her other knee pressing into the couch for support, looking back over her left shoulder. Her hair hung down over her eye, until she tucked it away with her hand behind her ear. Her eyes were almost pleading, like they were trying to communicate something to me that I’d never seen before.

They weren’t Emma’s eyes looking at me.

Instinct started taking hold of me. “Y-you want me to fuck you, huh?”

She just smirked and turned her head back around to face the wall. Her belly almost touched the seat, the curve of her hourglass hips pressing into the back of the couch. “Yeah,” she said matter-of-factly while facing the wall.

I swallowed hard, called on the angels to guide me, and then I was ready. I gripped Emma’s hips, re-aligned mine to match the angle, gave it two slow thrusts to check my depth, and then started fucking my wife. Hard and fast. Emma’s slow moans started picking up strength and volume, and I felt the cushion of her big ass slapping against my hips. I was pulling her down the length of my shaft with near-reckless abandon, trying desperately to stay mindful of my angle so as to not hit her cervix.

In the midst of her screaming, she called out. “Will, stopstopstop. Wait,” she said, as my thrusting ground to a halt. “My leg can’t take this anymore. Let’s go somewhere else.”

I was a little disappointed, but I didn’t want to scare away the sex demon that was possessing my button-down wife. “Sure,” I said, pulling out. “To the bed?”

She stood up and steadied herself for a moment before turning to look at me. Her hair had been fucked almost completely out of her ponytail holder, but she didn’t touch it. “No,” was all she offered, looking around the room for a new perch.

I was doing the same. Until out of the corner of my eye, I saw the kitchen table. It was draped with a nice tablecloth, but we rarely set out dishes unless we were eating. Only the plastic flowers in their plastic vase and the table mats rested on it. Without a word, I started walking toward the table, leading Emma by the hand. I shoved all the objects on the table aside, leaving it bare.

Emma giggled. “That’s one way to do it,” she said, starting to lay back onto the table with her legs pointing up, giving me a great view of her belly. It looked so perfectly round, but not quite ripe enough that my paternal instincts were kicking in. Her tits stayed hidden behind the bra, this white silky bastard covering up such beautiful things. But, oh well—that could come later. Her legs were wide as she lay on the table, and I approached her with my rock hard erection. I bent at the knees slightly to lower my dick to her, and then grabbed her ankles and held on to them as I entered. Unable to find the leverage, I slid my hands up to her knees as I pushed in. After a moment, I was fucking her hard again. So hard that I thought she was going to get fucked right off the table. Her head draped off the edge while she moaned, hands flailing in front of her while our bodies slapped together.

I noticed. “Put your legs around me,” I instructed. She obliged, and I used my free hands to grab hers.

She tried to mumble a thanks, but her voice was fairly busy at the time. Her soft hands squeezed my wrists as I shoved myself into her over and over, back and forth, almost so hard that I lost sense of the feeling of her pussy. It was just a wet mess at that point.

About then is when I noticed the dirty talking really pick up. Emma will usually moan during sex, and she can get decently loud—not a screamer by any stretch, but she’ll let you know when you’ve found something she likes. But she hadn’t really been much of a dirty talker to that point. That is, until I started hearing the filthiest stuff come out of her mouth in between moans.




Uh, sure thing…?


I bet it does.

We stayed on the table for a while because I found a good balance of pulling on her arms and finding the leverage I needed to stay in her while I fucked. I’d slow down occasionally, when her voice was just calling out in moans, resting before I’d pick back up again. My hips started getting tired by the time that I started to feel my usual tingle in the tip. My alarm was getting ready to go off.

But that’s when she stopped me again. “WILL.” It was still her same loud, dirty-talk voice. Only now, it was saying semi-normal stuff with the same ferocity. “MY LEGS ARE GETTING TIRED.”

I had to try not to laugh as I slowed down. “OKAY,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t notice me mocking her.

She didn’t. Or, at least, she didn’t act like it. “IN THE BEDROOM. LET ME ON TOP.”

She unfolded her legs and let me go, a spider releasing its prey. I wasted no time—in a few seconds, I was in the bed and laying down, my soaking-wet dick pointing toward the ceiling. I didn’t even pull back the comforter.

Emma was in a hurry too, as she shuffled in behind me and climbed aboard. Her hand reached down to my dick, fresh off it’s small breather, and guided it back into her wet pussy. She didn’t cry out like usual when I entered; I felt like I had worn it out for the time being.

“Hey,” I interjected, seeing my chance.


“Take off your bra.” I looked up into her eyes. The pupils were dilated like crazy, like the sex demon had assumed complete control. And there I was, like a fool, pleading with it.

But then, Emma’s voice crept back in. “…you take it off,” she said.

The moment I had been waiting for, whether it was the sex demon or Emma I didn’t care. She smiled at me while I reached behind her and unlocked the cage, sliding the bra down her arms before throwing it across the room.

My God—they were glorious. The nipples were pointed and big, spreading over engorged mammaries so pretty they were like a painting.

“Holy shit,” I offered.

“…you like them?” It was Emma, again, mostly.

“Hell yes.”

She smiled and giggled, before the demon started to win out again. “GOOD. SUCK ON THEM.”

I growled in excitement before taking the right one into my mouth, flicking my tongue across the nipple, teasing it. My hand grabbed at the left, squeezing and pressing on it firmly before starting to pinch its nipple with my thumb and forefinger.

“GOD YES. FUCK ME LIKE THIS.” Emma’s legs spread out wider on the bed as she lifted her ass off my pelvis. Both my hands reached down to grab her ass, spreading it open as I started thrusting from the bottom.

I held Emma’s body there, alternating breasts in my mouth, as I fucked her from below. Her body jiggled with every impact, little waves of skin washing over her as I squeezed her ass. She had lost all sense of speech, and as I looked up after a few minutes, her eyes started to roll. She screamed, and her legs tensed up with the force of the orgasm. That was all I needed, too, and for one of the rare times in our sexual lives, we came together. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her as close as I could until it subsided.

Once her pussy was finished quivering on top of me, she lifted herself up and off and cuddled up next to me, hugging my arm.

“Emma, what the hell was that?” I asked, voice breaking the silence.


“You,” I said. “Where did that come from?”

She paused for a minute, thinking. And her final words were more of a summation of the episode than I could muster. “I don’t know. I just…needed some dick.”