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[M/M] A butt plug indiscretion leads to a pretty hot blowjob | 2016
Soooo… First of all, this is my NSFW account, and I don’t think anyone recognises me from it. I will, however, change the names of the people involved (obviously). Most of my friends aren’t even aware of my promiscuous meanderings anyway, so I don’t really think anyone would put two and two together even if I didn’t. The subject of the story does not even browse Reddit, so safe there. Plus, sorry for the long post, but I don’t think I can cut this too much. I’m hoping for a bit of commentary and help, as I’m not 100% sure how to go from here.
Seeing as this is my first story, a bit about me. I’m a relatively normal looking guy, dark haired, sort of athletic build - I was in a indoor football team until a couple of years ago. I was a pretty introverted guy until I went to college. You know the type, stable girlfriend, almost didn’t drink, and all that. Most of that was due to my parents; as soon as I moved to Lisbon for college, things derailed pretty fast. I eventually got my act together and finished college, along with a friend of mine, let’s call him Diogo. He’s two years older than me, but we finished college at the same time - he had failed a couple of years, I failed a semester. We had mutual friends (he was friends with one of my college football teammates), and for about a year and a half we were even roommates, we got along pretty well. He was never the “wild type”, but he always seemed to be a bit of the center of attentions, always well dressed, you know the type. He never gave out a gay vibe or anything, but a couple of times he had “friends” sleeping over - I kinda, sorta suspected something, but none of us ever mentioned it.
So, skipping to the present, we’re not roommates anymore, we both live alone, but we still hangout a lot. We usually play FIFA together at the end of the day (online, each one in our house), go out together regularly, that sort of stuff. Last saturday, we went out to a popular area nearby (Bairro Alto). I felt frisky, so I went out wearing a butt plug (one of the smallest one I have) and some tight boxer shorts so it wouldn’t slip out a lot. A pretty normal night. We met some friends, I actually got diverted to a different group for most of the night, and got pretty drunk during that time (old friends, we remembered about this place that served “tábuas” - a wooden stick with a bunch of shots in it… yeah), but we bumped into each other again at the end of the night. I had gotten a bit frisky with a girl before, but I didn’t manage to get a phone number or anything so I was a bit bummed out, he also said something about being tired and the subway about to close, so we left (together - we take the same subway). We were talking about the night, both a bit wasted, so I ended up missing my stop. When I notice it he just says “Fuck it, let’s go to my place then.” I didn’t make anything of that, it sounded pretty normal, so I just went with it.
We got to his place, we grab a couple of beers and turn on the TV - some football analysis show was on, and we sat a bit talking and sort of paying attention to the show. He doesn’t have AC in his living room, and its the last floor of the building, so a bit hot, so he took of his pants and shoes (this is still pretty normal). I did the same - I was still quite drunk, and didn’t even realise he would notice the butt plug. It only hit me when I reached down to throw my pants in a chair. I look down, and my boxers are a bit stained with lube (I took the butt plug out for a bit in the middle of the night, I must have smeared lube all around). I look at him, and he’s pretty much staring at my crotch. I kind of stand there a bit, then sit down again. I’m a bit frozen, undecided about talking about it or just pretending nothing happened - I was not really sure he realised I had a butt plug on. He breaks the silence “What was that?”. He’s kind of smiling, so I just think “Fuck it, we’re both adults” and answer him back “Yeah, it’s a butt plug” (Side note: I actually said butt plug, I don’t think there’s a portuguese word for it lol). He goes “Didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff” - by now he had a full grin on his face. I feel kind of relieved, and sort of start “confessing” to a bunch of stuff I did. I never really had someone to talk to about a lot of things, and he’s taking it really easy, so it is feeling pretty good. At one point I notice he’s sort of re-arranging his balls. By then I have a semi-hard on going, and I’m actually feeling quite comfortable, and really excited. The conversation sort of dies down a bit, and we both look at the TV a bit.
He breaks the ice again, and gets up, stretching “Yeah, I had this guy coming over tonight, but he ended up not being able to make it. You can stay here if you want to, no subway anymore anyway”. That wouldn’t be a problem, I can walk home from there, but I notice he’s kind of stretching with his crotch right under my face. For some reason (alcohol encouraged probably) I figure he’s doing it on purpose. I raise my hand up to his crotch and touch his cock lightly. He doesn’t move away, so I go on and start rubbing his dick. He starts smiling and getting harder. After a bit I take his dick out (after fumbling with his boxers a bit - It seemed like a good idea to get it out through the button instead of pushing them down) and start jerking him off. He’s hard by now, and I’m pretty much staring at his cock. He’s got the hair trimmed a bit, and has a smallish but nice looking cock. I’m actually pretty horny by now, and I look up - he’s still smiling, and he starts moving forward a bit, inching his cock in my direction. I figure “Fuck it, I’m too horny to stop now” and take it in my mouth. I start sucking him, eventually getting on my knees, as I was still awkwardly sitting on the couch, and he starts moaning pretty loud. I start going at it pretty hard, as he starts moving his hips to fuck my face a bit. I can take him almost all the way in without almost no gagging (I have deep throated before, but I’m not exactly great at controlling the vomiting reflex). I figure he’s pretty close to cumming, as he starts moaning “Fuck it” (“Foda-se” in portuguese, something like “Oh fuck” in english I suppose) so I pull my head a bit back. He’s holding his balls with one hand and my head with the other by now, and I’m jerking off with my right hand and holding his ass with my left. I don’t remember him getting his boxers off honestly, but they’re off by now. He says “I’m about to cum” and starts jerking off a bit. I’m undecided about having his cum in my mouth or not, so I kind of hesitate with my mouth open and still sucking him. He throws his head back, and ends up cumming half on my mouth and the rest in my chin and t-shirt. I end up spitting his cum out on my hand. I look up, sort of smirking and hard as fuck, and he looks down and says “Fuck, usually I never cum with blowjobs”. I take it as a compliment and smile back. He leans down, starts jerking me off and I basically cum immediately - I had been going slow on myself on purpose. Not sure if he was trying to kiss me or not. Funnily enough, some of my cum ends up on his leg.
After that it got a bit awkward, so I said I had to go clean myself and went to the bathroom. I took of the butt plug, cleaned up and came back out. When I came out he turned his head around to look at me, as he had sat back down to watch TV, smiled and said “Cool butt plug”. I laughed, said I had some more, and he replied “I should take a look someday” and turned back to the TV. I sat again, we watched a bit more TV (sort of weirdly) and he asked if I was going to stay. I said I should go back home, got my things and left.
Since then, we’ve kind of talked a couple of times, but nothing more exciting happened. We played FIFA last night, but nothing more than that. I’m into having sex with guys, but not really into relationships. For some reason I find him quite hot, and would certainly want to fuck for real, but not really sure how to say or do anything. Any ideas?
TL;DR: Got caught wearing a butt plug, blowed an old mate from college, pretty sure he’s interested, but not looking for a relationship. Would love to fuck - ideas?
Edit: now with paragraphs ;)
Edit 2: Update
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