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(m)y story o(f) how my addiction started [part 2...long...very long] | 2016
Okay so while typing out the first story I realised that I might as well use this as an opportunity as a chronicle of my sexual past...I realise that it might not be as exciting as others but hey its mine, it’s all true and we'll there were quite a few highlights....anyways onwards and upwards....A bit of back story on K and myself; well prior to us dating we had been friends for about 5 years. There was always this attraction and sexual tension between us that manifested in the form of merciless flirting from both sides so by the time we started dating we knew each other fairly well which is why things moved kind of fast for us imo…
Part 2
As I lay on my bed, my hand still wrapped around my cum covered dick as I try to recover from the intense stimulation, I have to admit to myself that this was the single most erotic and hottest event in my young life. I mean sure I masturbated before but damn me it never felt that intense before. With the phone still pressed to my ear, the sound of k's ragged breathing and soft moans as she comes down from her own high is starting to make my dick harden again. Giving her a few more seconds after which I ask, "" before I can finish my sentence the other end of the line goes dead as she most likely killed the call. I realise that she must be pretty freaked out by what had just happened and try calling her back but my calls go straight to voicemail. With no other option left to me I sigh loudly and put my phone away all the while with my hand still grasping my cum covered dick....I can't help but recall the events of the phone call from k's admission to masturbating to her actually following my instructions as I guided her towards her own orgasm...naturally this had the effect of leaving me massively turned on and soon my hand was flying up and down my dick...the copious amounts of cum acting as lubrication as I jack off like a man possessed...the sound of k's moans as she masturbated drive me closer to my orgasm and I replay her orgasmic moan over and over mentally as I explode in my shorts for the second time in less than 15 minutes...
The rest of the weekend was filled with uncertainty for me ask is not answering any of my texts nor taking any of my calls. I am tempted to rake a walk up to her place on Sunday afternoon but decide against it...I shoot off a quick text to her on Sunday night before turning in myself saying that I hope everything is okay and I ask if I can talk to her at school school, it seems as if the universe has decided to take a hand in keeping me from getting time to chat to k as various issues pop up stopping it from happening and it seems like k is avoiding me as if I had the plague... I finally manage to catch up to k during second interval. I find her standing with a group of her friends engaged in a conversation when she notices me walking towards her. Before she can make her escape, I quickly but gently take hold of her hand and pull her away from her friends. I apologise to her friends and tell them that I need to speak to k about something important and they simply reply that it is okay followed by a chorus of giggles. I guide K around the corner and find a secluded spot underneath the tree still holding onto her hand as I ask, "Did I do something wrong that you are avoiding me all day?...I don't even get a hi or a wave ."
K blushes slightly and looks away from me mumbling something. Letting go of her hand I cup her face and turn it towards me as I ask, “talk to me please. What did I do?” K looks at me for a minute before softly saying, “You…you didn’t…it’s not you that did something wrong…I just…I feel…” A slow blush starts to develop one her cheeks and she turns away again unable to continue. Once again I turn her face towards me and say, “Hey, come on k it’s me, nothing’s changed and you know that you can talk to me about anything.” I can tell by the way that she is biting her lip that she is either nervous or scared but I remain silent and allow her to compose herself. Taking a deep breath she looks me in the eye and says, “It’s just…you see…I’m sorry about what happened on Saturday. You must think I am a complete slut and I am so ashamed over what happened that I can’t face you…and I understand if you want nothing to do with me.” The last of her words is delivered in a jumbled rush and leaves me feeling slightly confused as I digest them. I’m not sure how long I remain silent but the next thing I know, K is trying to pull her hand out of mine as she pulls away from me saying, “See what I mean, you can’t even talk to me about it.” Her face is a mix of contrasting emotions with her cheeks flushed in shame and her eyes glistening moisture as a result of pent up unshed tears.
I mentally berate myself for not realising it sooner and pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her. She is still fighting me and trying to pull away as I hold her close and whisper, “I’m and idiot for not realising sooner that you felt t this way. Believe me K; what you said is the furthest thing from my mind. In fact I can’t get enough of you. Why do you think I have been running around school all day looking for you like a crazy stalker?” This comment has the desired effect and she chuckles softly before giving up trying to pull away from me. Still wrapped in my arms, she looks up and me, her eyes a pool of moisture clearly showing her fear and uncertainty before she says, “So…erm…about Saturday...I'm sorry…things just…I don’t know...” I stop her from talking by placing a finger on her lips before saying, “What about Saturday…there is nothing to apologise for and if you do you just might spoil my most amazing fantasy/memory.” K’s eyes widen in surprise at my words and before she can say anything I continue, “What happened on Saturday was unbelievable…it was sexy as hell and I could not stop myself from thinking about it and you and how amazing and sexy you are all weekend.” K’s eyes widen even more as I continue rambling and her cheeks flush once again but this time I can see the tell-tale signs of a slight smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She shyly asks, “So you don’t think it was gross or anything?” I can’t help but laugh before I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Babe, to be completely honest, that was the hottest thing ever. I needed to help myself a number of times over the weekend afterwards.” Catching the meaning of my words, k burst out laughing saying, “don’t lie…you didn’t.” her eyes widened again when she saw that I didn’t deny it and she blushed again as she mumbled, “You telling the truth?” I simply laughed and leaned down to kiss her as an answer but the kiss was interrupted by the school bell announcing the end of interval. I gave her another quick peck and said I will see her after school or if not will call her when she gets home.
I need to stay late after school so I don’t get a chance to catch up with k after school. It’s only later on in the day that I managed to get in touch with her. We chat about random things at first, neither one of us wanting to bring up Saturday or the discussion earlier today. I figure that k is probably still freaked out about and guess that nothing is going to happen tonight. K, however surprises me by asking, “So…erm…was what you said earlier true?” not exactly sure what she is referring to and ask her. I can barely make out her response as she softly says, “About what you thought and…and after” My dick goes from 0-60 instantaneously as it dawns on me that she is asking about our mutual masturbation session and if what I said I did afterwards was true. I feel my cheeks warm as I answer, “I meant every word K. What happened was the hottest thing imaginable.” There is a few seconds of silence on the line before K softly asks, “And…erm…what about what you said about after…was…was that true?” I can’t help blush as I answer, “Yes it is true, I…well I kind of couldn’t stop thinking about what happened and every time I did that I needed to kind of…help myself out…you know.” K is silent for few minutes and not sure where this conversation is leading I follow suit. K finally breaks the silence saying, “I…I kind of had the same problem.”
I can hear on the phone that she is nervous and I am pretty sure that she is blushing like crazy after her admission and I can’t control the lusty moan that escapes my lips as her words cause my dick to harden even more. K obviously heard the moan and this and I hear her giggle softly before she says,” Well I’m glad you don’t find anything wrong with what I said.” Not able to answer or respond due to the fact that my brain is addled with the idea of you masturbating all weekend as you recall our previous session. Reaching down, I stroke my dick as I finally regain enough mental facilities to answer, “Fuck k, I’m sorry but that is so hot.” My outburst causes K to laugh out loud before asking, “So…what are you doing right now?” Chuckling softly I answer, “What do you think I am doing?” K’s voice drops a level and I have to admit sounds sexy as hell as she says, “I have an idea about what you are doing but I could be wrong.” I can almost hear her winking her eye as she says this and strangely this only serves to turn me on even more. Smiling to myself as I stroke my aching dick I answer, “well I just got out of the shower and I am laying here on my bed thinking about what you got up to the weekend.” K laughs softly again saying, “Hmm really…and what exactly do you think about it?” (To this day I don’t know where the answer I gave her came from but I thank my lucky stars that it did) The sound of K’s sultry voice sends shivers through my body as I answer, “Well I think that you were and are a very naughty girl for taking care of yourself without me.” K’s breath catches as she asks, “What do you mean?” deciding to throw caution to the wind I answer, “Well I didn’t get to tell you where or how to touch yourself and I also didn’t get to hear you cum. I’m very disappointed and upset with you K, you didn’t even think about me” I can hear K breathing heavily on the other end of the line as she says, “im sorry babe, i…I just couldn’t help it…I wanted to call you but didn’t know what to expect…ill…I promise ill make it up to you.”
At this point I realise that things are heading in a very different direction with K and it is driving me crazy with lust. Not sure where exactly it is leading to, I decide to roll with the punches and say, “Well there are a few things that you can do to make it up to me.” K is still breathing hard as she asks, “What things?” Sliding my hands into my boxer I grasp my dick and begin stroking it as I tell her, “For starters you are no longer allowed to play with yourself without telling me first. I want to be able to hear the sounds of you playing with yourself and also tell you what to do.” K’s breathing is ragged on the other end of the line and to my lust addled mind it sounds almost as if she is moaning…not moaning…more like whimpering softly as I continue telling her, “I want to be able to tell you exactly how and when to touch yourself, how fast, how hard and how deep to go.” My words affect K in the way I hoped it would and soon I can hear her moaning softly on the phone as she says, “I’m…I’m laying on my bed in my pyjamas and right now I am rubbing myself through the pants.” Increasing the pace of my hand as it strokes my dick I tell K to slide her hand inside of her pants but outside of her panties and to cup her pussy. K’s gasp indicates that she has done exactly that and I ask, “Does it feel good?” K moans loudly before answering, “Oh god it’s so hot. I’m…I’m so wet I can feel it through my panties.” Her words cause my dick to throb as I stroke it eliciting moans of pleasure from me as I imagine K playing with her pussy in-front of me.
Holding the phone to my ear with my right shoulder I quickly lift my ass and slip my boxer off to give me more freedom to play with my aching dick. K is still moaning softly on the phone as I tell her, “Slide your hand into your panty and run your fingers over the lips of your pussy for me.” Another loud gasp followed by a long sexy throaty moan lets me know that k is once again following my instructions. My fist is now flying up and down my dick as I tell k to describe what she is doing and feeling. K is now moaning continuously as she tells me, “My pussy feels like it is on fire. Fingers feel so good on my pussy lips but…i…I want…I need more.” My dick feels like a steel bar in my hand as I tell k to take her pants and pantie off and to let me know when she has. I hear muffled sounds from the other end of the line and after a few seconds later I hear k say, “They are off.” Smiling to myself I instruct k to spread her legs nice and wide and to reach down to her pussy to run her finger up and down between the lips of her pussy. K’s moans increase in intensity and volume as she follows my instructions and I can make out the sound of k softly saying, “So good, it feels so good.” Going for broke, I tell k to put her finger at the entrance of her pussy and tease it a bit which causes her to gasp and moan again. “Now slide the finger into your pussy as deep as you can k.” a throaty moan which is actually more like a growl emanates from the other end of the line. Not having seen K’s pussy first hand I close my eyes and picture a slick tick pussy being penetrated by a finger as I furiously stroke my dick. “Now slide your finger in and out of your pussy for me k…slowly at first then a little bit faster.” K’s breathing is laboured as she starts fingering her pussy on my instruction and a thought strikes me. Taking a deep breath I tell k, “Now I want you to keep fingering your pussy but I want you to take the phone and put it by your pussy so I can hear your finger sliding in and out of you.”
My latest instruction must have really gotten to her as K moans loudly followed by a few grunts before the phone goes silent. Thinking that the phone has died I begin silently cursing but I am stopped mid curse by the unmistakable sound of a wet, squelch (for want of a better word) followed by another and another. Frozen out of surprise with my hand firmly grasping my dick I am shaken out of it by the increasing frequency and sound of what can only be k’s finger sliding in and out of her pussy as well as her soft moans and gasps. My dick feels like it is ready to explode and I am stroking it like a mad man as I listen to my girlfriend finger her pussy for my enjoyment. I can hear K’s finger increasing pace and then suddenly stop which is followed by a long low sexy moan that goes through my body like a bolt of electricity which ends in my dick causing it to explode. I can’t and don’t want to contain the groan/scream that escapes my lips as my orgasm rips through me wanting k to hear my orgasm just as I heard hers. My orgasms feels like it lasts for hours as I continuously pump stream after stream of cum onto my hand and stomach...
To be continued
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