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[M]y first time around all the bases experience but no home run with two [F] | 2016
TLDR I sneak into a girls bedroom with her best friend spending the night. Young teenage virgins act like virgins do and learn by trying. Boy fails to perform with one girl. Pass out. Wake up to her fathers voice. Hide under bed for a year, escape with life when they leave for breakfast.
I was 17, lived in Florida, played hockey and was in decent shape. I was messaging with two girls (both 16) who were best friends. We chatted in AOL chat rooms and IMs. They lived in my area (Pinellas). We sent pictures back and forth for a while. Nope, I wasn't one of the first dickpic'rs. I though I was small lol. Both had a crush on me, or at least I thought. We always talked about racy shit, and then it always ended up to be about sex. 1 Brunette, 1 Blonde. They would always pester me to sneak in to the brunettes house on a friday or saturday night to "practice" the fake game I spit them. I had no idea what I was talking about. I was a chicken shit virgin talking behind a computer. I always turned them down with one excuse or another. But one day, I don't know, maybe I got fed up with filling socks. Or maybe I ran out of socks finally. My mom was always so pissed about how I lost so many damn socks. I don't remember why... But I said I would.
Told my parents I was spending the night with my best friend which was usual during the summer. The girls said to try to get some beer. All my mom drank was Bartels and James. Sneaked a sixer and put it in my backpack. Hopped in my hand me down ford escort wagon and headed across the bridge to Tampa. Pops always said I wasn't allowed across any of the bridges. He said it would prolly break down. Sure enough, car started smoking. But I made it across. I got lost in their neigborhood. Freaking out commenced. Found one of the streets they used in the directions. Picked a direction and finally found it. Parked and tried to shake the feelings I had of utter fucking nervousness running through my head.
I went around the house to where the brunette said her room was and silently tapped the window. No answer. I was freaking the fuck out by now. Tapped again louder and see a light come on. One head, blonde sits up, second head, brunette sits up. Brunette rushes to the window and opens it up. She pops the screen out fast as shit and says climb in. I climb in and give her my backpack. One bed, blankets and sleeping bags on the floor. Im all YES in my head. But still freaking the fuck out.
I ask nevously if I am gonna get caught. Brunette says mom is out of town and their bedroom is on the other side of the house, so dad wont bother us. We start drinking and shy flirting and get in chat rooms and mess with people. Its about past midnight by now. We sit in a cirle on the floor and start talking about stuff. Topic moves to kissing and sex. We are all virgins (or tho now, typing this out, not sure about brunette. How fast she opened that screen... Funny I remember shit like that, but not their fucking names).
I suggest spin the bottle. Brunette suggested blonde and I kiss instead. We do. I practiced on my pillow, but I remember this was totally different. All I remember was it was short and she smelled good. Blonde tells me to kiss Brunette with tongue. Im fucked. We do it. Sloppy tongue fight commenced. I bet it was like watching drunk pokemons fight. It kept getting easier. We keep going back and forth, they were using me as much as I was using them. Half the 6pack of some strawberry shit was gone by now. Each kiss has groping involved now. My hands start to feel up the outsides of their shirts. I FELT A BREAST. I FELT TWO BREASTS. I has a breast from each in each hand. I felt like I was in a stadium with everyone cheering for me. We even did a triple kiss. Im fucking rock hard. Have been since I left my house. Brunette places her hand on my crotch. I slide my hand under the jeans of blonde on her ass and felt panties for the FIRST TIME! Holy shit. Is this gonna happen? We continue to go back and forth a few more times. Never once does it cross my mind to ask them to kiss.
Me to younger self: Noob.
Brunette tells blonde she wants to see it. And says we should show each other. Blonde starts to get nervous and super shy. Im all in with a 4 of hearts and a 10 of spades. I sit up on my knees and I say okay and pull down my pants. Im a grower not a show'r, so I am glad I've had an 15 day long hard on. Brunette can't take her eyes off it. Blonde shys away more. Brunette says touch it to blonde. Blonde reluctantly with hesitation does. but immediately pulls away. Brunette says I will and scoots forward. Shes holding it with one hand and looking at it. She starts to jerk me. Blonde says shes feeling tired and dizzy and she wants to lay down. She leaves the room. Can I see yours I ask. Brunette takes off her sweats gets to her knees, and pulls her panties down. Pink lacy things. I almost wanted her to leave them on.
I reach over and feel between her legs. Its so fucking warm. I rub the outside of her pussy like I've seen in porn. She still has one hand on me dry jerking me. (Thank god with a loose grip I think today). She leans in and we start kissing again. I start to worry less about how I am doing and notice I am getting turned on more by kissing.
We experiment on each other. I get what would be technically the first blow job of my life there. Hell half of my sexual firsts happened this night. She dry strokes me, I finger and rub the outside of her pussy. I ask her if she wants to give me a blow job. She says sure and we both lay down. She starts licking it, shaft and head for a bit. All I remember is watching her eyes looking at it, then back to me, then back to it as her lips and tongue go up and down the shaft. THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING I remember thinking. She asks if its my turn. I agree having no idea what I was about to do. I put my hands on her knees and push them away from me. Spreading her legs. I look at her pussy, and then look at her. I remember thinking, don't fuck up. I put my head between her legs. I smell it for the first time. The smell. Weirdly intoxicating. I put my hands on her inner thighs and I lick around it, on top of it. Under it. She seemed to let out moans when I had my tongue grazing the top of the lips above the slit. Holy shit this is amazing I think. My tongue starts to get tired, and so does my neck. I ask her if we can switch back and forth on each other. She agrees. She starts to suck on the head, I start to lick the slit and around her lips faster as we switch back and forth. We do this for a while and I can tell she is starting to get more and more excited because her smell gets stronger and there is more wetness than what I was licking each time. I also notice that her squirms and subtle moans are getting more frequent. Am I doing this right I ask myself.
She asks if we want to try it. Try what I ask myself. Sex? SEX! HELL YEAH JOHN CENAAAAAA I DO! She stands up, pulls me up and she leans on the bed and I lean in close and kiss her. I have one hand on my dick and one on the bed and I meet her pussy with my head. I look down and can see the head of my dick resting on her lips. Holy shit dude, this is going to happen. I am rubbing it around trying to find the fucking hole but failing.
For real, my older self right now is faceplaming the shit out of younger me lol.
After a few seconds she reaches down with both hands and eventually with three hands it finds a way into the entrance. I remember it feeling so fucking wonderful. Like getting a nintendo for christmas wonderful. Like the last bite of ice cream wonderful.
Im not sure I even threw one single fucking pump. Not even sure I was all the way in yet. I came. She hears me, and sees me do my nutckracker wiggle dance that so many posters on my bedroom wall have seen. She asked what happened. I tell her and look away. I start to feel ashamed and nervous. We all know the feeling...
She asks me what now? I have no fucking clue what happened, it never happens this fast. Normally about an hour later I can end another socks life at home, so I tell her we have to do other stuff for a bit before it will get hard again. She says okay and that she really wants to try it. So we get on her bed. The 6pack is on its last bottle. We continue to do what I like to think of as take turns beginner 101 oral and groping. Having no idea of what we are doing. If this made it on the web nowadays, it would prolly be deleted or made viral because it would be so uncomfortable to watch. Cringeworthy. I mean she never fully sucked down my shaft and I never opened her lips to the glorious garden inside that I didn't even know existed. I mean I saw it in pornos and hustlers. But hers didnt look like that. It was so clean, so beautiful and the lips were so round and tight.
We fall asleep taking turns experimenting. I know this because I remember waking up between her legs with my head on her hip. Eyes staring at something I had been craving my entire teenage life and I think its looking back at me angry with disappointment. I look at my watch, its 7am. DAD! I wake her up and say I have to leave before hes up. I get dressed and hear that voice. A deep mans voice. Right now I am shaking reliving this. I remember imagining this huge overprotective father beast thing outside her door calling for her. He says get up, blonde is up. We are going to breakfast in 20 minutes.
Non stoned version of SuperTroopers freakout dude in full effect now. I ask her what do I do what do I do. She hides the bottles in her closet, gets dressed and says get under my bed in the span of like what was 1 second it seemed like. Im under it before she finished the sentence.
The next twenty minutes lasted a month. I swear. Heart was pounding. Blonde and her would come in and playfully ask if I needed anything while they did their teenage rituals in the bathroom. I was silent with deer in headlights look of terror on my face. Sweating. Shaking. I realize now I think they were fucking enjoying this. Finally brunette comes in and says once we leave, just walk out the front door. Lock it. She lays down next to me and slides her head under the bed and kisses me. With tongue. It was awesome and our mouths seemed to flow together like they had decades of experience behind them. I can count on one hand those "best" one kiss situations I have had with women up till today. And this is one of them. I was immediately relaxed. FUCKER, why didnt she do that earlier. She told me she had fun and wanted to IM tonight. I nodded. She left and closed her door.
Its so quiet the next 5 minutes my ears start to ring. 5 minutes on my watch. Bam, up out her room, walk down one hallway, nope, walk down another hallway, kitchen, turn around, living room. FRONT DOOR. Walk up to it, open it, lock it say it was nice to meet you outloud, shut the door and walk slowly to my car.
Car was smoking all the way over the Howard Franklin. I get home. My father is mowing the lawn. He immediately comes up to the car and does the where were you, you went across the bridge didnt you. You and best friends name went driving last night huh he asks. I said no, I was at his house playing games on the computer. It started smoking on my way home. I don't know if he believes me, but he told me to get my ass inside and clean up my room.
I go in and pass out. Im safe.
I talked to Brunette a few more times via IM, and then I kinda do the late 90's version of an online fade thing where you create a new username on aol. It was on purpose tho, because I was scared as shit of her and Tampa. lol. Although right before I left for the Navy, I get a email in my yahoo from her saying she finally had sex and it was fun, did I yet?. I hung my head in shame.
Thanks for reading, I might share more. I have quite a few.
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