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"I can't believe I swallowed on [M]y [F]irst time" | 2016

I was friends with this girl, let's give her a fake name like Stacy. Stacy was a beautiful black girl, lovely curly hair, glasses, and a sassy and witty personality and most importantly, she had D sized titties, or was it double D? Not sure tbh, just like girls are terrible at knowing the size of a guys dick, we guys are bad at tit sizes or atleast I am.

Me and Stacy have been friends for quite a few years. Unfortunately, me and Stacy do not talk anymore and I do honestly miss her, but pride won't let me tell her that.

Anyways, here I am sitting horny, and of course my mind drifts to that very lovely night, the last night that me and Stacy ever hung our together, and where our friendship ended.

Me and Stacy bumped on campus back in the summer and we were heading home, luckily we lived very close to each other, I told her to meet me in the nearby football field after it was dark.

Me and Stacy had a disagreement when we were on campus earlier, she said she could kick my ass, I told her that was impossible, and she asked me to prove it. So that's why I told her to meet me when it became dark, in order to have a "wrestling" match to prove who was stronger.

Now, was Stacy innocent and only intended to have a simple wrestling match? Who knows. Me on the otherhand knew this was chance to take the friendship to the next level, of course it could go wrong, I could rejected and this could blow up in my face, but I was horny. The power of hard dick my fellow redditors, takes all logic and common sense away from our minds.

Now as you guys might know, generally speaking (female redditors pls confirm if I'm correct or if I'm wrong) that when a girl who is into you is meeting you 1 on 1, she will dress nice and sexylike, and when you're deep in the friendzone.

So of course we the time came for us to meet, she came wearing a sexy crop top and booty shorts with her ass cheeks hanging out....I wish. How she really came was with a giant sweater and some jeans, and it was burning hot outside. My Reaction

At this point, I realize hey I might not even be friend zoned, I might be brother zoned, abort mission before you get rejected and everyone finds out in your social circle, but my good friend hard dick tells me that I am not going anywhere without trying.

Anyways, we say hi and continue our little argument and shit talking, she is certain she can beat me up. So we start wrestling, less then 5 seconds later is she on the floor and I am on top of her, victory is mine!

Now, I decide to go for it, I kiss her neck, she doesn't say anything. Okay, now I kiss her cheek, nothing again. Go for the lips, no complaints, and she actually kisses me back. At this point I decide to go all out, I start rubbing her tits, and slip my hands in there, she kind of resists, but eventually I get her bra off. Her tits are so huge I was in awe, perfect huge black tits, I start sucking on them the same way some of these reddit girls suck on all these 10 inch cocks they always write about. I was in heaven. We switch from making out, to me sucking her nipples again and again. I try taking off her pants at this point and she says it's not happening because of her period.

We then start dry humping like crazy, eventually she says that its not fair that I get to see her body and she can't see mine. I grab her hand and put it on my cock outside my jeans, she starts going for the belt, unfortunately she can't seem to unbuckle it and Im just like ...

I take pity on her soul and I get off her, and I lie down on the football field, and she goes on top, I then unbuckle and pull it down. "Wow such confidence" she says.

Then she grabs it, and kisses the tip. Then starts sucking it, I run my fingers through her hair. Since my pants and boxers are down, I can feel grass on my ass and it feels weird as fuck, I have enough of this and stand up, I then order her to get on her knees, and she starts sucking. I then ask for a tit job and start fucking her huge tits, then make her go back to sucking. Eventually I cum down her throat.

She then says "Wow I can't beileve I swallowed for my first time omg"

I'm pretty happy with myself, but I wish we could have had sex. Not gonna lie, I masterbate to this memory often, but I really wish I got her pants off, bent her over and fucked her doggy style until I cummmed inside her, but I'm afraid that's never gonna happen though because we don't talk anymore.

My first story ever, I hope someone enjoys it.