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JAMIE xpost r/milfhunterchronicles | 2016

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This one was wild. Complete amateur when I fucked her. Someone in the thread mentioned that she was divorced. She was actually going through a divorce and still married when I banged her. I guess she had been with her husband since high school and he was the only guy she had slept with. She told me he was pretty small so I def fucked her like she's never been fucked before as you can tell in the video.

A couple of quick notes: she had a really nice fat ass which I always like and she was a big time squirter. She had mentioned that she squirted a little before the shoot but I don't think she realized how much I was gonna make her cum because she absolutely soaked the sheets

The actual shoot went really well. She was super into it and I lost track of how many times she came. The fact that she was currently married kept me nice and hard. Thats always a turn on for me. I brought my A game in terms of the little comedic bits as well haha

She got so into it that she made me kiss her during missionary. Thats something I normally didn't do on camera. Usually I reserved that for when we fucked off set

So, yeah, pretty standard shoot. She was crazy though. Normally I'm down for hooking up off set with the girls but this one I wasn't about to get involved with haha. She practically begged for my phone # but I wouldn't give it to her. I fucked her brains out that night after the shoot but that was the last time I wanted to see her haha. Way too crazy.

Anyway, one of the crazier chicks i've ever fucked but it was a fun shoot nonetheless
