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[M]y [F]riend's new puppy at the beach | 2016
A good friend of mine (Brittany) just got a puppy a few months back. She wanted to train her young dog to swim, and figured a camping lake trip is a good idea (just this past long weekend). I pickup a friend and then pulled into Brittany's driveway, and discovered her BF had left town for work. The three of us headed to the local lake which was still 30 minutes out.
Brittany is the typical short fit girl who changes her hair color just about every month. It is currently red, naturally dirty blonde. She is 23 years old and probably weighs in at 130 pounds. It is perfect for a 5 ft 2 inch frame. She was wearing a black/white stripped split bikini top and black yoga shorts with flipflops. I'm an average 5 ft 9 inch dude, 170 pounds.
We arrive at the lake and setup our table spot. Brittany surprisingly takes off her yoga shorts, to reveal a sexy low cut bikini bottom. I stare for a moment, which made Brittany smile. We test the waters and basically force the dog to get wet. It is a bit if a comical struggle to get the little dog to swim as it apparently comes naturally, but this one seems to hate water. Brittany eventually gives up and sits in the shallow water with the dog sitting on her lap. After a few minutes of chatting away, she figures another try is in order. She asks me to pick up the puppy so she can get up. I kneel next to her and grab the squirming dog, only to result in touching Brittany's smooth wet skin in the process. Brittany is giggling away but ends up picking herself up. She does this sexy bend-over-straighten-up thing and her bikini tightly rides up between her butt cheeks right in front of me. I try not to notice, but end up staring anyways.
We fumble for a bit trying to get the dog comfortable. For the next hour we hand off the dog to each other and each time, the touching lingers longer and longer. By the dog fourth transfer, I am holding onto her hip and my arm is cupping her boobs, while she is pulling my swim trunks against her body and rubbing her hip or pelvis into me. Thankfully we are almost waist deep in water and she shouldn't easily be feeling my hardon. Until the 5th transfer. That time, her lower stomach makes full contact with my hardon. She visibly blinks and ends up brushing her hand against my cock in an effort to probably confirm the hardon while trying to remain casual. Now she has a constant smile on her face, and is biting her lips when she looks my way. I am busted but I figure I have nothing to hide now.
At one point she is slightly bent over and trying to float the puppy, so I figure I take the risk. I move in behind her, and ask how its going. At this point my hardon is just touching her ass, to which she slightly flinches, but ends up straightening up while clutching the puppy, and leaning back against me. She moans, that it is going well. And she obviously wasn't talking about the puppy as she begins to swing her hips to squeeze my hardon. I quickly lower my trunks and in all the naked glory, slowly slide my cock between her legs. She moans and then suddenly tells me to wait and stop. My friend is approaching and yells at us saying that food is served. That was a buzz kill. I then realized that she had mentioned on the drive up she has an official BF that she wanted to introduce. Complete buzz kill.
Lunch was uneventful except for the part where Brittany and I sat together, and she would cross her leg while lightly brushing her foot against my leg. She knew I have a thing for legs and feet, especially hers.
We decided to pack up early as the temperature was dropping quickly. My friend took watch over the table and dog as Brittany and I went to the car to get our clothes. Brittany opens up the side door, and begins rummaging through her bag. I pop open the trunk and grab my own bag, and just as I close it and look over Brittany's way, she is undoing her bikini strings while looking back at me. I freeze and suddenly begin pitching a tent again. I look around the full but empty parking lot, and look back at Brittany, who is now facing me and has her bikini bottom on the ground. She is completely hairless, and is now reaching in front of her and unclasping the bikini top. She then asks, 'aren't you gonna change too?' with a large grin.
So I smile back and drop my trunks, displaying my hardon, while doing the captain morgan pose. She bursts out laughing and walks over to me, wraps her arms around my neck, and plants a firm kiss on my lips. She then gets on her knees and vigorously goes down on me. I arch over hanging onto the side of the car, getting excited about the public display. Just before I'm about to cum, I pull her head back and push her down quickly, and quickly go down on her. She lets out a sudden moan then covers her mouth. Apparently she feels the same excitement as it takes me no time to get her to tightly wrap her legs around my head and moan into her mouth and cum right on my face. Before she is finished convulsing in pleasure, I open up her legs to her sudden surprise and whimper, and lay on top of her, while slowly positioning my cock right on her pussy lips. She is moaning and breathing in what seemed like frustration, so I thrusted into her. She moaned loudly in pleasure, and continued her flinching as I slowly pumped in and out, continuing her orgasm. After she stopped flinching, she grabbed my face and started kissing me with heavy breathes and aggression.
We quickly hide and pack up because we start hearing people in the parking lot. On the drive home, Brittany is sitting on the front passenger seat, looking over at me while petting her dog. I look over at her, and quietly ask "why haven't we done this any earlier?" She answers with a big smile "because you never asked."
I notice my friend is now listening with slightly confused look but doesn't say anything. I push it further and mention "You know I didn't finish but I still had fun. I wonder if we will have a chance to do it again." I notice Brittany is now blushing. She takes the hint, and says "I think... I think we should, you know, cum together at least one more time."
I couldn't stop blushing with the hardon the entire way home.
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