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I fucked two married women yesterday | 2016

Sorry, this is a long story. But you're the only people I can tell.

Background. I'm married. Wife travels a lot. I like to have sex.

This story all started on Wednesday. I'd been seeing a girl for about a month, we'll call her Lynn. Asian, and about 10 years younger than me. Hot, fun and adventurous in bed. Then she got a little weird. Told me that she knew more about me than I'd told her (fake name, fake city, throwaway email and phone). Follows that up saying her husband found out. Not cool. I called her Wednesday morning and told her she needs to delete everything she has and cover her tracks; she gets upset and ends it. I followed the procedure here and deleted her number and all texts and emails. Burn it and walk away.

Sucked. I kinda liked her. I don't get emotionally involved, but mostly I was pissed because I was planning to meet her Thursday and now I found myself without a place to insert my penis.

Stupid me without a plan B, I get to work immediately.

  • Sign up for OKC
  • Sign up for Ashley Madison
  • Post two ads on Craigslist (one is the "i'm looking for ongoing FWB" and the other "I'm in from out of town and just want NSA"). It's the two-pronged approach that has had some success in the past. The FWB ad gets the serial cheaters and the NSA one gets those looking for immediate, usually rough, sex.
  • Start replying to the few ads on Craigslist that look legit

When I say "work" I mean it. I'm moving from tab to tab on my browser, checking email, responding to ads, sending messages to women, etc. This is a full time job and I spend hours on it. Weeding through spam/bots/hookers on Craigslist is exhausting. I'm pretty good at spotting them but still get tripped up sometimes and waste valuable minutes replying before I find out what's up.

Finally I get one response to the NSA ad. We'll call her Maria. I can tell she's hungry for strange cock. She says something along the lines of "I'd like to get pounded" in her first reply. Maria is also an amateur. Even though we're using the Craigslist relay, her real name shows up to me. I hit the googles, and in 10 seconds I'm looking at her Facebook and Linkedin profiles. She's cute, a little older than me, and looks like the mom who brings cookies to church just because. Conservative as hell, all of her pictures are her kids or her with her husband. Even shares those stupid word pics with messages about the power of prayer and how awesome god is. I make an early judgement call ... Maria is a grade-A slut.

We start trading emails, she tells me that she's not getting fucked enough at home and that her husband has a small dick. I like her use of the word "fuck" to mean sexual intercourse. Shows her intentions pretty clearly. She tells me she did this once before, a good sign since someone who has already cheated once is less likely to get cold feet. I can't help myself, with each email I get from her I mutter "Oh Maria, you slut" before opening it. We talk off and on all day and into the evening via email only.

Meanwhile, I'm making good progress on other sites. I get a wink or two on Ashley Madison, and a polite but not-too-interested message on OKC. Oh yeah btw, on Ashley Madison, I see a profile for an Asian girl. Click on it and see a photo of just hair and shoulders ... hair and shoulders that I recognize, having had a doggy style vantage point of them several times. And she's online now. That's interesting, Lynn is already shopping. You know what else is interesting? Her profile isn't new lol (Ashley Madison shows profiles created in the last 30 days as 'new')

At this point, I start drinking. You know how you get a little dumber when you're buzzed? Well, your dick actually gets smarter than your primary brain at this time, and starts suggesting great ideas, like texting Lynn. "She just ended it this morning, I'm sure she'd love to hear from me." Good idea, dick! Now, I followed the burn procedure pretty fully which means that I actually don't have her number. I deleted all of her emails so I technically don't have her email address. "Try poking around in your email service," my dick encourages me. Sure enough, I only have to remember the first letter and the "to" field pre-populates her address. Thanks again, dick! You're pretty smart! "I got us through college," he reminds me. I send off an email. Just saying thanks, I enjoyed it while it lasted and I'm sure she had her reasons for ending it. Promise not to be a creeper and haha I saw your profile on Ashley Madison.

This kicked off a series of arguing emails back and forth. Pace is about 2 emails per glass of Jack n Coke. She tells me that I'm being selfish worrying about my marriage and not showing any concerns for hers. And by the way she doesn't know anything about me and she didn't get caught. This is probably meant to make me feel better but it sort of makes us mad. I say us because I'm legitimately upset that she would lie about what is pretty much the most serious issue in an adulterous relationship, and my dick is upset because we had a timetable, lady.

Maria has gone silent, since her husband came home and I am drunk/tired so I send Lynn a "hey I'm glad that was a false alarm and I'm not mad anymore. Have a nice life" type email. I go to sleep/pass out.

I wake up with a boner. Pretty normal stuff really. Head hurts a little from the amount of drink. Naturally, I roll over the kickstand and open up my laptop to see how I'm looking for today. Open email to find two more emails from Lynn. Great.

1st email (sent an hour after I went to sleep): Do you want to continue this thing? I can probably meet you this afternoon. If not, tell me and I'll go find some other dick.

What? How tf did we get here? Not that I (or my dick) is complaining. I reply back: "Yes of course I want to see you. If you're down I'll arrange a hotel."

2nd email (sent an hour after the last one): Nevermind. Forget that I asked. Have a nice life.

Now, I've already replied to the first one so I just send a "?" on this one.

Meanwhile, Maria has reached out again. She feels it important to remind me that she doesn't get fucked enough at home and to request that I rub her clit while I fuck her from behind. Oh Maria, you slut. Never ever change.

Lastly, we have an ad reply from another girl. We'll call her Sarah. She's quite a bit younger than me and single. I quickly fire off a note that, being single and 15 years younger than me, she's not my type. She replies back instantly. She only dates older men. Doesn't care than I'm married, just likes to suck cock, etc etc. Young guys don't do it for her, prefers men with experience, all that great stuff.

Now here's the part where I probably made a bad choice. This boner isn't going away as I have 3 pretty decent leads on the line now. Well, it will be a few hours at the soonest before I meet anyone. I rub one out before my morning shower and ball shave.

Lynn gets back to me. She's playing hard to get, but she showed her cards already. Says I must be done with her because I signed up to Ashley Madison (pot to kettle: you are black). She also thinks I already have someone lined up. Asks me if I want to see her really really and "no BS in your reply."

Dick: Need my help here?

Me: Nah, I got this. Thanks for asking, dick.

I reply back, tell her how much I like being with her, how much fun we had and no, I don't want to find someone else, but if she's done with me I will have to. That's all mostly true. Then I end it with my "no BS" question - do you want to see me again or not? If you do, let's make up and get together.

She replies "of course I do" and asks when/where. Lol. I book the hotel because one way or another, I'm getting laid tonight.

Sarah is getting more aggressive. Tells me how she has a little bit of a daddy thing and likes to be told what to do in bed. I ask her when she can make it to my hotel. She says late tonight. Cool.

Maria is game. She's trying to get out of work early so that she could be fucked before dinner. Hmm. Timing starting to become an issue. I tell her I have a dinner meeting and maybe we could meet right after that, around 7. She's down.

Lynn gets back to me. She's got some shit to take care of but can meet me at the hotel at 2.

"Dick," I say, "jerking you this morning might not have been a great idea." "I know," he replies, "but I'm a simple organ with simple needs." I can't argue with him, he's so cute when he's honest like that.

I'm starting to panic now because I really like fucking Lynn, but if she goes weird on me again I really need plan B, which is mostly looking like Maria at this point. So Maria will need at least one orgasm or she won't be interested next time. Reality is that, by the time I get to Sarah, I'm going to have to fake my orgasm or I'll never get any sleep. Even if I'm conservative that's at least 3 loads today before I get to Sarah. I'm 40 years old, and I know my limits.

Sarah then does me a huge favor. She replies back to confirm the time, and politely informs me that her rate is $200/hr. While that sounds competitive, I delete her email and move on. I now have a much more manageable 2 women + the one I rubbed out this morning.

I meet Lynn at 2pm. She can't look at me in the elevator, says it's so weird to be back here after yesterday. I tell her we'll talk about that later and she agrees. We start kissing. She's a great kisser. It gets pretty urgent pretty quickly. Now, I figure this could very well be my last time with her so I'm going to a) go all out for my own sake and b) give her something to think about should this be our last meeting. Lynn has had a very vanilla sex life at 30 years old, but approaches sex with all of the curiosity of a child. She watches porn and would like to try all the things. She's on the bed with just her bra and panties on. I tell her I have a surprise for her and I pull a silk necktie out of my bag. I kiss her some more as I pull her arms behind her back and gently cinch the four-in-hand knot down. I ask her if she's ok and tell her to say stop if she ever feels uncomfortable. She's visibly turned on and nods her approval. I roll her over so that her ass is in the air and she's laying face down and start to work her pussy. She moans like crazy. Well, one new kink for her that seems to be going well. Let's try for two. I rub her ass gently with my right as my left continues to work her clit, then without warning give a medium slap to her ass. It makes a great sound, and she was definitely not expecting it. The second one she's ready for, and she moans a bit with the slap. I hit a little harder on the third and she gasps. She starts backing down against my left hand harder as the subsequent spanks come. I move around to the other side of the bed and pull out my cock, she eagerly starts sucking it. She's awesome at head. I reward her with a few more spanks to her now visibly pink cheeks. I'm trying to play it cool here but I am dying to fuck her at this point. I go back behind her and start licking her pussy. It's not very long till she cums. She's still tied hands behind her back and ass up, and it is go time. I slide in and give it to her, slowly at first then more quickly. I grab her tied hands and she whimpers as I pull her back against me. Between this and the pinkness of her ass, it only takes a few minutes before I blow my load. I untie her and with both pretty much collapse on the bed.

I'm feeling pretty great. I just introduced her to two new kinks and she loved both of them. 10/10 would do the exact thing again. I sort of doze off for a minute until i feel her hand making its way to my junk drawer. I don't know if she thinks I'm asleep or what she thinks will happen when I wake up to her stroking me, but it's cute. I smile at her, she kisses me quickly then dives down to blow me once again. Now, I'm enjoying this immensely but remember I still have another load to deliver later today so I'm trying to formulate a plan. I pull her up on top of me (she has orgasms pretty quickly in this position) and figure I'll fake one and "finish" at the same time she does. We do our thing for a few minutes, she has a small orgasm but isn't stopping so I keep going. I start sucking her tits and she starts grinding harder on me. It's hot and I really hope no one is trying to sleep in any of the adjoining hotel rooms, because she is very vocal. I get a little to caught up in it and my plan fails, we both cum and crumple again.

If my math is right, I've now blown 3 loads today. And Maria is such a slut, she's going to want one still. Well, she's new, that'll be exciting, I'll probably be ok. I've done 4 in a day before. Like 20 years ago.

Lynn and I both sleep for a few minutes. It's almost 4:30 now. When we wake up we start talking about how much fun that was, she tells me how she really liked being tied up and how good the spanking felt. Fuckyeah.gif. I ask her if she could ever do an overnight (we've only done afternoons to date). She says yeah, like tonight? Uhhh ... no not tonight, just some night. She tells me that would be fun, we could order room service and watch porn together and generally fuck all night. My dick comes out of his coma at this idea and takes sudden interest in our conversation. Lynn sees this and decides I need another blowjob. Who am I to discourage the girl? I'm thinking, it really doesn't matter cuz no way will I come again this soon. She's really working on her deepthroat technique and I admit it's impressive. She positions herself so that I can reach her pussy and I start to finger her. She's pretty wet considering what she's been through this afternoon. Finally she comes up for air, rolls on her side with her back to me and pulls me to her. I slide in and here we go again. This position is a favorite of mine and she loves how deep i go from this angle. She's screaming like a banshee and rocking hard against me for what seems like ages. Suddenly I feel it welling up again ... wtf ... and I'm enjoying her so much I let it go. Kablooie.

I'm in real trouble here. Maria is supposed to arrive in less than 2 hours. I'm exhausted and not feeling optimistic about my ability to perform. I check my email, hoping that Maria is having cold feet and remembering what the bibles say about sluts. No such luck; she's a slut. She is going to be delayed by an hour, so there's that. At least I get some sleep.

Lynn and I shower and say our goodbyes. I walk her to her car then go get in mine. I pull out of the parking lot and go get some food. I'm starving. I get back to the hotel and fall asleep for about a half hour. Maria has emailed me 3 times (what a slut!) and asked if I could get some drinks for the room to help calm her nervousness. Sure. I run across the street and grab a bottle of wine and a corkscrew.

Sarah emails me again asking where my hotel is. Lol. Delete.

Maria finally arrives at the hotel. Her Facebook pics were flattering. She's about 20lbs heavier than FB led me to believe, making her without question the fattest woman I've ever considered fucking. Still, a cute face and a great set of tits. I open the bottle of wine and give her a tall glass, and we start the small talk. I tell her how I have done this sort of thing a few times and have learned some tricks and precautions. One of which is that I'm going to lie to you about stuff that isn't materially relevant to our future copulation. She tells me how she feels this is a much safer way to do things since I'm from out of town and just here on business. lol. She's pretty fun to be around, even though she's still nervous. She tells me the wine isn't going to do it and asks if we can go downstairs and have a shot. I make up an excuse for myself but I'm happy to join her down there and buy her a shot. She does a shot of Patron (official tequila of sluts) and then orders a glass of wine to follow it. I'm not a cheapskate but for fucks sake there is half a bottle of wine upstairs still. Whatever. She's loosened up into her natural slut state and so there's lots of giggling, playful touching, etc. She tells me how her husband neglects her and she just wants to be fucked hard and how he's really self conscious and wont let her blow him. And half the time even when he does want to have sex he can't start, or can't finish. It's fascinating /s.

We go back up to my room and I excuse myself to use the restroom and have a halftime chat with my dick. "I just wanna sleep" he says. I tell him he's been getting his way all day and he will come to attention long enough to make this slut come AND THAT'S AN ORDER. "I'm not making any promises, dude." he says.

I walk out into the room and notice something is different about Maria. What is it? Did she do something different with her hair? No. Take off glasses? No, she wasn't wearing glasses before. Then I figure it out. She was wearing pants before. And she is not now. What a slut. I like her style. She asks, nay tells me to come kiss her and I oblige. She is a terrible kisser. What are we even doing. Tongue? No tongue? Why are your teeth bumping mine? Good lord woman have you never been properly kissed? She pulls me close so I start groping her admittedly huge tits. Let's get this over with. Fortunately this awkward shit still manages to turn her on, and she starts taking off my shirt. This is my cue to take hers off as well, so now we're mostly naked. I'm pretty proud of my oral skills and after rubbing down there to make sure she's interested, I venture South. I'm hoping I can bring her off this way and thus put less pressure on my dick, who is no longer talking to me.

Maria is a slut. She's talking dirty nonstop. She's also very demanding and specific about what she wants, actually grabbing my hand to bring it up to her tit while I lick her clit and finger her with the other hand. I'm putting some effort into this and it pays off after a few minutes when she squirts in my face. I move back up to work her tits some more, since she's obviously very into this. I haven't checked in with my dick for a status report lately and Maria goes straight for it. All action stops. "You're not hard." Now I'm sure every man says this when this happens, but the honest truth is this has never happened to me before. If you're read this far, you know why. She does not and I'm not about to explain it to her. I blame it on having too much to drink and tell her to give me a minute. Come on dick, I've been very good to you today. Time to take one for the team. He's not really having any of it. Maria isn't happy. "You're not attracted to me." She starts to sulk. It's unattractive. I assure her that isn't the case (hey, I told her I was going to lie to her) and that, hey look my manual start has gotten me about 50% there, maybe if you could kindly blow me we can get the rest of the way there.

Maria is terrible at blowjobs. Her teeth scrape every inch and she's sucking on the head like she thinks a key to a new Lexus is gonna pop out. I'm thinking she should have studied anatomy. Blood pressure is what causes erections. If she sucks all of the blood out of my body through the tip of my penis, I will not be capable of an erection. Or being alive. Still ... it's something warm and wet so I manage about 80% of a boner. In my experience, this is enough to get a condom on and get into someplace warm and wet, and nature takes over from there. My experience is limited to days when I have not already had 4 orgasms and am with someone I find unattractive. Still, I have to give my dick a B+ for effort. I managed to thrust on her from behind for a couple of minutes successfully. She then flips over and brings me in for missionary. Her legs are high in the air and there isn't much ... resistance. "I'm out of here. You're on your own." says my dick. I knew it was true. Maria starts questioning me. "Why can't you fuck me?" She pretends to cry ... "It's me. My husband doesn't want to. You don't want to..." BTW ladies if you want to ensure a man does not get erect around you, this is a pretty solid technique. I now feel pretty shitty and feeling shitty isn't going to get anyone laid. She finally says she has to go. I really did want to give her a better fucking, but I know at this point it's just not possible. She gets up and gets dressed, playfully telling me I owe her for next time I'm in town. What a slut. She then says she needs to lay down for a minute. That's cool, I don't want anyone drinking and driving, even though it didn't see she had that much. I lay down with her and we talk. She grabs my hand and puts it on her tit, telling me to rub it. Ok. Then she says she's going to take her top off again so I can suck her tits. They're great tits, and I feel pretty back about everything so I oblige. Then she takes off her pants and underwear and asks, nay commands I go lick her pussy some more. Ok. So much for going home lol. After a couple minutes she grabs my right hand and this time moves it down to where her left hand and my tongue are working ... and further still down to her asshole. Cool. I give it a quick spit and start to rub her ass while I'm licking her clit. "Stick that finger all the way into my ass" she commands. Ok. She's really into this, what a slut. A couple minutes later she has another orgasm, with my middle finger buried as deep in her ass as it will go. I'm still not aroused. This time she really is leaving. She gets dressed again and leaves.

I set my alarm for 30 minutes and take a nap. I'm exhausted, hungry, and my useless dick has a hickey on the head from Maria's ... whatever the fuck that was she was doing. I woke to the alarm and drove home. While I'm driving, Lynn texts me telling me how much fun she had and asking why am I still awake? lol. Long story.

TL;DR: Got greedy and tried to fuck too many women too many times. Married chicks are easy. I am a dirtbag AMA