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How I ended up [F]ucking [M]y roommate again... | 2016

So first off, I want to thank everyone for the kind response, y’all really blew me away, and it made writing this next part much easier! If you haven’t read Part 1, that will fill you in on all the backstory, as this part picks up first thing the next morning after the events of that part:

Saturday morning rolls around, and I still can’t believe what just happened. But after pinching myself a few times, I decided that my roommate is actually laying in bed next to me naked, and that this is real. She’s still fast asleep, so I decided to head out for a few miles run, with the idea of coming back showering the sweat and sex off of me- before trying to have a go at it again this morning. I get back, dry off from the shower, and hop back in bed with her. She’s been woken up by me coming in going a bit, but seemed content to lay in bed for a bit longer. We talk a little bit about what happened, how we both enjoyed it, but then I try to move from just kissing to making out and getting a little handsy, and she shuts that right down. I’m thinking to myself, fuck, maybe I was too forward, but it turns out that she just thinks she has terrible morning breath so doesn’t like to have sex in the morning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, she’s supposed to meet our friend Lila before we all go out for the afternoon (the one that I had dated a bit) for a bike ride down to this old farmer’s market for lunch, and she doesn’t have time to fool around if she’s going to get a shower before hand. I suggest why not both at the same time?

So we head to my bathroom, get the water going, she brushes her teeth (guys- always have a brand new guest toothbrush ready to go) and then we start making out, and “cleaning” each other. As if her boobs couldn’t get any more perfect, add a little bit of soap and suds and they’re just that much better. It wasn’t completely magical, as due to our height difference and the water, sex wasn’t going to happen, and the water was either blasting her in the face or missing the top half of my body, but we made due. I decided to give her something to think about while she’s at lunch, and spend most of the time fingering her and playing with her clit, until she’s like putty in my hands. Then, I get down and start going down on her while she’s standing- which is actually kind of difficult with all the water- pulling her closer to my face with both my hands on her ass. It’s at this time that one of my fingers wanders a bit towards her asshole, and just sort of presses against it. I was expecting to be swatted away, but she actually arched her back more to press her butt back against my finger! She was really, really close at this point, so I didn’t want to break cadence to soap up a finger, but at least now I know that she may be open to that sort of thing in the future! She cums, and I basically have to catch her as her legs give out- I know that girls come hard, but I think she takes it to a whole new level- we spend a few minutes just holding each other and kissing, and I know nothing more is going to happen, but that’s actually alright with me.

So she heads out to meet Lila, and I head out to Chiptole for lunch. Guac for lunch is usually the best part of my day, but not this day- I’ve got plans for later. A few hours later and I’m getting ready to head out to the biergraten where James, Becca, Kate, Lila and I were all planning on spending a few hours, and I haven’t heard much from Kate except for a few Snaps of the stuff at the farmer’s market. I don’t think anything of that until I see Kate calling- she wants me to drive down and pick them up so they don’t have to bike back so that they’ll have time to do their makeup and all that. That’s fine with me- I’ve got an SUV, so I get those kind of calls every now and then- but when I get there, the plan’s changed again and we’re actually dropping Lila off at a subway stop, because she’s not coming out anymore. That’s a bit odd, because she’s not usually one to flake, but whatever. Once we see her off and are headed home, I ask Kate why she isn’t coming out, and she dismisses it but says something like, “well, won’t it be more fun like this as more of a date rather than just going out.” Uh oh, had not thought of that. Up until now I’d been thinking with my dick mostly, but that would have to change shortly. But the conversation ends when we get back, and I manage to dodge having to actually process any of my feelings about all of that due to the magic that is biergarten!

Just to set the scene, this isn’t your normal, “couple wooden tables outside with some beer” biergarten, this one is an event: live music, food trucks, and probably something like 30 different kinds of beer- all you can drink once you pay the entry, with maybe two to three hundred people there. It’s a magical place. James and Becca have toned down the PDA compared to last night, and we’re mostly just having a good time talking and drinking for a few hours. The only noticeable thing that happened was that Kate got kind of pissed at me not once, but twice during the night. I did ditch them for a half hour or so to catch up with an old roommate of mine who I ran into, and then another time later in the night when she was drunk and told me that she had talked to Lila about me... I had bought Lila’s ticket to the biergarten, not because we were together or anything, but just because she couldn’t afford the ticket (all you can drink beer is not cheap) as she works at a coffee shop. I didn’t think anything of it, but it upset Kate until I could calm her down and reassure her that I wasn’t still interested in Lila at all. By the end of the event, we were all pretty drunk, so went back to our apartment, and I think everything was cool between Kate and I. James and Becca went to bed, but since it was only 10ish, Kate and I went over to a friends apartment in the same building.

As soon as we walked in we were handed a shot and a glass of wine each- I like to drink, but these kids go a bit more crazy- they’ve got a hookah going, and are celebrating/mourning one of Kate’s friend’s (Jane- who also lives in our building) moving back to live with her family. Jane’s leaving the next day apparently. Things were fine except at one point I did walk up to Kate and whoever she was talking to, and drunkenly put my hand on the small of her back, and got the meanest death stare I’ve ever seen from her in response. Okay, so apparently we’re trying to not look coupley… So I went up to a different group of people, met the girl that was moving into Jane’s apartment. She puts her number in my phone, in what I still swear was a “hey we live near each other, here’s my number” way. Shortly after that we head back to our apartment, with Jane in tow for one last drink and to say bye.

Both Kate and Jane were being accusatory about the new girl giving me her number, and I was pretty drunk so I pushed back on that- no one in a foul temper, but there was a disagreement basically up to the point when Jane went back to her apartment. I actually figured Kate would go to her room over all of it, but she followed me back to mine. I asked if she was pissed about today, but her answer came in the form of grabbing my face and starting to make out. I’ll take it. We were frantically tearing at each other’s clothes- to the point where she actually ripped the bottom button off of my shirt. I got her dress up over her head, and I’m not sure if I didn’t see the bra in with it, or if she just wearing anything underneath the dress, but was that sight ever one to see. I swear, it blows my mind how beautiful girls are sometimes. I’ve still got shorts on, but push her back onto my bed and get down on my knees in front of her. She leans forward, rubs a hand through my beard, and then grabs the back of my head and pulls my face right up to her pussy. I fucking love it- just knowing that she wants it that much is a huge turn on. She’s got her legs on my shoulders, one hand on my head, and I am completely in her control at the moment. In addition to going at things with my tongue, I slip a finger in her. This may only be the third time, but I know what she likes at this point, and it’s not too long before she’s quivering all around me. As she comes, she lets go of my head, and I have a chance to stand up, and in one motion take my shorts and boxers off, then slide my dick right into her all the way right as she’s trying to catch her breath.

If last night we went slow, and she was in control, this was the exact opposite of that. She had come twice now today, and now it was my turn. After just a thrust or two, we were fucking at full speed, me standing at the side of the bed, her on her back with her legs wrapped around my lower back. I think I was a bit more pissed about the drama shit earlier, because I was really going hard- her tits were all over the place, bouncing forward and back, only making me want to fuck her harder. Truthfully, I wasn’t thinking about her at all right then, I was drunk and I wanted to come. But, she was also into it, rubbing her clit and pinching one of her nipples- that was a beautiful thing to see. I realize that she needs a bit more time, so rather than just finishing right then, I flip her over, and in what seemed like not even missing a beat, am back inside of her going to town. I think the alcohol had made her a bit more vocal, because she’s saying how she likes to be fucked, and that I should be rougher and smack her ass and whatnot. So that what I do, I pull her back to me, ass straight up in the air, and lean all my weight onto her shoulder forcing her face down into the bed. This doesn’t actually feel as good for me, but she fucking loved it- I guess something about the angle change did it for her, because not ten seconds later I felt her come again. Not as big as the first one sadly, but enough that she just collapsed her legs down on the bed. I manage to stay inside of her as I roll her back over to her back, learn down and start making out a bit, thrusting really slowly. She wraps her legs around me again, and grabs my back, and we hold each other like that, going slowly for a little bit, but even that is too much for me. I tell her that I’m about to come, and she tightens her legs around me and breathily whisper into my ear “please do.” I don’t know why, but drunk me thought that was the hottest thing in the world, and I ended up shooting my load deep inside of her.

We talked for a bit about how we had both been stupid that night, and how we want to see where this goes, but we were both pretty wiped out, so fell asleep pretty soon after. Becca, James, Kate and I all went out for brunch on Sunday, and then Kate and I went shopping for throw pillows at literally 7 different stores. We had planned on doing that before we hit things off as we’re redoing the living room, but it felt especially coupley to do since there was a bit off butt grabbing and kissing involved. I was complaining about going to the last store, and she said something along the lines of “If you stop complaining, I’m sure I would make it worth it to you” as she reached over and stroked my dick through my pants. That shut me up pretty fast, but nothing actually came of it (heh) as James was out in the common area all day, so we never had a chance to be alone. We had a quick fuck Monday afternoon right when we both got back from work, but are planning on going out tonight for drinks to talk about things. I’m feeling optimistic, and maybe I’ll have another update for y’all in the next few days depending on if anything interesting happens.