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[MF,F] Visiting an old friend (slow story) | 2016

This happened in the summer, and the cold November slowly hitting central Europe I reminded myself of the hot days.

So there we go. I'm a 25 year old skinny dude, and not very successful in the dating department. I have often had very good female friends, usually accepting that all they want with me is an uncomplicated friendship, and they have often been fun persons. One of these girls was Lori, a girl I knew from a couple of classes we attended together. We were hanging and going out with other friends for a couple of years, and she has always been a laid back person who was very comfortable with herself, and even though it was clear that we were always to be platonic we often teased each other verbally, all in good fun. A few years ago she got in a relationship with a dude out of our clique and we stopped hanging out altogether, and I had barely seen her. One day at the beginning of the summer, she messaged me on facebook asking if I wanted to hit the bar and drink a couple of Jack Ds with coke, something we often did back then, especially when she had a bad day.

So we met up at our old regular pub. I was there early, drinking my first beer when she came in. Petite blonde girl, wearing a tight tanktop and ripped jeans, smiling when she saw me sit there. It was instantly like in the past, and we had a lot of fun catching up. She told me she had broken up with her boyfriend, and needed to distract herself, and asked if we could just continue to hang out like back in the day. We both had a couple of drinks, played some foosball and then went home. I walked with her a bit, hugged her goodbye and told her to take care, just like years before. Even though she's attractive, there was not sexual tension or anything, as it happens with old friends.

Fast forward to two weeks later. It was a hot saturday, and we were both bored, so I drove up to the place she had shared with her BF before, and now lived in alone. I brought some gin&tonic and we just wanted to chill. We were always big on alcohol. She told me Ela, a good friend of her I hadn't seen since the last time we had hung out years ago was coming later too.

We sat on her back porch and I poured our first drinks, and started to complain about the heat. She said "we can always go swim, i have a pool", and she showed me one of these big above-ground swimming pools behind some bushes in the yard. She said "I'll quickly go put on my bikini", that's when I realised that I had no swimming shorts. "My ex took everything already, so I don't have any boyshorts here. Just go in your boxers." But I hate getting my underwear wet, and when I told her she just shrugged and said "go in naked then". Since she was in a rather liberal youth group she was probably a lot more comfortable than me with things like that, but I knew her really well and didn't have anything to hide, so I figured I'd dare myself to do it. She went into her house and I used that moment to undress and get into the water. It was pretty cold and I got worried because she might end up seeing my shrunk penis, but it was too late to step back and I just plunged in. When she came back after changing, seeing her walk towards me in her small brown bikini, I realised that this time sexual tension would be unavoidable, at least from my side - she looked really fit and not as skinny as I remembered her.

She climbed in and used the ladder to slowly cool down, and her tiny butt looked crazy good in her panties. The situation relaxed when she had gotten in, and we reverted to our old ways of conversation and banter. A couple minutes later she said "I'll shoot Ela a message that we're in the pool so she'll find us", and I asked "how will she react when she arrives and sees we're naked?"

She just answered "She probably won't freak out, but we'll see .. besides, only YOU are naked.", and I replied with a smirk and raised eyebrows, trying to give off a casual vibe. She just laughed and told me to forget it, but I was over the point of inhibitions. "Mhh, it feels really weird being the only one nude, like I'm being judged". "Like I said, fo-orget it!", she sang and I teased her with an old joke between us: "you can take off your top anyways, you have no boobies to hide." She hit me in a friendly way and said "oh fuck you, I'll show you no boobies" and instantly untied her bikini top behind her neck. I inhaled sharply and she gave me an upset look, but then took her top off and said "there. now shut up and keep your eyes to yourself", but she smiled again. Her boobs WERE tiny but super perky. I only got a short look because she got under water up to her shoulders again, and the situation relaxed pretty quickly. A while later her phone beeped, and she got up to check it. I got another glimps of sideboob and let out a cheeky "wooow"; she reacted with a smile and a "ah shut it! Ela is on her way here." I figured that was my last chance, and splashing some water towards Lori to tease her I asked "how do you think she'll react?" "Well she's used to seeing me swim topless at least. Not sure though." I got all my balls together and said "Then how about we make it interesting?". She definitely knew what I was hinting at, and even though she surely never felt attracted to me the situation was weird enough for her to take it seriously and blush. She didn't say anything, but a second later she fiddled around under water and then held up her bikini bottoms, looking at me sternly implying a "there. you got what you wanted". I felt my dick twitch at the thought that we were both naked, but quickly recovered and acted relaxed. "Feels great right?" "Yeah kinda." After a minute I decided to check how comfortable she really felt, got upright and swam towards her. She was right next to the pool ladder and we had planted our phones and drinks on top of it, so I moved there to take a sip.

She gave me a hip-bump from the side, something she always liked to do, except we were usually clothed when she did it. I took it as an invitation for a little bit of roughhousing. I splashed water in her face and she answered with trying to dip me down under water, but the pool was too shallow and i could just barely stand on my feet. I grabbed her by her waist, lifted her up (she let out a loud "heeeey" and tried to cover her boobs), and threw her backwards into the water without letting go of her, pulling her back up. I slid my hands down her side, my left hand reaching around to slightly feel her butt for a moment, then let go of her and moved back to my spot. She was blushing but smiling, and at that moment I realised that my dick had gotten rock hard. I wasn't sure if she had realised that as well, but the thought of it let my heart race and I suddenly felt much more courageous.

Right then we heard Ela arrive and shout "hello?" from around the back porch. For some reason I wanted to build up the tension, and a second before Ela came around the corner I quickly said "you don't need to cover up at all, you look hot." I left her no time to react, as Ela came up to the pool, threw her handbag on the ground and instantly climbed in to join us - she came already wearing a tight golden bikini. She has a much more voluptous figure than Lori and looked crazy good in that piece of cloth.

She greeted Lori with a high-pitched "Hiiiii", kissed her on the cheek and came over to me for a quick hug. We were both under water up to our necks so Ela wouldn't notice anything. I was still hard and tried to keep my lower body away. Being in the pool with two beautiful girls, one of them naked and the other one soon to find out that fact, was exceptionally exciting and maintained my boner despite all the cold water. Ela chose a spot next to Lori and lounged back to relax, but quickly realised that her friend was topless. To our surprise she just said "oh you're topless? so that's alright?" and took off her top. I was shocked, and her boobs being much bigger than Lori's didn't help me regain my coolness. She had zero embarrassment and even put her arms over the rim of the pool behind her to hold her up, probably so she could tan.

"Oh you have drinks here. Why didn't you tell me?" The utterance that broke the silence. "Would be you so nice to fetch me a glass?" she asked me. I was unsure what to do. "I'd prefer to stay in..." - "Why? Pleaaaase, I just got in." Some embarrassment came back and I really didn't want to reveal myself like that. Luckily, Lori took charge. With a quick "I'll go" she got to the ladder. To me, the seconds she took to climb up felt like ages. Her lower back emerged from the water, then her bare butt. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it but I heard Ela gasp from surprise. Trying to preserve some modesty, Lori quickly turned around so I could only get a tiny glimpse of her pussy, but was the hottest thing to witness ever. She rushed over to the table in all her naked glory to go mix another Gin&Tonic. Ela looked shocked, but quickly recovered, still proudly showing off her cleavage. She checked me out to see if I was naked as well and just uttered "you guys are the worst." I said "you should join us if you don't mind." She didn't look appalled but hesitated, so I went over right in front of her, slowly moved my hands towards her and slid my fingers under her panties' straps on both sides. She made a brave face, so i took it as a yes. I slowly slid down her bottoms, all the way to her feet, kicking them up with my foot and catching them with my left hand - all the while sliding the fingers of my other hand over her crotch, just deep enough to feel that she was completely shaved. I decided to climb up the ladder for two reasons. One, to hit Lori with Elas panties when she came back, and two, to get up just high enough to let Ela see my penis to gouge her reaction. I got up two steps, threw the wet bottoms at Lori right as she came around the corner (insert loud "Shrieeek. you ass!" sound here), and then turned around, almost pointing my dick at her face before quickly getting under water again. I was pretty sure that for a short moment her eyes got big, she probably didn't expect to see a boner, but she seemed quite alright with it. At that moment I realised that she was a med student and probably pretty comfortable with bodies .. maybe also as I heard med students like to get frisky all the time.

(to be continued)