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(M)y story o(f) how my addiction started | 2016
Okay so this all started when I was I high school...I was your average guy which is to say hornier than an angry porcupine all the time and spent most of my free time browsing porn and jacking off...this changed when I got involved with my first serious girlfriend...u need to understand that before her...let's call her k...the most experience I had sexually with the opposite se was the occasional dry hump and cock stroke through the jeans and nothing more serious...k changed all of that though because as luck would have it..she was just as much of a freak as me and I loved it...
Before getting involved in a relationship we had been friends so we knew each other fairly well and as usual things started off slow. ..with our first date and kiss being at a school outing to the theatre...yes we waited till the lights went out as the teacher was sitting 2 seats away from us...anyways after the first kiss things heated up between us fairly quickly.
As luck would have it this all happened during or exam time and that left us with quite a bit of free time which we eagerly made the best of...k would usually meet me at a designated spot or I would walk to her house to get her and then we would head back to my place as my parents were less likely to come home...the first day we did this we started off with kisses which eventually led to some intense make out sessions...this soon graduated to us stripping down to our under wear and dry humping for a bit. ..when I say a bit I mean about 2 hours or so...I managed to get her off a few times dry humping her and she did the same to me...and my way moving on...the next day was pretty much more of the same except that this time it ended with her sitting on my lap in only her underwear as I fingered her pussy to orgasm...this readers was insanely sexy for me and k hardly had to touch my dick before I was coming...
The next few days wee rather hectic for us so tht left no time to play until the weekend arrived...her parents had promised her a cell phone and had decided to get her one so although I'd didn't get to see her....we spent pretty much the entire weekend talking on the phone about everything ...conversation eventually led to what we had done the last time we happened and I asked her how it felt? She surprised me by saying it felt different than when she played with herself but in a good way...obviously I couldn't let this go so I asked what any guy would often she masturbated...k didn't want to answer and I could hear from her voice tht she was getting embarrassed so I changed my tactic and asked when the last time she masturbated was..figuring I had over stepped my boundaries when I was met with silence for a few seconds I was just about to apologise to her and tell her tht she didn't need to answer when k spoke up...last night actually. dick went from 0 to 100 in less than a's corny I know but u need to understand that I was a horny high school student that got a hard on from liking at a girls elbow order to lighten her mood and to show tht I didn't think anything of it I admitted to her tht the same was true for me...
After a few more seconds of silence k asked me the same question I had initially asked much or how often do I masturbate...figuring what the hell I bravely least once or twice a day...the silence on the other end of the line was deafening and I thought tht I had seriously blown it...k again surprised me by softly saying tht the same was true for her.. I didn't think tht my dick could get any harder but when I finally registered what she had said my dick was achingly hard and throbbing...
Not sure where the conversation was heading I asked if her parents were home and what she was up to...k answered by saying tht her parents had taken her Lil Bro shopping and was home alone just lie in on the bed...deciding to take the bull by the horns I told k tht what she had just told me was making me horny as hell...k just laughed and answered...well at least I am not the only one...
Deciding to push my luck I asked her what she was wearing and smiled to myself when she answered that she was wearing a baggy track pants and sweater....the next question was obvious and I smiled as I asked why she had on underneath...k laughed and answered that she was wearing the same panties she had on the day I fingered her and no bra.reaching down I slid my hand inside my pants and started to slowly stock my cock as I recalled the sight of k in the camo boy shorts she had been wearing tht day...I told her tht her ass looked amazing in those panties and wished tht I could get another look...k just laughed and never know. You might just get another look sooner than you think. Still stoking my dick as I pictured k in her underwear I asked her what she was doing now...
My question was met with silence for a few seconds. Thinking that she had not heard me I was a bout to repeat myself when k softly answered...I'm lying here on my bed with my sweater pulled up to under my titties and...and I am running my fingers along the waistband of my tracksuit pants. What are you doing now? Her words caused my dick to throb in my hand I increased the pace of my stroking slightly as I answered her...well...right now I am lying on my bed...picturing you standing her modelling those panties you had on the other day as I stroke myself...k gasped before softly asking...are you really?...
Knowing what she meant I answered yes which caused k to gasp again...I then asked her why she didn't just slip her hand inside her pants instead of running along the waistband and kim you want me this point my dick was throbbing like mad and leaking pre cum like nobodies business as I stroked my dick fast and faster...Monington sftly I answered..yes baby...I want you to slip your hand into your pants and I want you to cup your pussy for me...k moaned loudly on the line before saying...oh god my pantie is so wet right now... I had a chicken hold on my dick as I stroked it faster and faster moaning softly as I tell your fingers over your pussy and rub it for me k...she must have followed my instructions as her breathing quickens and I can hear her start hand is now flying up and down my dick as I listen to my gf running her pussy. The sound of her moaning and gasping is pushing my arousal higher and higher...
I tell her to stop for a second and then to slide her hand into her panties her panties...her gasps and moans increase in volume as she breathlessly says...I hand is inside my pussy is soo wet baby...I am moaning loudly now as I stroke my dick with youthful abandon telling k...slide a finger in for me baby...I want you to finger your pussy for me...k gasps louder than before and replies...yes baby...oh fuck my finger feels soo good inside of me...the combination of my actions and k's words have me on the brink of cumming and when k breathlessly tells me that she is cumming...I lose it spraying the inside of my boxers with pent up cum....
End of part 1...sorry for the wall of text and missing grammar...this m was just supposed to be a brief blurb but great lol...if anyone wants to hear the rest and why I make mention of addiction...part 2 will follow shortly
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