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[MF] Dirty Long Distance - Part 1 [Long] | 2016

I don't recall exactly how things got started with Amy. I know we met in high school as the far reaching periphery of a vast friend group. Rachel and Thomas were the main continent in the center of the map, surrounded by land clusters of friends from every walk of life imaginable. To speak in cliches a moment, it didn't matter if someone was a nerd, a jock, a theater kid etc etc, they were welcomed by Rachel and Thomas. Meanwhile, Amy and I were almost poles. This wasn't a designed occurrence we just didn't have a lot of overlap socially. She seemed cordial from the dozen or fewer conversations we had, though.

So when I say that I don't know exactly how things started with Amy, I mean that I'm not sure at what point we actually made a meaningful connection and why it was suddenly when I was in college, away from the continent of friends I once knew. It must have been something that I posted on Facebook. It's been odd the handful of friendships/relationships that have spawned out of conversations over a Facebook status. I just know that for about a week, I spent a lot of time on Facebook, either waiting/hoping for Amy to get on or chatting with her.

Wait, I just remembered: the little bit of interaction that I had with her while we were still in high school was about writing. We exchanged (lame high school) poetry and a few other things we had written. At the time, it didn't seem like anything and it certainly didn't evolve for whatever reason.

So, that is how she suddenly bridged the distance, with a like on one of my statuses about writing and a private message. She opened with the usual small talk:

"How have things been?"

"How's school?"

"Been writing much?"

And I parried with the usual courtesy:

"Good. You?”

"Good. You?”

"Yeah. A bit. You?"

In that moment I thought next to nothing of it, though it was nice to have some familiarity again. I was making acquaintances at school, but nothing deep or, really even fun? Regardless, a little chat window opened on my screen with the pert “ding”. It was from Amy, responding to my questions.

She had been good, lived about two hours away from where I was going to school while she pursued her interest in photography and a boy. He was about her only friend in town. She told me that she had been writing a bit lately and that it reminded her of me. Apparently she hadn’t been writing much since high school, so when she started working on her literature again, it quickly linked back to that time in her life.

“I’d love to read something you’ve written recently!” she insisted. It felt like such a courtesy when someone read something I had written and for her to insist on reading it, well, it warmed my heart. I asked for her email and sent along my most recent short story.

This conversation carried on for quite some time as we caught up, exchanged notes on writing and largely talked about absolutely nothing. It was apparent that she was as lonely as I was (but for the boyfriend, I suppose), so any excuse to connect with another human was a good one!

The next week we chatted pretty near constantly. Whenever I wasn’t working on school, I was chatting with her. Even some times when I was working on school I’d bring her up on Skype and talk while I worked. I didn’t have any ulterior motives for chatting with her, but as we spent more time talking late at night, we started to get more candid. The times that we spent talking about nothing were slowly invaded with deeper and deeper personal talk. Family, insecurities, neuroses, secrets and eventually sex. She had been abstinent up until 3 months ago. Apparently her boyfriend made a big night of it.

“Yeah, he got us a hotel room, threw out some rose petals. Music. The whole deal!” she gleamed. I lay on my bed, the monitor on my computer the only light in the room.

“Wow. A real casanova, he.” I replied.

“Oh and I paid him back! He got some delightful shower sex. I mean, I didn’t have any complaints about the shower, so, mutually beneficial!”

“Wait what?!” I was, frankly, amazed. “I tried that! It did NOT work out!” she was confused, apparently it just worked out.

“We just did it? I dunno.”

“No pointers? lol. Help a guy out!”

“You were hard right? lol”

“Very funny… Way to be!” I rolled over, getting a drink of water. I rubbed my eyes, checking the time. It was fortunately a Friday, so midnight was not too late to be up. Hell, three wouldn’t be too late. I’d have plenty of time to keep chatting with Amy. Likely one of us would fall asleep with the computer still open, leaving the other one hanging. By that point it was just the part of our conversation syntax.

“Trust me, I could give you some mean pointers. I just explain much better in person! ;D” This was new territory. Well, the whole idea of sexual conversation with her was, but flirting, if that's what this was, that was untouched earth between us.

“Oh, you offering?” I attempted playfully.

“You wish!” and that little spark died just like that. No harm, I guess. “But hey,” she continued, “I’m going to grab a shower. I’ll Skype you after, m’kay?”

“Roger,” I took this opportunity to head to the bathroom myself and get a refill of Pepsi at the vending machines. On the way down and the way back I ran into some people and chatted for a moment. Just airy pleasantries. Apparently blah blah party blah blah booze blah girls. I never faired well at parties, too much going on. They offered me an invite but I explained that I had plans.

Returning to my room, I curled up under the blankets and twisted open my drink, finding another message from her. Taking a swig, I read:

"We should write something together sometime!" it read, with a little smiley at the end.

"What should we write about?" I replied.

“Pirates!" she replied swiftly, apparently wrapped up with her shower.


If there was one thing that people in high school knew about Amy it was that she had a MASSIVE crush on Captain Jack Sparrow. Not Johnny Depp, but Jack Sparrow specifically. She was a huge nerd about the Pirates of the Caribbean series as a whole, but she definitely had a bit of a Jack Sparrow thing going on.

“Oh my god, you’re such an ass!” she replied. “You’re so going to pay for that. Fine, I'll write by myself then!"

"No no no. Nerd is good." Salvaged that one...

She proceeded to move on, explaining the ideas swimming in her head about pirates and the type of stories we could tell.

“So essentially you want to write a Jack Sparrow x Elizabeth Turner fan fiction?” I teased, though apparently I was a little on the nose with that one.

“No!” I waited, seeing that she was still typing. “I want to write a Jack Sparrow x ME fan fiction! XD”

“Well, how about you start us off, Ms. Turner?” I looked at the time. It was about 12:40 at that point meaning we could do this for a few hours before one of us passed out entirely. We went on a swashbuckling, heart-pounding navel adventure. I don’t remember much about the plot. I know we fought some sea creature thing and ended up in some musty city. Usual pirate shit, I suppose.

As the plot continued and our characters becoming more familiar, I got the slightest inclination that this could go somewhere… unexpected. That I could take this somewhere a little more exciting.

While, nominally, we were not Jack Sparrow and Ms. Turner, I knew those were the archetypes she was going for with these characters. Because of her proclivity for Mr. Sparrow, I wondered if I could leverage the character to engage in some erotic endeavor with Amy.

In the past, there were a few girls who had used the “let’s write something together” excuse to bridge into sexual roleplay and various other ‘sexting’, especially when long distance was involved. I hadn’t had sex until I was 18, but I was a prodigious sexter. Not bragging. I don’t think that’s even something to brag about. Feels a little bit like bragging about having driven a golf cart or owning a bb gun. I figured, perhaps Amy was of a similar mind. Perhaps she had opted to ‘write together’ under false pretenses. Under sexual pretenses.

The story found us drifting out at sea after a harrowing heist. She proclaimed that her character was exhausted and going to bed. I figured this was my in, as good a chance as any at something.

“Need some company?” my character replied.

If you ever want to take a minute and squeeze every last millisecond out of it, try going out on a limb sexually. Suddenly the seconds just stopped moving as I watched the little window on my screen, practically able to see the screen refreshing. Time had started to move so slowly. I doubt more than three minutes passed, but with how fiercely we’d been exchanging messages and with how bold my reply had been, it seemed impossible that she was ever going to reply. Surely I had scared my new best friend off!

Just as adolescent woe set into my blood, it showed that she was typing and I eased up, blinking finally.

“Not yours!” her character demanded. That was a hard pair of words for me to unpack, especially considering the layers we were dealing with here. Her character clearly didn’t want anything, but with the verbose backlash, I wasn’t sure that Amy didn’t want me to continue pursuit. It could just be a test, a way to make things more exciting.

I had my character follow her. Yes, if this were real life, it would be considered coercion (something I never intend to partake of), but with this being a fantasy space, I felt slightly more agency to engage in this manner. My character stopped the door with his foot as her character closed it, leaning in and offering my company once more. My fingers trembled and my heart raced as terror and erotic excitement concocted in my body, running cold black lightning over my nerves.

No response. Now more minutes expired. I KNOW for a fact that more than 5 minutes passed in waiting for a reply. It did come eventually, but not before putting me into a complete state of panic and self loathing for being so insistent. That black lightning caught my nerves on fire before fizzling out.

It had been so clear! Of course she didn’t want that kind of attention from me. We were friends and she had a boyfriend! But that would prove to be one of the last worries of the night for me and it was definitely the last time I thought about her 'lover'.

Its amazing how much a mood can reset just by hearing the telling swoop of a Skype chat notification. I darted up, eyes scanning the screen for the chat.

“I’m bored of this” she replied. I swallowed hard. I’d been too adventurous! I shook my head, really disappointed in myself! What the fuck was I thinki-

Skype dinged again, but this time not with a message but with a call. I guess she wanted to bridge into just talking. I was alright with that, as long as she wasn’t abandoning me.

“Hey,” I greeted her, almost startled as her face appeared on screen, a video call opening.

“Hey, what’s up?” she smiled, strands of lightly wet hair dangling in front of her face, her hair still messy from the shower. We hadn’t done this before. It had been a while since I had seen her and I don’t know what happened. Maybe in three years she blossomed into a delightful beauty or maybe talking to her made me feel things a bit more complexly for her, making her appear more attractive to me. Whatever the reason, she was stunning, long blonde hair sloppy and slung to one side of her head. I don’t really know much about official terminology to describe lips, but her lips actually had a shape to them, if that makes sense? It wasn’t just a rosy oval at the front of her face, they really looked like lips. In high school she wore bright red lipstick on them, but right now her lips looked natural, still plush… kissable. The corners of her mouth curved up at the sides, a perpetual smile on her face.

Her face was all that I could see in this light as it was the only thing close enough to be lit up by the computer monitor.

“O-oh, not a lot,” I wasn’t really sure how to bridge into it, after that abrupt ending to our chat. I also didn’t turn my camera on. Certainly she must have known that it was on, but I didn’t know if that meant I needed to share as well? Regardless, I left it off, not wanting to tip the balance. “The story too dull for you?” I taunted.

“Oh, yeah,” her face scrunched, “Where were you taking that, dude?”

Eek. I feel like dude was a word she only used when she was angry. It was a way to level with you. Hun was what she used when she was content and being real, pal was when she was kidding around and dude was a bit of a red alert.

“I hope you know that my character is more classy than that!” she laughed.

“More classy than what?” yes, I was going to play dumb. It’s an appalling tactic, but it had gotten me out of a few binds in the past and it seemed like the only way forward here. A look of disbelief dropped from her brow over the rest of her face, her lips pursed in skepticism.

“You were SO trying to get some royal booty!” she laughed at me. Maybe it’s just a thing when you like someone, but I recall particularly liking Amy’s laughter. It was clean, natural and responsive. I feel like some people weaponize their laughter for maximum social leverage, whether the intent is sexual, social or professional. Amy, however, just laughed. She didn’t laugh when something wasn’t funny and she laughed exuberantly when something was. Even when her laughter was at my expense, it was worth it. Especially seeing how her pale complexion flushed with color.

“Woah! Somebody’s mind is in the gutter!” my best option was to continue to bluff, granted, she was keeping to the topic. Maybe she didn’t want to reprimand me. Maybe she was looking to talk about it, slowly up the ante.

“What?! I’m sorry… uh… ‘Need some company’? Walk me through that one, pal!” her face turned the most put on version of stern I’ve ever seen. It was quite adorable. And I had nothing. She had me pretty much cornered.

“For your protection,” the words flew into my brain and out of my mouth in one misinformed stride, lacquered up with the most horrid stench of self doubt dripping off every vocalization. She burst out laughing. Rolling over on her bed, blue light flashing out past her face, glistening over the pale foothills of her naked body, breasts swaying as she laughed. I froze, chills filling my nerves as I lost my ability to swallow, to talk and certainly to avert my eyes. She'd been chatting with me naked! That had to mean something!

“Amy, your camera is on!” I blurted, covering my eyes. Some small, stupidly moral part of me intercepted the hot-headed libidinoid who desperately wanted the wheel!

She had to have known, but I was equally, if not more, certain in that moment that there was no way she could have known the camera was on. Why would she be naked and intentionally share her video? Her laughing calmed and she rolled back over onto her stomach, nodding.

“I know. Why?” the smirk of a satisfied predator peered back at me through the screen. She was clearly taunting me. She knew that really wasn’t any good reason for me to mention that unless I was bothered by the fact that she was naked. She wanted me to say it so she could pick on me.

But that avoided the greater question: why was she naked and sharing her video? As strong realization mixed with the afterimage of her body in my brain, blood rushed my cock and my heart raced. I desperately wanted to find a way to ride this current somewhere good!

“Just cause." Yes. That was the best I could do... She scoffed almost before I had even finished speaking.

“Just cause?” she paused, biting her pillowy, natural lip as she watched the camera, tilting her head, giving easy sight of her neck, the tension created between her jawline and her collarbone, “Does it bother you that I’m naked?” she said quietly, chidingly.

“What? No! Of course not! I’m naked right now too!”

“And you’re not sharing?” she rolled her hips from side to side, touching her lip, eyes widening. I stammered out some gibberish, my brain apparently not able to make up for this sudden change in the conversation fast enough. I opted to just quickly toss off the clothes I still had on and turn on my camera. I laid on my stomach, face close to the computer. “That proves nothing!” she insisted, swinging her finger up and down in a ‘Get the fuck up and show me that you’re naked’ motion. I obliged, showing her the full view. She just gave a pleased grin, not even an open mouth grin. It looked like she had just sat down in some warm sunlight.

I mean, I wasn’t expecting her to glorify my body or anything like that, but I was frankly feeling a little awkward now, only having a simple grin in response to showing her everything. I resumed my previous position, still completely lost! I wasn’t sure what her intentions were anymore.

“So you just wanted to protect my poor, helpless princess?” she leaned her head against her bare shoulder, having moved away from the camera slightly. The topography of her chest was visible, her cleavage extending just beyond the bounds of the screen. Her golden hair was a complete mess, carelessly tossed to one side. Her eyes looked so sleepy, so cozy. Considerably alluring.

“Yes. I’m going to stick with that one,” I insisted. “I’m just a gentleman!”

Her eyes rolled around her head as she scoffed again. “Oh a REAL fucking white knight!” her voice bubbled over with searing sarcasm.

“Emphasis on fucking.” I can only express the sound that swirled out of her mouth in that moment as a ‘guffaw’. It was almost equal parts hiccup as it was laugh. I wasn’t sure if it was just because I had caught her off guard or if she was mocking me with the laugh.

“When’s the last time you did it?” she upped the ante.

“Woah now Amy. I’m a real fucking gentleman! Emphasis might be on fucking, but I’m still a gentleman and a gentleman does not kiss and tell,” and I earned myself another eye roll, salted with a little head shake.

“Meaning: it’s been a long ass time!” laughter bellowed out of her, clearly she was pleased with herself. again, at my expense. “So you don't kiss and tell, but is there any chance you show and tell, Mr. White Knight?” and the pleased grin crossed her lips again, a vibration of laughter shaking her body faintly.

“Show and tell? What do you want to see and know?” I smirked back, fully ready to play this game with her now. Her expression morphed from impressed to competitive. She teethed at her lip, holding off a smile.

“Well, seems like your options might be kind of limited at the moment. Whatever you think I might like,” she nibbled at her fingernail, her face mildly contorted with repressed expression. I took this opportunity to have a little fun.

Getting up on my knees, I pretended I was looking at the wall behind the computer, searching for something. With my left hand, I held the blanket just barely over my hard cock, although, I had the fabric bundled so that no shape could be made out. But almost nothing else was covered.

“Hm. Lemme see,” I groaned in consideration, leaning up further, the fabric slipping a little more. I heard her stifle a laugh, a pure, perhaps excited, laugh. “Oh yeah, if I can just….” I extended my arms out, letting go of my bed sheet. It clung to my cock, sliding down slightly. Her laughter increased. It even sounded a little bit like nervousness. I got even more excited thinking that I might be out-flirting her!

I grabbed the fabric of my sheet and covered back up, sitting down. I frowned, hearing her make quite the exasperated horse sigh. “You’re right. I don’t have anything around,” I shrugged, “I guess I don’t do show and tell.” I stayed sitting up, most of my body visible by the camera now, my dick was the only thing covered under a mound of blanket.

We just sat there staring at one another for a moment. It was increasingly awkward as we each waited for the other to take things the rest of the way. Suddenly she bolted up, turning around and darting off. Yellow incandescence filled my screen and her naked ass quickly followed suit.

"So this is a female ass, since you've never seen one before," she laughed, shaking her bum.

"Oh my god!" I choked on my laughter, realizing that there was nothing I could say to gain the upper hand. If I proclaimed that I'd seen a million female asses, I'd just sound like an insecure bro or something. So, I did the only thing I could think of. "Oh man, I'm screen capping this!" I said, clicking some keys emptily. Her body dropped to the floor and her computer jostled as she pulled her sheets over her body, only emerging when she was covered.

"Don't you dare!" She crawled back to the computer, her eyes wide with postured rage. I laughed, having used this distraction to unbundle the covers resting over my cock. All that remained was a thin, tented veil, insinuating the shape. I wasn't going to bring attention to it, but I did rest back on my hands, the visual flow of my body leading downward.

I put my hands up momentarily, waving them at my sides. "I wouldn't dare, scout's honor!" her look was skeptical, but slightly amused. Her bottom lip rolled into her mouth, eyes scanning her screen. Had she noticed? It took a lot for me to not call attention to it, but she certainly seemed to notice something.

"You sure you don't have eh hem something you could show?" Her eyes peered low on her screen. I couldn't fight back the smirk that emerged, my hand slipping over the blanket, slowly pulling it loose.

"I don't know what ever you could mean!" I played, looking down at my body, finally pulling the blanket away. My cock was erect and completely exposed. She was quiet again. Staring and intent. She almost looked... contemplative?

"Is this... what you wanted to see?" My voice was low, serious. I was surprised at my calm tone since I wanted to vomit out my heart, which had taken up kick drumming my ribcage!

"Yeah..." she murmured absentmindedly. "Touch yourself..." She continued, eyes glued.

"What?" I murmured back, unable to believe the request. She was taking this the rest of the way.

"What, what?" She replied, the familiar seasoning of sarcasm on her tone. "If you're gunna show me, show me!" she waggled her finger at the camera and laughed.

"Hm? WAIT! What's in it for me?" I placed my left arm in front of my cock, leaning forward toward the camera and scowling at her.

"What?! Are you kidding me?! You got to see my ass, pal!" She dismissed.

"Oh, but there's s lot more to you!" I insisted, waggling my eyebrows. Her lips curved at one end, amused by the compliment. She let go of the sheet, letting it drape down her body, each further descent revealing another part of her perfection!

Ample was a good word for Amy. She didn't have the largest breasts in the world, but they were a handful and better yet they were wonderfully shaped, her areoles perfectly ovular and pert. Her breasts would jiggle when she would move. The shapes her torso made when she'd raise her arms above her head were unbelievable! The rounding of her ribcage, the line of her stomach, the hang of her breasts would spread and raise, stretching her tits. Where she was really notable was in her hips. She had a pronounced pear shape and a teardrop ass. I had never really understood guys that liked asses, being a boobs man myself. But seeing Amy's ass, the disease slowly crept in me.

Her stomach flowed softly down, begging a hand to travel to its natural destination, interrupted only by the two light peaks of her pelvis. She had one of those stomachs that creates an angular slope down to her vagina when viewed in profile. This, paired with the rhythm of her ass gave her a devastating visual flow. Regularly my eyes would explore her, following the ebb and flow of her silhouette and I would wish to be rain or honey, coursing over every little detail of her, resting in her navel, pooling over her thighs.

The sheet puddled in front of her pelvis as she leaned back, her breasts giving to gravity, exposed and nipples pert with excitement.

"Well, we've also got all night," she smirked, "So I'm not in a hurry," a hand slipped behind her covers and her hips rocked mildly, something mysterious occurring out of sight. A moan snuck out between her lips. Subtle but electric! She rested back on her elbow, eyes still on the screen, on me. I obliged her earlier request and started to stroke myself, blood pounding in my system. I was hoping that this would earn me a little more view into what she was doing, but the sheet just wouldn't budge. I could see her hand moving underneath and I could see how the rest of her body was responding. She gripped at her breast with her free hand, head tilted to the side, blonde hair draped behind her.

“Why are you hiding?” I teased, slowing my stroking. She smirked deviously and let out a little shrug.

“I don’t think I’m hiding anything,” a smile broke on her face and she laughed, sitting up playfully. She rested on her hands, breasts squeezed between her arms. “What is it you want to see?” she teased. I shook my head and shrugged. “Oh, c’mon man! Just say it,” she leaned in close to the camera, speaking quietly, “just tell me what you want. I need to hear it.”

I didn’t realize that I had such a hang up with dirty talk. All I needed to do was tell her that I wanted to see her, that I wanted to touch her skin and to feel her, but the thought of vocalizing that made me feel powerfully squeamish. And watching her face slowly change from seductive to impatient to disappointment. I worked through a dozen different combinations of words, trying to figure out what the hell I could say that wouldn’t make me feel as uncomfortable.

“I… I want to see your body,” I don’t know if the words themselves were worse or the tone of my voice. Even I was unconvinced. She looked incredulous, nodding slowly. She leaned back again, still covering her pelvis.

“You’ve already seen my body. What are you talking about?” she inhaled sharply and sighed as her hand slipped underneath the covers, toying with her self again. She leaned back her body easing back as she toyed with herself. She moaned out, her hips swaying underneath the covers.

“I want to watch… to watch you touch… i want to see your pussy,” like a kid taking the last push off and hurtling down a water slide, I went for it. It didn’t feel right, but it also didn’t hurt as bad as I imagined it might. Her eyes peeled open and she smirked, slipping the covers, exposing one of her legs, but still leaving herself mostly covered.

“I’m sorry, what was that,” she was going to make me say it again.

“I want to see your pussy,” it sounded more confident this time, but it still didn’t feel great.

“Oh?” she kept slipping the blanket away, but wouldn’t just show. In that moment my blood boiled, foaming over the lip of my patience.

“Amy, you’re so lucky I’m not there! That blanket would be stripped away so quickly!” she jumped slightly, startled by my sudden intensity.

“It’s a short drive,” she finally pulled the blanket away, showing me her shaved bliss. She rubbed herself slowly.

“Don’t tempt me!” I leaned back, watching her lightly pleasuring herself, legs spread and body rosy with sexual heat. Her breathing shallowed, her hips rolled, her lips blossoming with erotic pleasure. I definitely wanted to be there, laying over her. It had been a few months since I’d last had sex and I was definitely feeling the frustration finally pounce and consume me.

“It’s not too long of a drive,” she purred, extending her neck back in pleasure, “I’d much rather have you here than just imagine you…” her body pulsed with such sexual presence. Her shape was incredible, but more incredible yet was the way she existed in her body. The way she moved, the way she was. The way she laughed. It seemed like she was entirely confident in the confines of her flesh and it vibrated out from her. Two fingers slipped into her pussy as she moaned for me.

I contemplated the reality of the offer. First considering if that was a true offer or if she was making the most of our interaction. Maybe I’d kill the moment if I offered to drive up and fuck her. Would that seem too desperate? Maybe it would seem daring. I looked at the time, the other factor in this. It’d be around 4 before I made it there. Certainly she’d fall asleep before I made it.

“If you drive here tomorrow, I’ll pay for your food all weekend and pay you back for gas,” not my best option by a long shot…

She stopped fingering herself and looked up at the camera frowning.

“Oh man! I’ve always wanted to be a call girl!” she laughed.

“Oh my god, no! I mean, I just-

“No. I’ll do it,” she interrupted, biting her lip, leaning in front of the camera. I blinked absently, my brain fizzling with some combination of confusion and excitement. Syllables of nonsense still fizzled at my lips as I slowed my speaking.

“Seriously?” I muttered.

“Don’t talk me out of this. Yes, seriously!” she wiggled in excitement, “But you’d better get some rest there, pal… after you cum for me,” she grinned again, weathering her bottom lip again chuckling, her body swinging back and forth in giddy joy. I blinked a few times before leaning back and reaching for my throbbing cock. She raised her eyebrows, watching intimately. I scanned her skin, noticing the soft, whispering shapes it made, curves bounding and glancing elegantly. I stared at her pert nipples, stroking myself faster, following the contour of her breast down to her middle as she leaned back, spreading her legs.

Now all roads led south. I sighed out, stroking faster, not sure whether to savor this or cum so I could get as much sleep as possible for tomorrow! And that was what got me the rest of the way there, watching her finger her slightly glistened vagina. Realizing that I was going to be with her tomorrow, close by, spending all my time without interruptions of duties or internet lag, alone in this very room. That little thought was the spark that set fire to my spine, sending pleasure through my cock, beading up into a final burst of cum as my body jolted several times with orgasm before everything eased.

She leaned in and blew me a virtual kiss. “Rest up, hun. I’ll see you tomorrow.”