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It's not cheating if you only look... [F/M] | 2016

It's Not Cheating If You Only Look

by Matthew Myen

If this is the first of mine you have read, please read the first part of Guilt and Pleasure before continuing.

Well, that first post blew up, didn’t it? I’d just like to thank everyone for their words of support and encouragement. If you just read it and enjoyed it – that’s enough for me.

If you were on the subreddit yesterday, you might have noticed Volume 2 went up and then got deleted. This was due to a reader asking me to delete it, as it didn’t feel real to him/her. I believe the reason behind the disbelief is the way the story is written. I am a writer, so that is bound to make its way into this. I also happen to have had a very active and disgraceful cheating history, and decided to turn it into a story. Is it all true? Did I actually lose several games of Go Fish to Dan? I don’t remember, but we were playing Go Fish that night while the others talked and Jess got ready upstairs. Did Lily actually switch phones with me and leave that app open? Yes. Some parts are clearer than others, but it all happened, and is as close to a verbatim retelling of the events as I can get. I removed the post because I didn’t want to irritate anybody – honestly I get more out of writing it than I do sharing it. But in the last 24 hours I have messaged out 20+ free copies of Volume 2 – which I don't have the time to do! So in conclusion, if you don’t like my story or don’t believe it – my apologies, and you are welcome not to read it.

All the best,



Plan B (or the ‘Morning-after pill’) is a type of emergency contraception that can prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex.

It was late. Late enough that even the semi-nocturnal birds that roosted in the trees of the park near our townhouse had quit their trilling. Jessica slept soundly next to me breathing in the slow rhythm of deep sleep. My phone glared painfully in the darkness as I browsed incognito for some statistic that would help me sleep.

If taken within 24 hours, Plan B is approximately 95% effective.


I wondered if Lily having taken Plan B within 8 hours increased the efficacy of the drug. Maybe there was less than a 5% chance I would become a dad. The thought was gut-wrenching. I swear my stomach had been in an almost constant state of cramping for almost 15 hours.

Jessica moved, causing me to reflexively lock my phone, but she was just rearranging in her sleep. My eyes began to readjust to the darkness. She’s a great person to sleep next to, Jessica. Falls asleep in about 10 seconds and is almost impossible to wake, though she does tend to move around a lot. Her latest readjustment had resulted in her lying atop the sheets on her stomach, face towards me and one knee kicked up and over me so her thigh rested on my crotch. She was wearing her usual pyjamas, consisting of a t-shirt and a thong that showed the perfect globes of her ass; a flimsy yellow thing which was certainly not worth the price Lorna Jane had charged. Jessica was beautiful, asleep or awake. Long eyelashes, high cheekbones and a delicate little nose. Like all girls I had met, she complained of flaws in her body, but I swear I’ve never noticed them. Under a kink in her t-shirt I could see her flat stomach, belly button pierced and studded. Her legs always looked smooth, even if she hadn’t shaved them for days, and they seemed to continue on forever. The gentle pressure from her thigh was having an effect on me, and I wanted to reach a hand over her ass to cup it, maybe feel the soft material of the G-string. But I knew to initiate anything would just annoy her, even if she ended up complying.

I just didn’t understand it. If someone I was attracted to woke me up by feeling my butt or gripping my bits - I’d be happy, not irritated.

That’s it then, isn’t it? She’s not attracted to you.

The thought pissed me off, anger replacing some of the guilt. If that was true, why would she put us both through the pain of being in a one-sided relationship? I wondered what it would be like to be the one who was exasperated by Jessica’s attempts at initiating intimacy. The perfect curves of her sleeping hips and ass created the illusion that she was arched slightly in need. I wanted to make her feel better than she had ever felt in her life. I wanted to grab that thin shield blocking her vagina and rip them to the side, allowing access by my probing tongue. I wanted to make her toes curl, her cunt grinding as she came all over my face, clenching-

I had a mental image of another set of clenching lips, a white dress scrunched in fist gripped white-knuckle-tight, a cock tip moistened by hesitant contact and an instinctive retaliatory stroke of warm, enveloping pleasure.

Jessica’s thigh had risen several inches higher due to my reprehensible erection. It was a smooth, warm pressure that, given my thoughts, was almost enough to make me come all over my stomach.

If I’m good at anything, it’s over-analysing. I knew I was mad at Jessica in a bid to alleviate some of my guilt. I knew the situation I was in was my fault, and I had to accept responsibility for it. If I was unhappy in the relationship, I should have called off the engagement, not fucked her near-enemy. Guilt and pleasure fought in me, each battling to dominate my senses.

So, what now?

The right thing to do would be to break up with Jessica. Easy in theory, but should I tell her the reason or make one up? The thought of doing either made me feel sick. Jessica was my high-school crush, my first real girlfriend, my first kiss and my deflowerer. We shared a sense of humour and I loved her family more than my own. I didn’t want the charade to end; for her family to know I wasn’t who I promised them I was. I didn’t want to hurt her.

This is so shit.

I lay like that, thoughts and emotions in turmoil until exhaustion claimed me and I finally fell asleep.

Chapter 1

When I woke up late morning, Jessica had already left for the gym. I had a vague recollection of a soft kiss on my cheek and a murmured “I love you;” our daily leave-taking ritual. As I began to feel guilty, I suddenly grew fed up with myself. Deserved or not, guilt wouldn’t fix anything. I rolled myself out of bed with a groan and headed to our en suite as I ditched my boxers, flicking them up and catching them. A steaming hot shower was called for, and an action plan.

Theoretically, I have many options, I thought to myself while enjoying the near boiling temperatures cascading down my back. But practically, my choices are limited.

And that was true: given the constraints of my personality and values, I was just not able to make myself do certain things. Thinking about it in that context seemed to simplify the mire of decision making I had ahead of me.

First; I have to tell Jessica. There’s no option there. I don’t have it in me to pretend this never happened.

My fist clenched where it was pressed against the glass panel of the shower, but strangely my trepidation felt muted, as if coming to a rock-steady decision had helped to stabilise my emotions. I would need to come clean with Jessica prior to our wedding in four months’ time. I nodded, feeling determined, and spent several more minutes listening to the roar of the water with my forehead pressed against the warm tiled wall.

Second; I can’t continue our relationship as it was before, even if Jess feels like forgiving me.

My cheating, while deplorable, was the physical manifestation of the psychological issues in my relationship with Jessica. Despite earlier resolutions to the contrary, I was obviously not content to waste my limited years of virility in a sexual desert. Further proof of this presented itself, as if any was needed, as I thought of the possibility that a certain green-eyed minx might be not 20 feet from me through the tiled wall I had my head resting on. Butterflies in my stomach and a marked increase in my length helped me come to my third resolution, despite the hilarious water canon of water shooting off my semi-enlarged dick.

Third; I can’t cheat again.

Even as I thought it, it occurred to me how futile those words would be in my current living situation. It’s not like I hadn’t already tried to resist, and I was pretty sure Lily had too. Our collective self-control had lasted a period in excess of two months if you counted all the teasing. I grinned, vividly remembering a time when Lily had thrown her wet panties at me after masturbating on the couch. In the kitchen washing up, I had been in plain view trying my utmost to scrub an already clean plate. Lily doesn’t like being ignored so she would up her game if I tried that particular defence.

Actually, now that I thought about it, Lily could contribute a bit more than she had been to help deescalate the situation. I needed to find a way to last the remaining four months of our lease without taking another dip in Lily’s pond.

How can I make this work?

The wrinkles on my fingers told me I had been in the shower for too long already, so I ended up having to shelve the problem.

Maybe Lily will have an idea.

I towelled off, got dressed in jeans and a Yoda shirt and then headed downstairs in search of breakfast. Peter was already at the kitchen table, shovelling cereal into his mouth with indecent voracity.

“Hey man,” Peter grinned sloppily at me with his mouth full. He was a tall guy, standing about half a foot above me and was definitely more muscular, though he carried a little bit more body fat. He had a face I had heard described as traditionally handsome, with strong jaw and hazel eyes. Jessica had confided that she had found him attractive right up until his personality had completely turned her off. It was a pretty common theme with Peter and girls.

“Morning,” I said, not quite meeting his eyes as I made a beeline for the kitchen.

We kept our food and drink separate to minimise disagreements. There was enough arguing just over the washing up, which we mostly took turns with. The dings of the cereal hitting my bowl competed with Peter’s loud munching from the table.

“Yo,” Peter said. “What are you and Jess doing tonight? I haven’t seen Dan for a while, and there’s no way the Princess bitch will let me hang out with Dan on my own. Let’s do something as a group.”

The ‘Princess’ Peter referred to was actually named Dan’s girlfriend Emily, and the bitch label was a bit harsh. Emily took things to extremes. She was extremely pretty, extremely petite, and extremely fussy. Being neighbours as kids, Dan and I effectively grew up together. It hadn’t been uncommon for my parents to let me stay at his house for days at a time, or else he would be at mine. Dan was more like a brother than a best friend, and if he loved his girlfriend of two years, then so did I, despite any flaws she might have.

“I’ll check with Jess, but I think we’re free. It’ll just have to be an early one.” The thought of spending time with our group of friends was an attractive one, even if only to give me an opportunity to hang out with Dan.

I took my cereal bowl over to the table and sat at the head of the table. Peter looked up from his bowl at me.

“Ah yeah, Jess back at work tomorrow? When are her holidays?”

“They start next week,” I replied, taking a mouthful of my breakfast.

“Cool. Listen dude, I’ve got to head out soon, but see if you can catch me up in MapleStory today. We can hit it up tomorrow.”

Yeah, he uses the word ‘dude’. Peter could almost be called a jock if not for his contrasting video game habits.

“I’ll see what I can do. I have some work to do myself, so I’m not sure if I’ll have the time.” MapleStory was the worst grindfest of a game I had ever touched, but it was fun to play with Peter.

Peter scoffed. “You don’t work! You barely leave the house.”

I sighed inwardly. I saw through his attempted troll immediately, but it was still tiresome. Particularly because we had the same conversation a few times a month. I said nothing, continuing to eat my cereal as if he hadn’t spoken while staring him in the eyes and chewing ostentatiously.

He laughed loudly. “You faggot.”

“Nope,” I denied.

“I can take that for you,” another voice said. I froze. Lily picked up Peter’s bowl and took it over to the kitchen. She was wearing her sleeping gear, grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt with a panda print. Her dark hair was tied up in an elegantly mussed pony tail and the sweats showed some of the curves to her derrière.

Stop looking at her ass, idiot.

“Hey babe,” Peter said as he grabbed his keys and wallet from the table. “I’m going to invite Dan and his Princess over for dinner tonight. I need you to cook something up.”

“Okay,” Lily smiled over her shoulder at him. “How about steak?”

“Nah, Make it something with chicken, you’re better at that. I’ve gotta run.” Peter went over and kissed Lily before heading to the door. I stared at my spoon, chewing the last mouthful of my cereal and imagining the look on Jess’ face if I told her to cook dinner and implied she was shit at steak. “See ya later man,” Peter directed at me as he shut the door. Then I heard a muffled shout come through the door. “Don’t forget MapleStory!”

A minute passed, the silence stretching out in the room and pressing on my ears. I looked up.

Lily met my eyes as she leaned back against the kitchen counter, a small secretive smile on her lips. Her slight build looked gorgeous even in her comfort wear, modest breasts pushing out the panda on her shirt. I wondered what her nipples looked like. Just making eye contact was enough to resurrect the butterflies in my stomach. We had some serious chemistry.

“How are you feeling?” Lily asked me, coming over to take my empty bowl.

I raised my hand to ward her off. “You don’t need to do that-”

“I want to,” she retorted, deftly extracting my bowl from around my blocking arm. “It makes me happy.” She returned to the sink and turned on the tap.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. “Well, thank you. And I’m okay thanks. How are you?”

“Gooood!” she answered brightly, starting to hum to herself as she finished the washing up.

She’s in a good mood today.

I didn’t want to ruin the amiable atmosphere, but we really needed to talk about what had happened the previous day.

“Lily,” I began.

“Hang on,” she interrupted. She gave the bench a couple of sprays with a multi-cleaner and wiped it down, washing her hands for good measure. Coming over to the table, she pulled out a chair opposite me and sat down after pulling her phone out of her back pocket and laying it down. A caseless Galaxy S5 for those curious, the exact same black model I own. She brushed back a stray hair then smiled at me expectantly. “Okay,” she said, leaning toward me ever so slightly and placing her delicate hands on the table. I noticed she had painted her fingernails a light blue.

“About our…” I fumbled for the right word. “Accident.”

“Yes?” Lily smiled sweetly, looking up at me.


“What are you going to do?” I asked her.

That caused her smile to fade. I missed it as soon as it was gone.

“I don’t know. I was up most of the night thinking about it though.”

“You and me both,” I said with a grimace.

“I did decide something though,” she continued, and for some reason I felt my pulse begin to quicken.

“Oh yeah?”

“I’m not going to overthink it,” she stated. Her eyes looked quite determined. “I know you probably already have, but you have to admit you feel something for me.”

“I obviously think you’re hot,” I replied, and Lily smiled like a cat that had just caught its first mouse. “But that doesn’t mean what we did was right, and it definitely doesn’t mean it should happen again. You don’t want to hurt Peter, do you?”

She looked at me, all traces of mirth gone. Her green eyes seemed to ask a question, her expression one of conflict. “I suppose not,” she finally said, leaning back against the chair and crossing her legs and arms.

I nodded sadly. “We have four months left of this lease and we have to decide how and when to tell our partners what happened.”

“You’re assuming I want to tell Peter,” she stated flatly.

“Well, don’t you?” I asked.

She just looked at me. This was getting uncomfortable.

“Look, aren’t you pissed off at Jessica at all?” Lily asked after a time. Her voice sounded a bit heated. “She’s such a dick tease, the way she walks around showing off her ass in those tights. And then she doesn’t even give you any!”

It was odd hearing my own thoughts come out of Lily’s mouth and my I had to restrain myself from immediately agreeing with them.

“She does have her good points, Lil,” I reasoned. “You never really gave her a chance.”

“Hah! Fuck that. She never gave me a chance.” She looked amused. “Do you know how many times I tried to be nice to her?”

I shook my head, not wanting to head down that particular road. I had heard too much of it from the other side of the conflict to think I could make them friends, a laughable concept now, given what had happened between me and Lily.

“Matt, she doesn’t care about you,” said looked at me imploringly. “Can’t you see that?”

Now that was plain wrong. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. What about the way Peter treats you? What was that shit about the steak?”

“Mm maybe we’re both a little stupid.” Her grin was back, her green eyes staring straight into mine. I heard the car next door start, the owners leaving for work.

“Did you know you’re bigger than Peter?” she asked suddenly.

“I- what?” I spluttered.

“Yeah, quite a bit bigger. Peter was my first so I’ve never had anything to compare to before.”

I felt the blood rush to my face. “Lily, this is exactly the kind of talk we need to avoid.”

I’m bigger?

She looked at me in silence for a moment, and then spoke with a completely straight face. “You stretched my little hole.”

I started laughing, hard. I couldn’t help it, and she lost her deadpan face after a second and joined in. She had a rich, musical laugh.

“There,” she gasped for air. “Doesn’t that feel better? Stop taking things so seriously.” She reached over and patted my hand where it rested on the table top.

I finally stopped laughing, wiping my eyes. It felt good to laugh at something.

We smiled at each other, feeling the earlier tension evaporate.

“Alright dude,” she said with a mocking emphasis on the ‘dude’. “If you want to avoid any more… accidents with me, I’ll help you do that.”

“Thanks Lily,” I said with gratitude. “I’ve got some work to do. Just let me know if you need any help with the dinner tonight.”

I got up from the table and entered the computer room, feeling more than a little bit better about the whole situation.

Chapter 2


My phone lit up. I glanced down from the work I was doing on my PC, glad for a distraction. It was a message from Lily.

How’s the work going?

I typed a quick reply, then chucked my phone back on the desk. I really did have work to do, though maybe Lily needed some help with dinner. It didn’t feel right letting her do all the cooking, so I’d been listening for her to start cooking so I could go in and help.


Could use some help. Come up?

I looked at my phone, puzzled. I turned off my music and put my headphones down on my mouse pad, pushing out from the desk. We did keep some extra chairs upstairs, Lily was probably trying to bring them down so we’d have enough outdoor seating for tonight. I ascended the staircase – slowly; I’ve learnt my lesson about running up them. The landing had four closed doors. The guest bathroom, the guest bedroom, and Peter and Lily’s room and my room. The only time I had been in Peter and Lily’s room was once a few weeks prior, when I had succumbed to my curiosity and investigated what Lily had been doing, alone in her room.

“Lily?” I asked loudly.

“In here,” came the dampened reply from her and Peter’s room.

I hesitated briefly, but there was no reason I shouldn’t at least open the door. I was in control of myself and Lily had agreed to help me. I had just touched the cool handle, when suddenly there was a grating sound behind and below me.

A key in the front door!

I jerked away from the handle as if burned, looking left and right for somewhere to hide before I realised I hadn’t done anything wrong. I turned from Peter and Lily’s room then entered my own, silently shutting the door with two hands.

Jessica came straight upstairs and entered our room, shutting the door behind her.

She looked at me disconcertedly. “What you doing, babe?”

I was stretched out on the bed as casually as I could manage, lying belly down and browsing Reddit.

“Taking a break,” I said.

“From what?” she laughed. “Have you done anything today?” Unlike Peter, Jessica understood what I did for a living and rarely complained about my hours. I earned more than she did, so there wasn’t really much for her to be upset about.

“Yeah, I’ve done a bit of work. I’m not feeling particularly energetic today.”

It occurred to me then that Jessica could help me keep my morning resolutions. If we had sex, it’d be so much easier to resist Lily.

“Tell me about it. You looked exhausted this morning so I went to gym on my own.” Jessica put her bag down, sliding it into our wardrobe. I took the opportunity to examine her assets. The globes of her butt were clad so tightly by her leggings that she might as well have been naked, though I couldn’t see the thong she undoubtedly wore underneath. She didn’t look like someone who had pushed through a workout, with her brown hair held back by a tie and not a strand out of place. She looked as beautiful as ever in a bright pink tank top that showed how flat her stomach was. She pretty much only used the machines at the gym and never so much as broke a sweat – but god damn it worked for her.

“Welcome home,” I smiled at her. I stood up and went over to kiss her. Ever since our mutual first kiss, Jessica had been a great kisser, if sometimes lacking a bit of passion. I kissed her gently at first, then a bit more insistently as I communicated my need. It felt like an honour just to lock lips with Jess. I ran a hand slowly down her back, cupping the firm roundness of her ass. She tensed a little, obviously wondering if I wanted sex.

A spark of anger flared in my head, and I controlled it as best I could. Of course I fucking want sex.

I pushed back, holding her gently at arm’s length and looking at her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she lied.

This shit again.

“It’s been a while since you initiated,” I said in a carefully controlled tone. “And even though I don’t really want to initiate and get rejected, someone has to try.”

“I just got back from gym,” she said, as if that was a reason. She wasn’t meeting my eyes.

I thought of, and discarded, several dozen replies ranging from bitter to downright mean. Not having anything constructive to say, I clamped my mouth shut and sat down on the bed again, waiting for her to make the next move.

She went into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the shower start. I don’t know why I was disappointed or surprised, but I was both. If she had said that she felt stinky or unclean and wanted to shower first, or invited me into the shower where I would have gladly washed her, I’d have been fine. The reality was that there was always a reason notto have sex. Someone might hear. Too tired. Need to leave soon. Just got dressed. Occasionally the reasons were good ones – hell, this latest one might even be a good one – but I knew that there would be no initiation from her later, no reciprocation of my affection.

Fuck this!

I remembered that Lily needed some help carrying chairs downstairs, so I decided to go and do that. I left the room quietly and knocked on Peter and Lily’s door.

“Who is it?” Lily enquired.

I opened the door and walked into the room, almost wanting to walk in on something inappropriate. The bedroom was as clean as it had been during my espionage a few weeks prior, only a few discarded pieces of clothing and magazines on the ground near the bed. Noon-day light from outside filtered through the closed blinds that covered the window, making bright patterns over the bed. I quickly squeezed my eyes shut.

Don’t think about what you just saw.

“Hey you,” Lily said, too loudly.

Shhh! Jess is right next door!” I hissed, fumbling behind me and shutting the door. While her words had been innocuous, the way they were delivered made them scandalous. I kept my eyes closed as I turned back towards her voice.

“Get out your cock,” she demanded fiercely. The words were scandalous now, but at least she sounded a bit quieter.

I violently shook my head, knowing I should be annoyed but somehow struggling to feel anything but gratified by her tenacity. Can you seriously blame me?

“Lily! I thought we agreed that the stairs were an accident best forgotten!” Almost against my will, my eyes opened.

Lily lay on her and Peter’s wide queen-sized bed, butt scooted forward so it was lined up with the end. Sunlight, broken up into bars of illumination by the blinds, gave Lily’s body a lined decoration and glinted off her belly button piercing. Her feminine legs were splayed as wide as could be and her feet rested with toes curled over the end of the mattress. It was a testament to the tightness of this girl’s pussy that I could only just see the inside of her vagina given how widespread she was for me. And speaking of wide…

“You walked in on me, mister,” Lily grinned widely, showing a perfect set of teeth (it’s hard to fuck up teeth yet at her age) and her green eyes glittered with mischief.

She pushed down with her heels, stretching languorously and somehow managed to weave in a pseudo-thrust to the movement. “Besides, I didn’t say you could fuck me again! Or at all for that matter. Now that I think about it, do you think what happened on the stairs counts as rape?”

I leaned back against the door. “You pushed back on me,” I protested weakly. It was the first time I had seen her naked. Her head rested on a pillow, chestnut brown hair splayed about her and a hard, blazing look on her face. My eyes followed the curve of her shoulders down to her breasts, a decent handful with small pink nipples on equally small areolas. Her stomach didn’t have the toned density of Jessica’s, but Lily didn’t need abs. In fact, they would have detracted from her girl-next-door charm. Her labia glistened wetly and I could make out her clitoris peeking from above.

She moved one delicate hand to cover up her crotch, pressing the heel of her palm into her mound while her blue coloured fingernails disappeared below her ass. Her expression was one of pure lust.

“I just,” she said with clenched teeth as she thrust upward into her hand, her hips lifting off the bed.

“Want” she ground down, back arching.

“To see it,” she finished, slowly pulling her fingers back up and over her slit to tease herself. Then she licked them. Her eyes never left my own.

You have got to be kidding me.

Standing there in front of this girl on heat, who was literally begging to see my cock as she masturbated, I suddenly had an epiphany. It wasn’t really the forbidden nature of cheating that aroused me. It wasn’t that she was younger and it wasn’t that she had an ass worthy of someone who, at least occasionally, does squats. No, the reason I had my belt in my hands was that she craved my cock. The reason my belt was now undone and my zipper on its way is that Jessica looked at my cock with either tolerance or disgust, but never like Lily did. This girl licked her lips as my jeans opened to reveal the head of my rock hard dick poking above the waistband of my boxers. This girl actually placed her hands on the inside of her thighs, fingernails marking skin in anticipation.

I sighed. “Just a peak – and no touching.” Lily’s relieved smile made my chest warm. I thumbed my boxers down, completely revealing my throbbing hard-on to Lily’s hungry eyes. She seemed to shudder, her fingers immediately returning to their moist playground.

“I’m not going to last long,” Lily groaned. Suddenly she stopped touching herself, rolling to side of the bed. Reaching down, she came back up with her purple dildo. She resumed her spreadeagled position and didn’t waste any time, running the tip of the silicone phallus through her juices to lubricate it before pressing it against her opening. There was resistance, but slowly the head pushed into her tightness, lips stretching tight around the cockhead. Lily bit her lower lip, moaning her desire, all the while raking her eyes over my lowers abdominals, a visual caress that took in the length gripped loosely in my shaking hand and the heavy balls full of cum beneath. I hadn’t started stroking yet, in part due to fear of Jessica’s presence so close by, but mostly I was just as a deer in the headlights before this ludicrously sexual woman. She continued to push the dildo inside herself and just when I thought she had come to a stop, she adjusted her grip, moving her hold to the flat bottomed suction cap. Breathing heavily, Lily pushed the rest of the cock inside her, just the balls and base remaining to my view. Just under the silicone base I could clearly make out her puckered little asshole.

“Do it,” Lily begged.

“Show off,” I muttered accusingly, finally relenting and starting to stroke my hardness in a slow rhythm, pushing the soft skin forward and pulling it back to expose a swollen cockhead.

“Yess,” she urged, starting to grind her hips up and down. “I’m going to cum, don’t stop.” Her vertical movements caused some of the cock to come back into view, glistening in the slatted light from the blinds, but most of it stayed inside. The academic side of me expressed surprise at this development, as I expected her to completely pull out the dildo and fuck herself. I realised that she must be fucking her G-Spot. The blue-painted fingers on her free hand moved to her clitoris, pressing with force as they moved in hard little circles, slowly picking up speed until she was panting and nigh on losing motor control. My head felt light, my cock raging hard and a pre-climax rush of blood made my legs feel weak. Lily’s butt muscles suddenly seized up, cramping with the force of her orgasm and she cried out briefly before she managed to stifle herself by biting on the fist that had been holding the dildo. Her other hand continued to move slowly on her hard little nub, the silicone cock thrust to the hilt inside her cunt. Her slender legs and ass continued to visibly alternate between tense contraction and trembling flaccidity. Already on the edge of orgasm, the sight was too much for me, and as I came I realised I had no exit plan; what the fuck was I going to do with my cum?

I groaned in panicked ecstasy. “I’m cumming Lily!

To this day I have no idea how she did it. One moment Lily was prone and looking like coordinated movement of her faculties was never going to happen again. The next, she was on her knees before me, mouth open, tongue out, head tilted back and bright green eyes looking up at me and my fist encircling my member. I didn’t have time to react, and I’m not sure I would have moved away if I could have. In an iron-hard grip I pumped my fist. My balls and butt clenched, a wave of hot semen erupting from my pulsating cock to land across Lily’s waiting chin and lips, a small amount falling to her tongue. Her chest heaved with passion, and as a second wave of my cum boiled up, Lily practically fell forward to enclose her pretty pink lips around my end. Her tongue pressed a semi-circle against the sensitive underside of my engorged head and fireworks exploded in my brain. Instead of chocking as the rope of cum absolutely coated the back of her throat, Lily gripped my ass and pulled, causing me to thrust my cock forcefully, deep into her warmth.

For just a moment, I felt powerful; like this girl was fucking worshipping my cock and I owned the world because of it.

I felt her fingernails impinging on my butt cheeks as I let her pull me further, feeling myself breech that special threshold of tightness that marks the transition from mouth to throat. I bottomed out, Lily’s cute nose sucking in air while pressed into the sparsely kempt hair down there. I grunted as she tried to swallow my cock, and instead swallowed a good portion of my sticky load. She finally came up for breath, looking up at me with wide, watery eyes. My cock lay like a shushing finger across her closed and smiling lips, the final after-shocks of my orgasm pushing out a few more oozes of cum which she collected with her pink tongue and swallowed. I caught a glimpse of something colourful beneath her and realised that the silicone cock must still be pressed into her cunt.

Her green eyes flickered to the door, bringing me crashing back to reality. I hurriedly turned to side, causing my already shrinking dick to streak across her blushing cheek before being collected and stuffed into my boxers. As I left the room, I distinctly heard Lily, her voice pitched low.


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