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My first visit to a swingers club. [f/mmm] | 2016

This is a true account of my 1st visit to a swingers club.

Work ran late and I had to change (short black skirt, sheer black top, 4” spiked heels, and no panties) so the night didn’t begin until around 11:00 pm. A hostess named Cassie or Carly (let’s call her Cassie), and dressed like a sluttier version of a Hooters girl, provided a brief tour of the place. The main door opens to a bar/seating area, with about 20 tables, and a dance floor with another 10-15 tables around it. The dance floor has two raised platforms, one on each side, reminiscent of Go-Go booths, and a stripper pole towards the back. This area was quite crowded, I’d guess around 60-70 people. Cassie explained that this was one of only two places where single men were allowed to mingle as she led us to the other area.

Walking down a step and through a doorway led to a pair of connected rooms; one with a couch and chairs, the other was another dance floor with stripper pole and wide, bench-like seating around the perimeter. Walking into that room resulted in a half dozen guys sitting up and taking notice of my entry, like a pack of lions lounging near a waterhole realizing that a gazelle had just arrived for a drink. It felt scary and sexy at the same time and I felt myself getting wet! Leaving the “predator lounge” and crossing the bar/dance floor area led to another doorway, this one with a bouncer to ensure that only couples and single women went beyond that point. The doorway led to a lounging area, a fetish room with a St. Andrews Cross, a few private rooms, and a stairway to the second floor. The second floor was more of the same, rooms, open areas full of couches and chairs, and the occasional couple wandering around looking for playmates or just exploring the facility. Cassie said that she would be happy to help with any questions, just track her down, and then headed back to the bar area.

The bar area was where we ended up also, after a bit more exploring, as it provided a great opportunity to people watch. There were people ranging from early 20s to their 60s, all races, all sizes, and varying degrees of attractiveness. Clothing ranged from business casual to extremely sexy outfits on some of the ladies, the kind that you see at adult stores but have no idea where you would wear it outside of the bedroom. Around midnight, it became obvious that the number of people in the main area had diminished greatly and it seemed logical to assume that there was some sex going on somewhere in the building. Moving upstairs was all it took to locate the majority of the people; they were seated throughout the common areas kissing, fondling, and enjoying the occasional blowjob.

We sat on a couch and he ran his hand up my skirt, beginning to lightly caress my pussy. I immediately lost track of what was happening around me as the sensations between my legs became the center of my universe. My skirt slid further up my hips as his thumb began to rub my clit in little circles with increasing pressure. I started moaning as I felt him push my legs wide open, exposing me for anyone who cared to look, and easily slide a finger into my moist opening. His finger went to my G-spot and he began to pinch his finger and thumb, causing pressure on my G-spot and my clit simultaneously. That was all it took for me to start cumming like crazy! I slid further down on the couch until I was lying back on my elbows and let wave after wave of orgasm crash over me.

After a few moments, I realized that his hand had stopped moving. I opened my eyes to see him grinning at me with a mixture of pride, amusement, and happiness that excited me even further. I glanced around and saw that there were couples fucking and performing oral sex on all of the other furniture in the room but noticed that I had a small audience off to the side. “Would you like to find a woman to fuck?” I heard him ask in a low voice. “Yes!” I exclaimed, “I would love that.” He smiled a bit wider and told me “If I haven’t found you a woman by 1:00 am, I am taking you back downstairs and giving you to the men in the singles area.” Adrenaline dumped into my body! I knew he was serious and the thought of it frightened me. I’ve never been with more than one man at a time, I’ve never even been with more than one man in the same day! I saw him chuckle a bit, and his smile turned to a devious grin as he saw my reaction to his pronouncement. I realized that I had begun unconsciously grinding against his hand as I thought about being given to those strangers, so I let my head fall back and gave myself over to his hands again.

He moved his thumb to my pussy and slid it in while his finger pressed an inch into my ass. The way he pinches and rubs his thumb and finger while one is in my pussy and the other in my ass is one of my favorite feelings in the world so I once again lost track of everything but the orgasms he was creating! I couldn’t stay still and had almost squirmed off of the couch when he stopped again. I adjusted my position, looked at him, and heard him say with a grin, “No girls yet.” It occurred to me that he had decided what was going to happen tonight and me having sex with another woman was not a part of his plan! His grin grew wider, as if he were reading my mind, and his hand began to work me into another frenzy. This pattern repeated itself, cumming and pausing, for a while and the people around us changed and shifted but never approached or asked to join in.

After a bit, he pulled me to a seated position and surreptitiously showed me his phone. The screen said 01:00 (he uses the 24-hour clock). My eyes got wide, he nodded at me as if to confirm what was happening, stood, and offered me his hand to help me rise from the couch. The trip back downstairs was a blur. There was so much going through my mind that I would probably have ended up just standing in place had he not been leading me by the hand. I realized that I was missing an earring as we crossed the bar area so he pulled out a chair and sat me at a table while he went back upstairs to get the earring. As he turned to leave I asked him, “What if someone tries to talk to me?” He paused, smiled, and said “Be nice” then turned and walked away.

He hadn’t made it 30 feet before the first guy came up to me and introduced himself. He asked if I wanted to play so I smiled and said “It’s not up to me, you’ll have to ask him.” The guy just nodded and took a step back, only to be replaced by another guy. “You are very beautiful,” he said, “Are you here to play?” I gave him the same response and he smiled as he said “I certainly hope he says yes.” Returning with my earring in hand, he was stopped by these two guys before even being able to reach me. I heard them introduce themselves and shake his hand.

He never even looked at me as he told them to follow him. He then took my hand to help me rise from the chair and led me through the doorway into the area that had made me feel like prey earlier in the night. He took me to the room with the stripper pole and gestured for the guys to wait a moment. I noticed a couple fucking on one of the benches and two guys sitting nearby masturbating. Their attention shifted to me as I was led in. He kissed me on the mouth as he undid my bra, then he stepped back and lifted my top and bra over my head before tossing them on the seating area. One of the seated guys stood up and moved forward, as did the two guys who had followed me in. He noticed this, held up a hand, and commanded “Wait” in a firm voice. They stopped and he unzipped my skirt and helped me step out of it before adding it to the clothes pile.

I stood naked (well, except for my heels) in front of a room full of strangers, like an item being auctioned off. I’ve never been this naked in front of anyone but someone with whom I was intimate before. At least not in real life. It was incredibly arousing and I felt myself becoming so wet that I was about to drip!

He stood beside me, one hand possessively on the nape of my neck, and addressed the guys in front of me. “You can use your hands only, you can touch her anywhere you desire so long as you are gentle and considerate.” He then stepped back and they fell on me like a pack of wolves! Hand went to by breasts and one guy immediately fell to his knees and put his mouth on my pussy! He didn’t say anything about mouths, just hands! I was terrified and more aroused than I can ever remember being! I jerked my head around to look for him and found him right beside me, looking at my face as if he knew I would need his gaze to reassure me. I saw the look of confidence and control on his face and went from terrified to orgasmic in about five seconds! He stepped forward and gently led me back to the bench along the wall so that I could lie down and just focus on the sensations.

The guy on my pussy was very good at what he was doing and I came again within a few moments. I had a cock in each hand and as I turned my head to the left I found a cock pointing at my face. A big cock! Not freakishly large like some sort of porn star, but 9-10 inches long and very thick. I searched around for him and saw him watching me. Again it was almost as if he was reading my mind and he nodded permission for me to suck this beautiful cock! I’m not usually picky about size, color, circumcision, etc., I just like them to be clean, but this cock was one of the most beautiful I’ve seen and I couldn’t wait to wrap my lips around it. I saw the guy attached to it look at him and once again he gave a permissive nod.

My lips parted as my inner slut took over and this cock was thrust into my mouth. I felt the guy’s hands on my head as he began to fuck my mouth and this brought me to another climax! I have no idea how many times I had cum at that point, I just hoped it would continue. I had a cock in each hand, hands all over my body, and the talented mouth was still on my pussy.

I sensed him moving the guy from my pussy and heard him say “Give someone else a turn now.” The mouth was replaced by fingers probing my pussy, pressing my asshole, rubbing my clit; it could have been one hand, it could have been five, I just knew it felt unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Being the center of attention was incredible and being wanted so desperately by these strangers was empowering. Knowing that he was in control of the entire situation was liberating and allowed me to let go of any thought beyond my carnal desires.

I heard his voice in my ear, “I’m going to let the guy with the big cock fuck you, don’t be afraid. I’ll make sure he has a condom and he doesn’t hurt you.” I came again at the thought of having that beautiful cock inside me and his grin told me that he knew the reason for that orgasm. He stood up and I saw him whispering to the big guy who nodded and smiled upon hearing the news. He then turned as Big Cock stepped away, presumably to find a condom, and addressed the other guys crawling all over me, “You can finish on her tits and her stomach, not in her mouth or anywhere else. I want y’all to cover her in as much cum as you can.” Another orgasm swept through me.

Magic Mouth had moved back to my pussy at some point and I looked down to see who he was. It was the guy who had first approached me while I was seated alone and I felt glad that he decided to stick it out and see if he would be allowed to play with me since he was giving me one of the best oral experiences I’ve ever had, easily top 10%. I noticed Magic Mouth hold a condom up and look at him as if for permission to fuck me, permission that wasn’t granted. Magic Mouth looked a bit disappointed but shook it off, stood up, and began furiously stroking his cock that was pointed at my pussy. He stepped up, took Magic Mouth by the elbow, and moved him around my leg an alongside my hip. “Here” he said, indicating my stomach.

Big Cock showed back up and I saw him rolling a condom down his magnificent shaft. I lost sight of things at this point as someone straddled my face and put their balls on my lips. I opened my mouth and sucked on the guy’s scrotum and balls for a moment before letting go of a different cock so that I could guide him back and allow me to suck his dick. He cooperated and I had a mouthful of cock as Magic Mouth sprayed cum across my belly and Big Cock pressed against my pussy.

Big Cock penetrated me with ease due to the amount of pussy juice and saliva that was dripping from me, but I knew the minute he was in me because I felt full. Very full. I quit sucking and stroking any other cocks while I drank in the feeling of this stranger’s enormous cock driving into my pussy! I turned my head a bit and saw him standing alongside Big Cock, watching my pussy lips as they were tugged and pulled by the girth of the cock inside me, and watched as he took my left ankle and lifted my leg in order to open me up more for Big Cock. This was too much and I had the most powerful orgasm of the night, screaming and writhing until he had to hold me in place for Big Cock to keep fucking me. The guy who I had been blowing a moment ago must have enjoyed seeing and hearing it as he started rapidly jacking his dick and blew cum across my tits in a matter of seconds!

A bouncer came in and announced that it was closing time in 15 minutes. Big Cock began to pound more furiously as I just continued to cum and cum! Finally he pulled out, took off his condom, and came across my abdomen. Big Cock grinned at me and said “15 minutes wasn’t going to be long enough for me to finish. Thank you for everything beautiful lady” before getting dressed and slipping away.

“I need to take a picture of this for her scrap book y’all,” I heard him say as he stepped up with his phone out. The staff had made it abundantly clear that phones were forbidden inside but he generally does what he wants and it was almost time to leave anyway so I wasn’t surprised to see a couple of flashes go off followed by the feeling of wet-wipes and paper towels cleaning loads of cum from my body. He then helped me get my clothes back on and walked me out to get the car.

A gentleman stepped up while we waited for the valet to bring the car and told me what a great time he had and how fantastic of a person I was. I realized that this was Big Cock (it was pretty dark in the room and I wasn’t there for a meet and greet) when I heard his voice. He was about 6’2” and very lean, thus lending some support to what they say about tall skinny guys having big dicks. He shook Big Cock’s hand and thanked him for being polite and respectful. The valet arrived about then and we left in search of food.

On the way he assured me that he enjoyed what had happened and asked me if I had any regrets or concerns. I told him that he had just laid my only concern to rest, the worry that he might think poorly of how slutty I'd behaved.