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[M]y ongoing saga with my colleague [F] | 2016

What an unbelievable 4 days I have had. I have been a teacher at a school for close to two years and started working at the same time as Cleo. Cleo is a gorgeous blonde Irish woman, about 5'5 and perfect body. I have fancied her since the Christmas party but never thought anything would happen between us because we are both in long term relationships. Please don't judge me on that just use that to understand my limits. We relentlessly flirt and are very tactile when sitting in the office together.

Cleo and I were selected to lead a two-week school trip abroad and we got back last night. During the trip everything changed. The trip involved touring a country and involved many long coach journeys. Last Saturday night (9 days ago) Cleo and I were on the coach to a site sitting next to each other. We have always been tactile people but with the security of the darkness our hands began to wander. Slowly our hands went from a brush on the knee, to a prolonged stroke of thighs until finally both our hands were on each other’s inner thighs. Rubbing up and down getting closer and closer to each other’s cock and pussy.

Cleo gently rubbed her hand up the inside of my thigh and lingered as she felt the outline of my cock. I gasped as she moved her hand back and gently caressed my inner thigh. My cock was throbbing by this point, and she looked deep into my eyes mouthing "wow". My hand gently brushed her pussy through her shorts and she let out a deep sigh into my ear. Unfortunately the bus had reached our destination and we had to get out. On the way home the third member of staff on the bus came and sat between us preventing any more fun that evening. I thought it was a one off but the next few days involved more and more provocative texts between us with more touching and flirting. It was not until Wednesday that things would change.

Wednesday evening Cleo and the other female members of staff were given a night off whilst the male members of staff had to stay and look after the 120 children on the trip. Cleo had been more and more flirtatious during the day and insisted it would be worth my while to wait up for her to get back. I of course waited for her as I was well and truly under her spell. She came home with the rest of the girls and I lied to them saying I was doing some work. Cleo told the girls she was going outside to smoke before bed and text me saying

“Are you coming out?”

From that moment it was on. Cleo led me to an empty part of the hotel we were staying in and turned to kiss me. We made out like teenagers, unable to keep our hands off each other. Her hand was grabbing my cock and I was grabbing her perfect ass. She said that we shouldn't and she should go to bed as the teacher she was sharing a room with would start getting suspicious. As she tried to leave I lifted her onto a wall and rubbed my hard cock against her. She moaned my name as she ran her nails down my back. She jumped down and said she had to go leaving me rooted to the spot watching her fine ass as she walked down the corridor.

I would have been fine to leave it here but still like teenagers we text back and forth more sexually suggestive messages until the very early hours of the morning.

The following night was the male teachers night off and I promised if she waited up we could carry on what we started. During the text as I was drinking I got a message saying that after an issue with one of the rooms, the teacher Cleo was sharing a room with was going to have to move to another hotel with a group of kids and Cleo would be in a room to herself. Needless to say, I finished the drink I was having paid and ran back to the hotel.

Knocking on the door, Cleo opened in thin PJ trousers and a tight vest top. Her hair was wet and she had never looked more attractive to me than now. We walked to the bed and lay down. I thought that things would move slow and tentatively but I couldn’t be more wrong. She pushed me down onto the bed and sat on top of me. She kissed me and then kissed my neck as her hips moved in the most incredible way. She ground her pussy against my growing cock until I was at bursting point.

Slowly she reached down and unbuttoned my shirt, kissing gently my chest before biting my nipple. She was still rubbing her pussy against my cock like a professional. I slid my hands up her top and for the first time could feel her incredible tits. She moaned my name as her breathing got heavier and faster. My hand wandered down and started rubbing her pussy from the outside of her pants. I could feel the wetness as she bit my ear and moaned my name. I continued on top of her pants for 5 minutes until she was struggling to hold back her moans. We locked lips as she came on top of me.

I needed to go back to my room as the guy I was sharing a room with was falling asleep and he had the only key. I should have returned to Cleo but we didn’t think it was a good idea. We are both in serious long-term relationships and did not trust ourselves not to cross our limits. Not that either of us knew at this point what they were!

This is getting very long and I haven't got to the last three days which have been increasingly wild. I have the end of school year staff party now so I will write up the last few days and post tomorrow including what happened today (in school) and anything that might happen tonight.