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How Hot? Too Hot [f/f].A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle. | 2016
Hi hi hi hi. Chloe and I had our 2 year anniversary and we vacationed to the Bahamas in celebration. It was fanfuckingtastic. Until we got back and realized how shitty work is the 1st week back after a vacation. So I have been balls deep in catch up work and have now finally escaped! This story a little shorter than normal, but I wanted to post something so you guys didn't think I ran away! This picks up later in the evening from my last story.
“That was the best-grilled cheese ever babe” I said flopping down onto my bed. “Ever ever?” Chloe seductively asked as she inched her lips up to my neck. “No sexy time. Dairy coma down here, I’m dunzo for at least 25 minutes” I told her flipping onto my side so I was now looking at her. Chloe began to pout. “Pssh, not anyone’s fault but your own sweet cheeks, you know cheese is my kryptonite" I pointed out. “My lesbian sex goddess body needs nourishment blah blah blah” she mocked back at me. “Well, don’t worry I’ve learned my lesson you tyrant. I won’t ever cook for you again” Chloe added in, as she started to get up from the bed. “You’re the worst person I have ever known, you know that” I asked as I grabbed her arm and pulled her down on top of me. Chloe tried to respond, but my lips made sure any attempts were thwarted. My hands began to explore, by this point in our relationship I felt I knew Chloe’s body by heart, the curve of her back, the dip where her arm and her shoulder meet, the scar above her lip from when she fought the elementary school bully and lost. Even with my familiarity, I still got that rush of excitement when my hand would trace down her back, up and over her bottom where I would grab a handful of what was finally mine. Forgetting my dairy coma I felt myself getting turned on quickly. I unlatched my hands from exploring Chloe and brought them to her yoga pants, where I grazed my fingers back and forth between her stomach and the fabric. Suddenly Chloe jumped off of me.
“Um excuse you” I panted. “I needed to get up before you had me in your lesbian hand magic. We are going to play a game.” Chloe excitedly told me. I sat there not amused. “Oh no you’ll like this game, I promise” she said kissing me. “Whatevs” I grumbled trying to act like I wasn’t into it. (I totally was) “Okay so I’ve been watching the L word” Chloe started to tell me. “Pardon” I interrupted. “You know the show?” ( yes Chloe I know the show ) “There is this one episode where Shane, who I really don’t like and Carmen who is smoking hot by the way (my bebe has excellent taste) play this game called too hot, do you know what I’m talking about?” “I think I remember that episode” I lied. (Guys I only watched that show in my parent’s basement like 3000 times when I still hadn’t come out to anyone so I knew exactly what she was talking about ) “So the rules are we have to keep kissing, but we can’t touch each other. The 1st person who touches the other loses. The winner can have the loser do whatever they want to them” Chloe explained to me. I laughed “Have you ever known me to lose any sort of game babe?” “No, but I think our relationship proves there is always a first time for everything” sassed Chloe. I just gave her the evil eye, I was too in the zone to waste my energy with words. “Ready then” Chloe asked while draping her legs over mine. I nodded and she began to count down “3….2…..1…..”
I lost. I put up a good fight for like a minute but my hands gave into their muscle memory and went for Chloe’s booty. Seriously every time we make out it happens, so technically she cheated because she had already realized I did this and I had not yet figured it out but hey, I’m not a sore loser. (Yes I am this was like almost 2 years ago and I still insist that she cheated) “Damn it all to hell” I roared as I fell back against my bed. “I won, I won, I really really won” Chloe boasted while doing a victory dance. I refused to acknowledge her celebration. Upon realizing that I wasn’t watching her dance Chloe announced “ I know what I want since I won…. I’d like to meet Trey.” I sat up on my elbows and raised my eyebrows at Chloe “Really?” “Really really” she responded.
Oh Trey, to loop you guys in Trey is what I named my strap on. Trey was a gentleman from our high school who had the biggest dong ever. Seriously it was legendary, people started to use Trey has a term of measurement. Like no no that’s like half a Trey. I admit I asked to see it one time; it scared the shit out of me. So in memory I named my dick after Trey, I’m a sentimental schmuck what can I say. I don’t like to whip Trey out very often, 1st of all it isn’t really fucking comfortable to wear around. I actually wear jeans if I ever use it now which has made it a little more comfortable, plus it’s my own little 50 shades of grey kink. Two it’s kind of hard (no pun intended) to know what’s going on because you can’t feel anything, seriously it takes mad concentration you guys so if anyone tells you differently they are lying, you can tell them Kennedy is calling some bullshit. 3rd I don’t get anything from it pleasure wise. With my history of hook ups obviously I didn’t use it very much cause lets be for real when you’re hooking up with someone you are trying to cum too mmmkay? But Chloe was different obviously, I fucking love making her cum. If I had just made Chloe cum and then got hit by a bus and died, I would die a happy camper. Onto the sexy times again, sorry for the side boob. (That’s what I’ve decided to name my little side stories from now on fyi)
“Missing the D in the V are we” I smirked. “Uh no, I mean well kind of but you’re amazing you know, it’s just” stammered Chloe. “Chloe I get, I mean I don’t really get it because penis, but I get it. I’m not offended. I know I’m hella good between the sheets” I told her as I stood up by the side of my bed. “I’ll go get Trey and by the time I’m back you better be butt ass naked” I instructed Chloe. She grinned and took her top off throwing it at me. I strolled into my closet to find Trey and my jeans, I really wasn’t kidding about the 50 shades thing you guys.
Trey emerged from the closet first (lol) with me in tow. Chloe had followed my directions and was waiting fully disrobed on my bed. I paused and took in the sight before me. “Kennedy what are you doing” Chloe impatiently asked. I sighed, “Just taking in the 8th world wonder.” I pounced on Chloe before she could respond. Our lips meet in a lustful fashion, both of us excited for this new adventure in our relationship. “Move up towards the pillows” I directed. Chloe scooted back and when she was in place I found her lips again. My mouth soon began to drift down to her neck and to her breasts. My tongue lapped at her nipples, spending ample time on both, a month was far too long to have not had them in my mouth. I brought my head back up to hers and asked her if she was ready. Chloe responded with a breathy “Yes, please”. I took my right hand down to her sex to see if she was truly ready, she was. “My my my someone’s excited” I teased as I kissed her. I broke our kiss and raised myself up so I could concentrate on the task at hand. I took my right hand and gripped Trey and began to rub the head on her labia teasing her till she snapped “Just fuck me already”
I guided Trey into her, watching and listening for her reactions “Oh fuck” escaped Chloe’s mouth. I filled her up and slowly started to pull back out. I found a nice rhythm, which Chloe reassured me was pleasing by her moans. Once I felt in control I brought my face down to Chloe’s and she hungrily searched for my lips. Chloe broke out tongue tumbles every so often to gasp or moan which only excited me more. I began to thrust faster while my hand found Chloe’s breast and started to play with them. “I just feel so good” Chloe mumbled. I locked eyes with her while I really hit my stride. Her eyes closed in pleasure “Look at me” I told her. She obeyed and opened them back up. This whole eye contact thing was hot as fuck. Usually when we have our sexy time one of our faces is buried in the others vagina and I mean sure if there is fingering going on our heads are usually near each other but not like this. I hadn’t really gotten to watch Chloe’s face while I was pleasing her before and I fucking loved it. Still maintain eye contact she began to meet my thrusts with her own. We continued at this fevered pace for what seemed like forever until Chloe told me “I want to get on top” I had never had a girl ride me while I had Trey on but I was happy to let Chloe be the first. I withdrew from her and we switched positions. Chloe lowering herself onto Trey was to die for. The way she threw her head back when the tip 1st went in to the breathy moan she made when she was all the filled up was so sexy. Chloe did a few exploratory wiggles and rolls trying to find what she liked best. I leaned back and put my arms beneath my head and got ready for the show. Chloe can ride a dick. Good lord, it was hypnotizing. She would roll her hips, then bounce up and down for a while and then take the full length in and just grind herself against me while fully filled. Fucking spank bank material for sure. (Yes girls have spank banks too) Chloe started to slow down which I noticed “You can cum Chloe” I told her. No not yet I want you up here when I do. She pulled me up to her so we were both sitting. She devoured my lips as I arrived and started to work her riding magic again. I wrapped my arms under hers placing my hands on her shoulders with my fingers coming to rest on her collar bone. I began to thrust my hips while I used my hands to pull her farther down onto Trey. Chloe was kissing my neck when her breathing began to quicken. “Are you gonna cum for me Chloe” I purred. “Yes but first” she said and then kissed me “Look at me” she panted. I brought my gaze up to hers. “I love you” she breathed. “I love you too” I replied. “Now watch how amazing you make me feel” she instructed. Chloe leaned back and put her palms flat on the bed and began to buck her hips at a blistering pace. I couldn’t just sit back and watch I needed to have my mouth on her, so I wrapped my arms around her back and brought my mouth to her nipple eagerly trying to add to her impending climax. “Kennedy Marie” she moaned as she came, her whole body encapsulated in waves of pleasure. I felt her arms give away and I pulled her into me so my head as on her chest. “It sounds like your heart is going to to explode” I worried. Chloe laughed. “No babe, that’s just what you do to me”
“You good” I asked after allowing her some time to recover. “Better than good, fucking stupendous” she revealed. “Dismount then please” I kindly requested. Chloe removed Trey from herself and collapsed into a pile of post orgasm mush. I made my way over to the closet to set aside Trey and my sex jeans for the night, of course I stopped in the mirror to check myself out. I was feeling myself after having made a beautiful girl cum all over me (okay Trey). That’s when I saw it. “A fucking hickey Chloe, seriously” I shouted.
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