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"I've been thinking about it a lot and I want you to fuck me." [m/f] | 2016
Names have been changed to protect the innocent, but otherwise this story is true.
I started dating Sammy a little over two months ago. We started fooling around (no fucking) a few dates in, and held back on the understanding that she wanted a clean bill of health before we went unprotected and I can't feel anything through a condom. However, I started to learn quickly that the mature and responsible Sammy I was getting to know, the one who was clear-eyed about her life goals and sexual needs and set her limits before we ever got into bed, was only half the story.
A little about the players before we go on:
I'm 29, 6'1", with an angular but not particularly rugged face, blonde hair and blue eyes, and a lean rower's build. I'm not the prettiest guy around, but I'm distinctive-looking for sure.
Sammy is 25, 5'3", bookish, has very thick dark hair that comes down about to her shoulders, and wears glasses. You wouldn't know it looking at her on the street because she dresses casually and all covered up, but her body can only be described as... well, ripe. A well-proportioned and firm ass. Just enough around the thighs and tummy to make her soft and pliable while maintaining ideal feminine curves. Perky tits, probably a C cup, and light pink nipples that perk up at the slightest touch.
She came over to my place for the weekend about a week after I got my STD screening done but before I had gotten my results back, and I had no plans to push her. Fortunately Sammy loves sucking cock, so the whole "no intercourse" rule wasn't much of a burden and I was enjoying getting her off with my tongue and my fingers. And, equally important, easing myself into the kind of dirty talk that Sammy likes. I've never dated a woman who gets off on degrading dirty talk as much as she does.
Before long, she was sprawled across my lap and had my dick in her mouth. "You're a little cockslut," I said, as she was fervently working my balls with her tongue and teasing my shaft with one hand. She nodded. I went on, "A good little cockslut deserves some fingers in her pussy." She nodded much more firmly. I slipped two fingers into her slit, waited until her initial gasp subsided, and started a slow in-and-out, up-and-down rhythm. She shuddered and her attention to my cock lapsed as she started to climb toward an orgasm.
"Are you having trouble, slut? Can't focus?" I asked her. She nodded, desperately trying to concentrate enough to get my cock back in her mouth and continue pleasing me. "I know how much you wanted to suck my cock tonight. I know how attentive you are. So this must be really distracting." She gasped, "Y... yes. Feels too good."
I picked up the pace a little bit, using my thumb to brush her clit each time I plunged fingers back into her, and continued, "It's ok. I know you're just a little slut who can't think straight when I put my hands on her." Her pussy twitched perceptibly around my fingers and her juice began to run down my fingers into my palm. The subtle sounds of wetness from between her legs now became an audible rhythm as I worked in and out of her. She let my cock slip out from between her lips and began to gasp quietly.
shlick "A good little slut." shlick "Wants to suck my cock." shlick "But just can't focus."
She began to moan, "Fuck, I'm co.." and then her pussy clenched around my fingers and she spasmed softly in my arms. Even without working her clit, I can make her come with just my fingers in under a minute. Penetration is her kryptonite. I was looking forward to feeling her come from being fucked, and I told her so.
"You feel amazing around my fingers, Sammy," I told her as she came down, "I can't wait to fuck you. I want to feel your slutty little pussy come on my cock."
She turned toward me and, in the horniest sex kitten voice I've ever heard, said, "OK. Let's fuck."
"I'm not going to do that," I said automatically. It wasn't a matter of willpower. There were only two hard boundaries she gave me before we started fooling around: no facefucking, and no penis-in-vagina without a clean STD test. Violating one of those without prior (and non-horny) consent immediately struck me as a good way to lose access to the best pussy I'd ever felt in my life. A ripe little slut whose only permanent rule is "no facefucking" is a terrible thing to waste. But at that moment, I was clearly more patient than she was. She gave me a sour look. I made it up to her by flipping her onto her stomach and making her come until she forgot the rejection.
But that wasn't the end of it. The next day, we had only just started making out when she gave me a lust-glazed look and, again in the horny sex kitten voice, said, "I've been thinking about it a lot and I want you to fuck me."
Saying no a second time, that took some willpower. But that's why ground rules exist.
Fast-forward a week to the next Friday. She's back at my place, wearing an outfit clearly picked based on what she knows about my turn-ons, and I have my clean bill of health in-hand. So, it was on. To make it a little more interesting, we'd made a bet beforehand that I could hold out on fucking her until after dinner (a full two hours!) and if I won I'd have groping-at-the-restaurant privileges. So I was pretty concerned with winning. Unfortunately, she did something I didn't expect. She brought me flowers.
I met her in my building's lobby and here's what I see: this adorable, bookish little cutie is standing there looking almost nervous (despite hours already with my cock in her mouth), wearing a pencil skirt and stockings because she knows I like them. And she brought me flowers. I had actual, honest to god butterflies in my stomach on the elevator ride up to my apartment. I didn't know whether to force her onto her knees and make her give me a blowjob right there in the elevator or lift her up and give her a big bearhug. Fortunately, she was a lot less conflicted than I was.
She was straddling me and grinding her pussy on my cock within five minutes of getting inside, and I had to make her leave her skirt on as much to give myself a chance to hold back as to enjoy how she looked in it. It didn't help much. Hiked up, all it was doing was perfectly framing the lace tops of her stockings and the way her pussy was already soaking through her matching panties as she slid back and forth along my shaft. And those fucking stockings. Her thighs have just enough flesh on them so that the stockings were squeezing at the top, pushing her ass up by just the tiniest bit.
"Please fuck me," she was gasping, "I want to come on your cock." Somehow, I had gotten her face-down on my couch and my fingers were inside her. Her cunt was already overflowing, wetter than I'd ever seen her before, and my fingers were dripping on her pussy lips each time I pulled them out for another plunge inside her. A few stray drops rolled down one ass cheek and soaked into the lace top of her stocking.
Sammy was a ripe piece of fruit, and she was begging me to juice her.
I whispered in her ear, "Be a good slut, come for me a few times, and we'll see."
She protested once again that she wanted me to fuck her, but my fingers were moving and she was already losing it with each stroke.
"Please fuck me, I... uunhnn..." shlick "I want to come on your c... uhhgng." shlick "Please fuck me." shlick "Please fuck me." shlick "Please... please..." shlick "Please..." shlick "Pl..." shlick "Pl..." shlick shlick shlick
She started grasp at nothing and I continued whispering, "Good girl. Come on my fingers. I know you want to."
She stopped trying to form words as she started coming. I like to play with women for hours, and the way Sammy comes is perfect. The first few orgasms are strong and she'll make me stop moving in her until she can recover, but after that, she just comes back to a plateau and I can immediately begin working her up toward another climax. She never dries out or comes down. She just comes and comes. And comes. And comes. She goes into something like a trance as one orgasm blends into the next, so blissed out that she can't even talk. Her pussy twitches and grips at random, like she's trying to find her way in the dark. I'm not sure she ever stops coming. She told me she can barely think like that.
I decided it was time to go upstairs. She started to come back down from her continuous orgasm, found her sex kitten voice again, and said petulantly, "I'm not going upstairs unless you fuck me."
"Ok," I said, "You stay down here then. I'm going upstairs," and turned away.
She pushed me out of the way to run up the stairs first, shoving her still-dripping cunt practically into my face as she went up, her skirt still hiked up around her waist.
The smell and taste of Sammy's pussy are incredible. I like going down, but there's always a moment where I get there and some small part of me says, "I don't really want to have my face in someone's crotch for the next twenty minutes." With Sammy, I get a single whiff and I'm just gone. I'd lick her little cunt for days if she wasn't always demanding that I put my cock in her.
I sprinted up the stairs behind her, caught up, and practically threw her onto the bed before burying my face in between her legs. I lost track of her moans as she wrapped those delectable thighs around my head and began helplessly bucking against me. All I could hear was the soft swish of her stockings across my hair and neck, all I could taste and smell and see was her pussy.
I managed to get a finger in her as well, and then her muffled screams started to reach me as she cried out, "Fuck! I'm coming! Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuuuHNG," and had barely come down before she started to come again. Eventually, I turned over and she crawled down the bed and was instantly straddling me.
This story probably seems one-sided, but only because I was actively interfering with her ability to pay me back. I gave her less than a minute to grind on my cock and lick all over my chest and nipples, and she nearly pushed me over the edge. I give my slight nervousness more credit than anything for saving me from a very anti-climatic cum shot up my own stomach.
I lifted her off of me so that I could take her by the neck and push her down into the pillow while slipping my fingers back inside her. It's one thing for her to tell me she likes it when I control her and degrade her. It's another to feel the slight spasm in her pussy and the tiny gush of wetness each and every time I make a dominant move. I whispered, "Sammy, I wanted to make you understand: if you play games with me, I'll win."
I'll never forget the way she suddenly started as if I'd said something terribly cruel and then said, "I don't want to play games with you, I just want you to fuck me!"
The horny sex kitten was gone. This was something else. Plaintive. Sincere. Submissive. Even desperate. Sammy was past begging to seduce me. Now she was just begging. I forgot about the bet, and said, "You've been a perfect slut. You deserve this."
I lifted her, stuck a pillow under her ass to support her, and leaned in so that my cock was sliding along the folds of her pussy. A little rivulet of her juice ran down my shaft as I traced the line of her slit with the head. She started begging almost pathetically, "Please, please, please fuck me, please..." and then just gasped and shook when I slid into her. I took one stroke out and then back in and she came. Loudly.
We stayed like that, my cock inside her, not moving, for a moment. Then she motioned me to put her legs on my shoulders and whimpered, "I want to feel how deep you can go."
I obliged, backed out of her, and lifted her ankles above my head. Then I leaned forward again and felt my cock bottom out slightly. "That's... that's pretty fucking deep, Sammy," I said. Her eyes had rolled back in her head and her eyelids were fluttering. My mastery of wit went unnoticed.
She must have come at least twice like that, but it's hard to keep track once she's in her trance. And I progressively lost my interest in whether I was satisfying her as I moved her from one position to the next, discovering all the delicious angles her pussy had to offer and continuously describing to her how good her slutty, sopping, velvety cunt felt as I ravaged her. She tried her best to be an active participant, slamming her ass back against me as I fucked her from behind and sucking on my nipples again as I lifted her hips to make her ride me. But she had lost all control and what little will she could muster was slowly being consumed by one orgasm after another.
After a couple of positions, she didn't speak, she didn't signal, and her eyes fluttered but never opened. I could tell she could still hear me because she nodded a little each time I called her a slut or told her that her pussy was mine, but she was just gone. At that point, all she could still do was move how I made her move and grind her way from one orgasm to the next. I made Sammy my fuckdoll.
When she finally slid off my cock in exhaustion and curled against my side, it took her several minutes just to be able to speak again. She mumbled, "I'm sorry you didn't come. I wasn't even trying to help at the end."
I laughed and helped her put herself back together so that we could go to dinner.
Afterward, we fucked for another hour and I pumped her full of so much cum that I thought I might pass out.
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