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I'm back: Sex with the girl from my apartment building [m/f] | 2016

Some of you might remember me. I posted under a different ironman name up until recently. I deleted my account, because it got hacked. Some of the stories I posted over the last couple of years are gone forever from reddit, so I figured I would come back and start posting some old ones to make sure they aren't lost. I will post new stories as well when I have a chance. (New Stories Will Come I Promise). Here is an old one. Hope you enjoy:

Like I've said in previous posts. I figured it would be fun to go back to my promiscuous (man-whore) days and recall some of the stories from back then. I'm generally considered a really good-looking guy (used to model, 6’3”, dark hair, blue eyes, swimmers build, workout regularly), so that enabled me to have quite a fun sex life. These stories are 100% true and not embellished in any way. I think that a straight honest story even if not as exciting at times is a bigger turn on, so that is what I will continue to try to give.

I walked out of my apartment and headed to the elevator with my bag full of dirty laundry. I had lived in the apartment building for a couple of months, but hadn’t really met anyone else that lived there. There was the occasional hello in the elevator, but nothing much more than that. I can be somewhat standoffish in general, so it’s not surprising that I hadn’t made a ton of friends with neighbors.

I got down to the basement where the laundry room was and there was a girl in there doing her laundry as well. She looked at me and I smiled and nodded before heading to the washing machine. She was cute, but I wasn’t blown away or anything. She looked skinny, about 5’7, looked about 25, brown hair, had on running shorts, a loose t-shirt, hair in a ponytail, glasses, and no makeup. I noticed she had very pretty eyes. She reminded me a bit of Jessica Pare from Mad Men, but with ice blue eyes. She wasn’t exactly dressed to impress, which is understandable when doing laundry. I wasn’t looking like a million bucks either. I had on glasses, a baseball cap, jeans, and a t-shirt.

I loaded my laundry and tried turning the machine on and nothing happened. I tried a few more times and nothing. We had payment cards that we loaded money on and had to slide into the machine for it to work, so I immediately thought that maybe I was doing something wrong. I kept trying and eventually I turned to her and asked if she knew what I was doing wrong. She laughed at me for a second and tried to figure it out. Eventually she figured out that I was pulling the card out too soon, so it wasn’t reading it. I felt like an idiot, but she thought it was funny so it was fine.

We both headed out to the elevator. When we pushed the buttons for our floors I noticed she lived a floor above me. We were on the elevator for about ten awkward seconds of silence. I saw her fidgeting and glancing at me. I can read signals pretty well and it seemed like she was maybe interested and wanted to talk to me. She broke the silence and asked if it was always hot on my floor. She said it was always hot on hers. I told her that it wasn’t. I didn’t really know what to say after that. I was terrible in situations like that with complete strangers. Finally after an awkward pause I said, “glad I don’t live on your floor.” What the fuck was I thinking? What kind of thing is that to say to an attractive girl? I’m glad I don’t live on your floor??? What the fuck??? I didn’t even say it in a joking tone. I just said it as if I was truly glad I didn’t. She just responded with, “umm thanks.” We were at my floor, so I got off and said, “sorry, it was nice talking to you.” She responded, “yeah, you too” and smiled somewhat awkwardly.

I kept thinking about my interaction with her the rest of the night. I was pissed that I blew an opportunity to meet an attractive girl that lives one floor above me. It was one of those opportunities every guy dreams of. Meet the hot girl in your apartment building and then boom you have guaranteed hookups the rest of the time you live there. It looked like that wasn’t going to happen for me since I am socially awkward at times with strangers. I ran through a million different things that I could have said that would have been better than what I actually said.

For the next few weeks I kept hoping I would run into her, so that I could redeem myself. I tried going down to do my laundry around the same time each week, but no luck. Then one day I walked into the building after work and grabbed some mail out of my mailbox. I turn to walk towards the elevators and I see her walking towards the elevators and me. I almost didn’t recognize her, because she just got off of work and had makeup on, her hair down, no glasses, a skirt, heels, and a blazer. She looked incredibly hot. I instantly felt panic inside, like, “fuck what am I going to say?” I was thrust into this situation and now my brain was going a million miles per hour. I wasn’t even sure if she recognized me. I looked a lot different too, no hat, no glasses, and I had on a suit.

I waited for her to look up and make eye contact with me. When she did I could tell she recognized me. I said, “Hey, how are you?” A big smile came over her face and she said, "I’m doing really well.” I said, “I’ve actually managed to do my laundry without you the past few weeks. You would be proud.” She laughed and said, “I’m so glad that you are growing up and becoming a man” before giving a playful wink. This was going much better than the last time I spoke to her. I actually felt comfortable and fairly on my game. I’m praying that no one else walks up to get on the elevator with us. The elevator arrives and we get on alone. I asked her if her apartment was still so hot. She responded, “Yeah, unfortunately and I don’t believe you that yours isn’t. You are only one floor below me.” I chuckled and said, “get off on my floor and you can walk inside my apartment and feel how cool it is.” She said, “Fine, deal” and laughed.

We got off of the elevator and walked towards my apartment. I had no idea what my plan was at that point. I just planned on going with the flow I guess. I opened my door and we walked inside. She took a couple of steps into the living area and said “wow, it actually is way cooler in here.” She then said, “Your apartment is a lot nicer and more adult than I thought it would be.” I responded, “Whoa what does that mean?” and laughed. She said, “It’s a compliment. I just thought it might look like most guys’ apartments. They usually look like frat houses if they are single.” I said, “How do you know I’m single?” I was actually single, but she didn’t know that. She seemed instantly slightly flustered and said, “oh I mean…” I laughed and said, “It’s cool I am single.” She seemed relieved and smiled. I said, “and you?” She said, “yeah, definitely single.” We were only standing about two feet from each other. When she said she was single we both kind of looked at each other. The sexual tension was rising and it felt like a make-or-break moment. She kind of sighed and snapped out of it and said, “I should head up to my apartment.” I said, “yeah.” As she was walking towards the door I said, “If you get too hot up there later you should come back down.” She smiled a big smile and responded, “Will do.”

I closed the door behind her and looked up in the air like, “holy shit.” That was one of the most sexually tense moments I’ve ever felt. I felt as if we were seconds from ripping each other’s clothes off, but we just couldn’t quite do it. My cock was rock hard and I had a million thoughts about her running through my mind. I realized a few minutes later that I hadn’t even gotten her number and didn’t even know her name. I knew she was on the 8th floor, but didn’t know which apartment. I had to rely on her actually coming back by my apartment or running into her again. It was probably better that I didn’t know which apartment she lived in, because I probably would have run up there five minutes later and knocked on her door.

I tried to go about my night. I made dinner, watched a movie on Netflix, thought about watching porn and jacking off, but didn’t because what I really wanted was to have sex with her. I wondered what she was doing upstairs. I wondered if she was fantasizing about me as well. It was about 11pm, so I started getting ready for bed. As I am brushing my teeth I hear a knock on my apartment door. I really didn’t think it was her. I thought maybe it was the maintenance guy or something. I walked over to the door and cracked it, because all I had on was a pair of gym shorts with no underwear.

I looked out the door and saw that it was her. She had a sheepish look on her face and said, “Hey, sorry I probably shouldn’t have come down here, but ya know it’s hot up there.” I could tell it took a lot of courage for her to come down. She was probably debating it for a while. I found out that she had gone to dinner with some coworkers and had a couple of drinks. She got home about twenty minutes before she came down to my apartment. When she came to my door she still had on her work clothes.

I let her in and apologized for only having a pair of shorts on. She said, “it is quite all right” and kind of bit her lip as she looked at me shirtless. We both sat down on my couch. She said, “I’m sorry if I interrupted you going to bed. I really just wanted to say hi. I felt like I left abruptly earlier. I just felt a little overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even tell you my name I was so flustered. It’s Abbie by the way.” I told her my name and I said, “It’s totally fine I understand. I was a little flustered as well. She said, “really?” I said, “uhhh yeah” and laughed. We looked into each other’s eyes and I leaned in and kissed her. We began kissing passionately. We kissed for a few minutes and she was breathing heavily. She began running her hands all over my bare chest and stomach. I was running my hands up and down her back and slid one down to her thigh. I ran my hand up high on her thigh and had it slightly under the side of her skirt.

My rock hard cock was apparent since I was only wearing gym shorts. She glanced down and said, “oh my god. This is so bad.” That fleeting reflection on her carefree behavior didn’t stop her. We began kissing deeply again. I slipped her blazer off of her and began rubbing her tits from outside of her shirt. They felt pretty big for as skinny as she was. I couldn’t really tell before due to the blazer and the loose t-shirt that I had seen her in before. They were about a C cup.

She stood up and took her shirt off and unclasped her bra. I wondered in the moments before if she was going to stop things down, but this signaled that she was not stopping and wanted the exact opposite. She wanted to fuck me as bad as I wanted to fuck her. Her beautiful tits are out in the open now. She was standing and I was sitting on the edge of the couch. I licked up her stomach to her chest and started teasing her nipples. I licked and sucked on each one. She shivered and moaned as I did this. At the same time I had lifted her skirt up and had both hands on her ass. Her ass was nice and toned, but not huge and definitely not small.

I pulled her panties to the side from the back and slid one of my fingers in her pussy. She was soaking wet. She says, “Oh fuck.” I slid my finger slowly in and out of her as I sucked on her nipples. She was overcome by the sensation of my body interacting with hers. She turned around and bent over the coffee table as an attempt to give me easier access to pleasure her. I pulled her panties down and continued to fuck her with my fingers. I had three fingers in her pussy and I was going in and out of her hard. I had an amazing view and I just sat back staring at her ass and pussy bent over in front of me with her skirt hiked up her back.

After a few minutes she started reaching back and trying to grab my dick through my shorts. I dropped my shorts and she turned back to look. She grabbed my cock and stroked it a couple of times. She guided it and me a couple of feet over to her pussy and rubbed it up against it and moaned loudly. She let go of my cock and I slid it in her pussy from behind. She yelped and said, “Oh damn! Oh fuck! Go slow.” I began sliding my cock slowly in and out of her. I could see her face slightly from the side and she had her eyes closed and mouth slightly open. I continued to slide slowly in and out of her for a few minutes as she moaned. You could hear her wetness with each slow stroke my cock made. The position was beginning to get slightly uncomfortable, so we got up and I sat back on the couch.

She dropped between my legs and began sucking her wetness off of my cock. She stared up at me with her ice blue eyes as she did this and I swear I almost busted right then. I didn’t want to give in that easily though, so I tried to control it. She released my cock from her mouth and got up and straddled me. She wasn’t interested in going slow now. She started bouncing frantically up and down on my cock. I grab her hips and slam her up and down and we are synched into a quick rhythm. As the minutes pass she begins moaning louder and louder. I was getting close to cumming, but I started feeling her building up as well and didn’t want to ruin it. After a few minutes she starts screaming before she goes silent and then starts shaking. She is having an orgasm on my cock and it’s beautiful. She gushed as she orgasmed and my couch cushion was soaked in one spot. She collapsed onto me and just sat still for a minute with my cock still in her.

After a minute she said, “okay, let’s keep going.” She got up off of my cock and I led her over to the side of the couch and bent her over the arm of it. I slid my cock in her pussy again from behind and knew it wouldn’t take much longer for me to cum. I started pounding her from behind and she moaned loudly. She was draped over the arm of the couch and her face was almost right in the wet spot she left on the cushion. She didn’t seem to care and was just enjoying the moment. I kept slamming in and out of her until I started losing control a couple of minutes later and pulled out. I shot a ton of cum all over her ass and up her back onto her skirt. I hadn’t had sex in a while and hadn’t jacked off in like a week, so it was a huge load. It kind of turned me on that I came on her skirt. I thought about her having to take it to the cleaners or wash it herself later on and that she would have to think about us having sex.

I walked around and lied down on the couch. She lay beside me and we just talked about life for about an hour. I found out that she was moving to a city a couple of hours away in about four months for work. I was getting tired, so she decided to head to her apartment. Since she was moving away soon we decided to just keep our relationship strictly fun. We hooked up about two to three times a week for the next few months.

Also, if you are a female and live near me you should send me a message. Might be a long shot, but would be cool/interesting to have sex with someone that enjoys my stories and then becomes a story haha