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Left alone in the office [MF] | 2016
A gust of wind blew on my face, and I closed my eyes, reveling in the cool weather that had finally arrived. It was not often that I traversed outside during my work day, yet that day was unique. This was the day that my new coworker was starting. I did not hear much about her, and knew even less. The only thing I knew was that her name was Ellen and she had just graduated with her second Master's degree a few months before. Myself and my coworkers were outside waiting to greet her. I checked my watch. Still ten minutes away from when she was scheduled to arrive. I glanced at my boss, shivering slightly in response to the next zephyr. Paul was always a cautious guy, especially when it came to time. He never wanted to be late for anything, so it was not surprising to me that he was making us wait outside so early. I shuffled my feet and listened to two of my other coworkers talk about a project we were working on. I absent mindedly bobbed my head to their conversation, noting the tasks that I would have to do when we got back inside.
The conversation lulled, and I looked up to witness a bright blue Echo drive into the parking lot. The engine stopped, and the driver stepped out. She appeared younger than I expected, 27 as I later came to find out. She had dark brown hair that went down a few inches past her shoulders, thick tortoise shell glasses that framed her face nicely, a lavender cardigan over a plain white shirt and dark blue jeans. Paul walked down the steps to greet her, and as they shook hands I saw that she stood approximately the same 5’5” that he did. The remaining three of us slowly meandered towards her to introduce ourselves.
I unsuspectingly found myself first in line. “Mark, assistant curator. Nice to meet you.”
“Ellen, new assistant to Paul. Good to meet you too.” She parroted back.
I was unable to tell if she was attempting to make a joke or if she just so happened to speak the same way I did. Regardless, I smiled and moved aside for my other coworkers to exchange pleasantries. Paul ushered Ellen indoors. I followed at a bit of a distance, savoring the last bit of fresh air that I would get until lunch. Unlike most days, we all went to lunch as a group in order for everyone to get a chance to meet and talk to the new hire. Our department consisted of three different museums, and while we all had a specific museum that we were at the most, we had a shared staff for any big event. All three staffs received an email from Paul letting us know where we would be dining, an Italian place that was a favorite among our staff.
I carpooled with James and McKenzie, the two coworkers who were with me when I met Ellen, but because McKenzie was finishing up dealing with a customer, we got a bit of a late start. By the time we got to the restaurant, everyone else was already seated. There were three seats left at the end of the table that we hastily sat down at. The conversation was dominated primarily by Paul who acted as if he were a facilitator of questions, directing them at each person in response to anything Ellen said. I took this opportunity to further evaluate my new officemate.
She was taking all of the attention well, and seemed quite cheerful throughout the lunch. She talked frequently about her Master’s, but I think it was because quite a few people there had gone to State. Ellen came off extremely well spoken and intelligent, but there were a few instances where her lack of workplace experience shone through. As it turned out, this was her first actual job since she had had. Overall, everyone came away with a positive impression, and were happy with the new hire.
Over the next few weeks, Ellen and I did not have much cause to see and/or spend extended time together; she was getting used to Paul and his schedule, and I was working on grant reports for the following year’s exhibits. I was sitting at my desk when my phone rang.
“County Museum of Sciences, this is Mark.”
“Hey Mark, it’s Paul. I have a favor to ask you.” I heard the familiar voice come from the other end of the phone.
“What can I do for you, Paul?” I inquired.
“I need you to come in and work this weekend. Ellen is training on how to open and close the building, and something came up, so I won’t be in town. That’s not a problem is it? I’ll make sure you can take Monday, Tuesday off instead.”
I sighed inaudibly. I knew that Paul was not really asking if I was free, but was instead telling me that I was no longer free. Not a big deal as all I had planned was to watch football all weekend, but still. “No, no problem at all. I’ll be there with bells on.”
“Thanks, Mark. See you later.”
A dial tone marked the end of our conversation. Weekend work at the museums was normally a dull business. It mostly consisted of catching up on work that needed to get done but was pushed aside for whatever reason, but nobody else was there to talk to or joke with, just you and your work. The only reason it was even necessary was because we were open to the public, and it was policy to not let part time employees have opening and closing rights, so that meant that there was always one key holder at each museum on the weekend. Despite being incredibly boring, weekend work wasn’t all bad. And on the plus side, I was at least there with someone else.
The rest of the week passed without event, and before I knew it, it was Saturday. I got to the museum at 8:30, as was policy on weekends, and I waited for Ellen to show so we could go over all of the opening procedures. She drove up shortly after I got there, and I got out of the car. We had some brief small talk, and then I started to walk her through procedure for opening the building. Seeing as it only took about 15 minutes for everything to get done, my job was done until the end of the day when we would go over closing. Because we had about 8 hours in between, we naturally started talking about all the basic things first (favorite band, movies, likes, dislikes, craziest work story, etc.) but soon it evolved into talking about what we wanted out of the current job that we had.
We both expressed an interest in improving the museum’s technological and interactive capabilities. Now this may not sound like a big job, but in reality, putting a new exhibit in a museum requires an immense amount of time and effort. Because we were the only two people in the offices, our conversation soon blossomed into a full on brainstorming session where we began looking up grants to see what we could apply for and what we had the biggest chance of getting. The rest of the weekend followed suit, with us making real progress in narrowing down exactly what we wanted to do and doing research in order to justify spending the amount of money that we were looking for. We bounced ideas off of each other, and to each problem, we found a solution. Every once in awhile I would find myself looking up at Ellen in awe of her intelligence and her ideas. She was so quick, it was all I could do to not come off like a bumbling oaf. Her mind challenged mine, and I found it stimulating, and a bit of a turn on. Some part of me enjoyed her showing me up, and in trying to keep up with her mental gymnastics, we accomplished so much more than I had originally anticipated. By the time we left the building on Sunday evening, we were well on our way to making an actual difference in our work.
“Well I guess I will see you Wednesday,” I said as we walked the 50 feet or so to our cars.
“Yeah definitely.” Ellen replied. “Oh and here’s my number, just in case you have any ideas during your pseudo weekend.”
She handed me a post it. I smiled at her.
“Thanks. I’ll shoot you a text when I get home so that way you have mine too.”
I got in my car with a small smile on my lips. I started the engine, but before I left I stole a glance at her through my window. As I glanced up, I caught her looking at me as well as our eyes briefly made contact with one another. Both of us quickly looked away, slightly embarrassed, but in my case at least, slightly with my heart aflutter. The entire way home, I attempted to talk myself out of the growing crush I was getting, but to no avail as I realized.
As soon as I walked through the door to my apartment, my phone was out, texting Ellen.
“Hey. It’s Mark.” I typed.
“Awesome. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything over the weekend.” Was the near immediate reply.
I nodded my head and started to make dinner. While eating, my mind wandered around Ellen, allowing my infatuation with my associate to rise well beyond what they should have.
“No matter.” I thought to myself. “No way she is interested in me. She’s just being friendly, and she has given literally no sign that she wants to be anything more than friends. Don’t go and start being a weirdo.”
Over my two days off, I refrained from texting Ellen, although I nearly did on more than one occasion. I made myself wait 15 minutes before sending anything to her, and then if it still seemed like a good idea, then I would send the message. It never still seemed like a good idea. By Tuesday night though, my stupidity and my crush had been quelled, leaving me feeling much more like myself than I had 48 hours prior. I went to work on Wednesday, pulling in the same time as Ellen.
“Hey. Long time no see. Where were all of those epic plans you were bragging about?” Ellen said with a smirk upon getting out of her car.
“Ditto. I was expecting a flood of ideas over the last few days, yet I was greeted with nothing. So disappointed in your work ethic. If you want to get anywhere in this job, you really have to step your game up.” I jested back.
“Shut up.” Was the succinct retort.
And just like that, the butterflies and the infatuation came roaring back. We walked into the museum, disarmed the alarm, and took our seats at our respective desks. McKenzie came in not far behind us, and James a few minutes after that. All four of us worked in relative silence, with the occasional brief request or conversation. Nobody was unfriendly, it just seemed as though everyone was dragging. I found myself looking up from my computer screen at odd intervals and looking over at Ellen just for a brief second, trying my damndest to not be weird, although I most likely failed miserably. A few times it seemed as though her eyes darted away from mine right as I looked up, but I was fairly convinced that I was imagining things. After a couple of hours, and the office still having all of the pep of a Norwegian family reunion, I decided that I would make a coffee run for the office.
“Hey, guys. I’m going to go grab some coffee. Anybody want anything?”
“Large Americano, extra shot. Thanks man. Appreciate it.” James answered, digging through his pockets and handing me a few crumpled bills.
“Small cappuccino if it’s not too much trouble.” McKenzie managed to say before a yawn cut off her sentence.
“Sure you don’t want a medium?” I asked, in a humorous manner.
She smiled and handed me a five. There were not any gift shop staffers there because we were not open yet, so I looked at Ellen.
“Hmmm. I don’t know what I want, but I definitely need something. Mind if I come with you? Then I can just pick it out there.”
“Sure no problem.” I said, forcibly trying to make myself sound calm.
We exited the building, I unlocked my car, and we got in. We made our way down to the coffee shop, making idle small talk along the way. Maybe it was because it was early, maybe I just wasn’t paying attention, but without realizing it, at an intersection I got in the left lane to go to home instead of the right to go to coffee.
“Don’t we want to go right?” Ellen asked innocently.
“Shit!” I swore and veered out of the lane.
There were no cars where we were because it was early morning, and because we were not in a busy section of town, but the sudden jerking of the car going from one lane to the other was enough to startle Ellen.
“Holy Fuck!” she shouted as we the momentum of the car pushed us in our seats.
Almost as a gut reaction, her hand shot out for support, grabbing me just above the knee. She did not let go right away after the turn, causing me to look down at it, then up at her. Ellen did not flinch, and started to slowly rub her hand on my leg.
“I figure that if you are going to kill us in a car wreck, I might as well go out doing something fun.” She said to me with a whimsical smile dancing across her lips, right before she burst out laughing.
“Hell, if that’s all it takes, I’m positive I can crash into one of these ditches along the side of the road.” I laughed.
“But what would the others say when they had to ID the bodies and we were in a compromising position. They would never take me seriously in the afterlife. I’d never get to be in charge of the Celestial History Museum, and that is something I just can’t risk.”
It was obvious by this point that we were both laughing at the hilarity and ridiculousness that had just taken place. We got to the coffee shop, ordered the coffee and made our way back inside.
“Thanks,” James and McKenzie said at the same time, greedily drinking the caffeinated elixir. I sipped mine, looking Ellen in the eyes as she stared back at me. I smiled, she blushed, and we both turned back to our screens.
The following weeks held more of the same: a fleeting glance, a lingering touch on the arm, a mutual smile, and plenty of shared laughs. We ate lunch together nearly every day, every so often bringing one another breakfast or a dessert. This behavior did not go unnoticed by my coworkers, but nobody said anything. There was once Paul called me into his office and gave me an awkward speech about how interoffice romance was not expressly forbidden, but he did not want to be there and have to pick up the pieces if things fell apart. I assured him that nothing was going on between Ellen and myself, but despite my protests, all Paul said was “Whatever you say, Mark. I’m just warning you.”
Over lunch the next day, I thought I would bring up the conversation I had with Paul. It was extremely quiet at the museum since it was Tuesday and we were closed to the public. Paul had left for a donors’ meeting, McKenzie was taking a personal day, and James had been asked to help at one of the other facilities earlier in the day. This left Ellen and me alone for the remainder of the day.
“So did you have a super weird conversation with Paul yesterday?” I asked, taking a bite of my sandwich.
“No, why?”
“Oh it’s nothing he was just talking to me about some stuff that came off real odd.”
“Like…” Ellen prompted.
“He was going on about being careful in office romances, don’t make it an uncomfortable work environment for anyone before or after the relationship, etc.”
“Wow it’s like I don’t even know you. Who are you dating in the office? Did you and James finally make it official?” Ellen asked in mock earnest.
“Ha. Yeah, you found me out. We were trying to keep it a secret from everyone here because we didn’t want him to get the reputation of sleeping his way to the top.” I said between chuckles.
This time it was Ellen’s turn to laugh. “So what did you tell Paul?”
“The truth. I told him that there wasn’t anything going on, we are just good friends.” I stated.
“Well you can’t really blame them for thinking something was going on. We do spend a lot of the work day together.” Ellen tried to justify. Then she leaned in and whispered, “And you are really bad about hiding your stares at me, so that might have clued them in that something was going on.”
“My stares?!” I asked incredulously. “What about all of your…” I said as I stood up and brushed her arm lightly. “Pretty sure that’s a tad more conspicuous.”
“Well I guess I can stop doing that since it obviously bothers you. I wouldn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable with any workplace activities.” Ellen grinned devilishly.
“Well let’s not get hasty....” I trailed off, hesitating so that I did not go past the point of no return.
“Oh, so you want me to continue doing this?” Ellen asked, standing up and facing me while brushing over my bicep to my chest. “I can’t imagine why you would care one way or the other if I did this or not.” She continued while stroking my arm.
My heart entered my throat as I contemplated my next move. I decided that she had already expressed her feelings quite clearly, so there was not much I could do at that point that would be completely out of line. I opted to go for broke.
“Maybe you would understand better if you were experiencing it too.” I began, brushing her upper arm gently then dragging my fingers across the top of her breasts.
She let out a small shudder and placed her palm firmly on my chest while I continued to lightly caress her bra covered bosom. I dipped my head towards hers, kissing her lightly on the forehead. She tipped her lips up towards mine, and I met them in a soft reception. I grabbed the back of her head and more firmly placed my lips upon hers; she wrapped her arms around my back and pulled my tight to her. Our lips melded together for no more than a minute before we broke and pondered our actions, all the while breathing heavily in post make out fashion. There were no surveillance cameras in the back offices where we were, so that was not an issue. Everyone else in the office was out for the rest of the day. But once we did anything, we would have to talk about what we were and what the rules would be. If we stopped then, we could pretend like nothing happened. Our eyes met as we both seemed to come to the same conclusion.
“Well we’ve already started…” I began.
Ellen cut me off with a quick kiss. “Well let’s work on finishing.” She said, smiling.
I grinned like an idiot. I gestured towards our open office that now stood vacant. Ellen led the way with me right on her heels. I slapped her ass as soon as she shut the door.
“Hey!” She squealed. “I could report you for sexual harassment if you aren’t careful.”
“Oh, is that so?” I snickered.
Our lips once again met, this time with more purpose. She pushed me up against the wall, pressing her lips hard into mine, finally parting them with her tongue. I grabbed at her breasts over her shirt, then let my hands slip down to the hem of her shirt and pull it up slowly. My hands coaxed her stomach and bare back. Her smooth skin provided the perfect canvas for my fingers to explore. They danced their way up Ellen’s torso to the base of her bra. Ellen reached down and pulled her shirt up over her head, revealing a plain white bra. I reached down to the bottom of my polo, taking it off. Her cold hands touched my bare chest causing me a slight shiver. Her lips traveled down my neck to my chest, gently licking my nipples, then down my stomach to the top of my pants. She unclasped my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and pulled them down around my ankles exposing my fully erect cock. Ellen wasted no time putting my head in her warm, wet mouth. She stroked the length of my dick with her hand while she concentrated on the tip with her tongue. My palms rested on the back of her head, guiding my member into her mouth. Gradually she took more and more of me until I was entirely in her mouth. I could feel her tongue lapping at the underside of my dick as she bobbed back and forth.
I pulled Ellen back to her feet and kissed her deeply. I unclasped her bra and pulled it off her shoulders. Her breasts gracefully slid out of each cup, her nipples small and dark red. I gently pinched a nipple in between my thumb and index finger while taking the other nipple in my mouth. She let out a slight gasp as I did so, spurring me on. I kissed back up her neck to her mouth while my hand traveled south. Her jeans soon found themselves on the floor next to mine. Her black boy shorts soon followed, leaving us both completely naked in our office. We took a brief moment to drink in each other’s bodies, but in a matter of seconds I had pushed her onto the desk behind us, scattering papers onto the floor. Going to my knees, I spread her legs wide revealing a cleanly shaven pussy. I began to lick her from the base of her pussy all the way to her clit, then I slowly built up speed and pressure on her clit, causing her to moan and followed quickly by a slight wave of juices. I continued to lick and suck her clit, as I placed a finger at the entrance to her cavern. My finger slid inside her, greeted by her slick walls, begging for something more. When I noticed that she was beginning to buck again, I pulled my finger out and stopped licking. As I exited her I heard her emit another wanton sound, begging me not to stop.
I propped Ellen on the edge of the desk and lined up my dick. I pushed into her entrance and was rewarded with a velvety firmness that had a hold of my dick. A gasp escaped my lips and I started to thrust, each movement a different level of pleasure. Her legs wrapped around my back, as I repeatedly pounded her. She reached out with her arms, grabbing my neck and pulling me down towards her, kissing me passionately. I held onto her hips, pushing them towards me, giving me slightly more power in each pulse. I shrugged her arms and legs off of me and pulled out of her, motioning for her to turn around and bend over the desk. Ellen complied and I entered her from behind. Immediately, Ellen grabbed the sides of the desk, bracing against my thrusts which were becoming less rhythmic and more desperate. I slapped her ass, getting a surprised cry of pleasure. She began to buck against my thrusts, and I reached around between her legs and started to play with her already sensitive clit. The new sensations caused Ellen to jolt, pinning my hand between her hips and the desk. I continued to rub her clit and fuck her from behind, and soon she was cumming with me inside of her. The extra movement by her was all that I needed to push me over the edge. I thrust into her one last time, then forcefully extracted myself from her soaked cavern. My dick erupted with streams of cum coating her ass and lower back.
We stood there for a moment in a bit of stunned silence, me in the middle of the office, her slumped over a desk.
“Well I should probably go clean up in the bathroom.” Ellen said.
I nodded and she left the room, her clothes in her hand, and my cum dripping down her legs. I got dressed, and waited for her to come back. After ten minutes or so, she did, fully dressed and looking as if nothing had happened.
“So we should probably talk about this…” I began.
“How about we just see where things go? No need to talk if nothing is happening.”
“Sounds good to me. Let’s just see where it goes.”
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