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[M/F, M/F] That time my friend invited my crush over. | 2016
It's been a while but I figured it was time to share the next sexy adventure in my life. May as well work through them in chronological order, right? Sure, why not!
Teenagers do stupid shit when they're bored.
Jessy's parents had left for the weekend on some sort of mid-spring vacation, trusting their daughter to not throw any wild parties and burn the place down. And to their credit, Jessy and I weren't the party type- we'd spent most of the weekend watching MST3K, getting a little stoned, and eating an unhealthy amount of pizza-rolls (seriously, it was like ten bags worth! I'm not sure if we ate anything but pizza rolls for two days straight!) But as Saturday night wore into Sunday morning we grew increasingly bored with TV and video games and ended up spending more time chatting with people on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger for you young ones.)
I was chatting with a guy I'd had a crush on for ages, Josh. It was one of those 'oh we both want it but are too stupid and/or always dating someone to make it happen' sort of things that typify the relationships you have in your late teens. Makes me roll my eyes thinking back on it, but whatever. Point is, I was engrossed in my conversation with Josh and wasn't paying a whole hell of a lot of attention to what Jessy was up to. I'm not really sure what exactly we were talking about, the trivialities of everyday life that seem so important when you're a teenager, I'm sure- plus a healthy amount of sexual innuendo. I do remember what Josh said that made my stomach flip over on itself.
Josh: See you soon! ;-)
Me: ????
Josh: We're coming over??
Me: We???
Josh: Me and Adam. Jessy said you guys were cool with it...
I spun around in my chair to see Jessy smiling the biggest shit eating grin in the world at me.
"The fuck!" I yelled at her.
"Oh come on, you want him to come over." She replied coolly.
"I do not!" Jessy raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I mean, I do, but I didn't... I wanted... to not... Ugh! Bitch!"
I tossed an empty can of soda at Jessy and turned back to the computer.
Me: Yeah, sorry, Jessy was being kind of a bitch sorry! See you soon! :-D
Josh: Awesome! :-D
It seems like such a simple thing to type, but I was sweating bullets and my heart was hammering in my chest. We'd hung out a lot before but never like this, never late at night with so few people around, no adults around, nothing between us but a couple of other friends in a house that had more bedrooms than people who lived in it. I mean, was I getting ahead of myself? Did I need protection? Was he expecting sex? Was I expecting sex? Good lord I was wearing pajamas with unicorns on them.
"Jessy!" I blurted out. "I have to change!"
"Why?" She shrugged and her annoyingly perfect blonde hair fell over her eyes in a way that was infuriatingly cute.
"Because...!" I just pointed at my unicorn pajamas.
"So? He'll think they're cute. Not like you're planning on wearing them for long, right?"
My face turned beet red. My heart probably stopped. My pussy ached with a sudden need and I was pretty sure I'd started to form a wet spot.
"Sh-shut up!" I yelled, in vain, at Jessy as she laughed at me.
"Doesn't matter, they're gonna be here soon anyway. They're over at Adam's place."
Adam and Jessy shared the annoying habit of being born into obscene amounts of wealth. Which, given where I grew up, wasn't too surprising. And thankfully they were both pretty cool about it- they didn't treat anyone worse because they didn't have money but sometimes they just couldn't help but be oblivious to the struggles of anyone who wasn't rich like them. But enough social critiquing, the point is we had about five or six minutes before they showed up.
I raced to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, applied a new coat of deodorant, thought about changing my shirt and panties but as soon as I stepped into Jessy's room to grab my clothes the doorbell rang and oh fucking hell he's here. I stopped at the top of the stairs as Jessy answered the door, and then Adam and Josh entered and oh my god oh my god ohmygodohmygodohmygod.
"Hey, Josh." I said. My voice was doing weird things. I wanted to sound casual, cool, seductive. I was pretty sure I sounded like a scalded cat.
"Hey." It was a relief to hear Josh's voice do weird things too, like he was caught with a frog who hadn't quite made it through puberty in his throat.
Jessy and Adam looked at each other and just laughed.
"We'll see you guys later." Adam said. He grabbed Jessy's hand and led her up the stairs. Jessy looked back at us winked, and mouthed 'have fun' before she was led into the shadowed recesses of the upstairs bedrooms.
"Uh..." I said.
"Wait." Josh said. "Are they dating?"
"No, no. It's a casual thing? I guess? I dunno." I didn't want to think too much on Jessy's sex life. It was a distraction I didn't need right now.
"Fuckin' rich people, man." Josh said. I laughed, probably louder than I should have, but it was nice to have the tension cut a little. "Your unicorns are cute."
The blush crept back up my neck, and I turned away from Josh.
"Th-thanks. I like your jacket."
It wasn't anything special, just a basic black windbreaker. But the way Josh filled it out made me think of what could be hiding underneath and I felt a moment of jealousy that the windbreaker got to spend so much time so close to him.
We stood in the entry way to Jessy's house, not quite sure what to do, until a loud moan of pleasure caused us to jump. Clearly Adam and Jessy weren't waiting around and to hell with us hearing, I suppose.
"Uh, wanna go to the living room?" I asked.
The light was dim but I could tell Josh was blushing.
"Yeah." He said.
We walked to the living room and somewhere along the way my hand found his. I thought that Jessy's moans would be quieter here, but through some bizarre trick of acoustics and potentially shoddy workmanship there were just as loud or maybe louder. I flopped down onto the sofa and looked up at Josh.
"I'm sorry, this... this has to be awkward, right?" I asked.
Josh shrugged. "I dunno. It's a little hot."
I laughed and smacked his leg. "Pervert."
"I'd... like to hear you." He said.
Another one of those moments of oh shit went through my body. I was ready, so so so ready, but also scared out of my mind. What should I do? What should I say?
"Oh." Was all I could manage. He frowned, thinking he'd said something wrong. I held up my hand to deflect the thought forming in his mind.
"No, Josh, no no. I mean, yes. Yes! I don't... just... god come kiss me." I didn't know what else to say or do, and getting him to kiss me made the most sense.
He stood over me on the sofa, my heart thudded in my chest, and then he put his knees next to my hips and his hands on my shoulders. He was heavy, but in a solid way. A comfortable way. He leaned down and our lips met and my stomach turned and my hips twitched and the slow hesitancy we had melted away as passion took over. We weren't kissing with skill or finesse, but raw need. His hands moved down my shoulders to my breasts and he grunted in pleased surprise when he felt my tits, free of bra, and my firm nipples. He gently pinched my right nipple and I broke free of our kiss to gasp in surprise and pleasure. Josh flinched back.
"Too hard?" he asked, all concern.
"God, no." I said, my breath the husky seductive whisper I'd tried for earlier. "Again."
He pinched my nipples and a little smile of amazed wonder crossed his face as he made me squirm and moan beneath him. Though I was enjoying his attention to my nipples, and given enough time and work probably would have come from it, I was filled with a need for Josh and I wanted him, all of him, and the cute and pleasurable touches could come later but right now I needed to fuck.
"Josh, stop. Stop. Hey, stop!" Josh was apparently entranced by the feel of my breasts and I eventually had to slap his hands to get him to pay attention to me. He jerked his head up, confused and afraid.
"Yeah? You okay?" I nodded my head, and braced myself for what I was about to say.
"Take... take off your pants?" I asked and commanded. Josh didn't say a word, he just backed up and started fumbling with his belt and jeans. While he did that I lifted my hips off the sofa and slid my ridiculous unicorn pajamas and panties off, letting them fall on the ground to mix in a pile of Josh's discarded clothes. I tugged my shirt off and tossed it behind me, laying in my (socks only) nudity underneath Josh's adoring gaze. As much as I wanted to take in the totality of his body my eyes couldn't leave his, couldn't focus on anything but the burning need to be inside me I saw there.
"Fuck me." I whispered.
There was a moment where I felt like I was in the eye of a tornado, waiting for everything that was about to come crashing down on me. Then, then, then.
Josh knelt over me on the sofa and pushed my legs up toward my face, which caused me to slide a little lower on the sofa. I rested my legs over his shoulders as he slid into position over me and in moments I felt the head of his cock pushing at my pussy. The wetness I thought I'd felt earlier had become a fucking river, I could feel my wetness dripping down over my asshole and I knew that today wasn't going to be a day we needed lube. Josh was bigger than the last guy I'd been with [see my last story!] and thankfully Josh took his time pushing his cock inside me. It was amazing and strange all at once, to feel the skin on skin contact, to feel him pushing my pussy open, to hear his breath and moans in my ear, to feel his weight on me. Josh grunted and stopped moving and I realized, finally, he was completely inside me. I'd never felt like this before. I'd been fucked, I'd fingered myself, I even had a vibrator I used, but this. Amazing.
"You good?" Josh asked.
"Yeah. God yeah. Do it." I said. Josh nodded and pulled the length of his cock out of me, slid it back in, and pulled back out. I felt like I was losing my mind, I felt like I was starting a sprint but couldn't break out of a jog, I wanted more. I pulled his head down and nibbled his ear. He grunted in surprise and I whispered 'faster' into his ear.
He got the hint.
It was almost like he was mad at me, the way he slammed his cock in and out of me. The moans that Jessy had been making were obliterated by the moans that escaped my throat. With every thrust inside me my brain gave over to animal lust more and more, soon I was yelling with pleasure.
"Fuck, Josh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me more!" I yelled, I moaned, I whimpered.
Somewhere along the way my legs had fallen off his shoulders and I'd wrapped them around his hips. I pinched my nipples and bucked my hips. My breath was hot and ragged and my stomach clenched with pleasure. I knew what to do, and with a deft motion I slipped my hand down to my clit and rubbed one, two, three, four--
"Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!" I screamed, or thought I screamed, I'm not even sure what I was doing. My orgasm tore through me and all I was aware of was the pleasure and the feeling of Josh inside me and nothing else even really mattered.
"Hey." Josh's voice brought me more back to reality, and I realized he was still hammering his wonderful cock into me. It somehow caught me by surprise, I'd assumed this had all been some wonderful dream.
"Hey." I said. My throat hurt. Must have been yelling more than I thought.
"I'm gonna--" Josh said, the thought obvious.
"Inside. On the pill." I said. I put my hands around on the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss me, and Josh certainly didn't need to be told twice.
If I'd thought his pace was furious before, well, never underestimate the ferocity of a man who's allowed to cum inside the woman he loves. Some part of me idly wondered if I was going to have bruises on my ass in the morning, and another part was lusting after what it would feel like to have Josh cum inside me. I didn't have to wait too much longer, as Josh crushed his hips into my ass and groaned into my ear. I felt warm and wetter and incredibly sexy and dirty all at once, and I realized that the wetness coming out of my pussy wasn't just me but was also Josh's cum and it somehow made me indescribably happy.
We stayed like that for a few moments. Josh kissed me, kissed my neck, kissed my breasts. He slid off me and sat next to me on the sofa, and in the dim light of the living room I saw his cock, glistening with our mingled fluids, still standing erect. Without saying a word I pushed him down on the sofa, straddled him, slid my dripping pussy onto his cock and took him inside me.
My god. My fucking god. He filled me in such a different, better, more satisfying way like this. His naked body was beneath me and I was in control and his eyes shown with surprise and lust and love. A primal part of my brain took over and I started slowly grinding my hips on his cock, one hand on my clit and another on my breast. Josh touched my free breast, my hip, my legs, and while I ground on him I sent myself through a series of small orgasms- nothing like the body shaker I had earlier but little moments of exploding pleasure, like firecrackers loud and wonderful but gone in a moment. Eventually that warm wetness drew me back to the moment and I realized Josh had cum inside me again.
I leaned down, and kissed him. A slow, lazy, satisfied kiss.
"Wow." He said.
"Wow." I said.
"Fucking finally!" Jessy yelled from somewhere upstairs.
Josh and I laughed until we hurt.
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