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Meek girl goes to her first concert!! [M/F] | 2016

EDIT: Fight Club/Snatch Mix up = Brad Pitt shirtless...HUGE mistake... So Sorry!


The following semester, I had some help from my parents, and being the frugal Shut-in I am, saving money was easy and I was able to get a nice studio apartment. It was a long bike ride or just as long as a bus ride to the campus. But it was cute, it had a tiny little patio, separate kitchen area and the bathtub was one of the old ones with claw feet. I spent hours and hours Naked in that tub. I would like to think that the next people that lived in that apartment became my blood relatives just based on the pure amount of DNA I may have left behind. I loved that little place! The neighbors were both men in their mid thirties. They treated me like a little sister and basically made me feel incredibly safe. There was the occasional glance but neither of them ever gave me so much as the time of day. Probably because in the 6 months I lived there, I made eye contact less than half a dozen times. I was a spaz!


I think it was middle of February, Wendy had invited me out to see a friends band. I met Wendy when I got a new job after the coffee shop proved to socially in I hated people and was scared of them. More on her back story later...interesting woman to say the least. But in her defense..she got me to leave the house. And for that, I owe her a lot!


And I said YES!!!


She had invited me a few other times but I made up random believable excuses. Education and being a woman just lend you a thousand ways to do whatever the hell you want. It's a wonderful existence. Now some people prepare for a first date like crazy people, or a tough job interview. I had never been on a date, job interviews were easy...a band..with guys...and alcohol was downright terrifying. I didn't sleep well the entire week. My guts always felt twisted and I think I ate about 12 calories the first 2 days because I didn't want to be fat. I couldn't be fat if you chopped my legs off and stuffed them in my chest. I'd just have bigger boobs. I was an idiot...sheesh.


Have I mentioned that the largest party I'd ever been two was Christmas with my family? I've been drunk twice, once when I was and my little sister got into my dads beer. We hated the way it tasted so like any genius kids. We mixed it with orange juice because we always saw our mom do it. the second time I was 17 and once and my sister stole some beer. But she was trying to impress some boys, I didn't want to leave the house and was pissed she made me take the beer. So I took two as punishment. Like an idiot I drank them...I threw up a lot, no one was around to see that. I woke up Naked from the waist down. In my drunken stupor I had used my pants to clean up my mess then decided they would make a good pillow. Needlessly It was very easy to proclaim that "I don't drink". Yet...I wanted to but like every other thing on the planet, I was scared of it.


Saturday night rolls up, I'm nervous and Wendy has decided to play 2PAC loud as hell as she drives down the road. Wonderful, extra attention that I don't frickin need! I had spent 3 days trying to find something to wear. My room looked like 10 chicks had a panty fight. All I cared about was panties and underwear...I knew I was going to wear my favorite green skirt and a nice blouse that did it's best to accentuate my miniature boobs. I ended up wearing purple panties with green leaves sown in the band. My memories is really good for this sort of crap. I can't remember where the hell I put the remote, but underwear memorization rules my noggin. Yep, and 2PAC blared away.


We get to the place early, maybe 10 or 15 people are milling about. Early night at a club that also seems to double as a restaurant. "Cool", I tell Wendy, trying not to cry out for my mom. "Fuck, this shit take me home!" Went through my mind more than once.


She introduced me to 3 guys and a girl. They were the Band!! I had met a "band!" I was a huge spaz..., can you tell? One guys name was something, the other guys name was whatever, the chicks name was Belinda...I don't know why I remember.


What is important is the other guys name. He was Jeff, Jeff was the guitarist. Jeff along with every other guy that night was hot. At least to me. He smiled at me. Hot! He complimented my green skirt! HOT! He Shook my hand and like some sort of father figure, used his other hand to double shake...shouldn't be. but...HOOTTTT! Yep...30 seconds of introduction and the smallest of small talk made me start leaking. I mean honest to goodness, what the fuck is wrong with my pussy. I wanted to cross my legs at that point and start fiddling for my life. I needed a hose, a Jacuzzi, anything!


Instead I stood their politely and thanked him.


Aww crap...great. He was awkward too, no moves. Just a polite guy that had no moves. The air near us must have turned cold because I got the chills. My nipples got hard and I had goose bumps from the crack up my ass to the top of my neck. Then I started to sweat.


I was actually pissed that this guy wouldn't hit on me. Horny and pissed are a bad, bad combination to start a life changing event. But what did I know, idiot that I was I didn't quite say fuck it. I called myself 23,000 horrible names, wished death upon my 2x2 frame over and over. I self motivated through self hatred...and my inner self got passed off that my outer self was clam jamming me. It was time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but I was 5'5 100 LBS, I didn't kick ass and I hated chewing gum. So I did the next best thing my sex infused mind could muster.


"Can I buy you a dink" I said. oops..


FUCK... I said dink...Annnnd my life spiraled out of control again. Images of lonely cat lady and dead people on side of road flashed before my eyes. I was about to throw myself off of the nearest building. I knew I was thinking dick, brain tried to autocorrect to drink...but it was also under the influence of penis at that time. Fuck everything about my life.

  "Ya I'll take a dink, I love dinks. You like dags? He asked?


I kinda laughed and looked him dead in the eye (and I wasn't scared!!)


"Yeah I like dags, I responded" You like dags?


"I love dags" He said.


HOLY CRAP. Jeff for the save!


He knew Fight Club...he knew how to crack a fact he might have had game. I doubt it, but maybe. I think he got lucky that he used that line with me. Hellllo? Ultimate loser shut-in..who also masturbates like a mental patient. Brad Pitt was in the catalog! If only he knew what he was up against. To this day I can hold my own in a Fight Club Is that a thing? I hope not.


After accepting my offer for a dink (Was a running joke all night, probably my first ever inside joke with any human on earth) We headed to the bar which was located in the restaurant. This place was a diner with a giant conference room that had been retrofitted for punk rockers and punk rock accessories. Which brings me to Jeff. I would learn later Jeff was not hot. Jeff was a 29 year old high school dropout. He was overweight and probably 2 inches taller than me...and I'm a midget practically at 5'5. He had long hair that probably needed a wash and a disinfectant. His clothes at least didn't have any holes in them and he was wearing a sweet T-shirt. He smelled like beer...Yep...I was in love. Son of a...!!!!


Apparently Jeff was actually NOT in the band and was merely there as 'tech support' as he called it. This...this did not faze me in the least. For 20 minutes, I made eye contact, I flipped my hair back. Tried to smile real big and laugh at his jokes. I wanted him bad! yet..I couldn't even force myself to initiate one touch. Not one shoulder, Not one leg. Not even a hand. He was like a leper to me!



I was down one beer with a full one in front of way I could drink a second beer. I sipped like an anorexic bird from that beer.I wasn't 21 quite yet, so now I was buzzed, horny, and crazed with fear that I would get in trouble for drinking. My panties had honestly dried, gotten wet and dried half a dozen times since we'd been there. Nightmare chick coming through with moist panties and a buzz!


I cringe heartily at this next part...


We are talking and chatting...I'm pretty sure I'm flirting! He places his hand on my thigh...not upper..not middle...but lower towards my knee. He was saying something as he did it, I couldn't tell you what he said if you tortured me. I lost it...I moaned like I had just eaten the finest piece of cheese in all the land. I moaned so hard it came out like a demon. "You ok? He really did seem concerned. As he should be.


"Fine, fine" I shook it off and tried to act normal. Just a little tired. I asked him if we could go outside as I was a bit warm...Warm was an underestimate by a billion stars. I felt like my pussy was going to drop out of my body it was so hot. I know I was shaking, I could feel it in every spot in my body.


He of course said ok and offered me his hand to help me off the barstool.. I took it. FUCK!!





Human skin contact with male skin!!...I could feel my pussy quiver hard. I just clinched and smiled as big as I could without looking to dorky.


Thankfully he only used his hand to help me up..If he would have tried to hold it I would have exploded and probably fainted from the orgasm right then and there.


Sometimes stereotypes exist for a my case. Jeff had a van!! I He had. A fucking Minivan. At this point, my one and one quarter beer has my cheeks hurting from smiling too much. We were friendly enough that I couldn't help myself.


"A mini-van? Rebel without a clue" I'm a dork! Movie quotes were way to much of my wit when I was younger.


JEFF IS THE MAN! Sensibility is sexy!


"Nah, I'm a rebel that hates driving drunk. I love sleeping in this thing"


Oh yes..what brilliant thing would I say next.


"have you ever slept naked?" AHHHHHH Crap...


My pussy had conquered my brain, enslaved it and made it build a pyramid in it's honor. The war was lost. Damm it all to hell... Once again...Maybe Jeff didn't have game, but I think the nice guy don't give a fuck attitude is the only reason I didn't bolt for the hills.


"Ahh only if I puke on myself, I can be a slob sometimes. Plus it's not a good idea to sleep naked in a parking lot. Bad movies or Good Porn usually start that way.


Porn...he said the word porn. Yep...pussy twitch. The gods were smiling. I MIGHT HAVE SEX! I didn't care that he slept naked because he puked on himself... I only cared that he said the word porn. What the F?...


He opened the door for me to get in the van first. Tinted windows and a surprisingly clean van. He climbed in shut the door and sat across from me on the bench seat. We eyeballed each other for a second...but really I barely remember sitting next to him. I closed my eyes a lot barely looking him in the eye as we chatted about theMini-Van situation...I knew what was going to happen but I wanted it to happen. Scared. Happy. Horny! Shoot Me now.


Jeff did the next best thing, he put his hand on my thigh (Mid thigh) leaned over and kissed me.


Bam. I pulled away after about 10 or 15 seconds and looked away trying to fight back tears because I was so ashamed. So scared he would be angry.


Shamed. I came. I came hard and my hips did a couple of tiny involuntary bucks. Jeff knew...there was no way he didn't. My hips practically attacked his legs with little twitches. I must have looked a head case, staring at the ground, sniffling and having an orgasm from my first kiss. Yeee haw!!!! Life was good! I was able to recover, I didn't shed a tear! I made it! But Jeff knew.


Dammit he knew.


He actually laughed out loud " Did you just come?"


GOOD FUCKING JOB JEFF....he blew that one.


I burst into tears and couldn't control myself. I glanced up at Jeff once and could see that he was about to jump ship. He talked to me and coaxed me, rubbed my shoulders and told me more than once. It's ok, I'm not judging you. "It was just funny...and hot." Goddamit Jeff! used the word hot...still reeling from just bawling out my pupils. My pussy did a little jig. Hot guy just said something I did was hot!! Mind you it was coming from a single touch and a single kiss. I looked him in the eyes and that fucker did it again. He kissed me. This time Instead of me coming my brains out, my knees buckled. Don't ask me how...I was sitting down but they buckled.


I could feel his hands rubbing my back and my brain was begging him to touch my chest. And he did! He ran his hands over my blouse stopping just enough to rub my nipples. He massages what little tit he could find and continued to pay with my nipples. Holy fuck...nothing like this had ever happened to me before and it was a roller coaster. He broke our kiss and gave just a little more pressure to my nipples as he started kissing my neck.


Yahoooooo!!!! I was in ecstasy land again. I was humping the air involuntarily like a crazed dog. I did my best to not instead I squeaked kind of like a rabbit. Like the orgasm just voluntarily forced a vocalization out of me. I recovered in record time to see Jeff what appeared to be an "Did she really just come again" smile on his face. I didn't care. "You are so fucking sexy" I told him. Yeah, dirty talk was not in my repertoire.


"I am going to make you cum at least 5 more times tonight" He proclaimed. His proclamation sent me to la la land again.


"This...this moment right now was the best moment of my life"


We started kissing again and within a few seconds he grabbed my hand and moved it to his crotch.


PENIS ALERT! I tried to take my hand away but he quickly placed it back " Please I want you to" he said sweetly. Well Gee...was that all it took. Apparently...dumb ass me indeed just did need him to ask nicely. I started massaging his dick through his shorts. To my absolute horror it was rock hard. I basically just grabbed whatever part of it I could and started massaging. Having lost all interest in kissing. I sat there (Poorly) I might add his ridiculously hard dick. My brain was moving now...I was thinking strategy and what would make him feel good. I had seen some porn...but I was still an idiot.


I think he knew what I was thinking. He moved my hand out of the way and started undoing his pants. My dreams were about to come true. I was going to see a dick, I was going to suck a dick. I was going to see a naked man, run my hands through his hair and play with his balls. I really wanted to play with balls.




With a deft motion he zipped down his pants and pulled out his dick. naked, no balls, no hair, no caressing...but dick sticking out of his pants. I obviously was ready to turn into a stone statue...he gently grabbed my hand and placed it on his dick. "It's ok" He said.


I kept my hand on his cock and gently grasped him, rubbing him up and down.


"Tighter" he said. I obliged tightening my grip about one billionth of an ounce of pressure. I didn't want to hurt this guy, I think if I would have squeezed him harder he might have popped.


He smiled a bit and said "It's pretty tough, you can stroke a little harder. Stroke? Apparently that was a keyword...pussy quivers and almost an orgasm. This was a small tremor...I hid it well. But undies were now friggin nasty. I wanted to be out of these clothes. The dried ,un dried, fruits of Jeffs labor were driving me insane. I wanted out of these clothes!


So I grabbed him way to hard! I thought he wanted me to grab it and I did. Hard, like I wanted to quickly squish a bug. He yelped a little and pulled my hand sway. "Treat it like it' a nice massage, not like your trying to choke someone" He said in a surprisingly father like tone. I was hurt insides wretched that I had did something wrong. But he was patient. After a few minutes of playing with his dick, alternating between hard, fast strokes and just pretty much exploring his penis. He asked me to go down on him. I steered my head toward his mouth and closed my eyes. I could hear him moaning softly and his hands were stroking my hair and my cheeks.


I HAD DICK IN MY MOUTH. I closed my eyes and focused on the task at hand. I bobbed my head up and down slurping up the excess saliva. I could feel his hands on the back of my head. I tried to cram more of his dick down my throat...but it was too big and I was too small. I just kept sucking and playing with the head of his dick with my tongue, I couldn't deep throat anything...but I tried. And every time I tried, he moaned. It was a fantastic system. I started getting into it. My pussy was itching for attention, I started fingering myself as I sucked him off. Every time I tried to deep throat him, He moaned. That moan would set me off and I would just start rubbing my clit raw. I started using a free hand to jack him off while i sucked him off (Aww yeah, porno move). I was going to have sex!


I came again . Hard...I kind of slumped on his lap in ecstasy, but he grabbed my head and almost too rough slammed my head on his dick. He then reached over and pulled off my blouse . I was now half naked. He grabbed a hold of a nipple and squeezed. I kept on impaling my mouth on his dick as he played with my nipples. That was hot. Holy hell that was hot.


I went to town, I wanted to make him cum. All of a sudden I felt his hands on the back of my neck and he pulled me closer to his waist. Deep throat or no deep throat he had all 6 inches of his cock lodged down my throat. I gagged for dear life as he cried out.


"Gonna come, gonna come, gonna come" and he did. Holy crap did he!!


The first burst went straight down my throat. He slammed his dick into my mouth over and over. I know not what he said...just that he complimented my breasts and my amazing dick sucking ability while throat fucking me.


My throat hurt, I gagged and I puked. He kept coming. His dick slipped out of my mouth and he pretty much covered my face in cum. I had already gagged and half puked on his cock. He was still jacking off what was left in his system and was telling me to open my mouth. If I opened my mouth..all the cum on my face would run into it. I had already swallowed more cum then I had planned on tonight. I shook my head no like a scared rabbit.


He understood and started putting his dick back in his pants. I just about flipped out..I was going to get to have sex right? He was going to go down on me too right? RIGHT? My first experience with a man...taught me one important tidbit. Never let him finish first...otherwise it will be a long night. That would get me called a tease more than once many years past this experience, and I still am a tease :)


He made a few excuses about it getting late and he needed to check "systems" and that he better get back to the show. He handed me my shirt back which immediately I snatched away to cover my breasts. And I was incredibly angry and confused. You are leaving I said? Tears were welling up.


"Well yeah..I gotta go to the show, this was just for fun, Come see me in side when your dressed". he leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek before closing the door and leaving me alone with my murderous thoughts.


Guess what I did? Yep...I cried. It wasn't too bad, yes I had been demeaned by a fat old loser. But he treated me fairly well for a dickhead. I got to sample...basic sexuality and for the first time ever a man touched my breasts, and my nipples. The thought of his hands on my body, the remembrance of how wet my pussy was that day will bring me over the edge every time. I love masturbation and to this day I am a fiend.


From zero to sixty, back to zero then up to hormones were ablaze. Between tears...I made another important decision. I threw my shirt on and hiked my skirt up. I still had the van...I jammed my fingers into my pussy, used the other to start slapping my clit. I'm sure I shook the neighborhood with that orgasm. I smiled at myself and let myself sprawl out on the little mini-van bed. I looked down and realized that I had made a huge wet spot. I giggled at myself and moved out of the way. I hated leaving a spot like that on Jeff's nice car seats...I didn't know...but I had been just used by an asshole. Lesson learned, remembered and eventually I would use the lessons to further my own experience. Plus he'll probably never forget me from the wet spot as opposed to the random slut whom he got to suck his dick in a mini-van.


I straightened myself up, checked my hair and makeup. Smiled at myself and raised my eyebrows "Hey good lookin" I thought. Then I swiftly exited the van and started walking. I actually laughed out loud and said "dumb, dumb as a fucking rock"...there was no fucking way I was going back to that show. The shame and the anxiety had returned along with the fear of everyone knowing what happened in that van (Hint...they all did) I spent way too much time dwelling on what had happened between me and Jeff. My smile didn't last for long, my brain retook the land that the pussy claimed and I ended up a basket case for a few months after that. Forever alone, endless love...Drama Queen extraordinaire over here.


I ended up walking the 6 miles home in a rage of tears, feelings, choking sobs and little smiles to myself where I secretly knew that life was...after all going to turn out ok and wasn't all that bad.I continued my torrent of masturbation for the rest of the semester. Started watching more porn, I even bought myself a bottle of wine, twice! Me, My wine, my little apt and my tiny pussy! I really was very low maintenance back then. I just hung out in the bathtub alternating between masturbating and studying. To this day, Wendy thinks I chickened out and walked home because of my anxiety. I smile as big as I can, just like the time Jeff saw me cum in my pants and I wanted him to just see me and my smile. Nothing else. I wanted Wendy to see just me, smiling. happy me!