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My wi[f]e invited another [m]an fro[m] a [f]ar away country into our house... | 2016
It was a day like any other. "Honey, I've read the newspaper, this is untolerable, these poor people have to wait for hours before they can take the train to Germany!" My wife exclaimed as she read the newspaper. "I agree honey, it is terrible! The far-right racists in our country don't even want to bring them food and water" I responded.
I was happy to see that she finally understood my point of view. I have always worked hard to ensure that everyone is treated equally, but until now, my wife had never really showed much of an interest. I moderate a number of progressive subreddits on Reddit, where I make sure to ban anyone who seems to have fascist leanings, fascist being the term I like to use for anyone I disagree with.
I began to talk to my wife about all the important work I do on the subject of racial equality, how I doxx racists online, how I donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center, how I tell my coworkers to stop making racist jokes. She seemed to pay attention, but then interjected with "Hey you know what we should do, we should find a refugee and give him shelter!"
I was kind of surprised by that statement. Sure, I think the refugees need to be helped, but I never really considered inviting one into our house. And why a man exactly? Perhaps my wife simply realized that most of them are single men.
I wasn't sure at the time what she was thinking about, so after some hesitance for a slight second, I responded with "Sure, honey that sounds like a good idea! The neighbors will see us and realize that despite buying fair trade products and boycotting South Africa back in the early 90's, compared to us they're really just ignorant right-wing populist bigoted racists!"
So, we thought for a bit about how to deal with this situation. Are there any organizations for this? We had no idea. My wife then suggested that we should simply go to the local train station and see if we can find any refugees in need of being helped by us. We looked around for a bit, until a train stopped, that was full of refugees.
My wife watched for a bit, then I was kind of surprised, because I noticed her licking her lips and blowing air through her mouth, like she kind of liked what she was seeing. At some point, my wife walked forward and in broken English told a group of young men "Excuse me, anyone of you looking for shelter?" All the men said yes, but I told my wife that we can't invite all of them.
For some reason, my wife then asked the tallest man to come with us, a man named Ali, slightly taller than me. He was quite good looking, with dark hair, olive skin and green eyes. "Honey, can we pick someone else? This guy kind of looks like a white person, he enjoys white privilege!" I told my wife. "Honey, shut up, do you expect me to say no now to that poor man? The neighbors won't notice he's white, they'll just notice he's a refugee!" She responded.
"Darling, the neighbors might think we're too racist to invite a real foreign looking person into our house! Can we please pick someone else?" I said. "What do you think this is, a fucking slave market?" My wife responded. Alright, I gave up. I don't want this man to think I don't want him in my house, that would be racist of me.
He walks back with us, as he and my wife make smalltalk. "So how was your journey here?" My wife asks at one point. "Oh very difficult, but knowing that I would meet such a beautiful woman as you, would make me travel for a thousand years!" He said, as he kissed her hand. I felt my heart skip a beat.
She giggled, but I was upset at what seemed like clear flirting and told my wife to cut it off. "Oh honey, quite being such a whining bitch, it's just his culture, that's how they show respect! Why are you so insensitive? Why do you need to impose your imperialist Western mindset on everything?" My wife yelled at me. I was pretty sure that in Islam, no physical contact between unrelated men and women of this type is allowed, but I decided not to say anything.
My wife tells him about our neighborhood for a bit, before we arrive back at our home. Now, she shows him around the house. "Here's the shower. The shower is kind of broken, because my husband is very good at his boring legal job, but not very good at anything that requires using his hands, so to speak. I told him to hire someone, but he didn't get around to it." She complains. "You didn't ask me anything!" I interjected. "Oh it's no problem." Ali says, to dispel the tension. "I will fix it."
"Oh Ali thanks for the suggestion, but please don't, it requires a very fine sensitive approach, I tried it myself, you can't just-" I utter, before my wife cuts me off. "Honey, I'm sure Ali knows what he's doing." She says, as she gives him a wink. He grabs the showerhead, I see him fumbling around a bit, then suddenly to my surprise, the thing is working perfectly again.
"Oh wow, that's great Ali! Such a useful man! Well Ali, would you like to take a shower now?" My wife asks him. "Honey, I think he'd rather see where he's sleeping, let's grab a blanket for the couch for him." I say. "Oh no, I had a better idea." She answers. "You see, since Ali has been traveling for so long now, I'm sure he'd prefer to sleep in our bed, his back must really be hurting..." She says.
I'm really starting to get worried now. "Well honey, if Ali sleeps in our bed, where do we sleep?" I ask. "I'm just sleeping where I always sleep. I figured you wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch for a few nights." She answers. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, he does come from a different culture, where perhaps he might interpret this differently..." I insist. My wife gets a big mean look on her face and says "Are you suggesting he's going to rape me!?!? God, that's so incredibly racist of you!" She yells at me.
This makes me panic. "I'm sorry honey, I swear I'm not racist, I buy fair trade chocolate and helped bring down the South African Apartheid regime by writing letters to our local representative!" I plead with her. "You think South Africa was liberated by your paternalizing white savior complex? I'm pretty sure it was the South Africans, not your smug masturbatory public displays of humanitarianism that brought them liberty!" She responds. I give up, because now I can't win anymore, as by proving that I'm not racist, I prove that I'm racist.
"Alright, so that means your white savior ass is sleeping on the couch, while Ali is sleeping in our bed." She declares. "I guess you're right honey." I answer. "You know, it's starting to get late, I think it's time we all go to bed." She now responds. "Honey, it's just 9 PM, are you really tired already?" I ask her. "I'm sure Ali must be tired by now, it would be insensitive of us to ignore his needs." She says, as I find her smiling as she looks him in the eyes. Ali responds in broken English "Yes, it is true, very tired from the journey..." As he laughs a bit.
"Alright then, time to go to bed" My wife says. "I don't have to show you where the couch is, do I?" My wife adds, staring in my direction. "No honey, of course not." I respond. "Then what are you still doing here!?" She yells at me. "Alright alright, I'm leaving." I walk out, pretend to walk away, but stare through the keyhole at what's happening inside. Ali drops his pants and I see my wife stare with a wide-eyed look at his underpants. "No wonder there's a civil war in your country, if you lived here all the girls would be fighting too, over you!" She giggles, as Ali awkwardly giggles a bit too.
I storm into the room. "Honey, that's a very insensitive comment you made there! First of all you expect this poor man to undress in front of you and don't even have the decency to look the other way, then you start making really inappropriate jokes about the situation that his people are going through!" I yell at her. "Honey, if you think this poor man suffers so much by having to undress in front of me, how about we put him on an equal level and undress in front of him too?" She answers.
"That doesn't make any sense at all..." I respond. "Well then, let's ask Ali, shall we?" She answers. "Is good... is good... you can undress, no problems, I accept your culture of your country..." He rambles, seemingly approving. "Alright honey, you start." She says to me. I start to undress. Dropping my sweater first, then removing my socks, remove my belt, then hesitate as I arrive at the point where I have to drop my pants. "Go on, Ali did it too!" My wife insists.
I drop my pants. My wife begins to giggle, Ali feigns some laughter too. "Oh this country this country..." I catch him whispering under his breath, seemingly admitting that he's slightly confused by what is going on. "Honey, why are you giggling?" I ask her. "Oh it's nothing, it's just... perhaps you can see why we had to invite a refugee into our bedroom now!" She says, as she bursts out laughing.
"I don't get it, what do you mean? I get that I have a few more pounds than Ali, but Ali does not look like he suffers hunger, in fact, he looks quite muscular. I understand that our Western neocolonial protectionist food policies severely discriminate and exploit third world citizens but-" I answer, hoping that I am misunderstanding what she's talking about and trying to change the topic. "Alright then, if you don't get it, just drop your underpants and Ali, please drop yours too." She interjects.
I'm in shock. "This isn't really happening." I tell myself. I see Ali drop his underpants and I notice his seven inch penis is starting to get quite hard. I'm still flaccid at this point and afraid to drop my underpants, as my three inch flaccid penis pales in comparison to his big tanned cock. "Hurry up, what are you afraid of!" My wife says. "Your refusal to be naked around another man merely reveals your subconscious homophobia!" She yells at me.
"A homophobe?!?" I ask her. "Are you really accusing me of homophobia!?" I promptly drop my underpants, in an effort to disprove her accusation. I wish I hadn't. "No, you're right..." My wife says. "At first I thought you were homophobic, but then I remembered, you're afraid to show your small dick!" She shouts. "What do you mean, small? You told me it's the biggest you've ever seen!" I protest.
"Oh get a grip on reality man... Why would a woman like me want a guy with a dick like yours? I'm obviously with you because of your nice social justice lawyer salary. Everytime you defend some poor black bloke harassed or beaten by a cop I remind myself that a guy with a big dick would probably never earn enough money to buy me a big house with a swimming pool and two vacations a year to other continents." She answers.
"Now how about we get you guys really hard?" She continues. She begins to strip down her clothes seductively and I find myself growing fully hard against my will, as Ali grows harder too, increasing his dick to an impressive 7.5 inches, while mine remains stuck at 3.5 inch. "Now we have an adequate comparison!" She responds. She suddenly grabs her phone and takes a picture of the two of us. "Honey, why are you doing this?!" I respond.
"Because Kelly needs to see this too!" She answers. Kelly. I panic. Kelly is her best friend, I always had a crush on her. I thought she liked me too, but my wife must have noticed, because from that point on, Kelly never visited the two of us together again. "No please, don't send it to Kelly!" I answer. "Too late!" She says.
Moments later, I hear a door opening behind me, as Kelly steps in. I turn around and hear a big laugh from Kelly. "Oh my God you were right! Now I know why you call him a social justice weenie! What a ridiculously small dick you've got!" The women laugh and begin to touch Ali.
I look on as Kelly sucks his dick, before my wife bends over and Ali begins to pound her. I'm fully hard now at the thought of Ali impregnating my wife. As she begins to moan, I find that I'm in trouble, as I feel a familiar feeling in my body. I try to look away, as I prematurely ejaculate, but the women notice. "Hahahahahahahaha, oh my God!!!" Kelly yells through the room, as my penis turns flaccid again and my cum drips on the floor.
"What a loser!!!" She responds. Kelly asks my wife "Can you share Ali's big dick with me please?" To which she responds: "No, you can have my husband, he wants you!" "But how am I supposed to enjoy such a small penis?" She responds. "Just come up with something, I don't care." My wife says. I feel I'm starting to get hard again, as I realize I will perhaps have sex with Kelly.
That's not what happens however. Kelly grabs my belt from the floor and slaps my ass with it. She tells me to bend over, then hits me right on my anus with my belt. It hurts enormously, but I find myself growing very hard again. Then I hear her spitting on her finger, before she forces it into my rectum. Now I can't hold it anymore and begin to moan a bit as I release my seed again.
Kelly laughs again. "Oh my God! How can you stay married to a guy like this?" She responds. As my wife pushes her ass up a bit more and shoves her face into the pillow while Ali plows her, she responds: "This is how."
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