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[m]y first time meeting a girl with an oral [f]ixation | 2016
Meeting Ally was completely unexpected. It was a few years ago, and I was new at my current place of employment. My staff team was asked to give a tour of our facility, and Ally was one of the many people who came through. I was caught off guard to hear her ask me if I was [insert my name here]. She was extremely friendly and smiled the whole time. She explained that she knew a good friend of mine, who had mentioned me a few times, and she recognized me based on his description of me. She was really smiley, told me that my friend had said great things about me, and gave me a hug, saying that we'd have to get together and meet properly sometime. I agreed and she went to continue the tour.
Ally was short and bubbly with dirty blonde hair. She's a good 5 years older than I am. She is also one of the more extroverted people I've known, and is always happy to meet new people. I didn't get even the slightest hint of a sexual vibe from her - not in a bad way, she just didn't broadcast in that direction. Physically, she was tiny. She had enough flesh to let you know she was attractive and female, but was definitely on the lean side. Her skin was thoroughly tan from spending a lot of time outdoors, and she was almost always smiling or laughing about something.
She added me on Facebook later that week and we arranged a time to get together for drinks and get to know each other. I'm no dunce when it comes to picking up on flirtation, and she definitely kept her approach clean--I had no indication whatsoever that she was interested in me. While I found her attractive, her body isn't my usual type, so I wasn't preparing to go for her guns blazing. I expected nothing but a platonic get-together between new acquaintances.
I was half right.
We met at a really classy bar in town that neither of us had been to. The place was dimly lit and decorated in red velvet and black leather. It seemed like that kind of place where you put on a suit and tie to meet a lady in a fancy dress and go home to have fancy-ass movie sex on silk sheets in front of a fire while the most interesting man in the world plays violin and sprinkles you with rose pedals.
Luckily, most of the clientele was thinking along the same lines Ally and I were: t-shirts, jeans, and other casual wear. Ally gave me a hug when we met there, and we grabbed a table and ordered a couple of beers. She bombarded me with all sorts of questions, and I've seen her do the same thing to all sorts of people since then, regardless of gender--I learned later that she's just addicted to constantly meeting new people. We slowly drifted into deeper conversation about rough memories from our pasts. I related a story of some grief from when I was younger, and she scooted a bit closer to me and gave me a hug. I was surprised as hell when (after I laughed off the dark mood) her hand touched my thigh in a comforting way, and then she continued the conversation normally ("it's really cool that you've managed to move past that") and her hand casually but clearly drifted over and started rubbing my crotch.
What the fuck? I just met you. I don't know you. But what the hell, you're cute, and our booth is placed so no one will see.
I didn't say any of those things, by the way. I just looked at her and let the slightest hint of a grin appear on my face so we wouldn't appear weird to any passersby but she would know it was okay to continue. I slowly grew hard, my dick growing down the leg of my pants as she stroked it expertly. We kept talking about something that I wasn't really paying any attention to. She was professionally casual in her tone, but her hand was sending a very different message.
Without warning, she stopped and finished her beer, smiling at me. I had already downed mine. She said, "well, I need to get going--I've got a really early morning tomorrow."
What the fuck.
We paid our tabs and left. We hugged again, and she said something about having a great time and wanting to do it again soon, and I didn't really catch most of it because my brain was trying to plow through the confusion. She was clearly messing with me, but I guessed that it was in an "I love to see you squirm" sort of way.
We met again for drinks that weekend. I had no idea what would happen, as neither of us had brought up our last encounter. This time we went to a more eclectic bar, a place with as many couches as it had tables. We found a quiet couch in back, around the corner from the rest of the bar so no one could see. This was my doing, just in case. We drank a few pretty tall beers (this place has gigantic glasses) and laughed our asses off getting to know each other for the next couple of hours. Time flew by, and she casually leaned back against the arm rest and put her legs over mine. We talked for a while longer, and I noticed that she had been chewing on her straw for quite a while, to the point that it was twisted and completely wrecked. She pulled it out of her drink and chuckled, as I was giving her a weird look. She looked at me, pleasant and platonic as can be, and said bluntly, "I need it to satisfy my oral fixation." She laughed as I poker-faced immediately. I was still trying to figured out if she was serious or not when she stood up, still chuckling, and started walking away. She maintained eye contact with me and gave a slight nod in the direction she was going to indicate that I should follow.
Ally walked back to the hallway where the bathrooms are, and where the store room was located. She peeked around the corner into the store room and saw that no one was there, and there were an awful lot of shelves filled with booze. Without looking at me, she walked in. I followed, becoming more aware of my cock.
"C'mere." Ally crept behind a row of shelves as though someone was watching and she needed to hide. The room was completely empty, and I got the impression that the bar was well stocked enough for a quiet evening that we would be alone. She knelt down and grabbed my belt, pulling me close to her. She maintained her "we're just professional acquaintances" tone and smile--her expression was not dirty in the slightest. Even so, her hands undid my fly in an instant and she pulled my swelling dick out in front of her face. She stroked it lightly, looking up inquisitively. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked honestly. I said, "nope." I'm a natural bard.
Between the alcohol and the whole in-public thing, I took a minute or two to start getting properly hard as she stroked me. It probably didn't help that I was so confused by her. I was semi-hard, getting close to full size, when she remarked, "mm, that's really nice!" as though she were talking about her preference of pudding flavors. I didn't have time to reply. She swallowed me whole immediately. Her face was pressing into my groin while she rolled her head back and forth, letting my dick work its way down her throat. She opened her lips repeatedly to work me down properly to the very last millimeter, and she worked the very back of her tongue against the underside of my shaft. I was too surprised to moan, so all that came out was a long, happy sigh. She stayed down on me for a good 15 seconds, rolling her head and rubbing me with her tongue as her hands roamed firmly over my thighs, groin, and stomach. I was growing firm in her throat, and she freed my hardening dick with a satisfied "mmm," as though she had just gotten her first taste of a delicious pie. I find it incredibly sexy when a woman seems to love sucking my dick, and I was rock hard in no time as her hand rapidly stroked my wet shaft. She didn't have a single tear in her eye, or any sign that she had trouble taking me all the way down, even though she was tiny and my dick is above average.
"Do you need my hands to make you cum or can I just eat your dick?" Ally asked conversationally. At this point I thought maybe there really was a god. "I'm not sure," I answered honestly. "I've had a lot of beer, but your mouth felt incredible." She giggled and grinned, then held eye contact with me as she slowly licked me from base to tip and wrapped her lips around my cock like it was a chocolate covered strawberry and holy hell, was she savoring it. She circled her tongue around my head, and continued eye contact as she slowly but easily engulfed almost my full length, giving me a long and satisfied "mmmmm" and smiling with her eyes. Fully erect, I'm around 7.5", and she had all but the last 3/4" in her mouth and throat, starting to moan briefly as she pumped back and forth on me. Her tongue massaged the bottom of my shaft as she went, and her hands grabbed my ass firmly for leverage. I started to breathe heavily, groaning softly as I laced my fingers in her hair and grabbed her head. She let out a satisfied "mmf" and moved faster, sucking harder. I was amazed that her tiny head and mouth could fit my whole dick so easily, and especially that she was able to apply such pressure without even slightly grazing me with teeth. She made quiet slurping noises and didn't come up for air. At all. My fingers grew more tense in her hair as one of her hands roamed down so she could finger herself and she sighed and moaned all over me. Her throat was better lubed than a pussy at this point, and she just sucked away, alternating between sealing her lips around the based of my cock and fucking me with her open mouth. A couple of times, she would shove herself down against me like she had in the beginning, but I could tell she was having trouble keeping that list inch or so down. Even so, she was getting more vocal as her hand moved faster, which naturally egged me on as well. I felt my cock growing tense, and my face was flushed with pleasure as I grunted and she slurped away.
My breathing grew short and I was moaning loudly, no longer having the presence of mind to worry that someone would find us. Ally could tell I was about to explode, so she pulled up. She was about to say something when it seemed her desire got the better of her. Her hand was working furiously at her pussy and she was moaning in earnest now. She licked over my cock eagerly, sucking along the entire length of the shaft from multiple directions, one side at a time. Her free hand held my length to her mouth and I could tell she was close to cumming, so I tried to relax a bit and wait for her. I reached down to grab at her nipples but she interrupted, pushing my hand back to her head as she looked up at me. "Cum down my throat" she demanded, her hand on top of mine, encouraging me to push her down on my cock. I did. I felt myself tensing again as I heard her cum, her hips twitching as she fingered herself, moaning all over my dick but not letting up one bit. She moaned louder as I pushed her down repeatedly. When she finished, both hands grabbed my hips and she fucked her throat with my cock. I was officially done waiting, and all I could manage was an incoherent "ooooohh" as my cock engorged slightly with each jet of cum that shot down Ally's throat. She groaned and shoved her face against my groin repeatedly, sucking hard and moving her throat in repeated half-swallows as she gulped down my load. Between the beer and this ridiculous blowjob, I almost blacked out, but grabbed a shelf with one hand to hold myself up while my other hand held her down. I came for what seemed like forever, and gave her more cum than anyone has ever managed to drain from me. She stayed down even after I finished and my hand left the back of her head. She loosened her suction and ever so gently stroked the based of my shaft with her tongue. She slowly, slooowly pulled herself off of my dick. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, looking up at me as she formed a ring around my dick with her forefinger and thumb and pulled the last drop of cum out onto her tongue, licking it off of my head completely and swallowing it. She sat down, catching her breath and grinning ear to ear.
Needless to say, that's still my favorite bar.
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