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[M]y [f]irst fuck in college. | 2016

I just started college recently and things have been going fine, I guess. My classes are fun, I'm making new friends, the environment is amazing, the teachers are wonderful (even though I can't sleep with them) and I should be having the time of my life.

I've actually been feeling pretty down lately for no apparent reason. One of my friends - the closest one I've made here, actually - must have noticed and invited me out for a party with some of his friends from high school who also made it to the same university. To be invited, you had to take some kind of shot in front of the people who were sending the invitations out. Mark and all his friends did it, but he ensured me I didn't have to since alcohol was never really my thing. It would have been my first college party, so I figured, why not?

He picked me up from my dorm room at around 11 that night. This guy's name is Mark. Mark's 5'10 and taking Biology, but is a year ahead of me. We met because he wanted to help out some underclassmen one time by giving them some of his hand-outs, but I overheard him talking in Japanese to his older brother about his brother getting semen all over them.

When I opened the door, Mark was waiting just outside and leaning against the wall, beaming and smiling and pretty much just a ball of adorableness. He was a shitload taller than me, but if he were shorter he would have been the kid I would love to squeeze because they just look so cuddly. Don't take it the wrong way, Mark is in no way chubby. Apparently he was offered a scholarship for soccer in another university but insisted on getting into the Biology program here.

Three things you need to know about Mark:

1) He laughs. A lot. Sometimes at others, most of the time at himself. You can see the laugh lines on his face and the guy could pretty much put smiling and/or laughing on his resume.

2) If he were any day of the week he'd probably be a Friday. Fridays are fucking awesome but sometimes a bit too much.

3) He knows every dorm food hack there is to know. His roommate blames Mark for his gaining 15 pounds in their freshman year.

Mark and I headed over to that party. It was being thrown by some sorority and there were a bunch of jocks there a lot of girls I wouldn't have interacted with in a normal social situation. To sum it up, the music was loud, some girls were naked, some guys were naked, there were drinks, there was screaming, it was everything you saw in those movies.

I let Mark head off to hang out with some of his friends and tried my best to socialise - maybe meeting some new people would get me in a better mood. That was the whole point of coming here, yeah? I went into some place that looked like a kitchen (it had a refrigerator) and walked in on a pair of girls making out. They didn't seem to mind me much. Not even when they started stripping. All the drinks were laid out in pink and blue cups and everyone just kept guzzling them down. A bunch of other people were in there, too, all drinking, all busy talking to each other, I joined in the conversation and they weren't that bad despite being half and/or completely drunk.

It was fun until two of them started making out. We were in a group of four, and once the couple (who said they'd just met that very night) started getting busy I started talking to one of the sorority girls. Her name was Kelsea. She was a pretty blonde and her legs went on for days.

Mark popped up out of nowhere and he looked pretty darn confused. He went over to where Kelsea and I were.

"Hey Mark," Kelsea said. "What's up?"

Mark pointed back to the living room. "There's people having sex out there."

"Yeah, so what?" Kelsea said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Didn't you listen to the invite?"

"Huh?" Mark scratched his head. he started laughing. "Listening was never my strong point, Kels. What's happening here?"

"There was bremelanotide in those shots, silly." She walked over and started rubbing Mark's arm. He did have very nice arms. "Also some other stuff in the drinks we're giving out."

"What's bremelanotide?" I asked. "Sounds like a drug."

For the first time since I'd met him, Mark looked scared. "It's a fucking libido drug," he said. "Did you...did you put anything in those cupcakes Jodie was handing out?"

"My personal favorite." Kelsea walked even closer to Mark and started nibbling on his neck. Mark didn't look like he was enjoying it very much.

"How come I didn't get a cupcake?" What? Nobody offered me any cupcakes.

"Aww, Sofie, sweetie." Kelsea stepped away from Mark and walked closer to me. She stunk of alcohol. "Those are only for boys. I can't have anything happening to you."

"Kelsea, I've had seven." Mark said. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Me, for a start." Smooth.

Mark grabbed my hand and led me back out into the living room. There really were people having sex - hell, it didn't even look much like a party anymore. Hardly anyone was clothed. "Come on," he said. "Let's get out of here."


"A lot." He laughed. "Did you drink anything or eat anything?"

"I don't have much of an appetite." We were outside at that point. There were even some people doing it on the lawn.

Mark stopped and swiveled around to face me. "Are you still sad?" Dear god, he looked like some kind of kicked puppy. "I'm sorry that party was so shit. I shouldn't have brought you there. You don't look like the type to screw around with just anybody."

You have no idea. "How come you're not thinking with your dick right now?"

Mark started bouncing on his toes. "Who says I'm not?" We started rushing back in the direction of my dorm. "I've got to get you back to your room quickly so I can go back to my own room and jack off."

"How much did you drink?"

"Maybe around 21 of those cups? I'm fucked though - there were drugs in all of 'em!" He started laughing histerically at that point.

"You're drunk," I told him, and stopped. "You're fucking drunk."

"Not drunk enough to forget everything tomorrow morning!" He wiggled a finger at me. "Besides, I'm only half drunk." The more I looked at him, the more drunk he looked. His steps were uneven and he was all shaky and unsteady. Drunk people were just bigger babies.

We got to my dorm room soon enough and Mark was pretty much jumping high enough for him to hit his butt with his feet. Maybe that was his way of not thinking about all those drugs he was on.

"Sorry again about the shit party, Sofie," he said. I was taking my time with opening the door. It was fun seeing him like that. "I'll bring you to a better one next time, you betcher ass. Then your mood'll get better and you'll be happy again and - "

"You wanna fuck?" I asked him. Mark stopped bouncing. He stared at me, jaw hanging, not saying anything, so I continued. "I'm serious. Do you wanna fuck?"

Mark held his hands up like he was about to surrender. "Look, just because I'm half drunk and on sex drugs that doesn't mean - "

"It'll make me happy." I smiled at him.

Mark was quiet. "Bernice would kill me for - "

Bernice is my uptight roommate that studied like she had nothing better to do. "Bernice is staying at someone else's room tonight. She - "

I didn't get to finish my sentence and Mark grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me up. He kissed me - not the usual kind of kiss I was used to that was full of stubble and tongue. It was the sweet kind. The one that made you giggle.

Mark put me down and we went inside my room. I was probably going to regret every second of this, but I hadn't had sex in a long while.

He started to unbutton his polo. I took off my dress. He was still unbuttoning his polo. I took off my shoes. He was still unbuttoning his polo by the time I was half-naked and I started laughing at him.

"This is harder than you think!" He laughed.

I went over and helped him out with it. Apparently my fingers were too quick and he held my hand to slow me down. "Can we not have the stereotypical drunk sex that ends with me puking somewhere?"

I laughed at him again. "Then what do you want?"

"Something meaningful - even if this might just be a one-night stand." Mark leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Please?"

I pouted. Not what I was used to. He was a boy my age and he wanted to take it slow. How is that fun? "Fine."

I started unbuttoning his shirt again and kissed his chest. Mark sucked in an audible breath. I bent my knees lower. Another button opened and I kissed his abdomen. I undid the last one and was face-to-face with the bulge in his pants. I looked up at him, asking for permission, and Mark was pretty much laughing at me again.

I undid his belt and tugged his jeans off. "Nice boxers."

"Not a fan of Star Wars?"

"On the contrary I was a Storm Trooper four years in a row for Halloween." The boxers came off and Mark's cock sprang out.

Mark wanted slow. I wasn't sure how to do slow. I leaned over and kissed the tip of his cock, holding on to his shaft with one of my hands and stroking it. I kissed it again. Mark shivered. I swirled my tongue around the tip while my hand went over to cup his balls. I took the entirety of his cock in my mouth and did everything I could so I wouldn't end up being the slobbering, gagging mess I was used to being.

I moved my head slowly, licked gently - Mark petted my head the whole time. I never tore eye contact with him. He ran his fingers through my hair and along my earlobe and down my neck and I shivered.

"You're killing me here," he told me. "Stand up." I stood. Mark held my chin in his fingers and kissed me again. It was his gentle kind of kiss, unrushed and unforced. Before I knew it I was kissing him back. How was I supposed to do this gently? He picked me up I held onto his shoulders for support when we fell on my bed, him on his back, me on top of him. I accidentally but his lip.

Mark started laughing. "Sorry, I should have been more gentle with that."

"You're drunk, it's excusable." We just kept kissing and I decided I liked his gentleness. I could feel his still hard cock on my hip and I couldn't help but start grinding on it. Mark hooked his fingers into my underwear and helped me out of them. He held onto my hips, stopping me from moving. I whined.

"Take your bra off." I complied and threw my bra across the room. "Can I...?" he left his sentence unfinished. I took his hands from my hips and let them cup my boobs.

Mark wasn't gentle when he pinched them or squeezed them. He rolled my nipples in between his fingers and before I knew it I was grinding on him again. Mark released his grip on one of my tits and reached down towards my pussy. Mark put a finger in - just one and I was already squirming on top of him.

Every inch of me was more sensitive than usual during sex. Even the air felt like it was trying to make me cum. Mark's finger moved in and out of me slowly. I listened to his movement in and out of my wet cunt and stared at him while he did it. His other hand didn't stop playing with my boob.

Mark started laughing low in his throat. "Wipe your chin."


"You're drooling."

I wiped my chin. "Sorry."

Before I knew it Mark's hands were on my ass cheeks and he'd forced me onto my back. His head found his way in between my legs and his tongue was in my pussy, licking me, eating me out, nibbling on my clit and I was crushing his head with my thighs. My fingers raked through his hair and every slow, deliberate movement of his tongue over my pussy helped me give one less fuck about how loud I was screaming.

I was so close to cumming, but Mark stopped. I whined and nearly kicked him. He grabbed my leg and kissed my ankle. "You're going to cum with my dick, not my tongue."

He had a hard time putting a condom on. Apparently his pants were too far away and the floor was lava. I was laughing while I helped him.

Mark positioned himself on top of me and ran the edge of his cock over my slit, playing with my clit, getting my wetness all over him. Slowly, he pushed himself in. I was gasping just from it. He held my legs at his sides and our foreheads were pressed together. Mark leaned down and kissed me - tongue, teeth, lips and all.

When Mark was in me, he moved slowly. I could feel every inch of his cock filling me up. I could feel him. It didn't feel like a rush of lust or just something to pass the time. It was different from all of the things I was used to. It was a good different.

I'd started laughing at that. Mark let go of one of my legs and cupped the side of my face. "What?" he asked me.


He kissed me. "Tell me."

"You know what to do, that's it."

Mark reached down and rubbed my clit. He never changed his pace. My body tightened. I didn't think I could cum from slow sex but I could feel it. Dear god, I could feel it and holy shit.

Mark quickened. He pressed me up against him. His fingers ran circles around my clit and I could feel myself swallowing his cock up. I was moaning and gasping and grinding against him and he was kissing me the whole time.

We came together and fell on my bed. We were a breathing, sweaty tangle of limbs and eventually the two of us just started laughing.

"There's something I need to tell you," he said, but didn't stop laughing. "When's your birthday again?"

"February," I told him.

"So I'm four months older than you." He scratched his chin. Mark and I cuddled naked in my bed, my back to his front. "You aren't usually the kind of girl I'd have sex with."

I was quiet. "Do you have a girlfriend or something?"

"No, no, not that." Mark laughed. "I've been single since I was seventeen. But I usually do things with older women."

"You like MILFS?" I started laughing.

Mark's face went all pink. "Don't think of it like that! It's just that I think they're sophisticated and shit like that."

"Well I like older men," I told him.

"I'm older than you." He grinned from ear to ear.

"I mean legitimately older men. I've done it with a 47 year old and it was one of the best experiences in my life."

"Was that legal?"

"It was during graduation and yes, it's completely legal."

"I went over to a single mom's house every day over the summer while her kids were at swimming camp."

I punched him in the arm. "Gross."

"She was 37, that's an entire decade younger than yours."

"Mine was my physics teacher."

We kept talking all through the night until Mark fell asleep.

My roommate, however, came back early in the morning and screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw Mark naked next to me. We forgot to put on a blanket. She gave him five minutes to get dressed. He had enough time to put on his shoes, but insisted on doing the typical "walk of shame" back to his dorm room.