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[M]y experience with a hot doctor [F] and a nursing student [F] | 2016

Back in May, my family had just moved to a new state due to a new job my dad got. It was a tough decision for a 19 year old to make - I could go with them and leave all my friends behind, or stay put and try to scrape by with the $350 I had in a savings account. Since I didn’t have a job at the time (I had just completed my first year of college), I decided to move with my family. I had stayed in the same small town my entire life, so this move was a huge change for me - a new college, new friends, and as it turns out, a new doctor.

My mom had been bugging me for a while to get an annual physical done, since it was fully paid for by my parents’ insurance, plus I needed it before I left for mission camp (something most people I’ve talked to haven’t heard of before - not church affiliated, but we did community service projects the next state over).

After a few weeks of putting it off, I finally made an appointment for a Friday afternoon with Dr. Wilson, an older guy that our new neighbors highly recommended (their conversation about finding a new doctor is what sparked my mother’s insistence of me getting a physical). Fast forward to Thursday morning, and I get woken up at 9:30am with a call from a number that I easily recognize - it was the doctor’s office that I had made the appointment with.

“May I speak to Jason?” a young lady asked over the line.

“This is him,” I replied tiredly.

“Hello Jason. I’m calling to let you know that Dr. Wilson has had a family emergency and will be out of the office for the next two weeks. We are pretty much booked until the end of the month, but we had a cancellation today for an appointment at 10:30 with Dr. Kunshek. I realize this is short notice, but any chance that will work for you?”

I wasn’t expecting to even leave the house today, but I had nothing planned, and wanted to get this physical over with, so I agreed. “Sure.”

“Alright. Dr. Kunshek is our female doctor, is that ok?”

This was something I had definitely not expected. Up until this point in my life, I had only been seen by male doctors. But being seen naked by a female professional wasn’t my main concern - my main issue is that I had been following NoFap for two weeks, and didn’t want any embarrassing boners. I had planned to “celebrate” my dedication that night and relieve myself before my appointment on Friday, but this change of plans would leave me no time to take care of it.

“Do you have anything with any other doctors next week?” I asked the receptionist.

“We’re all full next week, but I have one opening on the following Wednesday at 3:00,” she replied.

It figures, I left for camp that Monday. Oh well, I have been through many physicals without any kind of problems, just because the doctor is female doesn’t mean it’s going to be any different, I told myself.

“Looks like this morning will have to work then.”

After getting out of bed, throwing on a pair of shorts and one of my older brother’s shirts that I found in the closet, and grabbing a quick bite to eat, I got in my car and headed towards the doctor’s office.

As soon as my name was called after waiting for 15 minutes, I was instantly relieved. This nurse seemed very nice, but was very old and very large. At least half of my appointment would go through without a problem. After taking all my basic information and vitals, she asked “Dr. Kunshek has a medical student shadowing her today, is it alright if she has someone in here with her?”

Not wanting to be a pain, I agreed. She then told me Dr. Kunshek would be in shortly and left the room.

About 5 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door, which was swiftly opened by Dr. Kunshek. She was definitely an attractive lady - she seemed to be in her 30’s, was skinny, and had an enormous set of boobs along with long brown hair. But Dr. Kunshek wasn’t the main attraction today - what followed was a younger girl, who appeared to be around 5’5”, was very fit, and had a tight ass from the glance I stole as she closed the door behind her. I was definitely in trouble.

“Hello Jason, it’s so nice to meet you,” Dr. Kunshek said as she introduced herself. “This is Elizabeth, she’s a nursing student who is performing some of her observation hours here.”

As we continued to make small talk, I could feel myself getting hard. I prayed that Dr. Kunshek or her student helper wouldn’t notice. The doctor continued performing the usual steps of a physical, and listened to my lungs with her stethoscope.

Next, she asked me to lay down on my back and raise my shirt up so she could listen to my heart. I felt myself getting even harder and was sure that my boner was obvious to both women by now, but luckily neither of them mentioned it. Dr. Kunshek took her time to explain in detail each step of the exam to her sidekick, which I was hating. I just wanted to get this done as quick as possible.

After making sure there were no irregularities with my heartbeat, the moment I had dreaded for the last hour and a half finally came.

“Alright Jason, please drop your pants so I can make sure nothing is wrong down there.”

I reluctantly pulled down my shorts and boxer briefs. The extra baggy shirt I had on was hanging to the sides of my balls, but definitely was not hiding any part of my fully erect cock, which now had four female eyes on it. I couldn’t believe I was practically naked in front of two gorgeous women.

“Jason, could you please hold your shirt up? This will only take a minute,” Dr. Kunshek said.

As I held up my shirt, the doctor slid her lowered chair towards me, and started to cup my balls. Just then, a small drop of precum fell from my cock to the floor. I was so embarrassed, but relieved that it narrowly missed from staining the legs of her scrubs.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s perfectly fine,” Dr. Kunshek reassured me. “Plenty of guys get excited during this part of the exam, it just means you’re a properly functioning young man.” I was glad she was so accepting.

I was getting way way way too excited though. My mind went back to Elizabeth’s tight ass as she walked in, and even though her boobs were much smaller than Dr. Kunshek’s, they still were perfect size for her figure.

“No!” I told myself. I needed to think about something else, something very unsexy. Like numbers, baseball, a naked grandma.

I wanted this physical to be over with as soon as possible. Not only was I rocking a hard on in front of a cute doctor and a smoking hot nursing student, but since I was so excited my cock was kind of at an awkward angle for Dr. Kunshek to deal with (it was poking straight at her).

As Dr. Kunshek explained to Elizabeth how to check for a hernia, my mind started to wander again. I wondered what these two women would look like naked, and what they really thought of my hard cock. As the doctor continued to fondle my balls, I couldn’t help but stare at Elizabeth’s gorgeous legs. Even though they were fully covered, she was wearing a plain black pair of yoga pants, and I wondered what her pussy looked like underneath that thin layer of fabric.

Dr. Kunshek interrupted whatever she was explaining to her student, and said “Elizabeth, could you please hold up his penis to his stomach?”

Elizabeth used two fingers to push my cock up to my belly button, except she couldn’t have picked a worse spot to touch. Her gloved fingers came in contact with the super sensitive spot on the underside of the penis, and that was all that it took.

I felt the familiar pressure traveling from my balls to my cock, and before I knew it, I was cumming. A lot. After the first rope of cum left my cock, Elizabeth reflexively let go of my penis, which was a huge mistake.

Splat. Splat. Splat.

The next three bursts of cum landed right onto Dr. Kunshek’s lab coat, one of them being directly over her tits. After I came to my senses and was smart enough to actually do something, I cupped my cock and let the remaining cum slowly seep out into my hands.

I was mortified. Dr. Kunshek was shocked, her mouth agape, and Elizabeth was grinning widely, which only added to my embarrassment. I must have apologized a thousand times in the next few minutes, but luckily both women were very professional about it and of course didn’t make fun of me or say anything negative.

I ended up running into Elizabeth at a party a few months later, and in a drunken state she ended up telling several girls about my embarrassing visit, which led to a night I will never forget. Let me know if you are interested in hearing more.